Security Guard’s Romance



2Of course, about guessing at Bao Shijie, it was just guessing. Perhaps other than him, there seemed to be no one else who hated him so much that they wanted to use such a method to frame him.    


But there was another possibility: all this was just a coincidence.    


Huang Xing decided to catch up to the Modene and get the mastermind out of her.    


After making up his mind, Huang Xing rushed out quickly.    


But in the corridor, the fashionable lady was no longer there. Huang Xing looked around and immediately went down to the first floor.    


Xiaoyi ? Xiaoyi ? Huang Xing repeated this name again and again in his heart. Yes, the name was left behind when she introduced herself.    


He didn't know if it was true or not.    


At the reception desk on the first floor.    


Huang Xing anxiously asked the front desk clerk if she saw a girl in fashionable clothing walking out.    


The waiter told him that there were too many people to see clearly.    


Huang Xing frowned, he almost cursed out loud: Damn it, it's already past 4 in the morning, where did all these people come from?    


It was clearly this waiter who was busy fiddling with his phone and didn't notice that someone had walked out of the hotel.    


However, there was one way to be sure that Xiaoyi had already left the hotel. That was to call in the monitoring system. However, this would instead increase his own expenditure of time. Even if he were to track down Xiaoyi, he would not be able to catch up to her in time.    


Without thinking further, Huang Xing ran out of the hotel and looked around.    


By this time the road was nearly empty. The moonlight was bright and the stars were thin, and the cold wind blew cold.    


There... Huang Xing suddenly discovered a figure!    


It's her! It's her! After a moment of indescribable happiness, Huang Xing released a hundred types of martial arts, and with just a centimeter of speed, he dashed forward.    


Looking at his back, that person was indeed Xiaoyi.    


But tragically, just as Huang Xing was fully confident that he could catch up with her, a taxi stopped by her side.    


Xiaoyi got into the taxi. The car roared away.    


F * ck! Huang Xing shouted as he chased for dozens of meters, how could he catch up? Breathing heavily as he stopped, Huang Xing stared at the taxi angrily as it gradually disappeared from his sight.    


Returning to the hotel dejectedly, the moment he entered, he saw Waitress still on the front platform, fiddling with his phone, as if he didn't sense that someone had entered the shop.    


Huang Xing was a little angry, and shifted the responsibility of not catching up to the clue onto this unresponsible waiter.    


It wasn't until he walked to the front desk and looked at Waitress that she accidentally looked away from the screen of her phone. Only then did she notice that there was someone standing in front of her. You... You... Sir, what are you doing? Waitress frowned, his face full of complaints.    


Huang Xing slapped the table fiercely, and said: "You're going to work like this?"    


Waitress was a little disgusted with Huang Xing meddling in other people's business, and said impatiently: "Why am I working now, me? What's the matter? "    


Huang Xing emphasized: "Why are you at work? He only knew how to play with his phone. He only knew how to play with his phone. There are people entering and exiting, but none of them know. "    


Waitress laughed coldly: "It's already so late, who's still going to go in and out?"    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly as he pointed to his own nose, "I ? I am not human? "    


Waitress stuck out his tongue. "You ? Who knows what kind of crazy things you are? It's like a god or a saber. You can't stop in the middle of the night. "Hurry up and go back, I don't have time to chat with you, don't come out and scare people!"    


"You ?" Huang Xing extended his hand and pointed at the Waitress. "Thank goodness you're a girl!"    


Waitress was startled: "What do you mean?"    


Huang Xing emphasized: "Think it yourself!" His tightly clenched fist slowly loosened.    


After returning to his room, Huang Xing drank the tea cup by cup with a heavy heart.    


Seeing him like this, Wu Qianqian did not know how to advise him otherwise. This night's experience was not ordinary at all. Why did it all fall onto him?    




Wu Qianqian really wanted to use the phrase "even the savior of heaven". Although he said that it was a calamity coming from the heavens, it was actually a type of test. But after thinking about it again, if even he did not believe this kind of nonsense, how could he, Huang Xing, believe it?    


It was better not to add fuel to the fire!    


Maybe it was because after being tossed and turned for an entire night, the alarm that Huang Xing had ordered for him was actually unable to match him.    


Until there was a series of knocks on the door.    


Huang Xing quickly calmed himself down, grabbed his clothes and put them on, then looked at the time on his phone: Damn it, it looks like I'm going to be late!    


Opening the door, it was Zhang Wenxue.    


Zhang Wenxue was already dressed neatly, her mood seemed to be a little unwell.    


Huang Xing casually asked, "Yesterday ? How was your sleep last night? "    


Zhang Wenxue slightly nodded his head, "It's not bad. You... You... I said hello, then I left and went back to work. "    


Huang Xing said: "That fast?"    


Zhang Wenxue forced out a smile, "I have two classes this morning. "Rest assured, I will stand firmly by your side."    


Huang Xing knew what she was referring to and said, "Thank you, thank you Chili pepper. I need to go back in the next few days. "    


Zhang Wenxue's eyes lit up. "You ? You are ready to... "How about it?"    


Huang Xing laughed and said: "Don't worry, I will not kill Wang Renkui with my blade. I just want to go home and see. Then... Then, they might go to school with Wang Renkui ? "Let's talk about it."    


Zhang Wenxue said anxiously: "Talk to him? The more I talk to him, the more... The more you know, the better off you'll be. "    


Huang Xing replied: "I'm not afraid. It's already like this. "    


Zhang Wenxue probed, "Will you ? Are you in a hurry to meet him? "    


Huang Xing shook his head, but immediately nodded again: "That is possible. But I won't, he is our former teacher after all, and he is now the Vice-Chancellor. "No good."    


