Security Guard’s Romance



3Huang Xing asked in shock. What?     3


Ouyang Mengjiao frowned. Do you even need to? As if I'm going to eat you! I'll treat you well tonight and make you some good food.    


Huang Xing asked: Why?    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: I overheard the conversations of the different sizes of Director Fu this afternoon. Elder Director Fu is very satisfied with the management plan that you wrote.    


Huang Xing pinched his nose and laughed. In the military medallion, there's half of mine, and half of yours.    


Ouyang Mengjiao asked in confusion: It's just that I'm confused, why would little Director Fu have such a huge opinion of you. She doesn't seem to be too optimistic about you. In fact ? She even mentioned to Elder Director Fu that using two after sales was a waste, one after sales was enough for daily work. She also suggested that it was possible for the company to implement a post-sale program for everyone, who was responsible for the customer, the company would no longer have a full-time post.    


Huang Xing was shocked, thinking that this Fu Zhenxin, simply wanted to kick him out of the house using a different method!    


Perhaps, she'd always been brooding over those two incidents of spring sunshine appearing out of the blue?    


Of course, Ouyang Mengjiao did not know about the complicated relationship between Huang Xing and himself. He felt that his recklessness had caused Fu Zhenxin to lose face, and he felt extremely guilty. But unexpectedly, Fu Zhenxin had never given up on taking revenge on him.    


Ouyang Mengjiao's words caused Huang Xing to feel an indescribable fear. He had to prepare for the worst. However, Ouyang Mengjiao told him next: Don't be afraid, little Director Fu can't decide the fate of the company. The real ruler was the Elder Director Fu. The two siblings had always been opposing each other. On the issue of post-sale, Elder Director Fu firmly rejected the idea of the little Director Fu.    


Huang Xing heaved a sigh of relief.    


Ouyang Mengjiao feigned bravado and patted Huang Xing's shoulders, laughing: Continue to work hard, replace Shan Dongyang, just around the corner.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Why do I feel like the road ahead is uncertain?    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: You need to be confident.    


Then, she whispered into Huang Xing's ear. "Tonight, I will let you find confidence!"    


Without waiting for Huang Xing to understand, Ouyang Mengjiao opened the door and walked out. Huang Xing suddenly realized what was going on. He thought, this little demon, Ouyang Mengjiao, was really a vampire!    


However, he suddenly felt that it was his pleasure to serve her tonight.    


After all, the greatest confidence in his life, in bed ?    


Huang Xing picked up a cigarette and walked out of the marketing department with a sigh. In the blink of an eye, Ouyang Mengjiao had already disappeared without a trace, leaving behind only the sound of a series of footsteps. Cao Aidang and the rest of the managers were still bragging. Maybe they had just witnessed Ouyang Mengjiao going downstairs, so they started to talk about Ouyang Mengjiao. Cao Aidang said that Ouyang Mengjiao, this little girl, was rather pretty. Other than Director Fu s of various sizes, she was the only one in the company. Manager Chen said, are you thinking of doing it again? You really want to go up when you see a beauty. Break your fingers and count on your fingers, how much grass have you eaten? Even the big butt that was moving was taken by you. Every night, you would strip naked and wait for your luck. The Manager Mu interrupted his Manager Chen and said, forget it, the two of you were not good people, you should at least leave some meat for us to eat, brothers should be free, if not, why don't you two help me settle Ouyang Mengjiao. I'll buy you a drink. Cao Aidang patted Manager Mu's shoulders and said, don't think about Old Mu, just because you look like this, you will be able to look at a movie on your computer every night and level up. If you don't want to, then find a female dog and practice. Manager Mu scolded, the Kuomintang * * * * * * * * *! Is there anyone who would dare to insult others like you? Cao and Chen laughed out loud.    


The Kuomintang was Cao Aidang's people's nickname.    


Hearing that these three unscrupulous managers were secretly teasing Ouyang Mengjiao, Huang Xing couldn't help but feel a burst of anger in his heart. Clenching his fist, he released it.    


After Fu Jie brought Shan Dongyang to inspect the different workrooms, he went to the side of the building. Cao Aidang was the first one to notice, so he quickly made a 180 degree turn and started to talk about his department's marketing performance this week. Manager Chen and Manager Mu felt that it was very unexpected. Manager Chen had said that the Kuomintang was acting tough, why would anyone care about your performance after work? Manager Mu also followed and ridiculed Cao Aidang, saying, "You bastard, stop pretending to be a grandson, no matter what, you have to think of a way to coax a Female Employee for me, my lonely, single days ?" Cao Aidang kept hinting at the two managers with his eyes, but the two of them did not notice that they were talking in vulgar language, enjoying themselves.    


