Heaven Slautering War God



2When Li Chen arrived at the courtyard in the back, he was surprised to see that there were still over a dozen people there.     0


Seeing that another person had entered, they smiled at Li Chen amicably.    


"Is this brother also someone who wishes to learn Life Transmutation Incantation?"    


A young disciple approached Li Chen and said.    


Li Chen nodded his head. Once he mastered Life Transmutation Incantation, even if he did not move his heart, it would be a lie.    


"Sigh, there are really too many people who want to learn the Life Transmutation Incantation. I just don't know if our decision is correct." The man sighed softly. He was nervous, so he wanted to vent his worries by talking.    


Li Chen did not speak, in just a few minutes, another four to five people entered.    


It seems that a majority of the people here in the Sword Seeking Sect came for the Life Transmutation Incantation.    


When Gu Pingtian had arranged all of the disciples below him, Li Chen realized that there were more than a hundred people who had chosen the Cultivation Methods.    


He wondered just how many disciples in the entire Sword Seeking Sect would choose to cultivate the Life Transmutation Incantation.    


Gu Pingtian asked repeatedly if anyone wanted to change their mind. After staying in the Sword Seeking Sect for so many years, he naturally knew that the Life Transmutation Incantation was not easy to cultivate.    


How could it be so easy to "transform and regenerate"?    


A number of people had changed their minds midway, but there were still seventy or eighty people who stayed behind.    


Gu Pingtian sighed, and brought everyone to an ethereal mountain peak.    


The palace on top of the mountain was scattered about. Although it had an extraordinary atmosphere, it still had a faint sense of desolation.    


Immediately, some people started to retreat.    


"Oh my god!" In the future, we will not cultivate on this, will we? "    


"So desolate! It looks so terrifying! "    


"Over there!" There's someone here! "    


Everyone's eyes fell on a person not too far away. Although he was called a human, he could barely be considered a human.    


Li Chen's eyesight was extremely good, and he looked at that person with astonishment: He was wearing a tattered training uniform, his hair was long and messy, as though he had grown a layer of hair on his body. His face was hidden under the hair, and he looked like a savage.    


"Did you see that? This is what happens when you train in Life Transmutation Incantation."    


Gu Pingtian sighed, no matter how talented he was, once he learnt the Life Transmutation Incantation, he would waste away his entire life, and the number of people who could force him to go crazy was not small.    


Immediately, more than half of the crowd chose to leave.    


The rest of them looked at each other, their hearts pounding.    


Just as Li Chen was about to exit, the sound transmission from the Black Phoenix suddenly came into his mind.    


"There is something strange about this hill! Stay here and investigate! "    


Li Chen's body slowly stood there.    


Not long after that, another elder walked over with a large group of people.    


Gu Pingtian shook his head, the young do not listen to the words of the old man, and suffer too many losses.    


"Are these the disciples of this batch?" A figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone.    


"I say, Ghoolion, can you not be so scary every time?" Gu Pingtian was shocked, and couldn't help but complain.    


The Ghoolion did not speak either, glancing at the group of disciples, he turned and walked towards the door.    


"Follow me!" Gu Pingtian sighed, once he chose the Life Transmutation Incantation, he could foresee the future of this batch of disciples.    


What surprised Li Chen was that there were actually over a hundred disciples who still chose the Cultivation Methods.    


It seemed like the temptation of strength was too astonishing.    


Actually, if it wasn't for the Black Phoenix suddenly saying that, Li Chen also wanted to turn around and leave. Later on, he tried to contact the Black Phoenix, but he couldn't sense the existence of the Black Phoenix at all.    


Li Chen quickly walked to Ghoolion's side. This Ghoolion was about half a hundred years old, his grey hair was tied up in a few braids, and he had been walking forward expressionlessly. If not for the occasional movement of his eyes, he would look as lifeless as a corpse.    




Li Chen tried to sound him out, but Ghoolion's eyes turned to look at Li Chen. Li Chen sensed something was going on, and continued to ask: I heard that fifty years ago, the Life Transmutation Incantation lost its inheritance, so I would like to ask senior, what happened?    


Ghoolion did not say a word the entire time. There were a lot of disciples surrounding him, and a majority of them had their ears perked up listening to him.    


Just when Li Chen felt that the Ghoolion would not answer him, the Ghoolion's hoarse and unpleasant voice rang out: "The secret of the Life Transmutation Incantation, only the previous Sect Leaders knew about it. Fifty years ago, Sect Master Duan Ao had fought a great battle with a clan leader who had provoked him, but somehow, the two of them had disappeared in the air above the mountain gate.    


The Cultivation Methods, was originally something that only the previous leaders of the sect could train in, but at that time when Duan Ao Zun had disappeared, he did not have the time to leave a single word or two, he did not expect that after training in the Cultivation Methods, his cultivation had stagnated over the past few years, and in the end, the Life Transmutation Incantation became a useless technique that everyone in the sect could cultivate, only that no one could successfully cultivate it.    


