Security Guard’s Romance



2But in reality, Huang Xing was overthinking it.     2


Xiao Yan said that the door was closed because of the meaning behind the door closing.    


The moment she left, the entire room burst into an uproar. Especially the three young female stars, under their awkwardness, they started to discuss Xiao Yan.    


As for Huang Xing and Fu Jie, because of Xiao Yan's sudden appearance, they felt that the originally delicious seafood dish had become tasteless.    


This woman had brought a lot of wealth to the Xin Meng Merchant House. However, in recent times, it had created countless troubles for the Xin Meng Merchant House. But the key thing was that even now, they still did not know the true reason behind Xiao Yan's sudden change in expression.    


This point was both painful and puzzling.    


As Wu Qianqian peeled a prawn, he said thoughtfully: "I really didn't expect that the boss behind this shop would actually be ? It's actually Xiao Yan. "    


The corners of Yang Zihong's mouth that was eating crabs were covered in minced meat, but he also excitedly said. "A legendary Queen, the young rich woman, her husband is a legend, and she is the legend behind her husband. Sigh, it's just that she seems to be very high-profile and doesn't put us in her eyes at all. "    


Jing Tian took a sip of the red wine and said, "With her status and identity, a single sentence from her could determine our fate. Her life has already reached its limit. This kind of woman is respectable, scary and scary. "    


Shu Chang said thoughtfully: "Last year, there was a very popular artiste who offended Xiao Yan's husband on Weibo. In the end, from then on, this artiste disappeared without a trace in the entertainment circle. Thinking about it, they all felt that ? "Terrifying."    


Hearing these famous stars praise Xiao Yan so, Huang Xing's heart also thumped a little.    


He suddenly remembered something!    


A few days ago, Xiao Yan had found him many times to ask him to leave the Xin Meng Merchant House in order to help her manage a larger solid dining kingdom, which was also known as the Gourmet City. He also promised to give himself a considerable amount of shares. But Huang Xing rejected it. Could it be that it was simply because of this that Xiao Yan took revenge on him and framed him?    


It was hard to imagine.    


But now, there seemed to be no news of her in the Gourmet City. Instead, she had secretly opened this live seafood speciality store. Although the size and investment of this restaurant was not bad, it was still far from the kingdom she had described before.    


Or could it be that when Xiao Yan opened this tasting shop, he was only testing the waters in the beginning, and the goal was to pave the way for his delicious food kingdom?    


If that was really the case, then all of the Restaurant in the province city would cause an unprecedented change and all the restaurant companies would be in great danger, facing great pressure.    


Just the thought of it was enough to shock everyone.    


While he was lost in thought, he saw the fat manager, who was once again accompanied by a waiter, walk in.    


His arrival was naturally not as highly valued as Xiao Yan's arrival. No one stood up, only looked at him in confusion, not even responding.    


The fat manager smirked, his small eyes squinted into slits, like a Director Xu in a TV show, "Country Love".    


The waiter poured him a glass of wine and the fat manager brought it over with a smile. "Our boss has already left. Before he left, she asked me to come over and drink a glass of wine on her behalf. Hope... I hope our boss will give us face. "    


Huang Xing turned his head and said: "Your boss has already come over, is there still a need for you to do this?"    


The fat manager stressed, "Just now... Wasn't that just now ? What was that ? Today was a very lucky day for me. Thank you for coming here to support me. I ? On behalf of all the employees, I thank you for your patronage, I... I will do it as a form of respect! "    


He tilted his neck and drained the glass of red wine.    


This type of toast did not garner any response from everyone.    


However, Xiao Yan's arrogance should not be blamed on this humble and fat manager.    


Huang Xing thought for a while, but still raised the cup up and took a sip symbolically. The others also gave the fat manager a chance to speak up.    


After exchanging a few more pleasantries, the fat manager led the waiter out.    


Perhaps it was due to Xiao Yan's appearance that had affected their emotions, but the following atmosphere was a little lonely.    


In the silence, the feast came to an end.    


Then, they would go back to their own homes.    


Wu Qianqian brought the three female stars to her villa.    


Halfway there, Huang Xing received a call from Ouyang Mengjiao. When he answered, he heard that it was still early. Could he go to your house and get a cup of tea?    


Huang Xing was stunned and stuttered: "This ?" This... It would be better to rest early.    


Ouyang Mengjiao asked: What time is it? You slept so early?    


Huang Xing replied: I'm a bit tired.    


Ouyang Mengjiao was silent for a moment, then laughed: Tired, tired, right? Wait for me at home. I'll come over later to help you get rid of your fatigue.    


She hung up.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly, he did not know what this girl was planning.    


Just as they were about to reach the residential complex, Huang Xing's phone rang again. Opening it, he saw that it was Li Rong.    


Huang Xing frowned, it seemed that there were no movements from Li Rong for quite some time. Ever since a few years ago, when he fell for Li Rong's beauties and used almost unwritten rules to bring her into the Xinyuan Company, Li Rong had treated himself as her huge tree, and continuously used all kinds of methods to seek an opportunity to ascend to the next rank. But as it turned out, this girl might have already done something to him ? Other meaning.    


