Everlasting Conceited Supreme



0"This was subdued by me from the lower continent." Jiang Feng replied with a smile.    


"No wonder." No wonder this young man told him not to do anything at the start, how could the other party bear to have his tamed immortal beast captured? However, this fellow did not directly explain his relationship with this immortal beast, and instead used a type of arrangement to trap him in, making him suggest that as long as the other party could subdue this immortal beast, he would agree to everything he said.    


If on the other hand, he came here to prove his relationship with this immortal beast, he might not have let it go so easily.    


At this time, if he didn't agree to the words spoken, then with so many people watching, it was hard to avoid them thinking that he didn't mean what he said. Thus, Elder Fukai feigned generosity and said: "My Elder Zhang Hen has always been a man of his word."    


"Alright, then thank you, Senior Zhang Hen." Jiang Feng's eyes lit up, and said with a smile.    


The elder of the [Flowing Wind Holy Land] immediately announced to everyone on the spot that if any cultivators had been robbed by the Heaven Devouring Tiger, they could ask Jiang Feng for compensation.    


Jiang Feng felt that the other party was taking revenge on purpose, but this was indeed what he had said. With so many pills, immortal skills, treasures and the like, he should be able to compensate her.    


Just then, the Heaven Devouring Tiger suddenly rubbed Jiang Feng's thighs, and growled at the same time.    


Jiang Feng looked at the Heaven Devouring Tiger with shock and suspicion. "Are you saying that you have collected all of the looted items?"    


The Heaven Devouring Tiger suddenly nodded, then opened its mouth and spat out a storage bracelet.    


With a face full of suspicion, Jiang Feng channeled the astrology into the bracelet of holding. He discovered that it was filled with various kinds of medicinal pills, spirit fruits and the like.    


"You are just a celestial beast, what do you want these things for?" Jiang Feng reprimanded the Heaven Devouring Tiger. This guy looted other people's things, but he actually kept them in his storage bracelet.    


The Heaven Devouring Tiger roared fiercely twice, and was very dissatisfied with Jiang Feng being so fierce towards it, and even used his powerful claws to express something.    


After a long while, Jiang Feng finally understood that the reason Heaven Devouring Tiger robbed these things was to give them to him.    


This caused Jiang Feng to be extremely speechless, and he didn't know whether to feel gratified or to cry.    


"Don't be so reckless in the future." Jiang Feng said to the Heaven Devouring Tiger, then returned these things to the person who had been robbed.    


As for those who were not there yet, Jiang Feng had already spoken, and could come look for him at any time.    


After settling all of these matters, Jiang Feng turned to Elder Zhang Hen from the Flowing Heavens Sacred Land and said: "Senior, I have finally caught a Spiritual Beast. Where is the ticket that we agreed on?"    


Elder Chang Hen glared at Jiang Feng fiercely, this fellow still had the guts to ask him for a ticket?    


"Didn't you say that you were not interested in the tickets and the immortal crystals? What tickets do you want now? " Elder Chang Hen asked.    


"I'm also not interested now, but this is what I'm supposed to take." Jiang Feng said with a smile.    


Elder Chang Hen stared at Jiang Feng for a while. In his heart, he was extremely unhappy with Jiang Feng, but because of what the other party said, he did not even have the chance to refute him.    


"We, the Holy Land, will never renege on our promises. I will give you the admission ticket right now." Elder Chang Hen tried his best to be magnanimous, and a silver jade slip instantly appeared in his palm. On it were carved the words "swaying". The words were extremely elegant, as if two phoenixes were entangled with each other.    


When Jiang Feng received the ticket, he felt a dense amount of immortal immortal elemental energy, and could not help but sigh at the great power that had supported the Sacred Grounds, to the point where even a ticket was of such shocking power.    


"Many thanks, Senior Zhang Hen. I look forward to seeing you again at the grand ceremony." It is said that the wine from the Sacred Grounds is renowned throughout the world. If you have the chance, you might be able to take away a few jars. " Jiang Feng said politely.    


Even though he had been pretending to be magnanimous in order to fulfill the bounty given by the Flutter Sacred Ground, when he heard that Jiang Feng was going to the Flutter Sacred Ground to carry away a few jars of fine wine, he completely blew his top.    


"We, the Great Saint Lands' wine, will only be opened once every ten thousand years, with only a few dozen bottles each time. Its value is comparable to a Flawless Immortal Treasure, and you still want to take away a few jars? Dream on!"    


The surrounding cultivators all started to laugh loudly, all of them looked at Jiang Feng with ridicule, this young man was truly a good for nothing, and actually managed to force the elder of the Heaven Realm to jump up and down on the spot.    


"Let's go!" After elder Chang Hen finished speaking, he waved his hand and called for the rest of the disciples, then decisively left. He didn't even bother to ask what Jiang Feng was called.    


After Clan Elder Chang Hen and his men left, Jiang Feng did not plan to stay any longer. He prepared to bring the Heaven Devouring Tiger along to leave and teach this fellow a good lesson.    


He was even learning from others to accept a lackey as a king of thieves, that was truly defying all logic.    


"Please wait!"    


Just then, someone suddenly stood out and blocked Jiang Feng's path. It was an old man with a steel sword on his back, and a cultivator at his level. All of them had storage treasures on them, but this person had a sword on his back, exuding a strong sense of posturing.    


"What's the matter?" Jiang Feng glanced at this person and pretended that he did not know what was going on as he asked. In truth, he had already deduced something from his opponent's tone and aura, and it would depend on whether the other party would change his mind temporarily.    


"Hand over the ticket you received." The old man immediately spoke, completely disregarding Jiang Feng, and spoke with an commanding tone.    


So it was all for the admission ticket! Jiang Feng looked like he had suddenly realized something, although he had already guessed what it was.    


"The admission ticket is mine. Although I am not interested in what gathering it is, you want my things. Without a doubt, you want my life, so I cannot give it to you."    


"Even if I can't, I have to. I don't want to kill anyone. Be sensible and hand it over myself!" The old man carrying the iron sword had a cold and arrogant expression as he spoke.    


"Heaven Devouring Tiger, let's go." Jiang Feng ignored him, and after saying that to the Heaven Devouring Tiger, he started to leave.    


What he had said was very clear, and his attitude was very resolute. To take what he had, would be equivalent to taking his life, even if it was something that was unimportant to him, Jiang Feng.    


"Seems like you're not sensible!" As the old man finished speaking, he suddenly spread his hands. The steel sword on his back flew into the air with a 'chi chi' sound and landed in his hands.    


"If you want to snatch the tickets, it depends on whether you have the ability or not!" Another person rushed out, also an old man with a high cultivation, he was obviously not doing it to help Jiang Feng, but he was also competing for the admission ticket.    






In that short period of time, countless more people took action, their cold voices erupting, ready to kill Jiang Feng and seize the tickets!    


Elder Zhang Hen gave the admission ticket to Jiang Feng, but in everyone's eyes, Jiang Feng was just a young man, his strength might not be much, so they had the intention to snatch it away from him.    


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