Housemaid Knocks at My Door at Night



0Han Qian, who was immersed in her desire, was startled for a moment. She quickly held down Zhao Bin's hand and frantically said, "Brother Zhao, let's go back."    


It was so dangerous just now. Not only Zhao Bin, she almost lost control of herself as well.    


Zhao Bin came to his senses and reminded himself not to scare Han Qian. Then, he swam back to the shore with Han Qian.    


Back at home, Han Qian sat silently in her room, thinking about what had happened on the beach.    


When Zhao Bin placed her hand on her swimming trunks, Han Qian hesitated for a moment.    


The physical desire had overtaken reason, and Han Qian was eager to be satisfied.    


But immediately, Chen Shan's honest face appeared in her mind. Han Qian's heart was filled with guilt as she stopped Zhao Bin's actions.    


Even though she did her best to remind herself that she couldn't do anything wrong, Han Qian felt her heart slowly tilt.    


After dinner, Zhao Bin suddenly asked, "Qian Qian, you promised to show me that set of clothes last time, when will you redeem it?"    


Han Qian was momentarily stunned. After a while, she finally realized that Zhao Bin was referring to that sexy underwear.    


At that time, she was very hesitant, but in the end, she was interrupted by Chen Shan's call.    


Han Qian's face turned red, "When did I agree?"    


Zhao Bin refused to let him off, "I want to see your sexy look. You must be very beautiful."    


Zhao Bin's sincere praise made Han Qian somewhat happy.    


Zhao Bin grinded on Han Qian for another long time before Han Qian finally agreed. She agreed to wear it on Zhao Bin's body, but only if he didn't do anything else.    


She was also looking forward to it. When Zhao Bin saw her wearing sexy underwear, he became even more infatuated with her.    


Before going to Zhao Bin's room, she felt very ashamed and put on a robe.    


Zhao Bin was lying on the bed. When he heard the door open, he immediately sat up.    


Han Qian wore a loose bathrobe, and her hair was gently draped over her cheeks. Her small face was a little pink, making her look very alluring.    


At the thought of what would happen next, Zhao Bin's throat turned.    


Han Qian looked at Zhao Bin with both nervousness and shyness as she slowly took off her robe.    


What appeared in front of Zhao Bin was a lively and fragrant scene.    


The red undergarments accentuated Han Qian's fair skin, making her look as flawless as a jade. Her pair of beautiful legs were as straight as chopsticks, revealing a dark gap between her legs, tempting her to investigate further.    


The hollow design made half of her tender white hair stick out like two lumps of dough. Zhao Bin looked at it as if he was rubbing his hands. If one were to look up, they would see an extremely proud and deep ravine that could almost make Zhao Bin spurt blood from his nose.    


If he could be buried under the arrogance of this couple, it would be worth it even if he were to die ?    


Han Qian seemed to have completely changed. Her shyness was gone, and she released all of her charm. He just stood there as if he was inviting Zhao Bin to have a taste.    


Zhao Bin immediately stood up and saluted. It didn't take long for Han Qian to become even more bashful.    


Zhao Bin's gaze was like a pair of large hands, burning with heat. When he swept his gaze over her body, it was as if he was caressing every part of her body.    


Under Zhao Bin's fiery gaze, goosebumps appeared on Han Qian's skin. Her body involuntarily thought of the numbing feeling Zhao Bin had brought her as he stroked her, slowly expanding and causing her to become incomparably empty.    


Han Qian also didn't know what had happened to her. Her eyes were always looking at the huge tent that Zhao Bin had set up, whether intentionally or unintentionally, and her mouth was becoming parched and dry.    


So fast... Han Qian was extremely surprised as she didn't understand how attractive she was to Zhao Bin.    


Little did he know that right now, Zhao Bin's mind was filled with the image of Han Qian being pressed under his body and doing whatever he wanted. In the face of such a sexy Han Qian, if he could resist it, he wouldn't be a man anymore.    


Zhao Bin suddenly pulled Han Qian into his embrace. Han Qian jumped in fright and pushed his hard chest. "Brother Zhao, didn't you say you wouldn't do that?"    


Although she was pushing it, Han Qian did not use much strength in her hands. The connection between them just now had moved her a little.    


Zhao Bin buried his head into Han Qian's neck, his voice filled with a strong desire. "I'm sorry, Little Qian. I couldn't hold it in any longer ?"    


As he spoke, he breathed hot air into her ears.    


Han Qian's body instantly went numb, and Zhao Bin's hands also began to move in a disobedient manner. Instantly, waves upon waves of numbness engulfed her.    


"Mm ?"    


Han Qian's face turned red as her dazed eyes twisted her delicate body under Zhao Bin. Zhao Bin's breathing became heavier and heavier. This was way too sexy ? He felt that he was so lucky to have met such a beautiful woman as Han Qian.    


Zhao Bin rubbed Han Qian's tender white hair with all his might. His mind was filled with thoughts of breaking through the final barrier between the two and then fiercely rushing into Han Qian's body, leaving her powerless. She could only open her mouth and let out a delicate moan.    


Thinking of that scene, Zhao Bin's blood boiled as he reached his hand into the seductive gap between Han Qian's legs ?    


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