Security Guard’s Romance



1The Star Liu looked at Huang Xing with a strange gaze, and suddenly burst out laughing: "What are you thinking, no, what are you thinking? I'm really drunk, you ? I... You're so funny! I'm telling you, if it wasn't for the appearance fee, I wouldn't have accepted this program to shoot. The conditions here are too terrible, even the air has a whooshing smell. "    3


Huang Xing said indifferently, "No one is forcing you to accept it. Isn't it just for the money? How much did they pay you? "    


Star Liu coldly snorted, "What qualifications do you have to know? Why are you asking so many questions? But I can tell you a little bit about it, seven figures. "    


Huang Xing said: "It is indeed not small."    


The Star Liu sighed and said, "That's more than that? Forget it, it might seem like an astronomical figure to you. But in my opinion, it is not proportional to my real value. " She looked at her watch impatiently as she murmured to herself, "In another twenty minutes, I won't have to pretend anymore. Ai, I'm so bored."    


Huang Xing habitually took out a cigarette, and was about to put it in his mouth.    


Star Liu immediately exclaimed: "What are you doing? Smoke? You really have no rules and no cultivation. You want me to smoke your second-hand cigarettes? "    


Huang Xing emphasized: "Comrade Big Star, this is my home. Is it not too much for me to smoke a cigarette in my own house? "    


Although he said that, Huang Xing still did not light up his cigarette.    


"Your home ?" "Yes, it's your house." Star Liu said: "But your family is just a prop. Do you think the Program Groups is really that kind to come to such a remote place and let us artistes celebrate New Year with you? Is that even possible? To them, you and your parents and, of course, your house are all props. And I, am the only protagonist. "    


Huang Xing thought, this artiste that was a little popular, was indeed overbearing.    


"Well, I know. "I'm just trying to be a lackey for you." Huang Xing stood up and stretched his limbs.    


Star Liu looked at Huang Xing, and a kind of special charm was reflected in his eyes.    


Huang Xing said maliciously: "Oh yeah, a big star like you went to the Xin Meng Merchant House to shop today, have you been pestered by fans and paparazzi over and over again? I think there must be a lot of people chasing after you to get your autograph. "    


Star Liu's face changed, but he quickly raised his head and said: "What do you think? This is really my biggest problem. Wherever I go, so many people will recognize me. I went this time to keep a low profile, and didn't inform the Xin Meng Merchant House beforehand. Otherwise, they would definitely greet me like they received the leaders of the countries. However, he was still unable to hide it from them. The general manager of a merchant shop came all the way here to take a picture with me and even wanted to invite me out for a meal. However, I rejected him. Oh right, I've got two clothes that I like, and a pair of those ? "Whatever, you won't understand it even if I tell you. The general manager says that he will give it to me for free no matter what. He says that he won't take any money from me no matter what ?"    


As expected of an actor, his acting is really similar.    


You can make up a lie and you can make it up, it's like it's real.    


Huang Xing held back his laughter and asked: "Then the general manager of the Xin Meng Merchant House, what is his name?"    


Star Liu frowned slightly. "Call ? Call... His surname is Zhao, and he's a very handsome and young boss. "    


Huang Xing was momentarily speechless: "The first half of the sentence was wrong, the second half still has credibility."    


"What did you say?" Star Liu was stunned.    


Huang Xing quickly replied, "No, nothing. "I just wanted to talk to you ?"    


Star Liu stood up and interrupted Huang Xing: "How do I have time, me. "Alright, it's about time. I'm going to the hotel!"    


She did not even look at Huang Xing as she walked out of the room.    


The Program Groups and the stars left in a hurry to the most luxurious hotel in the county: the Fangke Hot Springs Resort Hotel.    


At first, Huang Xing wanted to take this opportunity to discuss about the Xin Meng Merchant House s with Great star Liu, but he was not given the chance. It was no wonder, now that he was a little kid, even if he told her that he was the General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building, would she believe him?    


After considering it further, Huang Xing was no longer interested in negotiating with the Star Liu about this matter.    


He called his secretary, Tao Fei, and had Tao Fei contact the manager of the Star Liu.    


Tao Fei's execution ability was strong, in less than 20 minutes, he returned a call to Huang Xing.    


Tao Fei said on the phone: Director Huang, you don't know, I told the manager about this, and it made her extremely happy.    


Huang Xing asked: What did you say?    


Tao Fei said: I was just saying, I am the secretary of the General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building, we of the Merchant Shop plan to find a person from the on behalf of, and right now we have already considered a few artists with certain influence, including the Great star Liu. Our general manager said, Let's have a chat.    


Huang Xing continued to ask: What did they say?    


Tao Fei said: The manager was overjoyed, he did not tell Great star Liu, but was flattered, and agreed on her behalf. Then, the Star Liu personally called me back, saying that he was very willing to fight for this on behalf of's opportunity.    


