Everlasting Conceited Supreme



4"If you don't, you won't be able to leave here alive. I can no longer tell that you won't be able to leave that bronze door. Once you leave, you won't even have a cultivation of half-Zhizun realm, only an ordinary Emperor's cultivation."    


"So that's how it is." Everyone's heart froze when they heard this. No wonder the Great Desolate Immortal master didn't appear with the eight God Tribe Patriarchs and instead hid behind the bronze door. Even if he was forced to make his move, he still hid behind the bronze door.    


Originally, everyone was a little curious, but after hearing Tantai Meng's explanation, they finally understood why. It turned out that once the Great Desolate Immortal Lord left the bronze door, he would not be able to maintain her cultivation of half a Martial Saint.    


"Don't forget, behind my door to the universe, there is Emperor of the Absolute Fairy. If you don't let me go, he will definitely die!" "Kill him!" Immortal Primordial Era's leader threatened in turn.    


When the crowd heard this, their expressions turned serious. Emperor of the Absolute Fairy was trapped by Immortal Master Hong Huang behind the door to the universe, so it was obvious that he was still alive. If he were to kill Immortal Master Hong Huang, the price to pay for doing so would be too high.    


"Immortal Master Hong Huang, even if we release you, do you think you can leave this place alive? This door of the universe that you have in your possession, although it is a peerless dao tool, it cannot possibly continue to protect you. " The Emperor of Heaven spoke.    


Then there's no need for you to worry. Let me go, Emperor of the Absolute Fairy will not die. The Great Desolate Immortal Lord's attitude was exceptionally unyielding, as though he was certain that no one would dare to kill him.    


After all, the Emperor of the Absolute Fairy was too important.    


"Letting out a Emperor of the Absolute Fairy is not enough, you still have to let Duan Yifan go." The Emperor of the Heavens relaxed his hold on this matter.    


"My life, is only enough to exchange for a life, and I still want two more lives. You two are overthinking things." Immortal Lord Prehistoric laughed coldly.    


"What if we want Duan Yifan?" The Emperor of the Heavens asked.    


"I can agree, but Emperor of the Absolute Fairy will definitely die. It would be worth it to kill one of the ten emperors."    


Upon hearing this, everyone's faces turned ice-cold. This immortal master was so shrewd, knowing that it was impossible for them to give up on the Emperor of the Absolute Fairy, so he purposely said this.    


"Hurry up and decide. If this continues, then it won't be long before the Chaotic Heavenly Clan arrives. When that happens, no one will be able to escape. I don't mind dying, but with so many of you here, it'll be a bit of a pity." "As far as I know, in the entire universe, only you cultivators are still struggling to fight against the heavenly race. Once you die, the heavenly race will truly unify the entire universe." Immortal Lord Prehistoric spoke in a sinister manner.    


When everyone heard this, they went silent. Duan Yifan could not be taken away by the Great Desolate Immortal Lord, and the Emperor of the Absolute Fairy could not die.    


This caused the situation to be in a deadlock here. No one believed the immortal master Hong Huang's words, but there was one thing they could guarantee. If this continued, they would attract the people of the Chaotic Heavenly Clan.    


He could die, but the cultivators of the Celestial Land couldn't. If he died, he would be able to block the primal chaos of the Celestial Clan. He would be the last person to rule the universe.    


"All of you, hurry up and think about it. There really isn't much time left." The atmosphere turned extremely solemn as he urged the man on.    


… ….    


At this moment, in an ancient space, the space suddenly fluctuated.    


After which, two silhouettes appeared in the air.    


After these two figures appeared, an incomparably domineering aura engulfed the entire nine heavens and the ten earth. The entire sky was suppressed by them, causing the power of law to become chaotic.    


Just their auras were enough to show how powerful they were. It was clear how high their cultivation bases were.    


Jiang Feng looked at the world in front of him in astonishment, then looked at his own body.    


His gaze fell on her side.    


The Yin-Yang Emperor stood not far away from him, staring at this world.    


Compared to Jiang Feng's astonishment, he seemed much calmer.    


"Yin Yang Emperor, where are we?" Jiang Feng asked curiously. Judging from the aura of this world, it was not from the Primal Chaos Heaven Realm. They might have already escaped from there.    


Even though this was a bit unimaginable, it remained that the Heavenly Law had already taken human form and sealed himself as the Heavenly Emperor. His cultivation was ridiculously powerful.    


At the critical moment, the Yinyang Emperor broke through space and took him away. However, no one could guarantee that he would be safe.    