Li Chen was secretly shocked in his heart, he did not expect that the Cultivation Methods, which shook so many heroic youths, would end up becoming a piece of trash, just because that Sect Leader would be in a hurry to pass on his legacy to the future.    


"All of you should think this through. Once you start cultivating the Life Transmutation Incantation, you will no longer be able to cultivate other types of Cultivation Methods. This is your last chance."    


Amongst the one hundred people, only a small portion of them chose to leave.    


Ghoolion sighed, but did not say anything in the end. After staying in the valley for so long, he had long seen through everything.    


"By the way, senior, the valley seems to have been bustling since the beginning. Why did it become so desolate?" Li Chen thought of another question to ask.    


The Ghoolion looked at Li Chen and said: This was originally the location of the main peak of our Sword Seeking Sect, the place where the Sect Leader and that person battled was here. After everything calmed down and the inheritance ended, the new Sect Leader then chose a different mountain peak as the main peak, and this place is now abandoned.    


Li Chen was surprised, he never thought that the most prosperous place in the Sword Seeking Sect would actually become so barren. Just that, by the time, he did not know why the Sect Leader and that Ranker disappeared at the same time.    


Ghoolion seemed to look at Li Chen a few times more, and the look in his eyes made Li Chen feel that it was a little unnatural.    


But Ghoolion only looked at them a few more times and did not say anything. After arranging a place for everyone to stay, he told them to gather tomorrow morning.    


Li Chen also had a dream. In his dream, there seemed to be countless of people crying, as if a thousand souls were being imprisoned by iron chains. Those people were suffering, as if there was no way out at the end of the tunnel.    


When Li Chen woke up, the sky was already bright. He tried to communicate with the Black Phoenix, but he did not expect the Black Phoenix to respond.    


"I say, what on earth is there on this mountain that makes you ask me to stay?" Li Chen asked somewhat helplessly.    


"I don't know. I suspect that there's a seal inside." The Black Phoenix said.    


"Seal? But the kind that sealed you back then? " Li Chen's eyes lit up, but the Black Phoenix's words made him feel like he had fallen into a deep valley.    


"Of course not! I just wonder which expert could set up such a strange seal. " The Black Phoenix sighed and no longer made a sound.    


Li Chen tried to communicate with the crowd many times but to no avail. He could only follow them towards the direction of Ghoolion.    


Seeing everyone, Li Chen knew that he was not the only one who did not get a good night's sleep.    


Amidst everyone's discussion, Li Chen was surprised to realize that he was not the only one who had that nightmare!    


In their dreams, the humanoid monster was not chained up, so no matter how hard they struggled, they could not escape.    


"Do you think that the humanoid monster in the dream is similar to the barbarian we saw yesterday?"    


It was unknown who gasped in surprise, but everyone suddenly felt a chill run down their spine.    


This was too terrifying!    


Some disciples wanted to leave immediately, but Ghoolion suddenly appeared.    


"It's too late to leave now."    


When Ghoolion finished speaking, suddenly, a burst of crying sounded out for mother and father.    


No one wanted to become the savage in their dreams. It was more painful than being killed.    


"Today, I will pass on the Life Transmutation Incantation of the Life Transmutation Incantation to you. In the future, each of you will cultivate according to your own personal circumstances."    


When Ghoolion said this, everyone felt that their minds were cleared, as a cultivation mnemonic was transmitted to their minds.    


Li Chen closed his eyes to feel it carefully. This Life Transmutation Incantation was also known as the "Heaven Stealing Art of Creation".    


Li Chen recited it once in his heart, but he was unable to understand the strangeness of the Heaven Stealing Art. Looking at the crowd, he was surprised, and felt that the Life Transmutation Incantation was a rare treasure that cultivated the Cultivation Methods, he had completely forgotten about last night's terrifying dream.    


Everyone returned to their own yards with chants, Li Chen stared at Ghoolion, he did not leave.    


"Why aren't you leaving?" Ghoolion had some impression of Li Chen, so he asked with an unfriendly expression.    


"May I ask Senior, why did those people who cultivate the Life Transmutation Incantation become like that in the end, and why is Senior fine?"    


"Who told you I cultivated the Life Transmutation Incantation." Ghoolion sneered and said an answer that surprised Li Chen.    


The only normal Ghoolion left on this mountain, was actually the only person who had not cultivated Life Transmutation Incantation! Could it be that the Cultivation Methods is that evil?    


Li Chen was not in a rush to cultivate the Life Transmutation Incantation. There were so many people training in the Life Transmutation Incantation, so he was not in a rush to go around training him, running all over the entire mountain.    


This peak was called Misty Peak, and it used to be a cultivation treasure trove with a handsome face, but now it had become a purgatory.    


After strolling for a few days, Li Chen discovered many predecessors who had cultivated in the Life Transmutation Incantation on the Misty Peak.    


If these people were not crazy, like the wild people that Li Chen and the others saw that day, they would be expressionless and cultivate every day.    


In fact, Li Chen realised that none of them were stronger than the Cast Divine Martial Sect.    


It was like a curse, stopping all those who cultivated the Life Transmutation Incantation in their tracks as they sat on the peak of the mountain day after day for ten years.    


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