Everlasting Conceited Supreme



2150 years, in the first 50 years, Jiang Feng was consolidating his cultivation.    


In the middle of the fifty years, he was studying how to use the Soul Altar. In the next fifty years, he didn't cultivate, but enlarged the path he had seen before and memorized it even more clearly.    


After that, Jiang Feng would continue to comprehend the road of cultivation for the next fifty years.    


Even though his body didn't absorb immortal energy to cultivate, his mind was still at a speed that was countless times faster than an ordinary person's. He was quickly comprehending cultivation. Just this point alone was already heaven-defying.    


In these hundred and fifty years, even though Jiang Feng did not deliberately cultivate, his cultivation had steadily progressed. After comprehending the mysteries of the Soul Altar, as long as he had time, he could construct a fourth Soul Altar.    


The body was like the heaven and earth, and the Soul Altar was like the laws of the world. However, the body was like the world, and the Soul Altar was like the laws of the world.    


As the Soul Altar continued to be constructed, the cultivator's own strength and mastery of the laws of the world became more and more thorough. This was also a process of changing the fleshly body. After the Soul Altar was constructed, the fleshly body would become more and more powerful.    


Once the nine Soul Altar was completed, the cultivator's physical body would ascend to a whole new level. It would be different from the previous realm, a completely different realm. It would be incredibly powerful.    


After the nine level Soul Altar was completed, he had also entered the domain lord level.    


A domain lord could use a Soul Altar to construct a small world of laws. Within this small world, it was known as the world of laws. There were even some powerful individuals that could open up new paths within this small world and transform it into a realm of laws.    


This was an even more advanced cultivation method. Only a small number of people would be able to open it at the peak of the domain lord realm.    


The old man who was with Mu Lingxue back then had grasped the Supreme Realm, and had relied on it to defeat the leaders of the various large sects.    


However, there were too few people who could be compared to that old man. In all the great immortal realms, sage realm cultivators were as rare as phoenix feathers or qilin horns; their numbers were simply too few.    


Other than the old man that Mu Lingxue was with, Jiang Feng had only ever seen the Master of the Green Frost Immortal Palace possessing a Sage Realm cultivation.    


Aside from that, the headmasters of all the other sects were not saints. The old emperor who came to cause trouble for the immortal dao had also not reached the sage realm.    


One could imagine how few Saints there were.    


With Jiang Feng's current cultivation, he only needed two days to reach the Green Frost Immortal City. It was just like how it was back then.    


A city like this would usually last at least hundreds of thousands of years. Therefore, there wouldn't be many changes to it in one million and five hundred thousand years.    


The streets were like spider webs, densely packed and crisscrossed. The streams of people were weaving as they moved shoulder to shoulder.    


Jiang Feng wanted to look for his friends from the past, but after a while, he had no idea where these people were. Thus, he spent a bit of money on the black market and spread the news.    


As he expected, many of the people that he met before were no longer in the Azure Frost Immortal City. In the end, only Yang Jiutian came over to meet him and brought him a lot of news.    


Jiang Feng invited Yang Jiutian to the best restaurant. After a hundred and fifty years, the other party was still able to meet him.    


"Brother Jiang, I knew you were fine." Yang Jiutian drank a cup of wine and said with a smile.    


"Listening to you, there's a lot of meaning behind your words." Jiang Feng smiled at him.    


During the years that you disappeared, there were quite a few people who stepped on you. A few decades ago, the champion of another Immortal Dao Theory was able to say that he wanted to defeat you. However, in the end, he was taught a lesson and disappeared. As he spoke to here, Yang Jiutian couldn't help but laugh. Ding Zifeng was truly laughable. He truly thought that he had become the champion of the Immortal Path and was unrivalled in this world. However, after being violently beaten up by him, he vanished from the face of the earth.    


"Haha, then I would like to thank Brother Yang for taking action and giving us, the cultivators of our generation, some pride." Jiang Feng straightforwardly gave Yang Jiutian a toast.    


"Fortunately, it was not you. Otherwise, with my understanding of you, that Ding Zifeng would have either been killed or crippled." Yang Jiutian said.    


"Brother Ding sure knows how to joke around. I am a very gentle person and would not act so viciously." Jiang Feng laughed.    


Ding Ze Feng looked at Jiang Feng and shook his head, looking as if he had seen through long ago.    


"That's right, where did everyone else go? Why are you the only one left to keep your appointment?" Jiang Feng put down his wine cup and asked seriously. It was time to talk about proper business.    


There is a group of people who have wandered around the Immortal Dao after it ended. As you know, cultivation requires training, and there is a group of people who went to the Absolute beginning Immortal Domain a few decades ago. It is said that a grand meeting will be held there, so I have no news of anyone else. Yang Jiutian mocked himself.    


Jiang Feng could not help but reveal a surprised look in his eyes when he heard Yang Jiutian's explanation of the event that was being held in the Absolute Beginning Immortal Domain. He thought about how he met the genius cultivator Su Yang from the Nine Emperor Mountain back then when he was still in the Emperor Vein Immortal Domain and invited him to be a guest official to head to the Absolute Beginning Immortal Domain to participate in the gathering.    


However, Jiang Feng rejected it, and in the end, even tricked Su Yang into going to the brothel. He did not know whether that fellow would be so mad when he woke up, and did not ask Su Yang at that time.    


Jiang Feng thought that this matter had already passed, he did not expect that it was already more than a hundred years ago, and the grand ceremony had not even started.    


"All the cultivators that go to the Absolute Beginning Immortal Domain were invited over?" Jiang Feng asked.    


There are many rare immortal beasts in the Absolute Beginning Immortal Domain. Not long ago, there was news that a mysterious immortal beast appeared in the dream sea of the Absolute Beginning Immortal Domain, and even the Cloud Sky Sect was unable to catch it. However, I heard that the holy land is about to take action, and that the immortal beast is going to be captured. Yang Jiutian told her everything he knew.    


"What kind of power is the Fushe Holy Land?" Jiang Feng asked. This was the first time he had heard of it.    


"The top powers of the Absolute Beginning Immortal Domain, powers like the Cloud Door of Heaven, are considered first-rate in the Absolute Beginning Immortal Domain, while the support Holy Land is two levels higher than the Absolute Beginning Immortal Domain. It can be considered a very famous martial arts sacred land, situated in the Sea of Dreams. It is said that the fine wine produced by the Fu Huang Holy Land is said to be capable of intoxicating three thousand buddha demons with a single drop. It is a pity that it is not part of the invitation and is not qualified to participate. Yang Jiutian regretfully said. He suddenly felt as if the wine in his cup had lost all flavor.    


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