But someone as powerful as the Yin Yang Emperor, who had transmigrated for millions of years, was not a match for the Heavenly Emperor. It was clear from this that the Heavenly Emperor's strength had already reached an unimaginable level.    


If the other party wanted to kill them, it would be as easy as turning his hand!    


At this moment, looking at this peaceful world, Jiang Feng felt like he was in a dream …    


"Don't worry, we're not in the Primal Chaos Realm. We've already left." The YinYang Emperor spoke with a calm and steady voice. He seemed to be used to seeing the winds and waves, able to see through the openings of the world.    


Jiang Feng was slightly relieved to hear this. Since they were not in the Primal Chaos Realm, they were safe.    


It had to be said that the YinYang Emperor was indeed powerful. He had already transcended the Emperor Realm and stepped into the mysterious Ancient Genesis Realm. He was able to preserve his life under the hands of the Celestial Emperor.    


"Then what is this place?" Jiang Feng casually asked.    


"The future." The Yin Yang Emperor spoke, calm and composed.    


"W-what?" Jiang Feng turned pale with fright, and asked in disbelief. He, was actually in the future?    


"I've brought you to the future of fifty million years from now. With the Heavenly Emperor's strength, if you don't head towards the future, you'll easily be killed by him in the past. It will be difficult for you to escape." The Yin Yang Emperor explained.    


Jiang Feng took a deep breath. 50 million years, this time was so huge that it would cause others to suck in a breath of cold air.    


In his mind, he immediately thought of Lin Xianer, Wang Lie and the others.    


"Does this mean that my friends have long since passed away?" Jiang Feng asked, trembling in fear.    


Theoretically speaking, it is, but don't think too much, this is the future, I just intercepted the time and used the power of laws to bring you to this day 50 million years later. Although it sounds like it's 50 million years away from the past, it's actually in a different space, and this 50 million years of time is just like two different cups of water. The Yin Yang Emperor explained.    


Jiang Feng seemed to understand something but he also understood that the level of comprehension that the Yin Yang Emperor had was extremely profound. Even if he personally explained it, it was not something that just anyone could understand.    


However, after confirming that Lin Xianer and the others wouldn't change because she had been transported to a different world for fifty million years, he gradually calmed down.    


"So, we can't go back for the time being?" Jiang Feng asked, because the Yin Yang Emperor had also said that only by teleporting into the future would one be able to escape from the Primal Chaos Realm, otherwise, it would be a dead end.    


"Yes sir!" The Yin Yang Emperor nodded, proving Jiang Feng's deduction.    


"Moreover, now is not the time for me to return just because I want to. After we set out on this journey, the Heavenly Emperor has already used the Heavenly Dao Technique Seal to seal the universe source. We will not be able to return." The Yin Yang Emperor said calmly.    


After Jiang Feng heard this, his pupils slightly contracted.    


He glanced at the Yin-Yang Emperor. The latter had a calm expression, his state of mind surpassing others.    


Jiang Feng did not question further, but chose to do it himself.    


He grasped the laws of time and also had a portion of the universe's source energy. Using these two powers, he extended his hand and the entire space immediately began to stir, gradually forming a whirlpool.    


Within the vortex, with the support of the power of laws, the source energy of the universe began to change the order of heaven and earth, slowly extending towards the world from tens of millions of years ago.    


However, just as the space tunnel was half opened, it exploded into pieces with a bang.    


The shockwave swept out like thousands of stars exploding.    


Jiang Feng, the Yin Yang Emperor, was safe and sound from the shockwave.    


The latter's expression remained calm and unperturbed.    


Jiang Feng was a little surprised, and sure enough, there was a force in the air that sealed off the path of time that led back to the past.    


Everyone's space was a separate dimension. The world from tens of millions of years ago was sealed, and no one was allowed to enter it. No matter what they did, they would not be able to break through the barrier.    


"That is …" Right at this moment, Jiang Feng's eyes became serious as he gazed into the distance. In the sky far away, a large area of light barrier had appeared, emitting shocking light rays that contained all kinds of strange energy.    


This energy was somewhat different from the powers of all living things that he had come into contact with. It was as if it was artificially synthesized.    


Furthermore, Jiang Feng felt traces of life, which were the signs of life for humans, but not cultivators.    


Humans existed in this world, but there were no cultivators, nor was there a culture of cultivation.    


"Don't be surprised, there will be life in the world 50 million years from now." The Yin Yang Emperor said lightly.    


Jiang Feng looked at him, feeling a little surprised.    


"We have come to the future and witnessed the existence of life. Does this mean that no thousands or tens of thousands of years ago, the heavenly race did not unify the entire universe and they failed? That's why other lives were left behind?"    


