Security Guard’s Romance



2Zhao Xiaomeng said: No need to spend money boss, we are not rich? As usual, when my sister comes back, we'll sleep on the bed while you sleep on the floor. Brother-in-law is always very noble.    4


These words immediately caused Huang Xing to recall the scene when he came here for the first time ? More than half a year ago, Huang Xing and Zhao Xiaoran had just gotten married and after returning from their hometown, they found their respective jobs. At that time, their relationship was much more harmonious than it was now. Zhao Xiaomeng who was studying in Ji Nan often came over to stay the night when he had free time on weekends. In order to save money, Zhao Xiaoran slept on the bed with his sister, while Huang Xing slept on the floor. When Zhao Xiaoran woke up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and saw his sister sleeping, he took the opportunity to crawl into Huang Xing's bed. Zhao Xiaoran had always been proud and proud of Huang Xing's excellent performance in that area. On the third time Zhao Xiaomeng came here, he got up and went to Huang Xing's bed once again. As Yun Yu was having fun, Zhao Xiaomeng coincidentally woke up.    


Since then, Zhao Xiaomeng had never come to visit.    


But today, when she came here again, things had already changed.    


Thinking back to the past, countless emotions flooded his heart. Huang Xing missed the feeling of having a secret relationship with his wife, it was very fresh and exciting. But as time passed, Zhao Xiaoran gradually got tired of his wild and untamed nature, and started to admire the beautiful material life. Because of Huang Xing's commonness, the marriage between the two of them gradually started to turn into a tragedy. Right now, although Huang Xing and Zhao Xiaoran had not officially divorced, they were already living in different locations.    


At half past nine, Zhao Xiaomeng took off his shoes and sat on the bed curled up. He kept mumbling to himself, "Why isn't my sister back yet?"    


After Huang Xing finished smoking the fifth cigarette, he saw that Zhao Xiaomeng was already beginning to feel exhausted. She had her legs tucked under her, her hands on her ankles, and on her arms was a jade bracelet she had bought for two dollars from a stall. Her skin was on par with Zhao Xiaoran's, smooth and exquisite like white jade. The two exquisite little feet were wrapped in a pair of transparent silk stockings. The five toes were arranged evenly, looking like five small mushrooms growing together. She tilted her pretty head, and her silky hair wrapped around her neck. The black frame of her glasses accentuated the white jade of her face.    


Huang Xing thought that this cute girl would definitely become an unparalleled beauty that would overturn all living things in the future ?    


But right now, Huang Xing was in a dilemma.    


Zhao Xiaomeng had always been waiting for Big Sister to return. She still did not know that Big Sister would never be able to come back to this place.    


Should I tell Zhao Xiaomeng the truth? Huang Xing thought about it, and couldn't bear to say it. After weighing the pros and cons, he thought that he should have Zhao Xiaomeng call her sister and let her personally tell him about the current situation. After making up his mind, Huang Xing turned his head and was about to speak when he realised that Zhao Xiaomeng had already fallen asleep on the bed.    


Huang Xing called her a few times, but nothing happened. He wanted to stretch out his hand to wake her up, but when he saw how calm she looked in her sleep, he felt that he couldn't bear to do so.    


Suddenly, a phone's ringtone startled Huang Xing. Afraid that it would disturb Zhao Xiaomeng, Huang Xing quickly pressed the 'reject' button, and then tiptoed out of the room. Just as he wanted to see who the caller was, he suddenly realized that Ouyang Mengjiao was standing in front of him and was looking at him strangely. Huang Xing asked. You called? Ouyang Mengjiao nodded, who else could it be other than me? "Tell me honestly, are you going to ?" Huang Xing quickly interrupted her words, saying, "What nonsense are you saying, she's asleep." Ouyang Mengjiao said, you are lying, I can even hear the sound of a bed shaking, you must not have done anything good. Huang Xing lightly tugged on Ouyang Mengjiao's ear, frowning and said, "Did your ears ring?"    


Ouyang Mengjiao appeared to be conflicted: She stayed over at your place?    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly: I don't know. I couldn't bear to wake her up. She was waiting for her sister, and she still didn't know about me and Zhao Xiaoran.    


Ouyang Mengjiao sighed: What a pity, poor child. All right, you can go back to your room, and I'm not in a position to show my face in front of her. But I tell you, don't touch her, or I'll despise you.    


Huang Xing replied half-heartedly: "She's still a child."    