If it was said that Li Rong getting close to him a few years ago was to find a chance to protect him, then she had already achieved fame and success in becoming a manager of the Xin Meng Merchant House. At this point, it would be difficult for him to advance any further. Unless she was able to do an outstanding job in the Marketing Department.    


Of course, Xin Meng Merchant House's current performance was already nearing saturation point. It was not easy to climb another step.    


After he answered the phone call in his imagination, Li Rong said while grinning: Big Brother Huang, what are you busy with, have you eaten yet?    


Huang Xing said: I finished eating, and am heading home.    


Li Rong said: I'm at the entrance of your district, I didn't dare to directly enter your house, so I made a phone call first.    


Huang Xing was startled: "You're at the entrance of my district?" You... What's the matter?    


Li Rong said: Is there a need to make such a big fuss over nothing? Why, don't you like it? I haven't reported on my work to you in a long time, so after dinner today, I wanted to come over and give you some ? Something.    


Huang Xing said: A gift? No, no. Isn't this the same as taking bribes? I won't take any gifts this year.    


Li Rong laughed and said: You only accept platinum? Haha, don't tease Big Brother Huang, either it's a gift or when you go out to play, bring back some local specialties, I'll let you have a taste.    


Huang Xing asked: What specialty?    


Li Rong said mysteriously. I think it's a pretty good thing. You'll know when you see it. Now that it's said, there's no mystery about it.    


Huang Xing said. However ? Okay, why don't you leave it in the security room and I'll take it with me when I get back. You... Go home and rest.    


Li Rong was startled, and retorted: "So cruel? Leave the things and chase them away? Big Brother Huang, you shouldn't be so unwilling to see me, right?    


Huang Xing said: Didn't we just meet today?    


Li Rong was startled: Today? Did we meet today?    


Huang Xing emphasized: In the auditorium.    


Li Rong said in shock: I've already made up my mind and you can still recognize me?    


Huang Xing said: Why can't I recognize you!    


Actually, Li Rong had also participated in the rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala, her program was a yellow plum show. To be honest, his singing sounded just like that.    


Li Rong said in surprise: I thought you didn't recognize me, I didn't expect ? It seems that you are quite concerned about me. Oh, I'll go downstairs and wait for you.    


Huang Xing quickly said, "Don't, don't, don't ?" Don't!    


Li Rong asked: What's wrong, you haven't even seen each other?    


Huang Xing emphasized: In a while... In a moment, a guest will come to my house, I'm afraid... It's a bit inconvenient, I'm afraid.    


Li Rong was silent for a moment: That... I'll go after the guests have gone.    


Huang Xing said: Don't. It's not like we can't see each other in the mall. Well, I'll call you to my office tomorrow.    


Li Rong asked: What guests will be coming to your house tonight? Male or female?    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly: "Checking my account, still."    


Li Rong replied. Forget it. How about this, I'll wait for you downstairs for a while, then I'll go home after the delivery.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: That's fine. I'm almost downstairs.    


Li Rong said: Alright then.    


Huang Xing pondered as he drove into the district.    


Downstairs, Huang Xing stopped the car. Just then, Li Rong opened the car door and waved his hand.    


Using the light, Huang Xing discovered that Li Rong's clothes were very beautiful. Although the lighting was a bit dim, even if one could not see her face clearly, it was sufficient to determine that she was a woman with a good temperament and face.    


Huang Xing got out of the car and came over. But Li Rong opened the trunk and brought out a big one.     


Huang Xing was startled for a moment, "What ? "What is it?"    


Li Rong explained: "Two days ago, I went to visit my classmates and brought over a special product from YiTan's place. This is... "Rose Wine."    


"Rose Wine?" Huang Xing said in realization: "I have. A wine made with rose petals and honey. It is said that the taste is quite good. "    


Li Rong pointed to the horsetail whisk in front of him. "The one I bought for you is the best, it's twenty years old. "Well, that's interesting, isn't it?"    


Huang Xing nodded his head, "Thanks. You can still think of me after coming out."    


Li Rong wanted to say something but hesitated.    


Huang Xing didn't want Li Rong and Ouyang Mengjiao to meet face to face, so he urged them: "Alright, I'll accept the wine, thank you for your good intentions. "How about this, you go home first, and then go to the Merchant Shop tomorrow. I'll express my thanks in person."    


Li Rong frowned slightly: "You want to chase me away so quickly? It seemed like ? "Forget it, forget it. I'll be going now."    


Reluctantly, she got into the car, pressed the horn, and drove off.    


Huang Xing heaved a sigh of relief.    


But at the same time, he felt that he was a little harsh towards Li Rong.    


Carrying the Tan Yang Wine up the stairs, Huang Xing could not wait to open it. Immediately, he smelled the delicate fragrance of roses.    


He dipped a spoon into the wine and tasted it. It was indeed a good wine.    


After taking a shower, he lay down on the sofa and watched TV for a while. At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Looking through the peephole, it was Ouyang Mengjiao.    


The moment he opened the door, Huang Xing was instantly stunned.    


What was going on?    


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