Security Guard’s Romance



4Huang Xing very quickly lost his bottom line under Ouyang Mengjiao's grace. Taking advantage of the situation, Ouyang Mengjiao lowered his body and reached out to grab it. Monkey Steals Peach had always been a good show for Ouyang Mengjiao. Every time she needed it, she would only use this move to make Huang Xing submit to her.    


Even though Ouyang Mengjiao asked for it with his hands and feet, but he still spoke seriously and discussed with Huang Xing: It's almost the eleventh vacation, do you want to accompany me on a trip to Beijing to play?    


Huang Xing said: I'm not going. If the 11 companies wanted to promote their products, I'm afraid there wouldn't be a holiday.    


Ouyang Mengjiao raised his voice: It's legal, why aren't you taking any breaks?    


Huang Xing jokingly said: "I never went far, I'm afraid of getting lost."    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: Humble grandson (Pity), just you! It's not like you're not in Beijing...    


Before she could finish her sentence, she hurriedly changed her words. 'Well, if you don't want to go, then so be it. As she said that, she pulled Huang Xing's right hand and placed it on her chest, as if she urgently needed to release it together with Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing was extremely surprised in his heart. He had indeed been a security guard in Beijing for a while, but that had been a painful experience. Huang Xing had never told anyone about it, so how would Ouyang Mengjiao know about it? Furthermore, Huang Xing could tell that Ouyang Mengjiao did not seem to want to expose his past.    


Huang Xing didn't think anymore and naturally placed his bet on Ouyang Mengjiao ?    


Ouyang Mengjiao raised his leg high up and used his toes to switch off the power on the bed. She was very flexible.    


The mountain turned, the stream gurgled, the water played the tune, and the night wind whistled. This melody had long been familiar, but every note carried a new meaning. In the darkness of the room, his eyes followed the light and fell asleep, leaving only the surging feelings in his heart, only the melodies that were produced by the love between a man and a woman.    


It was only when the rapid ringing of a mobile phone ruthlessly interrupted this tacit and beautiful music.    


Huang Xing searched in the darkness for a long time, but could not find his phone. He could only reach out to turn on the light and pick up his phone. Perhaps Ouyang Mengjiao was just too intoxicated, being exposed to the light, she rubbed her eyes, and repeatedly said that it was too bright, too bright. Huang Xing felt that answering the call in such a position was very dirty, so he wanted to flip over. But Ouyang Mengjiao did not let it go, he pouted and said, who is so unromantic, calling in the middle of the night, ignoring it!    


Huang Xing looked at the number on his phone and could not help but be shocked.    


It was actually Zhao Xiaoran!    


Just as he was hesitating whether he should accept it or not, Ouyang Mengjiao suddenly extended his hand out to grab the phone and threw it to the side. He let the bell sing by his side.    


Huang Xing thought that since Zhao Xiaoran called, it was fine if he did not have any other topics besides mocking him. Thus, he mustered his courage and continued to immerse himself in the fierce battle, taking the endless ringing of his mobile phone as an accompaniment. However, what was dramatic was that the bell sounds seemed to be very compatible with each other. Huang Xing's rhythm had somehow reached the same level as the bell sounds. Ouyang Mengjiao also noticed the charm of the bell, and enjoyed it deeply.    


The cell phone rang thrice in succession before it finally stopped ringing. The charge that had been relying on music to play the rhythm came to a halt right after the bell rang.    


Ouyang Mengjiao asked: What's wrong?    


Huang Xing looked at her phone: Did she have an urgent matter? She called him so many times?    


Ouyang Mengjiao frowned: Who cares!    


The battle lasted for more than half an hour before it came to an end.    


Huang Xing was wiping his sweat with a tissue, when he suddenly heard a subtle sound coming from the room. After calming down, he finally realized that the voice came from his phone. A burst of cold sweat trickled down his back. Huang Xing took his phone to have a look and couldn't help but cry out that the situation wasn't good. The voice coming out from the phone became clearer and clearer, it was Zhao Xiaoran cursing him. Huang Xing immediately understood that when he was making love to Ouyang Mengjiao, there was someone who moved too much and accidentally touched the button to pick up his phone ?    


In other words, he and Ouyang Mengjiao had a live broadcast of themselves on Zhao Xiaoran's phone!    


Oh my god! He was too engrossed just now and didn't hear the voice from his phone. Huang Xing felt very embarrassed, but he was also very conflicted. Zhao Xiaoran's voice from the phone became clearer and clearer. Huang Xing then placed the phone beside his ear as he listened to Zhao Xiaoran's curses. It was very obvious that Zhao Xiaoran had been cursing for a long time, to the point that his throat was somewhat dry. Huang Xing could still hear the sound of cars rumbling. Presumably, Zhao Xiaoran was speeding along the road. Very quickly, Huang Xing understood what was going on.    


