Security Guard’s Romance



1Huang Xing laughed: You have so many playthings, why are you so willing to be a little clerk yourself?    


Ouyang Mengjiao said mysteriously: "I am not interested in government officials." If you want to be the boss, then be the boss.    


Huang Xing gave her a thumbs up: You're awesome.    


Ouyang Mengjiao raised his head: Of course. Don't worry, I will always be a strong backing for you. He would never stop until he achieved his goal!    


She took the initiative to extend her palm and struck Huang Xing with it, showing her determination.    


Huang Xing felt that this young girl was becoming more and more mysterious.    


Could she be the legendary female Zhuge?    


Ouyang Mengjiao wiped the corners of her mouth with a tissue, then tidied up the dishes and chopsticks before returning to her room to retrieve some clothes. She found a plastic bag to put away the clothes, a towel, a pair of slippers, and some toiletries. Yellow Star asked. Take a bath? Ouyang Mengjiao said, "Mm, do you want to come along? I'll help you rub your back." I can't stand it. Then you wait for me at home. I'll go wash myself, and when I get back ? Huang Xing interrupted her and said, "Little aunt, please spare me.    


Ouyang Mengjiao laughed so hard that his head was moving up and down: You're thinking wrong, aren't you? I mean, when I return, I'll talk to you about proper business. We still need to do a lot of work in the next two steps.    


Huang Xing pointed at her nose and jokingly scolded: "Little demon."    


Ouyang Mengjiao said. I like it when you call me little demon. But I'm just your little goblin.    


Huang Xing's heart suddenly shook.    


This sudden but beautiful relationship was something that Huang Xing couldn't bear to abandon several times. Until now, he still did not know how to maintain his relationship with Ouyang Mengjiao. Regardless of whether it was separation or separation, it was still a form of damage.    


He was very afraid that he or Ouyang Mengjiao would be trapped inside.    


However, she just so happened to like this kind of unbridled love, she gave herself a passion that Zhao Xiaoran had never given her before.    


In Huang's view, this relationship comes from chance, perhaps just a sequel to a drunken disorder. However, only Ouyang Mengjiao knew in her heart that all of this was no accident. "In her heart, there had always been a great secret ?    


Ouyang Mengjiao hummed a song as he walked out of his room. In Huang Xing's mind, he couldn't help but think of her bathing.    


However, Huang Xing immediately felt the strangeness in his mouth, and a fiery and spicy feeling made him quickly raise his cup and drink. Water could be used to extinguish fire, but it could not eliminate spiciness. Huang Xing felt his lips swelled up severely.    


This little demoness had secretly harmed him again! God knows how many chili peppers she put in the instant noodles ?    


On the morning of the second day, Fu Jie gathered all the members of the company and announced the appointment of Shan Dongyang.    


It was not hard to tell that Fu Jie had placed high hopes on Shan Dongyang. Shan Dongyang also treated himself as someone important. He was dressed in a suit and even wore a tie. After Fu Jie finished announcing his appointment, Shan Dongyang held his head up high and gave his impassioned inauguration speech. In his speech, he had plated himself as a god-like figure. He could rule the country, and he could drive out the enemy with his troops. He brought out the glory of his time as a soldier, and said he would militarize the entire company and put it on the path of regularization. After the speech, everyone's applause made him even more excited. He actually used the way of the army to lead everyone to sing a song called "Unity is Strength".    


Few people in the company had ever been in the army before, and very few people knew how to sing this song. Thus, despite his initial enthusiasm, few people were able to sing along with him.    


After the awkward silence, the audience burst into laughter. Shan Dongyang felt that he had lost a lot of face, but he actually cursed. What was there to laugh about, was it really that funny? All of you, be serious!    


Fu Jie also did not expect that the appointed general assembly this time would end up with a 'tiger head and snake tail'. If Shan Dongyang did not use superfluous words to lead the group in singing this military song, or if he did not use vulgar words like the leader of the unit who was managing the new soldiers, this meeting would be very successful. Although he felt somewhat regretful in his heart, he had no choice but to muster up the courage to step out and smooth things over for Shan Dongyang: Everyone might not understand Single Director, but he is a genuine and proper person. In the future, when everyone had interacted with him for a long time, they would know that he was a good leader with both civil and military skills. In the end, let us once again give a warm round of applause and welcome the arrival of the Single Director. At the same time, he hoped that the Single Director would perform exceptionally well in his position ?    