Until Huang Xing walked up to Fu Jie and greeted him, the two managers seemed to have just awoken from a dream.    


Fu Jie and Shan Dongyang walked to the stairs as Fu Jie hugged his arms and frowned. What nonsense were you guys talking about all day?    


The three managers' faces were completely red. Manager Chen scratched his head and said, it's nothing, just talk about Big Mountain.    


Fu Jie said in a stern voice: "What nonsense is this about?!" You're too free to work overtime! The leaders of the three key departments were smoking and swearing. What kind of image did they have?    


The newly appointed Dan Dongyang, seeing how sharp Tycoon was, joined in the fray. With his hands behind his back and his chest puffed up, he reprimanded them: "Old comrades! Old backbone! Old Party..." Oh, I almost forgot, you're not Party members yet. Tell me, how come your brains don't work? You will take the lead and lead the charge for the new recruits... No, Every move you make, your employees are copying it. The company's leaders also have high expectations for you, I hope you can play a good role in the transmission...    


Hearing this ridiculous reprimand, Huang Xing wanted to laugh. The retired officer's heart must still be in the army. God knows how hilarious it is to use the big words that he had said to the new recruits in the army to say whatever it was.    


Hearing the "military" language that was spoken full of it, the three managers were both angry and happy at the same time.    


Fu Jie obviously could not bear to hear the lecturing tone and way Shan Dongyang used to teach him. He coughed lightly a few times, but was unable to stop him from showing off. According to previous regulations, employees should work overtime for half an hour after work, and managers should work overtime for one hour after work. Whoever does not do well, write it down for me. I will punish those who deserve the award!    


Shan Dongyang nodded his head as he asked: "Why don't we implement the quantification control as well?"    


Fu Jie said: This is your responsibility, you decide.    


After that, Fu Jie walked down the stairs angrily, and the few of them watched as Fu Jie disappeared from their line of sight.    


Huang Xing felt that when Fu Jie got angry, it had a completely different charm to it.    


After confirming that Fu Jie did not fight back, the three managers once again started to tease Fu Jie with interest. Even though he had just been ridiculed by her, Cao Aidang's evaluation of her was still very high. She said that Fu Jie was his goddess and no one could compare to him. Manager Mu said that I got a few photos in Elder Director Fu's QQ space and imagined them everyday ? Cao Aidang and the Manager Chen joined hands to reprimand the Manager Mu's shamelessness. If any of the imperial relatives hear what Cao Aidang said, then you better pack up and scram. Manager Mu was immediately scared to the point that he broke out in cold sweat.    


The so called 'royal family' was no doubt the managers who were blood related or related to the Fu sisters. These people have a large share of the company, more than half of them.    


In reality, to a certain extent, these three managers could be considered Fu Jie's direct descendants. Most of them had worked in the Xinyuan Company for more than two years, so they did not dare say that they were loyal, making their hard work worthwhile.    


In the process of the three teasing, Shan Dongyang had always wanted to find a chance to strike up a conversation, but there was no part of it that he could do so. After waiting for the three of them to calm down, Shan Dongyang hurriedly took out a cigarette for each of them to send. Seeing that Huang Xing was still standing a few metres away, he had wanted to throw one over, but felt that his level was too low, so he decided that there was no need to improve their relationship. He placed the fourth round cigarette into his mouth and started to light up the cigarettes for the three managers. As he pointed at Shan Dongyang, he tried to defend himself: "Maybe what I said just now was too harsh." Haha, being in the martial arts world is not something I can do. I hope the three of you will ? No, no, the three managers understood. I have my own difficulties too, the Director Fu stared at me. I have only just taken up my post, so I have to symbolically show off my skills in front of the boss ?    


Cao Aidang exhaled a smoke ring as he spoke. First Elder, this performance of yours might give you a negative score in the heart of the big boss!    


Manager Chen followed: That's right! Your eloquence is not as good as your fist.    


Shan Dongyang stuck his head out and asked: "Yes..." Is that true?    


Cao Aidang held up his cigarette, staring at it very deeply, and said. It can't be fake! I'm sending you a message: talk less and do more.    


Shan Dongyang's face bloomed with a trace of awkwardness, but he had no choice but to feign a smile. Huang Xing, who had been standing by the side, suddenly became the best springboard for Shan Dongyang to get rid of his awkwardness. He once again straightened his chest and put his hands behind his back, frowning as he shouted towards Huang Xing: "Leaders are holding a small meeting here to research, what are you standing there to eavesdrop on? Why aren't you going home!    


Huang Xing thought, could this also be considered research?    


The men gathered together had very little to say except that they were studying women.    


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