Security Guard’s Romance



2There is a famous saying: artists are crazy.     0


Huang Xing had always doubted these words. Only when he met the legendary Grand Painter Wei today did he have no choice but to believe him.    


A writer, with a wonderful description, fundamentally reveals the argument that artists and lunatics are only a thin line, that they all concentrate their energy and effort, that they devote themselves to the task, that, in the words of the opera, they are not devils, that they are not living. The highest state of art is to forget oneself. Let the original life, the performance of life over the spirit of life and art, so that they lost themselves, became a madman. Actually, art is one of the greatest viruses. It is the virus that makes you approach it. It is a kind of dream that makes you intoxicated. Sometimes, it's a bloody dream, a dream in which you're willing to bleed...    


As a result, Huang Xing did not dislike art or the performance of the Painter Wei. Just that, this Painter Wei possessed another identity, and that was Huang Xing's love rival.    


From this point of view, Huang Xing naturally held some enmity towards him.    


In the face of the sudden arrival of the Painter Wei and the sudden confession, Fu Jie was a little confused.    


She was at a loss as to what to do.    


But right at this time, Tao Fei called Huang Xing and told him to go back to his office immediately. Something had happened, something had happened.    


Huang Xing's heart was suddenly startled. He looked at Fu Jie, then looked at Painter Wei, and before he knew how the sudden event in front of him was to be resolved, something unexpected happened.    


"Go take a look first. What happened?" Fu Jie urged.    


Huang Xing nodded and returned to his office.    


Tao Fei anxiously pointed to the pile of documents on the desk and said: "Director Huang, just now ? Just now, there were several people in charge of the special counter who came over to submit something to you. After you've read it, you ? "You have to be calm ?"    


Huang Xing felt an intense ominous omen from Tao Fei's expression.    


He sat down and looked down: application to remove the cabinet.    


Flipping it open and looking at it again, there were actually seven or eight applications to remove the cabinet.    


Especially since this also included an application to remove Hua Chenghui's name from the cabinet.    


Letter: Dear Leader of the Commercial Building, thank you for your concern and support for my special counter for a long time! Due to various reasons, especially the high deductions of the commercial buildings, the sales of our special counter in your mall have been in negative growth all the time. In order to turn the situation around, our company also tries to improve the sales performance from all aspects, but the effect is not ideal, and the accumulated losses are quite large. After careful consideration and the company leader's research decision, I hereby request for your understanding and support...    


"Bullshit!" When Huang Xing saw it, he could not help but curse.    


Who didn't know that Hua Chenghui's fitness equipment were sold very well in the Xin Meng Merchant House? Now, he actually made a request to remove the cabinet. Was this fellow insane?    


He didn't want to make money, but he also wanted to remove the cabinets. What on earth was he thinking?    


Moreover, these seven or eight application forms all had the same content and the same reason. But in reality, since they had set up the cabinets in Xin Meng Merchant House, the benefits were very good.    


Huang Xing called each of these people in charge of the counter, telling them to hurry over.    


At this moment, in Huang Xing's heart, besides anger, he was also puzzled.    


What was the reason behind this, for all the business people who were kneeling down and begging to break into the special counter set up by the Xin Meng Merchant House, to be so determined to pull out of the booth and exit the Xin Meng Merchant House?    


Could it be that they had privately agreed to force the mall to retreat and reduce the percentage of their sales deductions?    


After an hour, all the people in charge of a few special cases had gathered at the Office of the General Manager.    


Hua Chenghui sent his daughter, Hua Jingjing over. He himself would be a while late.    


Huang Xing sized up these round and small bosses and the sexy Hua Jingjing. He thought back to how they had racked their brains to break into the Xin Meng Merchant House to set up a cabinet. Huang Xing was really a little flustered and exasperated.    


"Speak, what do you all mean!" Huang Xing asked seriously as he held a cigarette in his mouth.    


One of the representatives took the lead and said: "It's nothing, there's no banquet that doesn't end in this world. It's still very enjoyable to cooperate with Xin Meng Merchant House. But we also have to consider profitability. "It's business, of course the most important thing is this ?"    


Another agent added, "Yes, yes. "But now, we are both losing money. If this goes on, we won't even be able to pay."    


Another representative said, "There's no other way. I hope the Director Huang will forgive us and let us live. "    




Huang Xing forcefully suppressed the anger in his heart, looked at Hua Jingjing and said: "I want to hear what you think, like them?"    


