Security Guard’s Romance



4What Huang Xing saw was Huang Jinjiang hugging a beautiful woman's shoulders, talking and laughing. And that woman was none other than his wife, Zhao Xiaoran, whom he had been looking for all night!     2


Even if he saw it with his own eyes, he still wouldn't dare believe that it was true.    


Without bothering to think too much into it, Huang Xing ran back to the entrance of Director Huang's office and rushed in.    


Huang Jinjiang hurriedly let go of his arm that was wrapped around Zhao Xiaoran's shoulder, but Zhao Xiaoran was surprisingly calm. Huang Xing's tears immediately started gushing out. Before he could criticize her, Huang Jinjiang immediately revealed a smiling face: Xiao Huang, look at you, why are you arguing with your wife? Your wife is coming over to sue you for this!    


For the first time, Huang Xing felt that the person whom he owed a great debt to, Huang Jinjiang, was actually so shameless and disgusting. From the window, he could see and hear everything clearly.    


, who was overly calm, snorted coldly at Huang Xing. "There is no longer any relationship between you and I, so don't bother about my matters!    


Huang Xing didn't know what to say. This scene made him both angry and embarrassed. He wanted to raise his hand and slap Zhao Xiaoran twice, but after thinking about it again, he couldn't move.    


All of this was similar to the plot in the movies. His wife was famous, but the third person was actually a superior whom he had always respected and loved! Huang Xing suddenly remembered many things that did not catch his attention in the past. Not long ago, when he had gotten off work, he had met Huang Jinjiang near his rented apartment. Even when the security guards were discussing about Huang Jinjiang's milk, he had even helped Huang Jinjiang get rid of the charges and defended him. But how could he have known that the lover that his benefactor Huang Jinjiang had raised was actually his own wife!    


In this day and age, the more beautiful the wife, the higher the risk. Wife's speed of breaking out of the barricade is often more surprising than the speed of inflation. Huang Xing remembered that Zhao Xiaoran had come to the Chengsheng Group to see him four months ago. At that time, Zhao Xiaoran's leader suddenly called, telling Zhao Xiaoran to go back to the mall to take care of things. Huang Jinjiang said that he was just about to go there to do some business, so he personally drove Zhao Xiaoran back to the mall. Huang Xing had always been grateful to the Director Huang for this, but he never thought that in this short span of time, he would already have the prototype of a green hat on his head. It was no wonder, when a small security guard compared to a high ranking state-owned enterprise, it was like the difference between an OT car and an Odi car. After getting on the luxurious car and becoming a 2 year old grandma, Zhao Xiaoran became more and more disgusted with her hopeless and insecure Ao Tuo, to the point she finally chose to abandon him.    


This was a deformed society, full of bad women. Many women would rather stealthily grope for the rich than live openly with an ordinary commoner.    


But Yellow Star couldn't figure it out. Everyone had their backs to their husbands for fear of being caught in the act. You, Huang Jinjiang, should at least be a little more tactful when picking up someone else's wife, but the two of them had appeared at the same time at Chengsheng Corporation, where Huang Xing went to work! Zhao Xiaoran's appearance was still within reason. It was a boastful display of his ability to stand up for others and was a sign of his vanity. But Huang Jinjiang, as a high-ranking member of a state-owned enterprise, how could he brazenly pick up someone else's wife in his office? Moreover, he clearly knew that this woman's husband was the security chief who watched over the door. Under such a circumstance, was Huang Jinjiang not afraid of losing his position and being reported?    


When love dissolves into nothingness, when marriage comes to an end, when the wife whom one loves dearly becomes the mistress of one's benefactor ?    


In the end, Huang Xing chose to leave.    


He achieved Zhao Xiaoran, achieved Huang Jinjiang.    


However, he was unwilling! The moment he walked out of Huang Jinjiang's office, he secretly swore: I will take back what I have lost twice as much as I paid for it with my sincerity! Sooner or later, I will stand on the tallest building in the capital and make those who despise me look up to me; I will make those who betray me pay the price!    


In less than 15 minutes after Huang Xing left the office, the manager of Security Company's administrative department called and told him that he had been fired!    


Huang Xing knew in his heart that this time, it was still Huang Jinjiang who had contributed the most!    


He couldn't help but roar towards the sky again!    


It was as if he could hear the echo coming from the sky ?    


