Security Guard’s Romance



2Just then, Fu Jie had already hung up.    2


Even though she didn't explain it, Huang Xing knew clearly in his heart that if it wasn't an important matter, Fu Jie would definitely not call him.    


He would definitely return it. However, looking at Old Master Fu, he finally found the common ground after spending a lot of money and time, and it was very likely for them to develop a master-disciple relationship. Hadn't he missed his chance to leave this morning?    


No! Before leaving, he had to think of a way to deepen their relationship!    


After making up his mind, Huang Xing returned to the pit area and quickly packed his fishing tackle.    


Old Master Fu was puzzled, he turned his head and asked: "What's wrong, why did you pack it up?"    


Huang Xing sighed and said: "Uncle, there's something urgent at the merchant house, I need to go back and take care of it. I wish you... I wish you good results. "    


"What a pity." Old Master Fu tsk-tsked: "But there's no other way. When you reach my age, you won't be tired from work." "As a young person, you should focus on your work."    


Huang Xing quickly packed up the fishing tackle and said to Old Master Fu: "Uncle, before I leave, I want you to fulfill one of my wishes."    


Old Master Fu was stunned for a moment, "What ? "What wish?"    


Huang Xing's words broke through the heavens, "I will acknowledge you as my master now. When we return, you can teach me how to fish."    


Old Master Fu raised his hand. "Don't, can't. We are not fated to be master and disciple. "    


Huang Xing pleaded repeatedly, but the Old Master Fu did not buy it.    


Helplessly, Huang Xing had an idea and thought of something bad: "Uncle, if you don't agree, I will not go back here! I'm counting on you. Anyway, Fu Jie was very anxious, she could not handle that matter alone. "If you really have the heart to, then let her carry it on by herself."    


"You ?" Old Master Fu frowned: "You sure are shameless. Xiao Huang, don't be like this. "Hurry up and go back. Work is more important."    


Huang Xing raised his head and emphasized, "In my heart, our relationship as master and disciple is even more important. Why did the Sun Wukong live for generations? That was his decision to let go of his horse and work for Great Sage Qi Tian. I'm the same as Monkey Bro now. I also want to acknowledge that my master doesn't have a job. "    


"This child!" The Old Master Fu stared at Huang Xing helplessly. "Stop messing around, why did you bring up the Sun Wukong? Go! Go! You are here to influence my fishing and my grades. "    


Huang Xing chuckled: "If you don't agree, I'll affect you here. If you catch a fish, I'll let you go. "I will release all the fish you have under your protection."    


"Sigh ?" Old Master Fu pointed to the lake: "Look at you! "Aiya, it's broken. It's too late to lift a rod. What a good mouth, I was influenced by you."    


Huang Xing was full of childishness, and he inched forward saying, "In a while, I'll throw a stone at your floating place, and scare off all the fish in your nest! Of course, as long as you nod your head and become my master, I will immediately disappear from your sight. "    


Old Master Fu became anxious: "Then hurry and disappear from my sight! "Disappear!"    


Huang Xing giggled. "So, you agree? Master, master! From now on, I am your disciple! Take care, and fish for a good result. Return to Jinan, I will ask you for more information on fishing techniques! "    


The Old Master Fu was obviously getting impatient. The competition was a race against time, and every second determined one's rank.    


He waved his hand. "We'll talk about it when we get back. We'll talk about it when we get back. Hurry up and don't disturb me. "    


Huang Xing said: "Then I will call you Master, you must agree to my request. Otherwise, I won't be able to leave at ease. "    


Old Master Fu looked at the floating in the water, his face looked anxious: "Alright, alright, I admit it, okay? "Child, you won't give up until you reach the Yellow River!"    


"Really?" Huang Xing nodded his head in satisfaction and left a sentence that seemed to have deep meaning:    


"A master for a day, a father for life!"    


These eight words were enough for Old Master Fu to ponder for a long time.    


Among them, the word 'father' also had the meaning of 'father-in-law'.    


Huang Xing got on the plane and rushed back to Ji Nan airport.    


Unexpectedly, Fu Jie was already waiting at the airport. She got into her car and drove to the highway.    


Huang Xing reported the way he had interacted with the Father-in-law to Fu Jie. Fu Jie turned his head and looked at Huang Xing: "Sure, you became my father's disciple in the blink of an eye?"    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: "If you don't hurry and call me back, there will be further progress. There's always the possibility of recognizing a godfather. "    


Fu Jie said: "That much? Do you think that I can simply acknowledge you as my father? "    


Huang Xing said: "This isn't that kind of godfather. "What's more, your father is your father. In the future, I still have to send him off for old age!"    


Fu Jie frowned: "Can't you do some good with that mouth? Let me tell you, my dad can live for a hundred years! No, a thousand years! "Long live!"    


"Fine." Huang Xing said as he blushed with shame: "Your clan's eternal grandpa is also not as the legends say ? So you don't like me. It's only been a little more than a day, but we have a good relationship. There was hope, there was hope! He had not failed his mission this time! From the looks of it, the time for us to cultivate to the maximum will not be long. "    


"Stop!" Fu Jie said: "Could it be that you don't want to know why I called you back so urgently?"    