"Not necessarily." The YinYang Emperor shook his head, "I've lived for over a trillion years, going through all the evolution of the universe, and finally made the shocking discovery, all the life forms in the universe can't be destroyed just because I want to. Even if I control the universe itself, it's impossible to change the entire universe, and every time the universe opens, new life forms will appear, just like a seed.    


"The Primal Chaos Heavenly World may have ruled the universe tens of thousands of years ago, but in the end, they couldn't escape being destroyed by the universe era. It's also possible that they failed at that time and didn't meet the universe era."    


"So that's how it is." When Jiang Feng heard this explanation, his entire perception of the world was enriched. His vision had now risen to a whole new level.    


However, there was one thing that he still did not understand.    


"Universe era, what is it?"    


"It's a mystical matter. As early as the Divine Realm era, we discovered some clues, and every long period of time, the universe would be completely destroyed. After a period of turmoil, new life would continue to be born, and from what I can deduce, no life, no civilization, can survive the destruction of the universe."    


"Then what's the cleaning of the universe origin laws worth?" Jiang Feng asked curiously. According to what he had understood, the reason why the Heavenly Law was being confined in the Primal Chaos Realm was so that they could survive after being swept away by the origin of the universe.    


"The plan to sweep through the universe is to clear out a few stars, not just the entire universe. The people of the Primal Chaos Heaven Realm should know about the existence of the universe era. They don't only want to rule over the entire universe, they want to use this method to resist the advent of the universe era." The Yin Yang Emperor explained.    


"I see." Jiang Feng nodded. For some reason, after hearing this information, he had a kind of empty feeling in his heart. He once thought that it was a very serious matter, but now that he looked at it from a different angle, it seemed extremely insignificant.    


In this mysterious and vast universe, what was a strong cultivator?    


However, whether or not the Primal Chaos Realm succeeded had nothing to do with the life or death of their friend.    


"What I want to protect is not the entire universe, but my true love, as well as my brothers and friends!" Jiang Feng said.    


The Heavenly Dao has already become a Heavenly Emperor and he has his own fleshly body. His strength has reached the level of a supreme Heavenly Emperor Stage, and he is also the only cultivator that has ever reached this level in my knowledge. From ancient times until now, he has only ever reached this level.    


As he spoke to here, the YinYang Emperor shook his head.    


A supreme existence like the Heavenly Emperor was something he couldn't even look at. In order to make progress, he had no choice but to step into the Ancient Genesis Realm under the restriction of the rules of the heavens.    


This was a path of absolute death!    


However, even with the power of the Ancient Realm, it was still not enough to face the Heavenly Emperor. How could the confidence of the Yin Yang Emperor not be frustrated?    


"Does that mean we can only stay in the future and be powerless?" Jiang Feng said in disappointment.    


"No!" The Yin Yang Emperor suddenly said.    


This word was spoken very firmly.    


"Eh?" Jiang Feng stared curiously at the Yin Yang Emperor, his eyes hidden behind his surprised expression.    


Could it be that the Yin Yang Emperor has a plan?    


"I've traveled for hundreds of millions of years and discovered some secrets."    


"What mystery?" Jiang Feng asked, his eyes filled with anticipation.    


"In the depths of the universe in the future, I saw an astronomical sight. 108,000 stars gathered to form a giant star map. On that giant star map, I saw some incredible scenes."    


As the YinYang Emperor spoke to here, his tone also began to change, full of seriousness.    


"What scene?" Jiang Feng became more and more curious. The Yin Yang Emperor, with his cultivation level, had already reached the Ancient Genesis Realm, yet there was actually a scene in front of him.    


"I can't describe it. You'll know when you go." The Yin Yang Emperor said.    


"It has something to do with me?" Jiang Feng took a careful sniff of Rose, and it seemed that the Yin Yang Emperor had brought him to the future on purpose, not just to escape.    


Before the Yin Yang Emperor could even speak, he was startled by the huge commotion that occurred in the distance. Behind the light curtain that covered the sky, countless treasures flew out, possessing an extremely fast speed, comparable to a Heavenly Completion Stage cultivator flying.    


The human riding those treasures locked onto Jiang Feng and the Yin Yang Emperor and immediately rushed forward.    


Jiang Feng did not seem to be on guard, because these people were not cultivators, but just ordinary humans. What they were riding, was not any kind of treasure, but the first strange flying machine, which had a unique shape.    


Some were made of hexagonal metal, others were shaped like hats.    


