Everlasting Conceited Supreme



1"I had long heard that entering the Linglong Fantasy World would allow one to change their appearances. I never thought that it would be so mystical." Jiang Feng activated the Heaven Eye Technique, and saw a light green mist around him, and those who had changed their appearances were also revealed under the Heaven's Eye Technique. It was just that, in Jiang Feng's eyes, their appearances had already become normal.    


The Heaven Eyes Divine Vision was an ancient technique that he had coincidentally acquired in his previous life, possessing the ability to see through the origin, and had helped him greatly more than once. Although he had started from scratch, he still had a lot of cultivation experience in this life, so Jiang Feng was able to completely master the essence of the Heaven Eyes Technique now, which was something that he could not even compare to back in stone garden.    


"So it's an illusion technique." Jiang Feng retracted his Heaven Eyes Divine Vision, revealing a look of comprehension. The entire Linglong Fantasy World was enveloped in an illusion technique, but it was an extremely profound illusion technique, and the illusion energy that was formed had already filled the entire Linglong Fantasy World, so those who stepped in could use the illusion energy to change their appearance, and achieve the effect of changing their appearance. To be more accurate, the real change was not in the cultivator's appearance, but in the illusions.    


Jiang Feng comprehended the Qi of illusion techniques, and in that instant, he was reborn into a skinny cultivator with bright eyes and a wooden hairpin on his head.    


He lowered his head and looked at his green robe. He looked refined and revealed a smile. "Indeed, it can change one's appearance."    


He wasn't afraid of being seen by others, but since everyone had changed their appearances, he had to take a stroll around the countryside.    


Following the crowd and walking forward, not long after, Jiang Feng found a market, a group of cultivators occupying a street, setting up stalls and selling all sorts of things.    


As for some people, they did not sell anything, but only had a small signboard. There were lines of words written on it, and when Jiang Feng glanced at the words, he could not help but feel astonished.    


"I have the Holy Spirit Pills, what are you going to give me in exchange?" Jiang Feng walked over to a person and asked.    


The silver gowned elder's eyes immediately shot out a ray of light as he looked at Jiang Feng with excitement: "You really have a Holy Spirit Pill?"    


Jiang Feng nodded his head and declined to comment.    


In the end, he moved in front of Jiang Feng and said in a low voice, "I can use a piece of ore to exchange with you."    


"Sir, please look for someone else!" Jiang Feng waved his sleeves and left. He wanted to trade the Holy Spirit Pill with a piece of ore, what kind of joke was this, he had only thought that it was fun to begin with, so he casually asked someone, but in the end the other party came to exchange with such a cheap item.    


"Ai ai ai ai, please hold your steps, Fellow Daoist!" The silver-gowned old man quickly chased after him and pulled at Jiang Feng, "Don't be anxious, this ore is not simple anymore. If I told you where it came from, it would frighten you."    


"Just say it, don't waste my time." Jiang Feng's expression was cold, and was extremely disgusted with him pestering.    


"Since that's the case, I won't beat around the bush with you. This ore is from the Eternal Demon Area." The silver-gowned elder had a serious expression on his face, as though he was digging out a treasure.    


Jiang Feng revealed a strange expression. Eternal Demon Area, wasn't that what Ye Wuying said?    


When the silver-robed elder observed the situation, a peculiar look appeared in his eyes, and he struck the iron while it was still hot: "I believe that you have heard of Eternal Demon Area, that this is an incredibly ancient and mysterious place, and is rumored to be filled with countless treasures. There are even ancient secret arts, heaven grade treasures, and Ancient Desolation Immortal Arts, just think about it, what kind of treasures would it be that would be able to dig out a ore from there."    


"Hur hur." Hearing that, Jiang Feng sneered, he lowered his head and looked at the ground, and asked: "The Star Continent you are standing on right now, has had many heaven defying experts appear since ancient times, right?"    


"Yeah, what's wrong?" The silver-robed old man was completely confused.    


"What does that have to do with you?" Jiang Feng laughed coldly and took a step forward to leave.    


What does the existence of experts in this continent have to do with me? Of course not!    


The silver-gowned elder reacted in a flash and quickly went to pull Jiang Feng back.    


"Fellow cultivator, I really did not lie to you, this ore is truly not simple, to be honest, I bought it from a cultivator who just stepped into the Eternal Demon Area. If that fellow did not encounter any trouble, this stone would not have killed him."    


After saying that, as if afraid that Jiang Feng would not believe him, the silver-gowned elder quickly took out a rock.    


He had thought that the stone would only be the size of a watermelon, but it turned out to be only the size of a watermelon. Compared to the stones in the gambling den, this ore seemed insignificant.    


Such a small piece of it could cut out a piece of shit.    


Originally, Jiang Feng did not think much of it after sweeping a glance, but after turning his gaze, it seemed as if he had missed something, and now he felt like he had turned back to look.    


The watermelon sized stone actually took on an irregular shape. It was as smooth as a mirror, as if it had been meticulously polished by someone. Its entire body revealed a wisp of jet-black light.    


Shua! Jiang Feng immediately activated the Heaven's Eye Technique, and from the irregular black boulder, he discovered that traces of the black demonic energy had completely invaded the silver-robed elder's body. Within his eyes, there was also a trace of black energy, which was extremely demonic.    


"Demonic Qi Swallowing Body!" Jiang Feng's expression changed drastically. With a flick of his finger, Astral Energy shot out, instantly entering the silver-gowned elder's body. Immediately, wisps of Demonic Qi that could be seen with the naked eye surged out, causing the silver-gowned elder to let out extremely miserable shrieks, attracting the gazes of everyone around him.    


Under everyone's gaze, they only saw the silver-robed elder's body dissipate into the air, leaving nothing behind.    


As for the black stone, Jiang Feng didn't dare to use his hands to touch it.    


In order to not cause unnecessary trouble, he intentionally formed a set of Daoist seals and muttered an incantation as he sealed the seal on the black stone.    


"Monster, you dare to make a ruckus here? Let's see if I will take you in!"    


With that said, Jiang Feng threw the black stone into his storage ring.    


"What strange thing did you grab to throw in? I feel a terrifying demonic energy! "    


The corydalis herba cried out.    


What kind of master was this? He would randomly throw things into his storage ring, one moment with a stone sword, the other with a murderous aura.    


"Don't scream, I've already sealed it. It won't affect you in any way!" Jiang Feng sent a sound transmission and said sternly.    


Only then did the corydalis herba calm down, but in its storage ring, it was at the same distance from Stone. It no longer dared to cultivate, as the aura emitted by the broken stone was too terrifying.    


When the surrounding people saw that it was a Spirit Dao cultivator taking down some Spirit Demon, they lost all interest and scattered, no longer paying attention to Jiang Feng.    


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