Security Guard’s Romance



1Fu Jie was a little angry. With a tight face, he glared at Huang Xing: "I already listened to you, letting my father participate in that fishing competition. But you, you actually forgot! "Let me tell you, my dad flew over early this morning!"     4


"Ah?" "So active?" Huang Xing laughed and said: "He really is a fan of fishing! I was joking with you. How can I forget something so important? I left after dinner. The plane tickets were all booked up for the 2: 30 P.M. flight. In a bit, may I trouble Madam to send me on my way? "    


Fu Jie turned his head, hinting to the many customers and employees at the side that were eating, to pay attention to what he was saying. For a dignified general manager, he doesn't have any proper bearing! " She picked up her chopsticks and took a bite to eat.    


Huang Xing said: "That's right, in order to successfully settle the Father-in-law this time, I have done a lot of homework. I even watched and learned from that movie, which is called 'Finish the Father-in-law' by Xu Zheng. Rest assured, I will definitely live up to everyone's expectations! "Wait for my good news!"    


Fu Jie clicked his tongue and said: "Everyone is still looking forward to it, who is looking forward to it? Let me remind you again, put it nicely, what can you do about it, it's coming again! "    


Huang Xing quickly corrected him: "It's not done, it's done. But the problem was, that was the name of the movie. You haven't read it? "Xu Zheng acted in a comedy."    


Fu Jie frowned: "How can I have as much free time as you, I don't even have time to look at this mess."    


Huang Xing said as he looked at Fu Jie, "Of course you aren't in a hurry, I am. Look, how old am I? You're not young anymore. My parents are all waiting to hug you! I am their only son, their only hope! "    


Fu Jie's face flushed red, she used her chopsticks and lightly tapped on the back of Huang Xing's hand: "I told you to watch your words!"    


Huang Xing said: "How about we talk in a private room?"    


Fu Jie pointed to his own plate s and said: "I'm full, everything! Hurry up, hurry up! "    


"Yes sir!" Huang Xing quickly changed the function of his mouth to eat.    


Fu Jie took out a document from his bag.    


After Huang Xing finished the last mouthful of food, Fu Jie stood up first, waved his hand, and said: "Go!"    


Huang Xing quickly pulled out a piece of paper from the tissue box and chased after her. "Wait for me, I haven't wiped my mouth yet!" Once they were outside, Huang Xing stood in front of Fu Jie and asked: "Are you really sending me to the airport?"    


Fu Jie emphasized: "Cut the crap, hurry up and send away your living Buddha, I still have a lot of things to take care of. After you finish participating in the fishing competition, come back. I still have something important to tell you. "    


Huang Xing said: "Why not say it now?"    


Fu Jie waved his hand and then remotely unlocked the car, "Not now! I can't let you get distracted! "    


Huang Xing laughed, "Looks like you hoped from the bottom of your heart that I would be able to take down... No, no, no, it's to curry favor with my future Father-in-law, and let him agree to let us stay together. Then, holding hands, we can step into the sacred palace of marriage ? "    


Fu Jie patted Huang Xing's shoulder: "Enough, stop being sentimental! Are you going or not? "    


"Go, we have to go!" Huang Xing agreed.    


Fu Jie warned as he walked closer to the Hui Tun car, "Let me tell you, I agreed to let my father participate in that fishing competition just to make his life happier. If you go, don't give him any trouble. He went there happily. If he's not happy and he comes back, I'm going to ask you a question! "    


Huang Xing nodded his head.    


Fu Jie skillfully drove the car to the main road after getting on the car.    


On the high speed, Huang Xing yawned. Fu Jie turned his head to look at him, and said: "You didn't sleep well last night?"    


Huang Xing nodded, "Can you sleep well? "Look at me, although on the surface it looks very relaxed, in reality, there's a lot of pressure in my heart."    


Fu Jie asked: "Are you afraid that after spending so much effort, my father still won't accept you?"    


"How can I not be afraid?" Huang Xing touched his chest, and said: "Thinking about the attitude these two elders showed towards me, my little heart, can't take it anymore. Oh right, Fu Jie, we have to prepare for the worst. What if your father your mom doesn't agree to let us stay together? "    


Fu Jie said casually: "Then let's not hang out together, what's so difficult about that?"    


Huang Xing frowned: "You make it sound light! It hurt when you said it! You know, I, Huang Xing, cannot leave you, Fu Jie, in this lifetime. In my heart, you are already my Old Wife. "    


"Is that so?" Fu Jie asked Huang Xing. "Then, should I feel honored?"    


Huang Xing said: "My honor, is my honor. Being able to get to know you is a blessing that I built from eight lifetimes. Smoke is coming out of the ancestral tombs. "    


Fu Jie shrugged his shoulders. "Alright, let's take this opportunity. I'm going to reveal a secret to you. Listen."    


Huang Xing tilted his ears: "I'm listening. Please take it off! "    


Fu Jie thought for a while, then said: "I don't know if you can tell, but before this, there was a long period of time where I had a bad attitude towards you."    


Huang Xing was startled, and asked tentatively: "You felt it too? Not only was it bad, it was estranged! Even ? "Beat him!"    