This should be the research done by the humans on this planet. Their civilization must have gone to another height.    0


"Who are you people?" A shout came from one of the airships. The voice was extremely ear-piercing and it was actually language that Jiang Feng understood.    


"Passersby." Jiang Feng replied indifferently.    


"What passersby, stop talking nonsense, you are foreign civilization invaders, you want to destroy our home!"    


The tone of the person who spoke was filled with hostility.    


"You're wrong. We didn't mean it that way. The attack earlier was an accident. We didn't know that there was life on this planet." Jiang Feng explained.    




However, the other side refused to listen to his explanation and immediately issued an attack order.    


The hundred odd flying machines suddenly felt a sense of danger, following which they saw rays of bright light shooting towards Jiang Feng and the Yin Yang Emperor.    


Jiang Feng shook his head, this group of people were really stubborn. He had already explained everything, but the other party did not believe him and insisted on attacking.    


There was no need for Jiang Feng to do anything. With a slight thought, hundreds of the indestructible flying ships suddenly exploded.    


As for the person inside, there was no sign of danger as he steadily landed on the ground.    


All of them were stunned, staring at Jiang Feng in shock, they did not see how he made a move, to actually be able to destroy hundreds of the most advanced space vehicles, it was simply too terrifying!    


"You are ancient cultivators of the universe!" Someone spoke with a tone full of shock.    


"Ancient cultivator of the universe?" Do you know of the existence of cultivators? " Jiang Feng kept his killing intent and asked the person who spoke.    


"Our ancestor once left behind information. He said that a human being was found in the universe and can rely on cultivation to reach the level of roaming the galaxy. However, the cultivators that the Old Ancestor saw back then were far from being as powerful as you. "    


The human on the planet said with shock.    


"So that's how it is." Jiang Feng secretly nodded his head. It seemed that the human civilization on this planet had already reached a very high level. In the Ancestor's era many years ago, they could explore the depths of the universe.    


Originally, Jiang Feng only wanted to hear it and didn't think much of it. But then, the other party's words made his expression change slightly.    


"Are you guys looking for pictures of the universe as well?"    


A painting of the universe?    


"What do you know?" Jiang Feng's gaze suddenly turned cold, and thinking back to the secrets that the Yin Yang Emperor had told him, he couldn't help but link them together.    


"I will solemnly state my identity as the captain of the First Alliance Army on Ricard. I can tell you everything, but I hope that you can exchange it for something!"    


"You know that with your current strength, you have no right to bargain with me. If I wave my hand, your entire home will be destroyed." Jiang Feng said indifferently.    


"I know, but I also know that your distinguished self is not such a person. After you receive the news from me, I'll request a condition from you. It is a reasonable transaction." The leader of the allied army, a bearded middle-aged man, said righteously.    


Facing an ancient cultivator who could exterminate an entire continent with a wave of his hand, he appeared to be very calm, and he also emanated an iron-like will.    


"Go ahead." Jiang Feng opened his mouth, it was very straightforward, and did not speak much nonsense.    


The world from fifty million years ago still needed to wait for him to return, so there was no time to waste here.    


"The Titan Star system we are in spans millions of light years and has tens of thousands of civilizations. The civilization on Ricard is only the lowest level of civilization and it will be devoured by the powerful Ancient Gods within a few years. I will tell you everything about the painting of the universe now, the condition is that you help us eliminate the Ancient Gods civilization." The leader of the allied army said to Jiang Feng slowly, a trace of hope in his eyes.    


After Jiang Feng nodded his head, the leader of the allied army finally calmed down and began his explanation.    


A few minutes later, Jiang Feng and the Yin Yang Emperor looked at each other, and the latter's face revealed a trace of astonishment.    


The painting of the universe that the leader of the allied army spoke of was precisely the huge picture that he mentioned was formed from the convergence of one hundred and eight thousand stars.    


He could not have imagined that not only did he know of this existence, but even the people of this continent that did not have a cultivation civilization knew of it.    


He even knew that it was a painting of the universe.    


According to the information provided by the other party, the Cosmic Painting was a secret that had always been guarded by the civilization in Titan Galaxy.    


It was rumored that the painting of the universe possessed the most powerful power in the universe. Once one acquired this power, one could control the entire universe.    


Today, there were already many civilizations that began to view the paintings of the universe in a foolish manner.    


The most powerful ancient god civilization as a whole was the one to bear the brunt of this attack.    


"A painting of the universe!"    


The Yin Yang Emperor made a prompt decision.    


"Yes!" Jiang Feng nodded, the two of them were afraid that something might change.    


Before leaving, the YinYang Emperor had acted and erased the memories of everyone present.    


