Ancient Divine City

C329 Celestial Tissue

C329 Celestial Tissue

4When they returned to Lin Huang's yard, the group had been waiting for a long time. Previously, Lin Huang didn't answer Lin Huang's decision to establish a force. Today, Lin Huang was finally going to start.    2


"After this matter with the Barren Breaking Alliance, I realized that there were a lot of problems. I originally thought that they were just playing around, but I never thought that they actually had such malicious intentions!" At this moment, Lin Huang still had an ugly expression on his face.    


It was obvious that Lin Huang hated everyone from the Barren Breaking Alliance.    


"Boss, just announce it directly. Let us form an organization to fight against them. Otherwise, there might be even more people joining their camp!" Faang Ye said at this moment.    


"That's right. Boss, it's indeed time for us to consider establishing our own forces. It's just that our forces definitely cannot be subordinate to Shenjie Mansion. You are the one who is personally leading it!" Xin Wuhenn had considered everything, so he opened his mouth.    


"Hee hee, establishing power huh, it's really fun! Since that's the case, I shall join as well! " The moment Huang Mengqing heard that everyone wanted to build their power, he immediately became excited.    


Lin Huang didn't care about Huang Mengqing's words at all. This girl said this just for fun.    


"What is it? You don't believe me? Look at your eyes! " At this moment, Huang Mengqing already knew what Lin Huang was thinking and immediately said it out loud, making Lin Huang very embarrassed.    


"No!" It would be better if you could join us, but you don't know the rules of our organization, so I'm afraid you won't be able to handle the restrictions! " Lin Huang said with a smile.    


"Impossible!" As long as you can endure it, I can! There is nothing that I, Huang Mengqing, would not dare to do! " Huang Mengqing spoke his mind after being provoked.    


"Really? Then if we make you never return to the Phoenix Clan, can you do it too?" Lin Huang looked at Huang Mengqing with a smile again.    


Her delicate face was enough to make anyone drool, but almost no one dared to act in such a manner.    


"This!" "Forget it, I won't bother with you guys. Whatever you guys want to do, it will be done!" Huang Mengqing was so angry that he didn't care about anything else.    


"As expected of the Eldest Miss, she's so delicate!" Lin Huang said silently in his heart.    


"Well, since we are going to set up an organization, we have to consider a lot of issues. The name of the organisations, as well as their distribution." Lin Huang said in a clear voice as he looked at the crowd.    


"Hehe! Boss, I've thought of a very overbearing name. How about we call it the Emperor Hall?" Faang Ye was the first to speak.    


"The Imperial Palace! This name was indeed domineering! But is there a Great Emperor in the world? " Someone questioned.    


"Don't worry about so much. As long as our names are well-known enough, we'll be able to scare them off wherever we go in the future!" Faang Ye said excitedly.    


"What about you? Any other ideas? " Lin Huang looked towards the crowd.    


"Boss, I feel that Supreme Palace speaking of the Hegemon's Palace is pretty good!" At this moment, Xin Wuhenn also spoke up.    


"Although Supreme Palace and the Hegemon's palace are fine, why do we have to use the palace? Can't we use the palace, the gate, the sect, or the sect? " Qin Muxue also expressed her views.    


"All of you are right, but you have to know, we are only an organization now, and not a large power yet!" And we still don't know what our organization will be like in the future! " Qiao Ling'er was very smart and had started to think about the long term.    


"What do you think is the most ethereal and illusory in the world?" Lin Huang asked.    


"I know. It's either longevity or the Immortal!" This time, Huang Mengqing was the first to speak.    


"Longevity? Immortal? Are there really deities in this world? " When Huang Mengqing's words came out, everyone fell into a short period of contemplation.    


The most ethereal thing in the world was indeed an immortal. People often talked about deities, but deities were still powerful cultivators. Was there a immortal in the world?    


"Perhaps even God can do it!" Huang Mengqing spoke again.    


"God!" Immortal! Maybe it's the deities, but we don't even know about them. Everyone knows that the deities can rule the world, and control the entire world. We don't know if that's true or false! " Lin Huang didn't know what to say either.    


"Then let's call it god or immortal. This way, not only will it give people a vague feeling, but we can also be proud of ourselves!" Qin Muxue spoke up at this moment.    


"God!" Immortal? Which one do you think is better? " Lin Huang looked at everyone.    


"God's words give people a domineering feeling, while the deities give people an illusory feeling. They make people unable to see through them, so I feel that the deities are the better ones!" The more mysterious we are, the more the enemy will not dare to act rashly! " Qiao Ling'er said.    


"Immortal!" That's right, Boss should be called Immortal! I also think that this is good! " Faang Ye and the rest all spoke up.    


"Immortal!" Haha, then from now on, our organization is called Immortal! But I have a few points to emphasize! " Lin Huang looked at everyone.    


"Boss, just say it, I'll listen to your dreams!" Faang Ye and the rest couldn't suppress the joy in their hearts at this moment.    


