Security Guard’s Romance



2Huang Jinjiang walked in front of Huang Xing with his hands behind his back, and smiled at him condescendingly. Huang Xing felt that it was very unnatural. He did not know how he should face this person who stole his wife's power from a higher ups in the SOE. He suddenly felt as if he had become Wu Dai Lang, but in this society where ethics were dim, this Xi Men Qing in front of him didn't need to kill him, and he didn't have a brother like Wu Song to kill and avenge him.     1


But in reality, in Huang Xing's heart, a desire for revenge had always been born.    


Even though this thought was so endless.    


Just like last time, he actually asked Huang Xing if he still wanted to work in the security industry, and he could introduce him to the people's market, where he could be a security class monitor.    


Huang Xing said, there was no need. There was no need for Chairman Huang to worry.    


Huang Jinjiang said, don't be too stubborn, you can get a good job, you are good at being a security guard, maybe you can even become a leader. From what I know of you, you really aren't fit to do sales, and after sales.    


Huang Xing said to him. You are not suitable to be an official, aren't you still full of energy?    


Huang Jinjiang's expression changed, his brows knitted into four words: Ungrateful.    


Seeing Huang Jinjiang return back to the Passat City, a kind of heart-wrenching pain condensed into a special power in Huang Xing's heart.    


Almost all of a sudden, Huang Xing felt as if a new life had been instilled into his mind. Even though the emergence of this belief was similar to how a Sun Wukong would jump out from a crack in the rock, it was sudden and sudden. But it had really scared Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing wanted to contend for the position of Xinyuan Company.    


The thought was vague, but it did excite the nerves throughout Yellowstar's body. He knew very well that the office manager of a small private company, in the eyes of Cheng Sheng Group's office director, was as ordinary as a grain of sand in the Yellow River. However, Huang Xing wanted the position very much. For him, it may be an indirect revenge, or a satisfaction to his long-repressed soul.     


After considering his own conditions, Huang Xing firmly believed that he could take on such a task. But at this time, the retired soldier Shan Dongyang had just passed the five trials and defeated six generals. Although he had not come to work yet, he had already been selected by Fu Jie as the candidate for the Xinyuan Company.    


In this kind of situation, such a wish appearing in Huang Xing's mind, could be said to be impossible.    


But he still wanted to try.    


Perhaps it was for no other reason but to fight for that spirit.    


After returning to the company, Huang Xing immediately found the Office of the General Manager and stood at the moment while rubbing her beautiful neck as she pondered.    


Huang Xing's heart could not help but thump. This kind of heartbeat was not only out of admiration for Fu Jie's peerless talent, but also out of excitement at this thought. Seeing Huang Xing appear in front of him in such a bizarre manner, Fu Jie loosened her hand from her neck and laid it on the desk, tilting her beautiful head slightly. Her simple but elegant hair had been tilted to an angle due to the weight of her body, forming a simple and elegant young hairstyle with a rubber band. The few strands of hair on her forehead made Fu Jie's beautiful face look like a painting. Anyone who saw it couldn't help but feel intoxicated.    


Fu Jie asked Huang Xing: What's the matter?    


Huang Xing took a deep breath and coughed to gather his courage: There is. I think... I want to recommend myself.    


Fu Jie was startled, her eyebrows knitted together as she looked at Huang Xing in surprise: What do you mean?    


Huang Xing summoned up his courage and said: "I think I can assume the role of 'Office Chief' for Xinyuan Company, I hope Director Fu will give me a chance."    


Hearing that, Fu Jie stood up from his chair.    


She felt that Huang Xing must be crazy, why would he make such an endless request?    


Fu Jie calmed his emotions and sat down again. He asked with a cold tone: "What's your level of education?"    


Huang Xing answered truthfully: High school.    


Fu Jie asked again: Ever been a soldier before?    


Huang Xing shook his head. But I've been a security guard for two years, and security guards belong to semi-military management.    


Fu Jie's mouth tightened into a wry smile. More? Much worse. To be honest, Huang Xing, I can totally understand your motivation, but I have to tell you, your idea is truly a bit unrealistic. What we need is someone who has the management ability, the administrative ability, and the ability to execute without losing anything. The amount of resources he needs is heavy, and it concerns the life and death of Xinyuan Company. And we've found this man. He's going to work at the company. I think you can get a bit closer to the sales side, which is more realistic.    