Zhang Wenxue seemed to have thought of something and said: "Then ? Then, before you go to school, let's meet and discuss. "Okay?"    


Huang Xing replied: "Okay."    


Zhang Wenxue said: "Then ? "Then I'll be going."    


"Wait." Huang Xing thought for a moment, then said: "I'll get someone to send you back!"    


Zhang Wenxue quickly replied, "There's no need to send me off. You're so busy. I... I took the bus back, and it wasn't slow. "Very quickly."    


Huang Xing then used his phone to call Han Ergou, telling him to come to Ruiyang Hotel immediately.    


His meaning was to have Han Ergou send him back to school.    


After telling Zhang Wenxue to sit in the room first, he quickly washed his face and brushed his teeth. He immediately felt his spirit uplifted.    


But in reality, he was still rather tired.    


However, he was going to be in a working condition soon, so he had to adjust himself.    


Huang Xing said apologetically: "There's no time, so I won't accompany you to eat breakfast. After a while... In a while, get Han Ergou to send you back to school, you guys should eat something on the way. Oh right, Han Ergou is one of us, he's from the same village as me, we grew up together. "    


Zhang Wenxue said, "He... He also works in your mall? "    


Huang Xing nodded, "Yes. However, he had just arrived. I just arranged it for him. He's a veteran, a special forces soldier, so I arranged a job for him in Security Department. "    


Zhang Wenxue laughed: "Sure. You know how to put people in your family, don't you? If I don't become a teacher one day, will you give me a job too? "    


Huang Xing thought for a while, then said: "How good is a teacher, the preparation of a career, and the treatment? "How could you be interested ?"    


Zhang Wenxue interrupted Huang Xing: "Is this a tactful rejection?"    


Huang Xing shook his head, "Of course not. However, we of the Merchant Hall are lacking a talent like you. "    


"Really?" Zhang Wenxue said: "Don't lie to me, I will take it seriously."    


Huang Xing wanted to say more, but just as he was about to speak, Wu Qianqian walked in, rubbing his sleepy eyes.    


"So early, you two." Wu Qianqian sat down on the ground with an exhausted look on his face and patted his mouth as he yawned heavily.    


Huang Xing originally wanted to attack her as a lazy cat, but after thinking about it, she stayed up all night until 4 o'clock in the morning because of her own matters. She suddenly felt a little guilty and said: "Oh right, don't go back to that room, continue sleeping until you wake up naturally."    


Wu Qianqian tsk-tsked, "It's almost the new year, so there's a lot of stuff waiting for me. Well, I have to grab my breath and go back to the station. Such a sad world. I'm so tired, I'm so tired. "    


Huang Xing urged: "Then I'll leave these two rooms."    


Wu Qianqian raised his hand: "Retreat, retreat. There's no one else here, there's no need to retreat."    


After a while, Han Ergou called. He said that he was at the front desk of the hotel.    


Huang Xing quickly brought Zhang Wenxue down the stage.    


Han Ergou was stunned, his eyes fixed on Zhang Wenxue.    


Huang Xing saw his surprise and walked forward saying, "Er Gou, drive my car, and take my classmate back to school." He took out his car key and handed it over to Han Ergou.    


Han Ergou leaned close to Huang Xing and whispered into his ear, "What's going on with you?"    


Huang Xing frowned: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask! Hold on tight! By the way, she hasn't had breakfast yet. Go and take her to breakfast. "    


"Alright!" Han Ergou replied as he continued to stare at Zhang Wenxue.    


This was no wonder, a man and a woman booked a room in a hotel ? Everyone could guess what had happened.    


After arranging everything, Huang Xing bade farewell to everyone and left.    


In the nearby breakfast shop, he bought a simple set of breakfast and then quickly returned to the Xin Meng Merchant House.    


His feet felt weak and his legs felt like lead. And I can't concentrate on my work. The complicated experiences he had experienced last night had left him unable to calm down.    


In the office.    


Tao Fei was still cleaning up for Huang Xing just like before.    


Huang Xing sat down, took out the charity contract while eating breakfast, and couldn't help but frown.    


The items that he had neglected were like needles stabbing at his heart, stimulating it. The three words Wang Renkui, challenged his bottom line, and made him clench his fist as if it was a conditioned reflex the moment he saw these three words.    


Tao Fei understood Huang Xing very well. She knew what Huang Xing's expression would be when he was excited and what he would look like when he had something on his mind. Thus, when she saw Huang Xing's current state, she could easily judge that Huang Xing was not in a good mood. Something must have happened.    


Before going up, he carelessly asked: "Director Huang, what's wrong?"    


Huang Xing looked up and glanced at her, "Nothing ? "Nothing."    


Tao Fei emphasized: "There's definitely something going on."    


Huang Xing frowned: "Fuck you! "Don't talk nonsense!"    


This morning, Huang Xing was drowsy and was finally noon.    


Lie down on the table and catch up on your sleep. Perhaps because he was too tired, he even started snoring.    


Tao Fei brought back a lunch and placed it in front of Huang Xing. However, when she saw his sleeping appearance, she couldn't bear to wake him up. Hence, he took Huang Xing's jacket and draped it over his shoulders.    2


When Huang Xing woke up, it was already two o'clock. He slowly opened his eyes and felt a chill at the corner of his mouth.    


This sleep made him salivate.    


A burst of High-heeled shoes sounds became clearer and clearer. The footsteps stopped at the door of the office.    


When Huang Xing raised his head, he could not help but stare blankly for a moment.    


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