Huang Xing complained: "I want to know. But you, on the phone. What the hell happened? "    


Fu Jie's expression became serious. After a moment of silence, he said, "Tonight, Director Yu is coming over. Furthermore, she also said that there will be a meeting of the management level tomorrow and that there will be an announcement. "    


Huang Xing complained, "And I thought it was something big, just this? So what if the Director Yu has arrived? This is not something new! "    


Fu Jie attacked: "Look at your lack of heart and lungs!"    


Huang Xing grumbled: "How can I be so heartless?"    


Fu Jie turned his head and glared at Huang Xing: "There's simply a problem with your intelligence! Director Yu is here, and you even need to convene a meeting of the management level. Don't you feel that there are a lot of signals?    


"Signal?" Huang Xing thought for a while, then suddenly realized something: "That's right! Logically speaking, the first thing Director Yu should do when he comes over is to first find you and me to understand the situation of the merchant shop. And even if it was going to be a management meeting, she'd have to give us some time to talk. She's ? This is the equivalent of a surprise attack! "    


"Not just that!" Fu Jie emphasized: "Think about it, under the banner of the Dream Group, how many companies of all sizes are there? Director Yu normally does not easily show up at a branch, not to mention personally hosting a meeting. "    


Huang Xing guessed: "Will it... Could it be because of Xiao Yan and Yan He Group? "    


Fu Jie nodded, "There definitely is such a thing. However, I have a special premonition. So, the first thing we need to do is to prepare for the meeting some of the things that might be useful. In particular, the data and related information. "    


Huang Xing emphasized: "There is one more thing that I must do!"    


Fu Jie asked: "What's the matter?"    


Huang Xing's words broke through the heavens, "Know yourself and know your enemy! First, let's give Xiao Wei a call and try to find out the reason behind Director Yu's sudden attack. "    


"Xiao Wei?" Fu Jie suddenly realized and said: "Are you talking about Director Yu's assistant, Xiao Wei? Yeah, why didn't I think of that? But do you think she'll tell us the truth? "    


Huang Xing sighed: "Typically not. But let's give it a try. "    


Fu Jie urged: "Then what are you waiting for, hold on tight, fight!"    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: "We still can't fight him now. Maybe Xiao Wei is with Director Yu right now. "    


"True." Fu Jie looked in front of him with a serious expression.    


Returning to the Xin Meng Merchant House.    


Office of the General Manager. Huang Xing tried to send a message to Yu Mengqin's assistant: "Beauty Xiao Wei, if it's convenient, please contact me at once."    


After waiting for twenty minutes, Xiao Wei finally called back.    


Huang Xing answered. Xiao Wei's voice came from the other side: Director Huang, you need me for something?    


Huang Xing asked: Are you sure that the Director Yu is not by your side right now?    


Xiao Wei said: I'm sure. Or I'd have called you back. Director Huang, what is it that you need help for?    


Huang Xing said straightforwardly: Beauty Xiao Wei, I would like to ask you a question. What is Director Yu's main purpose for coming to Shandong during this bustling trip?    


Xiao Wei laughed: Director Huang, you are praising me too much, how would I know? Director Yu has always acted in a mysterious manner, and most of the time, I am given a mission by him on a temporary basis. As for why she's going to Shandong, I really don't know. "    


Huang Xing said anxiously: Think about it again. See if Director Yu had accidentally revealed anything?    


Xiao Wei said: That definitely isn't it. It's not like you don't understand Director Yu, she has always been taciturn towards us, and didn't really talk much.    


Huang Xing asked: "Are you sure you didn't lie to me?"    


Xiao Wei said: Director Huang, what have I lied to you about?    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing felt like there was a huge rock in his heart, growing bigger and bigger.    


Of course, Fu Jie was not idle either. She called Yu Mengqin and originally wanted to get more hints and instructions from him, but she was met with his hidden criticism.    


Huang Xing regretted calling Xiao Wei, since Xiao Wei was still his subordinate, he would probably call her and tell her that it was's fault.    


Fu Jie sighed, and looked at Huang Xing.    


It was truly difficult to understand the sacred intent.    


Fu Jie frowned slightly, and said thoughtfully: "I really don't understand, what kind of medicine is this Director Yu Gourd trying to sell, it's not even allowed to connect to the machine. "I won't tell you what time I'll be coming over tomorrow."    


Huang Xing replied with a question: "Do we need to conduct a welcoming ceremony or something like that? After all, it's a once in a hundred year experience for such a big person to come visit and guide us."    


"No need." Fu Jie emphasized: "That would only be the opposite. The Director Yu is pragmatic, as long as we do the recent data of the merchant house well, and have some basic work to do, and report properly, we will be fine. Don't play games in front of her. It would make her sick. "    


Huang Xing probed: "Do you think it's necessary for us to look for Director Yu's daughter and understand the situation?"    


Fu Jie asked: "You mean, Supervisor Ouyang?"    


Huang Xing nodded her head: "She is also the biological daughter of the Director Yu. She can catch the wind and catch the shadows at any time, so she should know some of the background of the Director Yu this time, right?"    


Fu Jie said with a serious expression: "You can try. But don't expect too much. "    


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