However, he was thinking all sorts of things in his heart.    


Back in the house, Zhao Xiaomeng was still sleeping soundly. Huang Xing covered her body with a blanket and felt very conflicted in his heart. Maybe it was just a simple explanation, but suddenly Huang Xing's heart trembled. He couldn't help but to sit on the bed and size up Zhao Xiaomeng carefully, and on her delicate and pretty face, he saw traces of Zhao Xiaoran. Memories of the past that made people sad and unbearable to look back on once again jumped into his mind, lingering on for ever. Just as he was feeling dejected, Zhao Xiaomeng suddenly opened his eyes. Seeing Huang Xing's strange expression, he asked curiously: What are you doing, brother-in-law?    


Huang Xing was shocked, and immediately sat up straight: No, nothing.    


Zhao Xiaomeng lifted his quilt to sit up, and mischievously asked: Do you think that Xiao Meng is so pretty that you want to secretly kiss me?    


Huang Xing could not help but be speechless as he stammered out an explanation, "No, no!"    


Zhao Xiaomeng shook Huang Xing's arm and laughed: I'm just playing with you, Brother-in-law, look at how scared you are ? Aiyo, why isn't my sister back yet?    


Huang Xing said: Why don't you give your sister a call?    


Zhao Xiaomeng scratched his head and nodded: Good idea. Tong Xun was rich, but his reaction was slow.    


She took out her phone and called Zhao Xiaoran. Huang Xing could not help but frown as he watched her every move. He realized that once he dialed this number, he would lose this cute sister-in-law in front of him without any suspense. However, he couldn't change his fate, ever since Zhao Xiaoran ran away from home that day, all the people and things that he was destined to have to do with Zhao Xiaoran had completely disappeared. However, paper could not contain fire. This was a reality that had to be faced with sooner or later.    


After Zhao Xiaomeng hung up the phone, he pouted and said, "My sister told me to go and find her." She said she'd like me to stay with her at the hotel tonight. Brother-in-law, did you guys have a conflict?    


Huang Xing tried his best to change the topic: "Then I'll call a taxi for you.    


Zhao Xiaomeng frowned slightly: "But staying in a hotel is really too extravagant." I'll go and see if there are any more buses. But don't worry brother-in-law, with me here, the conflict between you and my sister will quickly be resolved. But that's on the premise that you didn't do anything that would let my sister down. Heh heh. I believe you, Brother-in-law.    


Huang Xing thought that it was your sister who had done something to let him down. But he still nodded perfunctorily.    


Zhao Xiaomeng put on his shoes and left. Huang Xing wanted to send her off, but he did not do so. Huang Xing chased after Yue Yang. Zhao Xiaomeng turned his head and waved towards Yue Yang, saying, "Let's go back and sleep. Good night, brother-in-law, let's have a good dream ?"    


Returning back to the room, Huang Xing saw that Ouyang Mengjiao was focused on looking for something, so he went up to ask.    


Ouyang Mengjiao glanced at the room and said, looking for... Looking for traces of your fight. However, it seems that you really didn't eat her.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but smile wryly as he noticed the trace of relief in Ouyang Mengjiao's eyes. Huang Xing thought, could it be that this little girl really fell in love with him? With this thought, Huang Xing couldn't help but laugh at himself. Zhao Xiaoran had dealt too much of a blow to him. In today's society, no matter how good a relationship was, it would all fall into chaos if one didn't have money or status. Women were different from men. Men needed a wife who was loyal to them. The more money, the better. All a woman needed was a man with power and wealth. Just this was enough for her to live a carefree life.    


Ouyang Mengjiao did not notice the difference on Huang Xing's face. He calmly sat on the bed, kicked off his shoes and laid down.    


Huang Xing wanted to ask her to return to his room, but he suddenly felt that cohabiting with other women might be the best revenge against Zhao Xiaoran for cheating, so he gave up on that idea.    


Ouyang Mengjiao curled his legs, opened his arms and blinked his big eyes at the ceiling in a rhythmic manner. The way she laid down was always very sexy. Every time Huang Xing saw her, he would be silently moved. The beautiful woman was a scenery in itself. Ouyang Mengjiao was young and lively, generous and beautiful, her body filled with the elasticity of youth. Huang Xing suddenly felt that he was extremely thirsty, and took two gulps of water from his cup. Only then did he realise that his thirst was fake, and hunger was the real deal.    


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