"We can't come from the past. We can't change the laws of time and space too much, nor can we communicate with these people. Otherwise, we can create a backlash force between Heaven and Earth. The consequences will be dire." The Yin Yang Emperor warned.    


"I see." Jiang Feng nodded, showing his understanding.    


After the two of them disappeared, they rushed toward the painting of the universe.    


Although they were tens of thousands of light years away, with their strength, they could tear through space and reach their destination at an extremely fast speed.    


Not long after, Jiang Feng and the Yin Yang Great Earth came out from the space, with their eyes looking in front of them, they saw an extremely vast starry sky in front of them, with magnificent waves.    


Other than that, there was nothing else.    


The shadow of the painting of the universe was nowhere to be seen.    


"This is the place. However, paintings of the universe can't appear at any time. They need to wait for the gathering of the 108,000 stars before they can be seen."    


"Have we been waiting like this all along?" Jiang Feng asked.    


"No!" The YinYang Emperor shook his head. "I can change the laws of space and time and speed up this starry sky until the 108,000 stars gather."    


Jiang Feng was a little speechless. The strength of the Yin Yang Emperor was simply too strong. Ordinary powers of laws were already like toys in his eyes, one could control at will.    


"Help me watch from the side. Don't let anyone disturb me." The Yin Yang Emperor ordered.    


"Alright!" Jiang Feng nodded.    


Without much delay, the Yin Yang Emperor sat down cross-legged on the spot. A terrifying power spread out from his body, and under his control, the power of laws in the entire starry sky rapidly changed.    


Jiang Feng could clearly feel the passage of time swiftly passing by, and the power of the laws fiercely colliding with each other. The faraway edges of the ground were being split apart with a visible state.    


The space between where the 108,000 stars were and the outside world was splitting apart. The split was caused by the destruction of the laws, creating an endless rift in the universe. This scene was truly shocking and spectacular.    


Jiang Feng kept a close eye on his surroundings. The information he got from the planet Ricard let him know that there were still tens of thousands of civilizations and the most powerful ancient gods in this starry sky. It was said that they combined cultivation and technological development.    


According to the leader of the allied army, he was even more powerful than the ancient cultivators of the universe.    


Although Jiang Feng did not really care about these civilizations, at the moment, when the Yin Yang Emperor was changing the rules of this world, if there was an accident, then he might not be able to see the pictures of the universe.    


Even now, he was still very curious. The YinYang Emperor had said that after seeing the paintings of the universe, those scenes caused him to feel that it was inconceivable. He also didn't know what exactly he had seen.    


As time passed, the stars in the sky began to collapse like ripe fruits, falling from the trees without any warning.    


However, before they could reach the deepest part of the darkness, they exploded with a loud bang, creating a spectacular scene in space. Stars exploded one after another like firecrackers. Waves of light lit up the area.    


"There's someone here!" Just then, Jiang Feng's eyes suddenly squinted, he stared into the distance, only to see countless specks of light flickering shadows, quickly rushing towards him, without a sound.    


After several breaths of time, these shadows arrived before everyone. They were enormous battleships that were over three hundred feet long and completely black. They gave off a mysterious and oppressive feeling, as if they were mountains that moved through the starry sky.    


Jiang Feng roughly took a look, there were roughly a hundred or so of these types of battleships, and compared to the battleships that the Immortal Sword Continent used to attack the Star Continent back then, they were even more advanced. Not only did they use extremely advanced modern technology to forge ships, they also used methods that only cultivators would use to forge weapons.    


The grade of this battleship was equivalent to an Emperor Armament. With over a hundred Emperor artifacts travelling through the area, one could see just how powerful this person was.    


Over a hundred warships stopped a few thousand meters away from Jiang Feng in the air, unaffected by the power of the laws of the Yin Yang Emperor's hands. From this, it could be seen that there were powerful cultivators overseeing the battle.    


Furthermore, Jiang Feng also felt the aura.    


From one of the battleships, a group of people walked out. Their clothes were extremely strange, but very bright.    


Standing in the middle was a young and beautiful woman around the age of 27 or 28. She had a head of fiery red curly hair, and she wore a short skirt, revealing two slender, bare thighs.    


Beside this woman, there were a few old people. They were all wearing ancient gowns, and their auras were deep.    


Other than that, there were a few other young men who were staring at Jiang Feng with their ice cold expressions.    


"Who are you people?"    


A young man spoke arrogantly.    


Jiang Feng directly ignored the young man, and his gaze landed on the young girl as he asked indifferently: "And who are you people?"    


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