"That's right!" Fu Jie smiled lightly: "I did it on purpose!"    


"Deliberately?" Huang Xing was shocked: "What do you mean?"    


Fu Jie turned his head and looked at Huang Xing: "With your intelligence, how did you get involved with the general manager? Sometimes, I make a fuss to magnify your problem. This way, you can create a false impression for the managers and employees below. That is, we are not on good terms. "    


Huang Xing nodded his head, "This goal has indeed been achieved by you."    


Fu Jie continued, "This way, there will be two big factions inside the Dreamland Merchant House. One is inclined to me, the other to you. There was always mutual rejection between the two sects. One exposed the other, and the other revealed their faction. Then I would be able to sit in the office and get to know what was going on below. More importantly, as the manager of the Dreamsky Merchant House, you and I cannot let the people below know your methods. If the two of us acted in the same way, the people below would feel that once we dealt with one of us, the other would deal with us at the same time. They are easy to work with us in tai chi. Thus, when the two of us clash head on, they will naturally side by side. "You and I, we only need to wait and see, and then we can keep everyone in the palm of our hands.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: "Aren't you being a little too insidious? Sacrifice me, sacrifice love to test your management plan? "Also, if you don't want me to use the word 'settle', don't you think you'll need it?"    


"And it was infected by you!" Fu Jie emphasized: "Managing such a large team, how can I not make some sacrifices and think about it. However, if you think about it carefully, are there really any sacrifices after what you said? "    


Huang Xing nodded in realization: "Understood! If you leave, and you are adept at maneuvering, then you will fool everyone else into acting like a puppet, and be at your mercy! "    


Fu Jie frowned: "Don't make it sound so bad, okay?"    


"And this is unpleasant to hear?" Huang Xing attacked: "Fu Jie, please allow me to speak the truth, your method of controlling others is actually a little unorthodox. It's just like the move you used frequently in Xinyuan Company. Do you remember it? "    


Fu Jie asked: "Which move?"    


Huang Xing laughed sinisterly, and said: "It's referring to the move of scolding the locust tree and making an example out of the chicken! You always teach Fu Zhenxin a lesson in front of the manager. Poor Fu Zhenxin, I became your management tool. Victim. "    


Fu Jie scratched his head with ill intent, "At that time, it was indeed a little ? A little childish. That's right, as time passes, that move will no longer work. "    


Huang Xing took the chance to say: "At that time, you sacrificed Fu Zhenxin to intimidate the managers, but now, you are using me as a sacrifice and as a management tool."    


Fu Jie said: "Don't speak nonsense! You are the general manager, you and I are both the management tools of the Director Yu. "    


Huang Xing said: "You are older than me."    


Fu Jie sighed lightly: "I really admire you, you picked all the trouble I have had. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have told you this. "    


"Right." Huang Xing suddenly seemed to realize something and asked: "You're not asking my Father-in-law to take the plane and participate in the competition, right? Just don't worry about it? "    


Fu Jie took a glance at Huang Xing, and grumbled: "Why are you so concerned about my father when you think about it? Of course it's not alone, I'm not at ease either. "    


Huang Xing asked: "Who else? Not going to be... Could it be that mother-in-law followed along as well? "    


Fu Jie replied with a question: "Are you afraid?"    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: "How can I not be afraid? "I find it difficult to fight one on one. I'm afraid I am not a match for one against two."    


"Idiot." Fu Jie emphasized: "My mom didn't go. She's currently addicted to a TV show and is at home watching it everyday. Besides, she hated my father for fishing the most. When I was young, I used to nag him every day that he was not working. "    


Huang Xing urged: "Then let me know, who went with Father-in-law? "I have to have a plan in my heart."    


Fu Jie tried to keep him in suspense, "Guess."    


"Could it be ?" Huang Xing pondered for a moment, then said: "Fu Zhenxin?"    


Fu Jie said: "Is that possible? Fu Zhenxin, Xinyuan Company is such a big stall, how could she have the time! "    


Huang Xing counted with his fingers and shook his head: "Then I really can't think of anyone else. Unless... "Could it be ?" Huang Xing's eyes lit up, "Don't tell me that your top uncle accompanied you there?"    


"Wow, so smart!" Fu Jie nodded.    


Huang Xing opened his eyes wide: "Don't scare me, okay? I won't die because of them, will I? That uncle of yours hated me so much that he wished he could kill me! Forget it, this trip is dangerous. Let's turn around and go back.    


Fu Jie asked Huang Xing: "Are you that afraid of my uncle? There is no turning back. You have no turning back. "    


Huang Xing was stunned: "Fu Jie, Fu Jie, what are you at peace with? I'm not afraid of him, I'm afraid of his being counterproductive. "    


"Isn't that still afraid?" Fu Jie laughed sinisterly all the while, and then said: "Look how scared I've scared you! Forget it, I won't scare you anymore. Actually, someone else accompanied my dad! However, this person does have a direct relationship with my uncle. "    


Huang Xing probed further: "Bai Yisheng? Don't tell me it's Bai Yisheng that brat! A murder might happen, do you know that? "    


Fu Jie asked: "Is it that serious?"    


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