Security Guard’s Romance



2Tao Fei smiled mysteriously and tilted his head, but didn't answer.    


Huang Xing looked at her suspiciously: "Speak, what?"    


Tao Fei hurriedly shook his head: "I won't say it, I'm afraid you'll scold me if I say it. It's your little secret. "    


Huang Xing guessed that either Star Liu or her manager must have revealed something to Tao Fei.    


He didn't pursue the matter any further.    


"What's the arrangement for tonight?" Tao Fei suddenly asked.    


Huang Xing emphasized, "There are no arrangements. I want to go home and celebrate New Year. "    


Tao Fei was just about to speak, when Huang Xing's mobile phone suddenly rang.    


Opening it, he saw that it was Xie Yundan. Counting the time on his fingers, it seemed that there had been no news of Xie Yundan for a long time. For a moment, Huang Xing was a little apologetic in his heart.    


After receiving the call, Huang Xing wanted to borrow the phone to pay his respects, but Xie Yundan's sobs came over: Big Brother Huang, I've been ? I was... He was tricked by someone!    


What? Huang Xing was shocked: What's going on?    


Xie Yundan said: "Do you still remember that I bought a hotel before, and was preparing to expand its scale?" Available... But who knew ? Big Brother Huang, I have the heart to kill myself now!    


Huang Xing asked: "Don't think too much of it!" Tell me, what's going on?    


Xie Yundan said. That hotel, I spent so much money on it, but... Available... But today, he found out that the place had to be demolished! All my money has gone to waste, all my work has gone to waste. I put all my money in that hotel!    


Huang Xing was shocked: How could this be? Wait a moment, I'll be right there. You... Where are you now?    


Xie Yundan said. I was in the dining room, in my room.    


Without thinking too much, Huang Xing immediately went downstairs and drove to Xin Ya Fast Food Restaurant.    


Third floor, Xie Yundan's room.    


Huang Xing vaguely heard a burst of soft crying sound from inside.    


After hesitating for a moment, he entered the room. The room was a mess, the books, cups and even Telephone were knocked onto the floor.    


This meant that Xie Yundan had just vented his anger after taking such a blow.    


Seeing Huang Xing, Xie Yundan stood up and started crying again: "Big Brother Huang, I'm finished. It's all over. "    


Huang Xing lightly patted Xie Yundan's shoulders and advised: "Alright, alright, calm down first."    


Xie Yundan hurriedly shook his head, "I ? I can't calm down. "    


Huang Xing emphasized: "Even if you can't calm down, you still have to! Look at you, your eyes are swollen from crying. How could business go smoothly? Besides, it's still unknown whether your restaurant will be demolished or not. You just heard about it, didn't you? "    


Xie Yundan raised his voice: "Not only have I heard, I have confirmed it. On the door, there was such a huge 'tear'! It was blood-red! Nothing, nothing at all. "    


Huang Xing sighed lightly: "Looks like your previous store already knew the news of demolition and purposely gave you the store's price at a low price. This person was too unreasonable. For the sake of money, he didn't care about anything else. "Come, let me take a look."    


Xie Yundan sobbed even louder: "Go look, look at what? The word 'dismantle' was like a blade, a blade! It's stuck in my heart. I've invested several million to decorate the shop, and I've been renting it for five years. I've just finished the decorations, so it's time to ? That was it. What else was there to see? "In the past, I asked you to accompany me to see it. You didn't want to go, but now that there's nothing left, what's the use of watching it?"    


Huang Xing was startled. He understood that Xie Yundan was blaming himself, and didn't care about her enough.    


But in his heart, Huang Xing was still blaming himself. Indeed, at that time, Xie Yundan had wanted him to visit that new restaurant many times, but either he was too busy to remember or the timing was too bad. Otherwise, if he helped her learn more, she might be able to avoid her current losses.    


Huang Xing held onto Xie Yundan's shoulder and said: "Alright, rhythm pill. Since the matter has already come to light, it's useless to be sad. What we need to do now is to make sure that the place isn't really demolished and why it's demolished. Find the relevant department and ask for compensation. Second, hurry up and find your lease or transfer contract and see if there are any relevant terms. Third, once it is confirmed that the landlord may have hidden the truth, he can sue them for fraud and demand compensation for our losses! These three things, any one of them would be able to recover our losses. At least, part of it is lost. "    


"What you said ?" Yes. "Yes, yes, yes ?" Xie Yundan raised his eyebrows: "But, I didn't sign any sort of agreement with them, I only made a verbal agreement, saying that I will sign it after the new year."    


"What?" Huang Xing frowned: "You're confused, you're confused! You didn't sign the agreement and you gave the money to him? Just like that, they started to go all out to decorate the building? You... "You're crazy!"    


Xie Yundan said: "But I'm really anxious, I'm an impatient person! And, and the landlord seems to be an honest man, I'm sure he won't lie to me. "    


Huang Xing said: "Are you still a child, and so naive? From their appearances, one could tell that they were being dishonest! Quick, contact the landlord right now and put pressure on him. However, you will now have to gather further evidence to prove that you have a tenancy relationship with him. Ah, Qi Dan, how could you make such a low level mistake! "    


Xie Yundan shook his head: "It's useless, it's useless. How many times have I called? He must have changed his account. "    


Huang Xing asked: "Do you know where his house is?"    


Xie Yundan replied: "I don't know."    


Huang Xing asked again: "In other words, this restaurant was run by the landlord in the first place, and there were no third party transfers?"    


Xie Yundan nodded, "Yes, that's right."    


