Security Guard’s Romance



2However, in order to cooperate with Program Groups and his parents, Huang Xing had even vividly depicted the image of a worker in front of Star Liu and other personnel.     4


He was once a nobody, and now, he had coincidentally become a minor character in a reality show program. Huang Xing had spent all his years of experience and experience on acting, and other than Huang Xing's parents, perhaps no one would be able to see that he was actually the general manager of the Xin Meng Merchant House that Great star Liu had mentioned before.    


Funny, funny, but definitely fun.    


With the help of the assistant, Star Liu put on his sunglasses and changed his clothes before driving to Jinan City.    


This was not unexpected. If a celebrity or celebrity came to Ji Nan or his vicinity, and didn't visit the Xin Meng Merchant House to buy some decent luxury goods, they probably wouldn't have the capital to brag about themselves in their own circles. Xin Meng Merchant House was the heaven for the rich, the first choice for willfulness. No Big Star would resist the splendor of luxury that it emitted.    


However, Huang Xing could not bear to see Star Liu and the assistant beside her acting so arrogantly. They would make him as rich and famous as possible and demean him to the point of being worthless. He just came out to record a program and earned a couple of entrance fees. He even pretended to be a superstar as he acted arrogantly and acted his way of speaking, afraid that others would not know that she was a popular Big Star.    


After the Star Liu left, Huang Xing quietly dialed the Chief of Staff Xu Wenguang's number.    


On the phone, Huang Xing said straightforwardly: Director Xu, I'll tell you something. After an hour or so, the legendary star Liu Yifei, who was rumored to be a star in movies and music, would go shopping in Xin Meng Merchant House. Immediately inform all departments, especially the Security Department, as well as the managers of the various floors, to send the message to all the shop assistants and employees. Don't show too much enthusiasm, if anyone dared to ask for her autograph, they would be fired, and the full salary for this month would be deducted. You, arrange it immediately.    


Xu Wenguang was extremely puzzled by Huang Xing's words, and asked closely: "Director Huang, this ? Why is that?    


Huang Xing emphasized: Just do as I said, don't ask too many questions.    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing returned to the house. At this time, his parents were still immersed in the filming for the morning. They were guessing what it would be like if they were on TV.    


Huang Xing took the opportunity to ask, "Dad, mom, this afternoon ? If you guys have anything to shoot in the afternoon, I won't join in. I might as well go to the county town and seek refuge. I'm not used to being trapped like this, it's not comfortable. "    


Huang's mother tsk-tsked, "Xing'er, you did pretty well. Why aren't you acting? "Besides, this is a good opportunity. To be able to watch TV with the Big Star ?"    


Huang Xing interrupted her: "But the problem is ? Forget it, as long as you guys are happy. "    


Huang's mother replied, "Of course I'm happy. How could he not be happy? Right? "    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing laid on his bed and rested for a moment. He looked back at his daily life and was deeply moved.    


Huang Xing laughed and said: Fu Jie, guess what I did today?    


Fu Jie asked: What did you do? Firecrackers?    


Huang Xing replied: Do I need to alarm you with just a firecracker? Me, I ran all morning.    


Fu Jie was shocked: Treadmill? Where did you run the gameplay? Which production team dares to let a big general manager like you go there?    


Huang Xing said with interest: "Do you still remember what I told you before? There's a program called 'Star will accompany you during New Year's.' Then, didn't Great star Liu Liu Yifei come over to our house? No, no, no. Initially, I was prepared to play the role of their daughter, but later the director changed his strategy and let her play the role of my parents daughter-in-law, that is ? Play you.    


Fu Jie was stunned: What did you say, who are you acting?    


Huang Xing emphasized: Playing you. is when I... Play my wife. It's you. Jiu took over the bounty.    


Fu Jie said: Come on! Don't get me involved. However, in this television station, they were willing to go all out just for the viewership ratings to come up with any idea. They were just playing around with the Big Star. How could they attract so many people? It would be better to read more about the news and understand the affairs of the nation.    


Huang Xing nodded. I think so too. My dragons running, I treated it as an ugly horn, to set off the Big Star.    


Fu Jie said. Oh right, I suddenly remembered, last year, Liu Yifei gave a branch under the Dream Group a job. It's that big hotpot chain.    


Huang Xing said: "I can't wait for Star Liu to say that she knows Director Yu." It seems to be true.    


Fu Jie replied: Not necessarily. Regarding the matters of star on behalf of, there was no need for him to make any decisions at all. Ah right, this is also a chance, you casually mentioned it to Miss Liu, so she can consider becoming the Xin Meng Merchant House. Of course, there's also the second phase, the third phase.    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then said: To think that there would be so many first and second tier celebrities in the Xin Meng Merchant House. We don't need to take the initiative, do we?    


Fu Jie emphasized: My meaning is to give her the conditions to run for on behalf of. As for whether or not to use her, I still need to choose a candidate.    


Huang Xing said: This is still okay. We have to get the score out. Hold up the rack. Let them, for the sake of their on behalf of's identity, compete.    


Fu Jie said: Since Great star Liu is at your house, why don't you inform her first.    