Zhao Xiaoran actually thought that he was doing that kind of thing with his sister Zhao Xiaomeng ?    


She treated Ouyang Mengjiao as Zhao Xiaomeng.    


Zhao Xiaoran called his sister, then called Huang Xing. He wanted to remind him to stay away from Xiao Meng. Unexpectedly, after a few consecutive calls, the other party finally answered the phone. However, a voice that was filled with the love of a man and a woman rang out ? Due to the slightly distorted voice of the microphone, Zhao Xiaoran treated Ouyang Mengjiao as his younger sister. He thought that Huang Xing had cheated and defiled her ? The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. While listening to the noises on the phone, she caught a taxi and hurried over.    


In the taxi, Zhao Xiaoran felt like her entire body was on fire, she even had thoughts of killing Huang Xing. In order to take revenge on him, he didn't even let Zhao Xiaomeng, who was ignorant of the affairs of the world, off. He deliberately picked up the phone so that he could personally hear his own younger sister being raped, trampled on, and tamed by this beast ?    


Regarding Zhao Xiaoran's misunderstanding, Huang Xing did not want to explain too much. The more he explained, the worse it would be. When Zhao Xiaoran's scolding came to an end, Huang Xing lightly said, "Wake up, Xiao Meng is not here."    


Zhao Xiaoran scolded, you're lying! You despicable and shameless hooligan, you actually raped my sister. I want to sue you, I want to send you to jail!    


Huang Xing said, I think Xiao Meng has already reached your place, half an hour ago, she had already left my place.    


Zhao Xiaoran exclaimed and asked a question in reply. What did you say?    


If you don't believe me, you can give her a call.    


Zhao Xiaoran emphasized, but I clearly heard that you were saying that ? If it wasn't Xiao Meng, who were you sleeping with? Are you... Did you bring the young lady back?    


Huang Xing couldn't help but laugh bitterly. In his wife's eyes, he was probably just a poor kid who no one cared about, without money or status. He could only rely on comfort or Miss Zhao to solve his physiological problems. Huang Xing thought to yourself, Zhao Xiaoran, you are underestimating me. Sooner or later, you will understand that I, Huang Xing, have my own value.    


But Huang Xing still said to Zhao Xiaoran calmly, it doesn't matter who he is with, or who he is with, or who he is with, or whether he is with you, Zhao Xiaoran?    


Zhao Xiaoran said angrily: "How is it alright, we ? ? We're not divorced yet!    


Huang Xing laughed painfully, tears of laughter flowing out from his eyes. For the first time, he felt that his wife, whom he had once loved deeply, was actually so shameless. When she had secretly betrayed her marriage with Huang Jinjiang, did she consider her feelings? Now that the marriage was dead, she had taken it to the grave herself. What right did she have to question him and whom he was going to bed with in the name of his wife? Ridiculous, ridiculous! However, Huang Xing suddenly felt a long period of depression in his heart, as if he had been released. He had seen her flirting with Huang Jinjiang when he was in Chengsheng Group, but now, something had gone wrong. He had watched a live broadcast of himself with another woman on her phone ? Was he even, or was he better?    


If it was said that Zhao Xiaoran's cheating had caused her too much pain, then this time it could be said that this was the most forceful revenge against her?    


Like, but not like. Huang Xing only felt a wave of desolation in his life. He bit his lip hard and felt a salty liquid seep into his mouth. He was tasting his own blood. What he was tasting was the complicated, sweet, bitter and spicy taste of life. When marriage came to an end, there would be no retreat. Even if love was still alive, it would still gradually suffocate in the grave. Rather than letting Zhao Xiaoran's scar become inflamed and slowly corrode to fit his body, it was better to endure the pain and use a sharp knife to enucleate it.    


Therefore, Huang Xing really wanted to take the initiative and ask Zhao Xiaoran to arrange for a divorce.    


But in reality, Zhao Xiaoran had already hung up. When he called again, he found a notification on the other side of the phone.    


Ouyang Mengjiao looked at Huang Xing very quietly. Perhaps she could read the gloom in Huang Xing's heart, because she had seen the tragic and joyous relationship between Huang Xing and him. She didn't have the time to wipe her body or put on her clothes. She hugged Huang Xing in her arms and patted his back softly to comfort him.    


Huang Xing laughed self-deprecatingly as she hugged Ouyang Mengjiao and used her body's warmth to melt the coldness in her heart. He was surprised to find that Ouyang Mengjiao was no longer the inexperienced little girl in his impression of her. She had her own unique way of thinking and behavior.    


They held each other naked until the phone rang again.    


Huang Xing originally thought that Zhao Xiaoran had returned back to the phone, and pressed the answer button, but when the words that were about to pop out from his mouth, he realised his judgement was wrong.    


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