Hua Jingjing's face looked troubled, but he did not have any confidence as he said, "Big Brother Huang ? Director Huang, I am truly sorry, I ? I really don't know what's going on. My Dad He ? He didn't tell me, he just said he was going to remove the cabinet... How about... I... I'll talk to my dad again. "    


Huang Xing pointed at the few people in front of him, then stood up and said: "Alright! I've really underestimated you guys, you guys have long cultivation experience, right? Ask yourselves, is it really a loss? I even heard that a few of you even bought a villa and raised a mistress. Is this a sign of loss? It's for me, isn't it? Don't think that I can't tell, but you guys have colluded with each other to put pressure on the Xin Meng Merchant House and have to pay the bill ahead of time. Most importantly, you guys want to force me to deduct some of the money for you guys. A 30% deduction, is that a lot? You f * * king know in your hearts! Do you think I don't know how much profit margin you have after deducting 30 points? Today, I'll be relying on all of you, not to mention colluding with each other to threaten you all, if you apply to remove the cabinet, I can express my opinion to all of you right now, stop dreaming, it's impossible! A 30% deduction could already be considered very benevolent! If you guys truly believed that you could use this kind of method to threaten the Xin Meng Merchant House, then you were completely wrong! Not only will I not go down, if I get pissed off, I'll give you guys another 5 points, 10 points! "    


After a sharp reprimand, the agents did not seem to react much.    


"Aiyo, Director Huang, where did your anger come from!" While asking this question, a figure walked in from outside.    


It was Hua Chenghui.    


After he entered, he pulled out a chair, sat down, and crossed his legs.    


Reverse? This was clearly the opposite?!    


"Boss Hua, can you stand up? It's not appropriate for you to sit alone with so many people standing around, is it? " Huang Xing stared at Hua Chenghui, flames shooting out of his eyes.    


Hua Chenghui sneered, and said: "How tired are you guys standing here? We're here to remove the cabinets, not to be fucking lectured. In the past, we had to see his expression. But now, there's no need for that anymore! "    


This Hua Chenghui truly had the power to call upon people, upon hearing his words, the other people in charge all found seats one after another and sat down. Some people were even like Hua Chenghui, crossing their legs.    




What was going on?    


Hua Jingjing hurried over and asked Hua Chenghui doubtfully: "Dad, what are you doing? Are you crazy?"    


Hua Chenghui laughed and said: "Jingjing, I'm not crazy."    


Hua Jingjing retorted, "Then why did you take the lead ? Lead the way by removing the cabinets? As you know, this is the biggest market here, and also the most profitable. "    


Hua Chenghui tsk-tsked, "I didn't lead the way, Jingjing, what nonsense are you spouting? "Spontaneous, it's all spontaneous!"    


Hua Jingjing sighed, and complained: "Dad, why did you remove the cabinet... Why didn't you discuss such a big matter with me? "    


"Discuss what?" Hua Chenghui emphasized: "Is there still any need to discuss, removing the cabinet right now is already a foregone conclusion."    


Then, he stood up and directly stood in front of Huang Xing, a cold smile spreading across his face: "Even though the partnership is about to end, I still respectfully address you as Director Huang. Director Huang, please approve of it. Please pass the financial report to us today and... Send us the sales money that you owe us. Today. "    


Huang Xing asked: "It seems that all of you are determined to remove the cabinet?"    


Hua Chenghui nodded his head fiercely, "It's harder than the weight of your mother. Don't waste everyone's time. Businessmen, everyone is busy. And it's still the new year, no. "    


Huang Xing said: "Have you ever considered the consequences of doing this?"    


"What is the result?" Hua Chenghui coldly snorted: "Don't scare me, you scared me? Cut the crap, hurry up! "    


Huang Xing emphasized: "If your intentions to go have been set, I can approve. You all know, the Xin Meng Merchant House has never lacked residents, how many people have squeezed their heads out of thin air ? "    


Hua Chenghui interrupted Huang Xing: "Don't talk about this useless trash! Is it interesting? What does it have to do with us? We have one goal, and that is to remove the lockers! "    


"Right, remove the cabinet!" Several managers also shouted in response.    


Huang Xing frowned: "Are you that determined? No regrets? None... There is no longer any room for manoeuvre? "    


"No more." Hua Chenghui raised his head and said: "Don't think that we are useless. We are doing this to force you to reduce the deductions by a little. What's the use of a ball? Our real purpose is to remove the cabinets, to stop this cooperation with you all! "    


Huang Xing said: "I want to know why you are doing this, and so suddenly. This means that you have abandoned the biggest distribution platform in the province. The biggest loss is you guys! "    


Hua Chenghui waved his hand: "You're wrong! Not only will there be no loss, but there will be even greater benefits. Alright, I'll give you a hint on behalf of the long term cooperation. There is a large shopping mall that is preparing to open, giving us a discount of ten times than you promised. The condition is that we have to remove the lockers from the Xin Meng Merchant House at the fastest speed possible. Furthermore, that shopping mall is much bigger than your Xin Meng Merchant House, and much bigger! "    


Ah? What?    


Huang Xing was shocked, and asked tentatively: "You're talking about Xiao Yan ?. is it Xiao Yan? "    


Hua Chenghui laughed: "Who is not important. What is important is that there is a saying that a good bird chooses a tree. Right now, it is not the era where your Xin Meng Merchant House is the sole ruler. In the past, we were the ones begging you, but now, others are the ones begging us! Do you think it would be better if we made a bit of money, or if we just stuck our chests out while being lifted up and made more money? Heh heh, you are a smart person, you don't need me to explain too much, Director Huang?    


Huang Xing clenched his teeth, and with a green face he asked: "Can you help? Xiao Yan, what condition did she give you?"    


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