That night, Huang Xing borrowed the alcohol to pour out his worries and only returned to his rented room at ten o'clock with the bottle of wine.    


Just as he was about to take out his key to open the door, he saw Ouyang Mengjiao, who lived next to him, pacing back and forth in front of the door with an anxious look on his face. Ouyang Mengjiao was also a resident of this place, working as a clerk in a nearby company. She was not very old, and she was very petite. She was only about twenty years old, but her body had already developed to the fullest. The places where a drum should be, the places where a drum should be raised.    


Huang Xing stepped forward to answer a few words, only then did he know that Ouyang Mengjiao had just returned from work, and accidentally left his key at the company. He went back to look for it, but the company locked the door. She was fighting with her mind right now. Was she going to find a brick and smash the lock and break the door open?    


The more excited a person was, the more compassionate he would be. Huang Xing told Ouyang Mengjiao to go to his own room first and then think of a way. Ouyang Mengjiao thought about it, but did not object.    


Entering the room, Ouyang Mengjiao took off his overalls, revealing a white flowery shirt underneath, the ample bosom of the shirt captivated Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing did not dare to look any further, and poured a cup of water for Ouyang Mengjiao.    


Ouyang Mengjiao asked, was there anything to eat at home? Huang Xing searched around and found a plastic bag of mushrooms. Ouyang Mengjiao said that she liked to eat mushrooms the most, so he wanted to make a stir-fried mushroom himself. But when he opened it, he was immediately dumbfounded. The mushroom had some thin white hair. Huang Xing and Ouyang Mengjiao began to discuss whether or not they could eat hairy mushrooms. Finally, a consensus was reached: mushrooms belonged to the category of fungi, and a few strands of hair should not affect food consumption.    


As the fragrant stir-fried mushrooms left the wok, Huang Xing started to taste the white wine. Ouyang Mengjiao also tasted it, and said to Huang Xing: Don't drink it all by yourself, give me a cup too!    


Two workers in a big city were drinking and chatting over a plate of mushrooms. Ouyang Mengjiao kept on complaining about the low salary, the company still working overtime, and also used the alcohol to tell them about his wife's matter. The more the two drank, the more they enjoyed themselves, and the more they drank, the more they pitied each other. One of them had just lost his job and his wife, the other had just been scolded by his boss for working all night, and the two of them, attacking the ruthlessness of society and the cruelty of reality, had burst into flames.    


Perhaps it was because of the cynicism of the world, but they both drank a lot. Huang Xing held his wine cup and comforted Ouyang Mengjiao: "Having a class is already not bad, it's fine to be criticized for working overtime, at least it's better than me running away from my wife and getting fired."    


Ouyang Mengjiao comforted Huang Xing: Big Brother Huang is actually a good person, she doesn't know how to cherish your wife. Money was just a thing, because if she abandoned you, this kind of person would fall sooner or later. Your wife is gone. If you don't mind, I, Ouyang Mengjiao, will be your wife.    


Huang Xing felt like he was electrocuted, the mushroom in his mouth that he was just about to eat stuck in his throat. He laughed and said: Tan Li, you drank too much!    


Ouyang Mengjiao shook his head and touched his wine cup with Huang Xing's: No, I didn't drink too much. Big Brother Huang, let me tell you, I think you have potential! You haven't exploded yet, but once you do, you'll be like a volcano, unstoppable! You have energy, you have stock...    


Ouyang Mengjiao pondered for a long time but could not think of a suitable adjective.    


Huang Xing took a sip of the wine, feeling that Ouyang Mengjiao was right in front of her. She squinted her eyes, but she was still swaying. Huang Xing realized that he had drank too much. Ouyang Mengjiao's feelings were exactly the opposite. She felt that everything in the room was spinning, and only Huang Xing who was standing opposite to her was as steady as a mountain. She felt that the room was filled with food and drinks.    


A plate of mushrooms dropped more than a jin of white wine. It could be said that he had achieved great merits. In the end, there was still only a small piece of mushroom left on the plate. Huang Xing and Ouyang Mengjiao both reached out their chopsticks almost at the same time.    


Two pairs of chopsticks were pressed together, and he laughed at her.    


Laughing, the two of them laughed together for some reason. It was unknown who took the initiative as the two of them moved closer to each other.    


The effects of alcohol caused the two males and females who shared the same fate to hug each other tightly ?    


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