Huang Xing looked down at his attire and laughed bitterly: "I can't, but I'm afraid..." I'm afraid I'm not persuasive at the moment. Did you know, Fu Jie, in order to cooperate with Program Groups and my mom's addiction, I even wore the clothes I wore when I was in high school. Shoes. A pair of yellow rubber boots. You say, I want to tell the Star Liu that I want her to nominate someone from the Xin Meng Merchant House, do you think that she ? Could she believe it?    


Fu Jie said: Then why do you have to dress like that?    


Huang Xing said: Didn't I tell you already? In order to coordinate with the program team, for this event, even the furniture and appliances in my house were all replaced with old ones. People's TV said the poorer the family, the more effective the filming, the more viewers like to watch. Thus, when I just returned home, my parents forced me to put on makeup and make me into a small role as a worker outside. There's nothing I can do about it. My parents are happy about it, but I can still discourage them from going on TV ?    


After pouring a stomach full of bitter water, Huang Xing couldn't help but sigh.    


Fu Jie said: Then find a way yourself and tell her. He was testing her reaction.    


Huang Xing replied. I will.    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing had a beautiful sleep.    


When he woke up, the staff from Program Groups just happened to arrive at the scene. He reminded the Huang Family staff about the filming process and told them about the details.    


At four o'clock in the afternoon, the Great star Liu also rushed over. However, from the looks of it, she was not in her best condition. Her face no longer had the confident and arrogant expression that she had had this morning.    


It was no wonder, with such a large gesture, going to the Xin Meng Merchant House to spend it, yet no one asked her for an autograph. How could she be happy about the feeling of being ignored?    


Huang Xing laughed secretly, thinking, no matter how strong you are, once you go to the Xin Meng Merchant House, you would be like a river converging into the ocean. Even if he did not greet them in advance, it was no longer a new occasion for the employees of Xin Meng Merchant House to see so many famous figures. Furthermore, the customers who were able to enter the Xin Meng Merchant House to spend their money were all well-known people. The elites were well-informed, and once they met a celebrity, they would definitely not be like those crazy fans who were passionate and passionate. Perhaps it was just a few glances.    


The next part of the shooting was that several groups of families were being led to the market by various members of the star community. Through their influence and charisma, the celebrities would buy some of the designated New Year's items at a certain price. If they bought the same items, the group that spent the least would be considered the winner.    


Huang Xing also joined in the fun, but he kept trying to avoid the camera. This kind of program usually had a high viewership rating. If it was recognized, then he would definitely become popular in the business community.    


For the sake of his parents' happiness, he had to praise this match. This dragon trap was indeed fitting.    


He dragged his exhausted body back to his various homes.    


Huang Xing had thought that today's filming would end here. He didn't expect that the stars would still be eating and even sleeping at home ?    


What was this all about?    


The Big Star was willing to stay in such a simple and crude place?    


Huang Xing felt that it was impossible. However, in reality, after the meal and after filming some small talk scenes, the staff member holding the microphone unexpectedly said to the microphone in a mysterious manner, "It is 8 o'clock in the evening. Looking out from the inside of the house, it can be said to be pitch black and the wind is blowing high in the night. Tonight, our Big Star will stay at home and enjoy the night in the countryside. He wanted to believe that Liu Yifei would definitely be able to spend an unforgettable night at Uncle Huang's home ? That's right, then since it's a role play, shouldn't we request that our Big Star enter her role completely, along with her current husband ? This husband, is he sleeping in a room or even a bed? Shh ? and we're going to continue filming, and we're going to continue filming... "    


Huang Xing was convinced, this host was truly incredible. He was good at creating the atmosphere and making foreshadowing pens. Everyone knew very well that it was impossible for the Big Star to really enter into his role as a daughter-in-law and wife. He even pretended to be mystifying, as if he was trying to uncover the secret.    


Thus, under the escort of many people, the Big Star followed Huang Xing to a room at the side.    


This was where Huang Xing would stay when he returned home.    


What was even more laughable was that the director had seriously expelled the other workers, leaving only the cameraman and the couple in the room.    


The director shouted in an exaggerated tone of voice, "Wa! Wa! Wa! Wa!" Right now, this Big Brother Huang of ours really has quite the good fortune of being a beauty. We should see if, at night, they... will be together... What did he say? Or, the possibility of a real play, oh, there is no such thing... Wow, I have to tell everyone a secret. Our Great star Liu, and also our Big Brother Huang, they are all single. Where are the sparks... Let's wait and see. "    


Huang Xing wanted to puke!    


It was obviously impossible, but he could still describe it so beautifully. It was so exciting, so captivating.    


But in reality, after that, only Huang Xing and Great star Liu remained in this room. The cameraman and director also left.    


The cameraman was taking pictures outside, facing the seemingly 'mysterious' room.    


Perhaps in that director's mouth, he would use some ingenious words to lead the audience and make some wild guesses about the two people in this room that could not possibly happen.    


Huang Xing wanted to laugh, but he held it in.    


After leaving the camera, Star Liu changed his attitude and calmly crossed his legs. He began to complain to the room, "Aiyah, this room is so dirty and messy. Also, would there be rats? "    


Huang Xing was shocked, and asked: "What, are you really going to stay in my house tonight?"    


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