Security Guard’s Romance



4Huang Xing's face reddened a little. He wanted to agree with Fu Jie and find a way out, but after considering what she had to say, he decided to let Dunkin be honest with him: Dunkin said that the company's sales situation this year was very good. Not only did the financial crisis not affect the Xinyuan Company, it even gave the company an extremely rare opportunity. The company added 16 heavyweight agents, including 7 monthly shipments of more than 500, four more than a thousand. Director Fu is preparing to integrate all of the agency resources, divided into several levels, preferential policies to differentiate between the treatment.    


Deng Guanghui's face suddenly changed color. He stretched out his hand and said, "Wait." You said that the financial crisis did not affect the Xinyuan Company? But how come I heard that there's a problem with the Xinyuan Company's chain of funds?    


Huang Xing thought that this was bad. She definitely did not agree with Fu Zhenxin, so she revealed the company's trump card. Under normal circumstances, a creditor's demand for money would always be fixed. They would say that they could not get their money off the hook, and beg the other party to repay the debt as well as to resolve their urgent needs. However, he didn't know that this method would not only result in a poor outcome, but would instead make the debtor feel superior. He would even find it funny and lead the debtor by the nose everywhere. Xinyuan Company was, after all, just a private enterprise, so the way she treated Deng Guanghui, who was a big agent, was to sell the goods first before settling the bill. This can indeed relieve the agent's worries, but it has resulted in increasing costs and risks for the company year after year. Therefore, Wu thinks, cannot use the traditional method of collection of money, beg Deng Guanghui to settle, must open up another way.    


However, this time, it didn't matter. He just had to sing the opposite play with Fu Zhenxin. Without waiting for Huang Xing's reply, Fu Zhenxin frowned and said, "Don't listen to his bullshit. He doesn't know anything about the company."    


Fu Zhenxin turned her head and glared at Huang Xing. Huang Xing's heart trembled. He thought that it would have been great if he could unify his tactics with Fu Zhenxin's. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been defeated at such a crucial moment. But maybe the newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger, Huang Xing can't use the method of begging the grandfather to sue the grandmother. He felt that asking the agent for money should be done in a condescending manner, so that the agent would feel that the obedient child had sugar to eat. To put it bigger, it was like a relationship between a government agency and an enterprise. In front of the relevant departments, who would dare to not pay taxes and pay taxes obediently? Did they think that they could escape? You dare to run? A single policy could kill you. It was the same for companies. They had to have the courage and deterrence to do so.    


Obviously, Deng Guanghui didn't have any weakness. Over 80% of the phones he sold on his behalf were from the Xinyuan Company. The reason he was able to get into the car and buy the house with the gold necklace around his neck was because he had obtained benefits from the products of the Xinyuan Company. I gave you a job so that you could get rich. How could there be such logic in this world! Therefore, Wu thinks, if we want to control Deng Guanghui firmly, we can only rely on soft policy to the opposite effect, we must set aside the trump card to his army. This allowed him to clearly realize that being the representative of the Xinyuan Company meant earning money. Obedient, earning more, rewarding more, returning more, good policies more; disobedient, earning less, not even earning more.    


All of a sudden, a lot of business ideas flashed through Huang Xing's mind. Although it was still not mature, but it seemed to have a starting point.    


Seeing that Deng Guanghui had no intention of clinking glasses with him, Huang Xing directly sat down. Deng Guanghui let go of a hand, suddenly pulled a very thick and cool gold necklace out of his shirt collar, undid the first button, and twisted his neck. In this way, he spoke with even more confidence. He pointed a finger at Huang Xing and said, "Xiao Huang, Xiao Huang, you are dishonest." In the business world, integrity was the foundation.    


Huang Xing drank a cup of wine and said with a smile, "Dunkin, you really made a mistake this time!" I might as well tell you everything here. Xinyuan Company is currently making his own brand right now. Relying on the reverse order, three yards of production and high imitation, after all, is not a long way.    