"First of all, we don't want the perverse, we want to take the path of elite soldiers! "In the future, our immortals might be very strong, but the stronger they are, the more we can't lose our essence. That is, the immortals themselves represent a type of extreme!" Lin Huang said slowly.    


"That's right, Boss. I also think that's fine. We only accept monstrous geniuses, not monstrous geniuses like us. Otherwise, it might affect our reputation as Immortals!" Faang Ye and the rest nodded their heads. Lin Huang's consideration was really thorough.    


"Since we are going along the path of elite soldiers, we would rather have a peerless genius than waste anything!"    


"The second point is, in the Immortal World, we are all of equal status. We are brothers, so I do not wish for any internal conflicts to break out!" This is especially important! " Lin Huang said in a deep voice.    


There had been too many internal strife over power and profit in history, and this had led to the collapse of the great powers.    


"Equal status! Boss, we can be equal status, but you are our immortal master! This is something that no one can change! " At this moment, Faang Ye also spoke up.    


"Yes!" I agree, boss is Xian Zhizhu! We support them all! " Xin Wuhenn and the rest nodded their heads.    


"Huang, just agree to it. Otherwise, I doubt that they will agree to it!" At this moment, Qin Muxue was also in favor of this idea. These people only knew who they were, and since they were also monstrous geniuses, they needed a strong one to lead them all.    


This man was Wasteland, and only Wasteland could do such a thing!    


"Moreover, I also suggest that, since we are all members of the Immortal Realm, we should give ourselves a resounding name or title!" Qiao Ling'er said with a smile.    


"Oh? Not bad, a good title is indeed very important! It's just that each of us has to have our own name, and also have to conform to our own characteristics! That's for the best! " Everyone said one after another.    


"Huang, tell me first. Give yourself a name. Either it's Immortal, or it's Immortal!" "Take me for example. I will become a celestial spirit in the future, or call me a spiritual immortal!" Qiao Ling'er said excitedly.    


"Celestial spirits, not bad, not bad at all!" Since all of you have one, how about I give myself a name? Lin Huang said at this moment.    


"No, boss, you can't call me that. If you call me that, everyone will know that it's you!" Faang Ye quickly raised an objection.    


"All of you are right. Then, I shall be called Immortal Murder or Immortal Killing. What do you think?" Lin Huang still felt that his Heaven Slaying Divine Spell was very overbearing.    


"Immortal Slaughtering, Immortal Slaughtering, what a great name! Then I shall be called the Wild Immortal, the Wild Immortal of Immortality! Faang Ye quickly gave himself a name.    


"Haha, then I'll call you Sword Immortal, Sword of Immortality!" Lin Jian's name was also very simple, and it was very similar to Lin Jian's.    


After that, everyone had their own names. Qiao Ling'er was called Spirit Immortal, the spirit of immortals, Qin Muxue was called Xue Immortal, Xue of Immortals, Lin Wan'er was called Jue Xian, the supreme immortal.    


Xin Wuhenn was called Immortal Scar, the Wild Immortal Faang Ye, but Lin Huang had already helped Lin Xie and Lee Mengyi think of a name. Liu Tie was an Evil Immortal, the Evil Immortal, and Lee Mengyi was called the Dream of Immortals!    


"Haha!" This is great, now we all have our own names. In the future, we will call each other by our first names in front of outsiders, but when it comes to our own people, let's call each of us by our own names! " Qin Muxue was very excited.    


"That's right!" I agree, boss, it's time for our Immortal Organization to shine! " Faang Ye and the rest couldn't wait to go out and have a big battle and get the title of Immortal.    


"Faang Ye, don't be rash, now is not the time. We must show ourselves after the Shenjie Mansion is closed. We are now just students, and once we enter the secret realm or if the Shenjie Mansion is closed, we will need everyone's help!" Lin Huang said at this moment.    


"That's good as well. If we exposed ourselves in advance, others might discover us. Boss, you're too sinister!" Faang Ye laughed vulgarly at this moment.    


"Wait a minute, I have a present for you!" This is a kind of Sound Transmitting Talisman, in the Heavenly Barren Continent, no matter where, we can send a sound transmission to each other through the Sound Transmitting Talisman! "Everyone, one serving each. We might need to use this to send a message in the future!" At this time, Lin Huang gave each of them a portion of Sound Transmitting Talisman!    


These Sound Transmitting Talisman were all refined by Lin Huang using the connection between the Pure World Holy Lotus and the Pure World Holy Lotus's lotus seed. Actually, it was mainly made by Ling.    


"Haha!" After having the Sound Transmitting Talisman, it's even more convenient for us to contact them. This way, if everyone is busy with anything, they can all rush here immediately! "Boss, you're awesome!" Faang Ye and the others were very excited. Even Huang Mengqing had one with him. Huang Mengqing treasured it very much.    


"In a few days, I have a gift for everyone. Since we are all members of the Immortal Realm, then we must have a uniform and a mask. Just you wait! " "At this moment, Lin Huang once again sent out another delightful piece of news.    


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