Security Guard’s Romance



2Three days later, Zhang Wenxue suddenly called Huang Xing, telling him to hurry over to the newsstand to buy a copy of the? New Star?.    


Huang Xing did as he was told and bought a new morning newspaper. The headline read: 85-year-old mother sent her son to prison to transfer positive social energy!    


It was mentioned in the news that Vice-Chancellor Wang of a certain school had taken advantage of his position and power to accept bribes, as well as donating charity and other items to fill his private pockets. He had even taken the form of a threat of fraud to attract donations from outside the country. When her 85-year-old mother found out, she was very upset and asked Wang to stop and apologize one by one to the victims who had been hurt by Wang. Then she asked Wang to turn himself in to the procuratorial department. At present, Wang X is suspected of multiple crimes, being held in a detention center.    


Although the school name and the Vice-Chancellor's real name were not made public in the newspaper, Huang Xing could obviously tell that this person was undoubtedly Wang Renkui.    


It looked like he was really being paranoid.    


But it was unbelievable just thinking about it. An evil and tyrannical Vice-Chancellor, who had amassed a huge amount of wealth over the years, was persuaded by his 80 year old mother and turned himself in. It was unbelievable.    


Could it be that this Wang Renkui was really the rarest filial son in the world, obeying his mother's words?    


Huang Xing felt that this matter was definitely not that simple. Even if Wang Renkui surrendered himself, his motive wouldn't be solely because of his old mother. Perhaps, he had sensed some rumors and realized that his crimes were too severe to escape the law. Thus, he decided to use the method of turning himself in to reduce the criminal penalty.    


Of course, although the real situation was complicated, Wang Renkui had indeed received the appropriate punishment.    


Unable to come to a conclusion, Huang Xing's heart had always held a trace of worry. That old mother who had destroyed her parents in a righteous cause was worthy of respect, worthy of singing and weeping. I hope she's able to live through the years.    


In the evening, a certain news channel had also reported on this matter for more than three minutes.    


At the same time, Huang Xing also understood that when this matter came out, Huang Xing's mother went to the middle school and did a great Blood Purification.    


A few days later, Huang Xing and Zhang Wenxue each received a call from a newly appointed Vice-Chancellor, telling them to return to their teacher positions. At the same time, they wanted to get to know more about the matter regarding the donation contract from Huang Xing.    


Everything was so dramatic.    


Huang Xing drove Zhang Wenxue and his family to his alma mater.    


The new School Leader and the rest welcomed Huang Xing warmly, while the new Principal met Huang Xing in his office.    


"We, the academy, are already aware of this matter. Regarding Wang Renkui and the others, on behalf of the academy, I express our deep regret for the deceit and injury that they have caused you. At the same time, after the School Leader team's research, they agreed that the fraudulent donor contract should be revised. At the same time, on behalf of the school, I would like to seek your personal opinion. If you think that the previous two hundred thousand contribution was not voluntary, then our school can also return it in full. Our principle is, do not let benevolent people be discouraged. " With a few words, the Principal was able to point out the crux of the matter, as well as the plan to deal with it.    


Huang Xing was deeply moved, on one hand, he felt the efficiency of the new School Leader team, and on the other, he felt their determination to face up against him and correct their mistakes.    


"That two hundred thousand was my voluntary contribution to the alma mater." Huang Xing directly expressed his thoughts: "Therefore, I am very willing to contribute a little to the school and the students. Furthermore, as for that contract, we can just sign it as a declaration of nullity. This way, it will be simpler. "    


The room's Principal nodded, "I think so! However, we will also do some further publicity and education regarding your donation to the school. We will also issue you a certificate of honor for a love donation and send you a pennant. "    


Huang Xing laughed and said, "About that ? Forget it, there's no need. "    


The room principal emphasized, "It can't be avoided! You may think it's a bit of a formality, but I think it's a form of respect and gratitude from our school to the donors. "    


Huang Xing felt that this new School Leader was indeed of an extraordinary standard.    


Huang Xing and a few School Leader were having lunch in the academy's dining hall.    


After taking care of the matter regarding the donation, the rock in Huang Xing's heart finally fell to the ground with ease.    


Back then, he had been kind enough to donate to his alma mater, but now he had donated wave after wave of money. It was truly annoying. Spending money to buy it made him miserable. Fortunately, the new school leadership team was quite successful in dealing with this matter, allowing Huang Xing to feel relieved. Although the experience in making contributions was bumpy, in the end, they were still able to resolve it in the correct and satisfactory way.    


As the saying goes, push aside the clouds and see the clear sky.    


When they left their alma mater, School Leader and his people personally came out to see them off.    


Zhang Wenxue also rushed over.    


Watching as Huang Xing's car slowly drove away, a few of the School Leader s nodded their heads continuously, discussing amongst themselves.    


"This is a good student representative from our school. He should be the one with the most outstanding personal results and progress since the last batch."    