I heard about that, Deng Guanghui said. It's like black bleaching, right. But don't be too optimistic, why are so many merchants doing three yards now, doing high mimicry? Cost low profit high. How long can you hold on to a new brand if it is not backed up by strong money? From my point of view, I don't recommend the Xinyuan Company to use this muddy water too early, the brand is not easy to do, you have to make a relationship if you want to register to pay taxes, the cost is too high. Look at the brand phones on the market right now, there are a lot of them, but which brand has a tenth of the sales of Nokia and Motorola? It was better to make high mimicry. Although it was illegal on the mainland, it was a requirement of national conditions. More than 80% of the market was made up of 3 yards and high mimicry. Now the relevant departments have turned a blind eye to the knockoff machine, such a good situation, such a good opportunity!    


Fu Zhenxin raised her glass and said, "Dunkin, you're pouring cold water on us again!" Let's not talk about anything else today and just drink!    


Deng Guanghui said, "Okay." He raised the wine cup and casually poured the wine into his mouth, sipping a mouthful of the dish with two sizzling sounds.    


Huang Xing originally wanted to discuss the company's development in depth, to catch the big fish, Deng Guanghui, and not only prevent him from taking off the hook, but also make him obediently spit out the bait. However, seeing that Fu Zhenxin didn't want to cooperate at all and only wanted to stand up against him, he could only put that matter aside for now.    


When he stopped, he kept touching the gold necklace hanging on his neck, as if he was infatuated with the luxurious luster emitted from the golden body. Seeing this, Fu Zhenxin laughed and said, Dunkin is very rich, gold necklace so big, at least 100 grams. One hundred and eighty-eight grams. Men should be a bit more ruthless towards themselves. This year's inflation is so high, this thing is still worth it.    


Huang Xing didn't like Deng Guanghui's expression, so he joked: Dunkin, if you don't have the Xinyuan Company as the platform, your gold necklace, and your two hundred thousand yuan car, would be nothing.    


Deng Guanghui frowned: "Xiao Huang, I don't like what you're saying." I started out as Xinyuan Company's representative, that's right. But we are mutually beneficial. You should think about how much money I made for the company. The money I made myself was only a drop in the bucket.    


Huang Xing took the opportunity to hold up his glass and said: "Then let's hope we can make more money!"    


This time, Deng Guanghui carried the cup. Symbolically, he shook it in the air, raised his head and drained the wine in his cup.    


Huang Xing also finished the wine in his cup. After taking two bites of the dish, he handed over a cigarette and took one for himself. Huang Xing laughed: "The purpose of the Xinyuan Company is to let the staff and agents earn money. So all our work revolves around this purpose. We have been sparing no effort to give our agents more preferential policies and better publicity and promotion activities. This time the company built its own brand, is also a kind of responsibility to the agents. Once our own brand goes on the market, opening up the market, it is still the agents like you that get the most money.    


I hope so. But that depends on the policies the company gives me.    


Don't worry about the policy aspect, Director Fu has always valued the interests of the old agent, you know this best, Dunkin.    


Fu Zhenxin couldn't help but get angry when she saw Huang Xing singing in a high pitch. She bent her body and pulled at the seams of her butt, then picked up her glass and clinked it with Deng Guanghui's, saying, Dunkin, I'm not going to tell you about those stupid things. Look, can you please take some of the money from our initial stowage? The company is really having some problems with turnover right now. This is also my sister's intention.    


Deng Guanghui's expression changed slightly, but he forced a smile: This … This will depend on your performance today!    


In order to pay for the goods, Fu Zhenxin poured out the red wine in her glass and replaced it with a full glass of white wine. She drank it all up with a great deal of humiliation, pursed her lips and said, "How do you feel about my performance, Dunkin?"    


Deng Guanghui also drained his cup of wine, bluffing and said, "Zhen Xin, let me tell you, I'm too anxious to eat hot tofu." We are happy to be out today. Let's not talk about business first.    


Fu Zhenxin frowned, then relaxed. Okay, then let's continue drinking.    


The psychology of Deng Guanghui and Fu Zhenxin were completely understood by Huang Xing. It was obvious that Deng Guanghui had been leading Fu Zhenxin everywhere. It would not be easy for her to pay the bill. Huang Xing thought to himself, what's the matter with this world now? The one who owes money is the boss, and the creditor is the grandson. No matter how hard I tried to act like a grandson and make him happy, I might not be able to get a little charity from him. This abnormal logical relationship did indeed seem very abnormal. It seemed that in order to form a harmonious and trusting cooperative relationship according to one's own thinking, one had to use not only interpersonal relationships, but also policies and institutions.    




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