Huang Xing said: "Then I can be completely sure, it was the landlord who intentionally hid it. He clearly knew that he was going to demolish the building, and he still had to collect rent for a few more years. Also, you put in a lot of effort and may even be used by him to evaluate the finished storefront and receive a considerable amount of compensation. This person, damn it, for the sake of money, he can use any kind of despicable means! "    


Xie Yundan's tears gushed out once more, "Big Brother Huang, tell me, how could there still be such a bad person? The heart of a man is like this ? "Is it that bad?"    


Huang Xing emphasized: "There are even more that are more ruthless than this! Even our Xin Meng Merchant House met with misfortune. Back and forth, several times. It's all Xiao Yan's doing, and at our joyous gathering, she was also ? She also brought a lot of our managers and employees with her in front of Fu Jie and me. We watched on helplessly as our men were taken away! Furthermore, what was even more terrifying was that these people had long been Xiao Yan's men. They were in the Xin Meng Merchant House, teaming up with Xiao Yan, and messing up the entire merchant house. We know nothing. Also, within us, we still don't know how many more have been bribed by Xiao Yan! "    


Xie Yundan was startled: "This, this... This... How come I didn't know? "    


Huang Xing said: "All of your attention is focused on your new shop, you don't even have time to read the newspapers right?"    


Xie Yundan said: "Why didn't you tell me?"    


Huang Xing replied with a question: "Is there any use in telling you? Are you prepared to use your blade to kill Xiao Yan and take revenge for me? Useless, useless. Xiao Yan's business kingdom was about to be formed. Everything that happened to the Xin Meng Merchant House was to pave the way for her business empire. But I firmly believe that those who rely on this kind of unorthodox way of doing business will not have a good ending. What she had obtained was only the superficial benefits. She will lose her heart, and gradually, she will lose everything. "    


After being comforted by Huang Xing, Xie Yundan's state of mind gradually improved.    


Huang Xing went out and called for a waiter, and cleaned up Xie Yundan's room.    


At this time, the Huang's mother called and told Huang Xing that there was an important project to be filmed tonight, so he decided to hurry up and come back.    


That's right, he was already thirty. Why didn't he feel a bit like he was in the prime of his life?    


F * ck, things change. People, things, everything, everything is f * cking fake!    


To be honest, Huang Xing really didn't want to participate in that fake show anymore. But his parents were happy, and this was perhaps the only reason he could persuade himself. Of course, the most important thing was ?    


After comforting Xie Yundan a little more, Huang Xing expressed that he would definitely seek justice for her.    


Then he drove away.    


Along the way, the earth-shattering ringtones rang.    


It was all about paying respects to the new year ahead of time.    


After changing into their costumes, the family was extremely busy. Including the Program Groups.    


There was a custom in his hometown called Fried New Years. On New Year's Eve, he fried a bunch of fish, lotus root boxes and other things in preparation for New Year's Eve meal to entertain his relatives and friends.    


The cameraman took the photos very seriously. The sounds of oil sizzling caused the Great star Liu to burst out into laughter. She felt that it was very fresh. Then he personally operated. Who would have thought that by messing around, they would have fried the fish? It was dark, like a small blackboard that had turned into a fine piece of meat.    


The cheers and laughter were blissful and harmonious.    


During the shoot time, Star Liu came in front of Huang Xing and chatted and laughed.    


"Director Huang, it's the new year, why do I feel like you are a little... "Not in a good condition?" Seeing that Huang Xing was not in a good mood, Star Liu could not help but ask.    


Huang Xing frowned: "Who said that? Just like that, always. I've never learned how to act and I don't know how to force a smile. "    


Star Liu was stunned for a moment. Listening to her, there was a hint of thorn in her words.    


Huang Xing immediately reminded him, "At my home, don't call me Director Huang. I only have one identity, and that is my parents son. Their happiness is my greatest happiness. "    


Star Liu nodded: "I understand, I understand. Director Huang is filial, this is filial. "    


Huang Xing glanced at her, "It's coming again!"    


Star Liu revealed a troubled face, and softly probed: "Then how do I call you? I can't call you by your name. They might as well ? I am the daughter-in-law of Auntie Huang's Uncle Huang, which means, your wife. I call you... "Hubby..."    


Huang Xing felt goosebumps all over his body. He waved his hand. "Don't, don't, don't. If you are an actor, you can enter a play, but I can't. "    


Star Liu pouted: "Then... Then I shall call you Big Brother Huang. "    


"Whatever." Huang Xing casually said.    


Star Liu said: "Then in the next few days, I will call you Big Brother Huang. Behind them, there were still many entertaining filming projects going on. Another one is, a few families come to carry a wife competition, to see who can carry far, run far. "Can you move your back while carrying me?"    


"What?" Huang Xing frowned: "What nonsense! This was a Chinese New Year, or was it a Chinese New Year? However, I will be back in Jinan tomorrow. "    


Star Liu was shocked, "Ah, how come you're already ?"    


Huang Xing emphasized: "Right now, recording is a job, I also want to work. The more Spring Festival is over, the busier the mall will be. "    


Star Liu nodded: "That's true."    


After dinner, Program Groups told everyone to take a break for a while. In a while, they would film Big Star accompanying his' family 'to watch the Spring Festival Gala.    


Huang Xing thought, this Program Groups, could really do it! This celebrity was also noble. He didn't accompany his biological father and mother to celebrate the new year, and instead went to the countryside to find a fake parent as his fake husband. He spent this year quite a bit.    


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