Housemaid Knocks at My Door at Night



2Han Qian, who was wearing close-fitting pajamas, went downstairs to prepare dinner for Zhao Bin.    


Zhao Bin cast a glance at Han Qian, and instantly her gaze was firmly fixed on him.    


Her white pajamas were tightly stuck to her body. Her beautiful figure could be seen at a glance. Her upright posture slightly trembled with her movements, and the two bulges were very eye-catching.    


Zhao Bin's spirit was lifted as he stared at Han Qian's chest. Han Qian was dressed like this ? Was he doing this on purpose?    


Han Qian hadn't even noticed the fire in Zhao Bin's eyes as he continued to cook. As he bent down to cut the vegetables, a deep gully appeared, causing Zhao Bin to stop breathing.    


He unconsciously pictured Han Qian's plump and delicate body in his mind, standing as straight and proud as two lumps of tender dough. It must have felt soft to the touch; the last time he had experienced Han Qian's peach butt, he could not forget it for a long time.    


Han Qian slightly raised her beautiful, perky hair. Her seductive gaze made Zhao Bin's eyes turn hot, as if he wanted to pinch her.    


Furthermore, Han Qian was simply unworthy of her current outfit, not doing anything else in her current attire.    


Zhao Bin was caught off guard as he moved closer to Han Qian and embraced her waist.    


Han Qian was shocked. "Brother Zhao, what are you doing!"    


Zhao Bin stuck close to her ear, breathing in scorching hot air, causing half of her body to go numb.    


His voice was low and hoarse, full of lust. "Qian Qian, you're so sexy today ?"    


Han Qian blushed, following that, her body stuck to a strong body, sticking closely to her soft body.    


Han Qian twisted her butt and refused, "I'm still cooking, don't be like this."    


"Who asked you to dress like this? Look at me, I'm in so much pain."    


As he spoke, Zhao Bin rubbed against Han Qian's butt.    


Feeling the burning desire, Han Qian was so embarrassed that she almost lit up. She thought dazedly, wasn't she dressed as usual ? She lowered her head to look at her chest, and instantly understood what Zhao Bin was referring to.    


She just went downstairs in a panic, and she actually ?! Han Qian blushed. No wonder Zhao Bin had misunderstood.    


"I... "Mhmm ?"    


Han Qian wanted to explain, but Zhao Bin didn't give her any chance to refuse. Her large hand pressed against her curvy butt, gently massaging it. At the same time, he lightly bit her full earlobe and wrapped his other arm around Han Qian's soft, meaty body.    


Han Qian twisted and turned, but as the waves surged forward, she gradually gave up resisting.    


Her eyes were misty as she cursed herself for not being able to control herself in front of Zhao Bin.    


Her alluring, delicate body moved in accordance to Zhao Bin's movements. If it weren't for Zhao Bin's iron wall, Han Qian would have been unable to stand up a long time ago.    


Sensing that Zhao Bin's large hand was about to reach into her skirt, Han Qian felt a trace of fear. "Brother Zhao, don't be like this ?"    


Zhao Bin's hand stopped moving. He leaned close to her ear and gently whispered, "Little Qian, without your permission, I won't do anything ?"    


"You're the most perfect woman I've ever met. I really do like you."    


Upon hearing these words, Han Qian's uneasy feeling disappeared. She knew that Zhao Bin wouldn't force her.    


This consideration made Han Qian want to let go of all her hesitation and immerse herself in the thrill that Zhao Bin had brought her.    


"Don't be afraid, take your time."    


Zhao Bin's lips brushed against Han Qian's fragrant shoulder, causing him to softly groan as he touched her.    


He knew he couldn't press her too hard. Han Qian still hadn't completely accepted her.    


Zhao Bin's comforting words allowed Han Qian to gradually calm down and immerse herself in the world of desire that Zhao Bin had brought her.    


Wave after wave of energy surged through Han Qian's body, making her feel like she wasn't herself anymore.    


Zhao Bin was mesmerized by Han Qian's flirtatious look. He couldn't help but say, "Little Qian, look at you now. You look too seductive ?"    


Zhao Bin carried Han Qian to the mirror.    


The wide mirror clearly reflected Han Qian's current appearance. She leaned against Zhao Bin's chest with a soft body. Her cheeks were pink, and her beautiful eyes were tainted with a trace of spring love.    


He was like a pool of spring water, his every move full of seductive charm.    


Behind him, Zhao Bin's eyes burned with flames as he looked aggressively at Han Qian.    


Han Qian was extremely embarrassed. The woman in the mirror was extremely charming and emotional. Han Qian could not believe that she had become like this.    


To think that Zhao Bin wanted her to look at his unrestrained appearance ?    


Han Qian was so embarrassed that she shoved Zhao Bin's chest, wanting to leave this place. However, Zhao Bin's next action immediately disturbed her train of thoughts.    


Zhao Bin lifted Han Qian's jade-like leg and caressed her smooth, fair skin. She looked to be enjoying herself very much.    


A strong sense of shame deepened Han Qian's senses. Her hands, which were moving above her legs, gave her an even more intense feeling of numbness than before.    


"Qian Qian, you're so beautiful ?"    


Zhao Bin praised him without any concealment, revealing his infatuation.    


Being infatuated with such an outstanding man, Han Qian's heart suddenly felt proud. This was something she had never felt before.    


She, a peasant babysitter, was deeply aware of her capital, her charm, and felt a little proud of it.    


What was Li Chunxiu compared to her? Han Qian looked at the mirror and saw that her expression, which was getting more and more mesmerized, was actually exactly the same as the Zhang Shuang she had seen before.    


When he thought of that unrestrained scene, he imagined himself together with Zhao Bin ? Han Qian moaned, her body becoming even more delicate.    


Zhao Bin felt an itch in his heart when he heard Han Qian's voice that sounded like a kitten's. His big hand was about to reach into Han Qian's skirt.    


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