Everlasting Conceited Supreme



0Under Jiang Feng's intense gaze, under the coverage of the bronze jade, mysterious words gradually appeared. Like a heavenly book, they appeared one after another, and in a short while, they occupied the entire surface of the bronze fragment.     1


"It really is the Wasteland language!" Jiang Feng's pupils slightly shrank. He could tell with a glance that this was without a doubt the language of the Wasteland, and it was exactly the same as the language of the Flying Immortal Gallery. The only difference was, these words seemed to be drawn with extreme urgency, the handwriting was scrawny, the typography was chaotic, like a ghost drawing talisman.    


"Could the person who drew have encountered something and hastily left behind these words?" Jiang Feng couldn't help but think that if this was the case, then if he could decipher these words, he might be able to find some useful clues. Then, he could unlock some of the veils of the Wasteland, the mysterious ancient clan.    


"How is it?" Qin Su looked at Jiang Feng, and asked expectantly.    


"These words are the same as the ones in the Flying Immortal Gallery, they can be deciphered." Jiang Feng said as he nodded his head. He did not look at Qin Su as he continued to look at the words on the bronze fragment, as if he had realized something strange.    


Qin Su was overjoyed upon hearing this and quickly replied: "Then I'll be troubling Young Hero Jiang Feng!"    


"I can help you decode it, but I have some questions for you as well. If you agree to it, then this deal is concluded." Jiang Feng turned and said to Qin Su.    


"Yes, as long as I know what I can tell you." Qin Su thought for a while, then nodded his head and said seriously.    


"Then, I hope that you will keep your words!" Jiang Feng said with a deep meaning.    


Although this sentence did not seem to be meaningful, matching with Jiang Feng's expression and tone, it made Qin Su feel that it was a little threatening, as though if he did not keep his promise, there would definitely be some sort of consequence.    


If any other genius said these words, Qin Su would definitely sneer in his heart. He felt that the other party was an arrogant youth, but when these words came from Jiang Feng's mouth, he was unable to question it.    


"As a human, I, Qin Su, am something that you can inquire about anywhere in the Mo Shuang Empire. Saying things without trusting me will never happen to me." Qin Su said full of energy.    


Jiang Feng did not speak. Instead, he focused on the Bronze Fragment and seriously deciphered every word.    


Time passed minute after second, and even the air in the secret room seemed to stand still. Qin Su stood at the side, not daring to breathe.    


Rows of Wasteland words were broken by Jiang Feng, and his expression became heavier and heavier.    


The Wasteland words on the Bronze Fragment could only last for a limited amount of time before fading away after a while. The star power continued to surge out from Jiang Feng's hand, causing the Wasteland words to appear again after disappearing.    


However, when it appeared again, the words were very dim, almost transparent. If one did not carefully look at them, it would be hard to tell them apart.    


Qin Su looked at it anxiously. The stone platform that he created with the highest quality stellar stone was used to slow down the rate the mysterious characters were going to disappear. With Jiang Feng repeatedly using the power of the stars to manifest the characters, no matter how many stellar stone he used, it would not be able to delay it.    


If this continued, it wouldn't be long before those words would completely disappear. If Jiang Feng still wasn't able to decipher it by then, he would have no chance in the future.    


When he thought about it, Qin Su became even more anxious, beads of perspiration already formed on his forehead. There were a few times where he wanted to speak, but seeing Jiang Feng's resolute and serious face, he held it in, not saying a word lest he disturb Jiang Feng.    


Since he chose to believe this child, he should be prepared to bear all the consequences. Furthermore, there was a line of faith in Qin Su's heart that made him inexplicably believe Jiang Feng. Although he hadn't interacted with this child for long, he believed that Jiang Feng would definitely not act rashly.    


In the blink of an eye, an entire day and night had already passed. Jiang Feng was like a statue, not moving an inch.    


Another day passed!    


For a good two days, Jiang Feng's body continued to move without any movement. However, there were complex expressions in his eyes and his eyebrows were knitted from time to time.    


At this time, the dense Wasteland language on the bronze shard was already very faint, and could not be seen clearly with the naked eye.    


Qin Su's heart rose to his throat. The current Jiang Feng still did not express that these mysterious words, would probably disappear completely after another incense's time, something that even astrology s would not be able to catch.    


Jiang Feng, on the other hand, did not use the astrology. Instead, he used the Heaven's Eye Technique.    


After an incense's time, with Qin Su's cultivation, he was no longer able to see the words on the Wasteland, he had already completely disappeared. On the surface of the bronze fragment, there was only a layer of green, and that kind of heart palpitating, vast energy seemed to have disappeared along with it.    


Qin Su had originally thought that Jiang Feng was going to end it, but he only saw him still standing steadily without any reaction. He was extremely shocked in his heart, he could no longer see it, could it be that Jiang Feng could still see it?    


Indeed, Jiang Feng could still see. This was due to the power of the Heaven Eyes Divine Vision, which was much stronger than the astrology.    


After holding on for another incense of time, without even seeing the Heaven Eyes Divine Vision, Jiang Feng retracted his gaze. He had been focused for two days, and before he had even closed his eyes once, his eyes were already tired.    


"How is it?" Qin Su asked softly, as if he was facing a senior he respected.    


Jiang Feng closed his eyes to rest for a moment, then opened them and said: "The bronze shard contains a technique, and other than that there is also some messy information."    


"A cultivation technique?" Hearing that, Qin Su's eyes immediately lit up. To be able to record a cultivation technique on a seven hundred thousand year old piece of bronze was definitely extraordinary, and could very likely be a world shocking, peerless ability.    


"I need to sort out the information and give me a day's time." Jiang Feng said to Qin Su.    


"Sure, I assume you're also very tired." Although Qin Su could not wait any longer, he still felt very tired. He could only restrain his curiosity and leave the secret room to Jiang Feng, who would then leave alone.    


After Qin Su left, Jiang Feng immediately sat down cross legged, and channeled the Nine Dragons Heaven Swallowing Art to restore his exhausted state of mind.    


After a few hours, he finished his cultivation. Jiang Feng's condition had improved quite a bit, and his eyes revealed deep contemplation.    


The ancient technique recorded on the bronze shard was an ancient method to cultivate the 'Ancient Desolation Power'.    


This was an incomparably terrifying power. Once successfully cultivated, it could summon the power of the Ancient Desolation and destroy all the nine heavens. It could no longer be divided into different grades using the Martial Dao World cultivation technique and could be considered an ancient technique similar to the secret technique.    


After Jiang Feng understood the technique, he was moved, but after studying it carefully, he realised that the power of Ancient Desolation was not suitable for him to cultivate in, furthermore, the technique was not complete, and should still be incomplete.    


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