Everlasting Conceited Supreme



3Everyone knew that Jiang Feng had killed Situ Aotian, so he must have wanted to kill Jiang Feng and take revenge for his brother. However, as the person in question, Jiang Feng's expression did not change the slightest after seeing that Situ Liuyun had chosen him.    


Since he had guessed correctly that the other party was Situ Liuyun, it was within his expectations.    


"Accept?" Situ Liuyun looked at Jiang Feng and asked coldly. Although it looked calm, the truth was that no matter what he said, or whether it was his imposing manner, he felt extremely oppressing.    


If he did not agree, that would mean that he was afraid. But if he agreed, with his strength, how could he shake Situ Liuyun?    


"These words should not be asked by you. Instead, it should be me asking you if you have considered clearly whether or not to fight me." said coldly, causing everyone's expression to congeal. Facing Situ Liuyun's challenge, Jiang Feng actually asked him if he had thought things through, could it be that he was confident that he could defeat Situ Liuyun?    


"I'll pay you more. There's no need to think about it. Within ten moves, I'll kill you!" Situ Liuyun opened his mouth, his tone revealing his incomparable confidence. Ten moves, killing Jiang Feng, this was not a bluff, but a form of confidence built from his own strength.    


Out of all the young monk present, how many of them dared to say that they could kill Jiang Feng within ten moves?    


His strength was so strong that even Huo Ting and Ye Gucheng did not dare say that they could kill Jiang Feng within ten moves.    


The fact that Situ Liuyun was able to say it with such confidence made everyone curious.    


"After all, he's still too young. He's around the same age as Jiang Feng, and should only be at the eighth level of Star Origin Realm." Someone guessed in secret.    


At Jiang Feng's age, normally speaking, it was already considered rare for him to surpass the sixth level of the Star Origin Realm. Considering that Situ Liuyun was a genius, he would at most be at the eighth level of the Star Origin Realm.    


"Kill me in ten moves?" Jiang Feng sneered, geniuses were indeed all confident, but there were too many people, and they were all blindly confident, as long as Situ Liuyun did not reach concealment, Jiang Feng was confident that he would not be able to kill him within ten moves, but from the Qi he could tell that Situ Liuyun had not stepped into the concealment, so why would he need ten moves to kill him?    


"Since you've agreed to it, don't waste your breath. Let's start as soon as possible!" Situ Liuyun spat out coldly, a cold glint appearing in his eyes.    


"This place is too small, I can't use it. Let's go outside!" Jiang Feng said calmly.    


"As you wish!" Situ Liuyun did not reject him, but straightforwardly agreed. He had enough strength, no matter where Jiang Feng went, he would still be defeated by him.    


Soon after, Jiang Feng and Situ Liuyun arrived outside of the Rain King Palace, while the rest of the people followed along. They wanted to see who would be stronger in this battle.    


One was a monstrous genius of the Wind Nation, the other was a young genius that suddenly appeared in the skies of Rain Country. No matter who it was, the two of them caught the attention of everyone.    


From another point of view, this was not just a battle between two people, but a battle that represented their respective empires.    


Wind Nation and Rain Country, who were both at the same level of A Tier 3 Empire, tightly pressed against each other. For the past few hundred years, there had been endless conflicts, and all of them wanted to swallow the other party whole.    


At this moment, the battles between two of the hottest geniuses in the empire concerned the face of their respective empires!    


Outside of the Rain King Palace, was an enormous expanse of land. At this time, Jiang Feng and Situ Liuyun were standing facing each other, each of them emanating an ice-cold killing intent.    


"Back then in the borderlands, my brother Situ Aotian was killed by you. In today's battle, I inherited the will of hatred, so I will definitely kill you and bury you with me!" Situ Liuyun opened his mouth and his tone was dense. He did not hide anything, indicating that he wanted to kill Jiang Feng to take revenge for his brother.    


The crowd was not surprised. Jiang Feng killing Situ Aotian and Situ Liuyun coming for revenge was within their expectations.    


It was just that what made people sneer in their hearts was that Jiang Feng had only killed Situ Aotian because the other party had attacked the Tian Luo Ancient City. As a cultivator of the Tian Luo Ancient City, no matter who it was, they would fight back fiercely.    


Jiang Feng killing Situ Aotian was a matter of course. Otherwise, when the people from the Wind Nation take over the Tian Luo Ancient City, not only would the others die, the Jiang family would also be annihilated too.    


"Rather than me accompanying your brother in death, why don't you accompany me in death? You're his younger brother after all!" Situ Liuyun said in a teasing tone, the power of the hidden stars had already been fully activated. Situ Liuyun might look young, but he was definitely not a simple opponent and had to be treated with caution.    


"There's no need to say so much. Let's talk based on strength!" Situ Liuyun said coldly, his body suddenly erupting with terrifying killing intent, causing terrifying hurricanes to rise from his body.    


"Concept of Wind!" Everyone exclaimed, as though they had seen something terrifying, they stared straight at Situ Liuyun, he had actually grasped the concept of martial dao, but this was a cultivation skill that only concealment cultivators could learn, could it be that Situ Liuyun had already stepped into the concealment?    


Thinking to this point, everyone was astonished. He was only sixteen or seventeen years old, how could he have stepped into the concealment? This kind of realm, could only be achieved by the masters of sects with A Tier 3 Empire and some of the strong practitioners in the imperial city.    


"Situ Liuyun's cultivation is at the ninth level of the Star Origin Realm!" Situ Liuyun had not reached concealment yet, but he was only a step away. Moreover, he had grasped the concept of martial dao ahead of time, which surprised everyone.    


"The ninth level of the Star Origin realm, he has mastered the concept of wind." Jiang Feng's gaze also slightly condensed. This Situ Liuyun was indeed a genius, even someone as strong as Ye Gucheng had only just touched the edge of the concept of martial dao, yet he had already mastered it.    


However, this was only slightly surprising to Jiang Feng, it was not enough to surprise him. He had the concept of martial dao as well, and it was not any weaker than his opponent's Concept of Wind.    


"Concept of Slaughter!" Jiang Feng thought as a terrifying wave of slaughter energy soared up from his body, ripping the air apart. It was extremely terrifying.    


Jiang Feng also had a concept of martial arts? The expressions of the people from the Violet Flame Emperor Kingdom and the silver-haired old man from the Wind Nation stiffened. This was information that they did not know about.    


One had to know, his cultivation was much lower than Situ Liuyun's, but he had actually grasped the concept of martial arts, and it was even the terrifying Concept of Slaughter. In terms of aura, it had far surpassed Situ Liuyun's Concept of Wind!    


"This kid is really not simple." During the time that Jiang Feng had risen to power, he had always been in the Kingdom of Zi Yan and had heard about him. Now that he had seen it with his own eyes, he realised that Jiang Feng truly had the skills, not only did he have an astonishing cultivation, he had even grasped the concepts of cultivation and martial dao. In all of the young generation of the Rain Country, only Jun Wunian, who was ranked first on the Heaven's Pride Board, had this achievement.    


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