"Yes, yes. You didn't forget to donate several hundred thousand yuan to your alma mater. Sigh, you almost broke my heart. "    


"When our school organizes a large event in the future, you can invite Huang Xing to come and participate in it together. His success is also a typical motivational textbook. "    




After dinner, Huang Xing wanted to ask Fu Jie out to play a few games.    


But he didn't expect that a bunch of guests would come to his house just as he had this thought in his mind.    


Shan Dongyang, Liu Jinming and Cao Aidang, the three of them each carried a few things and came to Huang Xing's house.    


This surprised Huang Xing. These three people could not even pee in one pot in Xinyuan Company. How could they be in cahoots now?    


Although Huang Xing had already eaten his meal, facing these three guests, Huang Xing still sat down and accompanied them to drink. They chatted about work and life, and they were very friendly.    


After drinking to their heart's content, Cao Aidang, as the oldest of them, represented the three of them and revealed their true purpose for this trip: "Director Huang, I'll report this to you. Actually, we're just like a few zombies in Xin Meng Merchant House right now. That little girl Ouyang Mengjiao, she was still wet behind the ears and didn't know anything about management. We followed her and couldn't go on. "So we discussed and decided to go to your real estate company and get a job. We'll continue to work under you."    


Huang Xing was startled, and scolded Cao Aidang: "Bullshit! My real estate company has just started to operate, the salary and benefits are incomparable to the Xin Meng Merchant House's. You guys are here, it's useless. "    


Liu Jinming took the opportunity to speak, "We are not going to work just to see what kind of salary and benefits we get, but also to see who we are going to work with. There was room for development. The current Xin Meng Merchant House, alas, Ouyang Mengjiao was too young. As her general manager, it was hard for her to convince the masses. She won't be able to discover the potential within us. "    


Huang Xing frowned, "This is your misconception! It was all an illusion! Let me tell you, don't underestimate your current general manager, Ouyang. She was young, but had a lot of ideas and ideas, and was also the daughter of the Director Yu. With her here, the Xin Meng Merchant House would definitely ascend to the next level. You have to cooperate with her work, okay? "    


Cao Aidang emphasized: "In any case, we're just resigning and not doing anything, it's not good for you to take us in, it's also fine if you don't take us in, we just don't want to stay any longer."    


Huang Xing stood up in anger: "Look at you, look at how weak you are! They were all old foxes of the workplace, why was his willpower so weak? I tell you, you are doing this to me in injustice! I just left Xin Meng Merchant House not long ago, and you've already started job-hopping. What will others think of me? Director Yu would think that it was me who dug a wall out of Xin Meng Merchant House! "    


Cao Aidang said righteously: "You are just too kind! The Director Yu has already given up on you, and you are still thinking for her? "    


"Yes." Huang Xing nodded: "Director Yu gave up on me, but I will not give up on Director Yu. I will never forget the kindness she has shown me, nor will I ever be able to repay her for the rest of my life. I won't do anything that would let the Director Yu down. "    


"To be loyal is to be loyal." Shan Dongyang said: "But it's blindly loyal. You have let the Director Yu down, but have you considered us three? We are all here for you. You left us there? "    


"Yes, yes, that's it!"    


"You're right, we are loyal to the Director Yu, and we are not loyal to the three of us."    


The three of them had the same opinion, they all felt that they had no future in Xin Meng Merchant House and wanted to work in Huang Xing's Star and Asia Real Estate.    


To be exact, Huang Xing had never thought that he would have such a lofty position in the eyes of these Ox, Ghost and Snake Gods. Right now, they were like dog skin plaster, sticking to his body and unable to take it off.    


After some persuasion, the three of them finally gave in and said they wanted to try working together for three more months. If Ouyang Mengjiao still didn't have much strength, they would leave together.    


Huang Xing could only do so.    


In order to stabilize these three talented and sharp-edged fellows, Huang Xing made an appointment with Ouyang Mengjiao to have a good talk with her. They discussed the characteristics of each of them, their strengths and weaknesses and analyzed them in detail.    


Ouyang Mengjiao was deeply moved. He even had the heart to repay her with his own body.    


But in actuality, Ouyang Mengjiao did not disappoint Huang Xing either. She worked very hard, burning a few fires consecutively in the merchant house, getting hotter and hotter each time.    


Today, Huang Xing carried a small box of items and came to Fu Jie's floor.    


After Fu Jie received the phone call, he was very surprised to hear that his mother was there.    


Huang Xing emphasized: She just arrived at my place. Grasp tightly, open the door.    


Fu Jie said anxiously: Wait here, I'll be going down.    


A few minutes later, Fu Jie walked out from the cell's door.    


Huang Xing smiled at her and said: "You even went downstairs to welcome me personally. I'm flattered."    


Fu Jie moved closer and said softly, "Are you really not afraid? My mom had a fight with my dad today and she's in a ruckus. If you go, you can only act as an outlet. "    


Huang Xing stressed: "I am willing! I'd love to! "For the sake of us two, it's no problem even if you have to act like a punching bag every day."    


Fu Jie laughed bitterly: "What a masochist!"    


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