After the applause, Fu Jie ended the meeting with the same words of encouragement: Brothers and sisters, time is life, time is money, do whatever you want with your hands and feet ?    


After the meeting, the company shook up and down. Several managers and supervisors gathered in the toilet corridor and started discussing while smoking. Cao Aidang said that, this was not like having a chairman, this was clearly just a fool coming. To lead everyone to sing a military song, does he really think of the company as a military unit? The Manager Sun on his cell phone said, "That's right." Why didn't he tell everyone to sing a Peking Opera while he was dressed in an idiot soldier's manner? The Manager Chen of the Ministry of Electronic Commerce sighed with emotion. Military management, I'm afraid our bitter days have already begun.    


As the company's workshop was tight, Shan Dongyang was arranged to be shared with Fu Zhenxin in the same room as the Office of the General Manager. Fu Zhenxin, on the other hand, showed great enthusiasm towards the new director's arrival. After finishing all this, he helped Shan Dongyang connect to the internet and gave him a few of his own folders. He also arranged for Ouyang Mengjiao to help him wipe the table spotless. With this, Shan Dongyang became even more anxious. He thought that the dignified Vice General Manager was just an assistant and was a little beauty. His days in the future would be easy.    


And it was indeed true that the heavens were helping Shan Dongyang this time. When he acted yesterday, it was already to a large extent that he established his prestige, and even won the favor of the beautiful Fu Zhenxin, the Vice President. As the saying goes, 'time is of the essence, and people are of the essence'.    


In the morning, Shan Dongyang did not stop to rest as he shuttled back and forth between the various workrooms with his hands clasped behind his back. First, he was familiar with the personnel of the company, and secondly, he would perform his duty of supervising and managing the work order of the various departments.    


Huang Xing suddenly felt that Shan Dongyang's work was quite exemplary. No matter where he appeared, the words' lead inspection 'would be clearly marked on every part of his body. Oh, this, that... His mouth was filled with an official accent.    


Around ten o'clock, while Shan Dongyang was in the toilet, Huang Xing took the opportunity to knock open Fu Jie's office with the management plan that had already been polished many times.    


Fu Jie's office was filled with a special kind of fragrance. It was unknown if it was from Fu Jie spraying perfume inside the room, or the smell coming from her own body. Two pots of unknown fresh flowers were placed on both sides of the desk, matching the beautiful and refined Fu Jie. A pair of beautiful brown female shoes lightly tapped the ground under the desk, playing the most monotonous yet moving melody in the world. Huang Xing could vaguely see the flash of white socks. From that, he realized that Fu Jie loved cleanliness as his name suggested.    


She had put on some light makeup today, and maybe it was to support Shan Dongyang in taking the first day of office that she had specially modified herself.    


Fu Jie calmly gestured for Huang Xing to sit and upon closer inspection, he realized that Fu Jie had actually drawn a faint eye shadow. In a blink of an eye, that kind of sexy and charming look could make a person drunk. A strand of hair fell right in front of his eyes, coincidentally splitting Fu Jie's right eyebrow in half. With her curved eyebrows and pretty eyes, how could the name of 'beautiful' describe the peerless beauty of this woman?    


Fu Jie habitually reached out his hands to stroke his neck, and asked Huang Xing while tilting his head: What's the matter?    


Huang Xing placed the management plan that was rolled into a tube in front of Fu Jie: Director Fu, you arranged this. I wrote it in the middle of the night.    


As Fu Jie picked up the proposal, he said: Then it will be hard on you. Leave it here for now, I'll take a good look.    


Huang Xing made a sound of agreement, he knew it was not a good idea to stay, so he got up and said goodbye.    


For the entire day, the entire Xinyuan Company was immersed in a special atmosphere. Due to Shan Dongyang's inauguration, there were indeed some administrative effects. Those managers and employees who previously saw the company's discipline as dung had slightly restrained themselves, waiting to see what would happen.    


After 5: 30 PM, the company reached its most active period. The Female Employee carried their colorful backpacks, and with the sound of galloping horses, they set out on their journey home. Cao Aidang and a few other managers were smoking and greeting the employees downstairs. From time to time, they would pat the buttocks of Female Employee who were familiar with the place. For a time, the sound of chatting, giggling, teasing, and singing reached his ears. It was a bustling and chic scene of him getting off work.    


Huang Xing wanted to go downstairs, but he was stopped by Ouyang Mengjiao. The little girl called Huang Xing over to the already empty marketing department two, and closed the door.    


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