Huang Xing said: Have you set a time?    


Tao Fei replied: Not yet. I'll let them know when you're free.    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then said: "Tomorrow afternoon, around 5 o'clock."    


Tao Fei said: Alright, alright, I will tell them right away.    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing's heart did not feel good. Why did he seem to be acting like a double agent? One moment he was an actress from Great star Liu, the next he was an actor from the General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building, they were going to talk face to face about cooperation.    


Interesting, quite interesting.    


On the second day, he made Star Liu a dragon trap for the whole morning. To be exact, it was a dragon trap that had been made for his parents all morning.    


The afternoon shoot was announced ahead of schedule, and it was almost hastily over. According to the director, Great star Liu had to go negotiate an important contract in the afternoon, so there were many processes that had been brought forward by an hour.    


Star Liu and her manager left in a hurry, and they even got angry at Program Groups before they left.    


However, Father Huang and Huang's mother still had a feeling that they had not had enough. In front of Huang Xing, they discussed about every single detail that they had experienced before. His parents' excitement from being captured made Huang Xing feel that he had not fooled them for nothing this time.    


At 4 PM, Huang Xing drove his car back to Xin Meng Merchant House.    


On the way, Huang Xing received a call from Tao Fei, saying that the Star Liu and her manager had arrived.    


Huang Xing told them to wait in the guest room. Since they had agreed to meet at five o'clock, they would meet at five o'clock.    


Returning to the Xin Meng Merchant House, Huang Xing directly went to the office through the employee entrance, and when he saw the image of Huang Xing in front of him, he couldn't help but be shocked.    


Tao Fei laughed: "Director Huang, where did you get a set of clothes from? It's so dirty, just like a stall."    


Huang Xing emphasized: "It's not a elephant, it's just that. I ran for two days. "    


"What?" Tao Fei was even more confused: "Dragon shell? You... "What about you, the grand general manager? You want to run some errands?"    


Huang Xing said: "Don't ask more about what you shouldn't know. I'll go change my clothes, and you can accompany Big Star in the conference room. "    


Tao Fei explained: "I came back to get coffee, Great star Liu likes to drink coffee."    


Huang Xing immediately entered the suite and changed into a clean and straight suit.    


In front of the mirror, he tidied up his appearance and looked at his watch. He felt that it was not yet time, so he sat down at his desk and turned on his computer to check the daily report that was sent over.    


At this time, in the guest room, Star Liu and her manager were discussing about the General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building with interest.    


Tao Fei described a young, handsome man who was extremely talented and had both civil and military skills. In her description, she had basically treated Huang Xing as a god that had descended to the mortal world.    


Star Liu said in shock: "What, the general manager of the Xin Meng Merchant House, is so young?"    


"Of course not!" Tao Fei said: "That Director Huang is a legend. Do you know what he used to do? "    


The chubby female broker guessed first, "He must be a second-generation official, or a fuerdai. Or perhaps, he's a bookworm, a top student who stayed abroad to study. "    


Tao Fei shook his head with all his might: "It's all wrong! Our Director Huang is neither a second generation official nor a second generation official. On the contrary, he came from the countryside and had a difficult family. "Then he graduated from high school and became a security guard for several years ?"    


"What?" The Star Liu found it hard to believe, "Security? "But why can't I connect the security guards with the general manager of such a big store?"    


Tao Fei raised his head, "That's why our Director Huang is a legend. Moreover, what he had experienced was not something that an ordinary person could endure. He's the same as everyone else. When he's weak, he's weak; when he's strong, he's strong. His power is beyond your imagination! "    


The broker burst into laughter, "They even brought out the advertisement passage! Secretary Tao, I can't deny that you are really a loyal secretary. Your leader must really like you. "    


Tao Fei was slightly displeased as he said: "Are you trying to say that I know how to flatter? I didn't. I'm just speaking the truth. "    


Star Liu laughed and took a sip of coffee, "I can't wait to see what you have described me to me. I really want to see your Director Huang. In my mind, what you said already has a three-dimensional image of him. "    


Tao Fei laughed and said: "However, although our Director Huang is powerful, but at times, we are also very fierce. "Moreover ?"    


As she spoke, a false cough disturbed her.    


"Who dares speak ill of me?"    


A casual question came from outside. It was very indifferent, but it revealed an indescribable deterrence.    


Tao Fei stuck out his tongue, looked at Star Liu and muttered softly: "We ? Our Director Huang is here. "    


After a moment, Huang Xing pushed the door and entered.    


Star Liu and the manager stood up straight, looking at the valiant and valiant young man in front of them. They all looked at Tao Fei at the same time, proving that her sigh just now had some credibility.    


But in reality, Star Liu was surprised to find out that this person looked so familiar.    


But at this moment, he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.    


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