Huang Xing argued: Director Fu, do you really need to be a soldier to have the ability to execute others?    


Fu Jie could not help but frown, and his tone became firm: But what we need is this, a person who has received formal military training and administrative experience. That was a prerequisite. The current situation of the company was not optimistic. The employee's discipline was lax, so it was very necessary for him to sort out the company's discipline and ask for more benefits from management.    


Huang Xing emphasized: Actually, I have also been in management before, I was once a security squad leader in Chengsheng Group.    


Fu Jie asked: How long?    


Huang Xing said: As soon as I stepped onto it... was fired...    


After he finished speaking, Huang Xing felt that he was too honest. Why couldn't he express it in a more tactful manner?    


Fu Jie was almost going crazy. He lowered his head and used one hand to repeatedly scratch his neck. All this while, because they had met in the Gindelli's fast food restaurant, and because he was coincidentally looking for a job in his own company, Fu Jie had a special expectation of Huang Xing. Because of his two attempts to fire Huang Xing due to his own selfishness, Fu Zhenxin had always blocked him. But Fu Jie really did not expect this Huang Xing to be so ignorant, with his unorthodox background, he actually dared to ask so much. Did he mistakenly take his care of him as an arrow, thinking that he would be able to fulfill any request he made?    


Ridiculous, ridiculous! Funny!    


Fu Jie slowly raised his head. The gold necklace on his neck appropriately reflected a burst of light that shot towards Huang Xing's eyes.    


Huang Xing could tell that this light was not the light of victory, but a kind of ridiculing doubt and ridicule. Fu Jie's gaze had already silently told Huang Xing that she disdained his suggestion.    


Huang Xing still wanted to fight for this chance with all his effort, and said: Director Fu, I sincerely hope that you can give me this chance.    


Fu Jie shrugged his shoulders and extended his hands out apologetically: I'm sorry, I think I'm really powerless.    


Huang Xing felt a chill in his heart.    


Under Fu Jie's increasingly cold eyes, Huang Xing helplessly turned his body and walked out of the Office of the General Manager.    


The moment he stepped out of the door, he seemed to have heard Fu Jie's sigh faintly.    


This sigh ruthlessly downgraded Huang Xing's attempt to submit to him as a joke.    


What Huang Xing did not expect was that his recommendation this time, would gradually spread throughout the entire Xinyuan Company. The Marketing department one manager, Cao Aidang, and the vice general manager, Fu Zhenxin, had a conversation with Huang Xing first, hinting that he was doing something ridiculous, leading him to his original position, where he could focus on his work and not the 'Great Leap Forward'. You haven't even left yet, and you still want to fly?    


Huang Xing's heart was exceptionally desolate.    


Although the position of Office Chief was something like the stars in the sky to him, he still did not give up.    


That night, when he returned to the rented apartment, everything went as usual. Ouyang Mengjiao had prepared two dishes, and the two of them sat down and clinked their cups. After touching it, Ouyang Mengjiao mentioned the matter of Huang Xing recommending himself: You want to be promoted? Are you crazy, you actually ran over to the Director Fu to ask for the Office Chief's position.    


Huang Xing frowned: I want to try my best. You know, I'm not suited for after sales.    


Ouyang Mengjiao continued to fill his mouth with food as he said, "In my opinion, it's better if you do what you're told. Why is your limelight even though everyone in the company is talking about you wanting to go crazy, it's not realistic at all." However ?    


Ouyang Mengjiao suddenly stopped chewing and laughed wickedly: "However, if you really want to become an official, I can grant your wish."    


Huang Xing's chopsticks that was about to pick up the dishes stopped in mid-air, raised it and said: Alright, stop joking, are you looking at me like that too?    


Ouyang Mengjiao leaned his head forward, and put on a look of complete seriousness: Yes and no. I mean... I'll make you a bridegroom tonight. No one is going to steal it from you.    


Huang Xing could not help but smile bitterly: "Can't you be more serious?"    


Ouyang Mengjiao stressed: A bridegroom is also an official.    


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