Security Guard’s Romance



0These words from the manager caused the scene to sink into a somewhat awkward situation.    


Until King Guo suddenly stood up, walked to Fu Jie and extended his hand out, laughing: He's joking, he's a person who likes to joke around. Although there were some small episodes, it didn't affect our cooperation.    


Fu Jie slightly shook his head: But in reality, it had already affected them! To tell you the truth, this operation was rather a failure. We spent so much money, but it was a conspiracy that paid us back.    


'A conspiracy? ' King Guo was stunned.    


Fu Jie hurriedly explained: Of course I'm not talking about you. This is our competitor.    


The King Guo said thoughtfully: So that's how it is, it's too immoral. With such a despicable method, even if he won the trade war, it would still be disgraceful.    


Fu Jie said: But even if something went wrong today, don't worry, I will definitely transfer the remaining gold back to your account.    


King Guo quickly waved his hand: No need, no need. Since I have cooperated with Langqin and with your building, I have an obligation to share the risks with you.    


When these words came out, both Huang Xing and Fu Jie were stunned. Even Wu Qianqian did not dare believe that there was such a reasonable artiste.    


Wu Qianqian walked over, so he took the chance to raise himself up, and laughed: "My fees, are free." Although it couldn't make up for the loss of the mall, it could at least be considered a small contribution for them.    


Huang Xing thought, you came here to be a friend and sponsor, what are you asking for.    


But in reality, Huang Xing was indeed very grateful to Wu Qianqian.    


The King Guo smiled in relief: Then let's do it this way, OK?    


'OK! ' Wu Qianqian tacitly clapped his hands towards King Guo.    


King Guo turned and shook hands with Fu Jie, saying: "I'm sorry Director Fu. I think I'll come over and help you guys do an activity if I have time to. But only if I do it for free.    


'Free support? "Really?" Fu Jie's eyes lit up: Then I'll be waiting to see, to see your ? Time.    


King Guo nodded slightly.    


Perhaps because of this unforeseen event, King Guo did not stay to eat lunch together. Instead, he hurriedly left, accompanied by his entourage.    


After the King Guo left, he was still busy tidying up the red carpet and taking down the banners and billboards.    


Office of the General Manager.    


Tao Fei brewed a cup of tea for Huang Xing. Huang Xing felt that his mouth was dry, drinking while blowing.    


Wu Qianqian paced back and forth in his office. He did not say anything, but he was in no hurry to leave either.    


Huang Xing raised his head and looked at Wu Qianqian: Old classmate, you have been walking around the room for a long time, you're not tired, sit down.    


Wu Qianqian looked at Huang Xing thoughtfully and said: "I keep having the feeling that this matter is not over yet."    


Huang Xing asked: What happened?    


Wu Qianqian emphasized: That's right... It was all about the trouble.    


Huang Xing said: Of course it's not over. He hoped that the Public Security Bureau would be able to find out the truth as soon as possible. I want to see what kind of god is doing this to us!    


Wu Qianqian frowned and shook his head: It's hard to come to a conclusion. However, it was certain that the opponent was very strong.    


Huang Xing said: If I were strong, I wouldn't use such a despicable method. I don't think there will be any climate!    


Wu Qianqian sat across from Huang Xing, and tried to say something a few times but hesitated.    


Huang Xing saw that Wu Qianqian had something on his mind, and asked: Old classmate, do you have something to say to me?    


Wu Qianqian tried to consider it over and over again, then said: "At this critical juncture, I ?" I'm sorry to remind you, old classmate. I...    


Huang Xing was enlightened as he asked, "You mean about the reunion with your classmates?"    


Wu Qianqian was startled: "You ?. You didn't forget? I thought... I thought you forgot.    


Huang Xing laughed and said: I have an appointment. This Saturday night, Peace Hotel's second floor's banquet hall.    


Wu Qianqian was emotionally stirred: About how many people will be participating? Um, how many people can that banquet hall hold? Can it hold many?    


Huang Xing nodded his head: Of course! There were about sixty to seventy people in each class. There were even a few who had specially rushed back from outside the school to attend this reunion.    


Wu Qianqian could not help but give Huang Xing a thumbs up. It's better for you to be popular among your classmates. The appeal was enormous.    


Huang Xing touched the tip of his nose.    


Wu Qianqian emphasized: But... But before that, you must not reveal that it's my team's match! You don't know, those students already hate me to the bone. According to our previous discussion, you should first organize the entire audience and then get familiar with the students before slowly luring me out.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: What a difficult mission.    


Wu Qianqian said: The mission is rather difficult, if not I would not have asked you to step in. As for me, the greatest wish of my life is not to make up for the mistakes I made before. If you can help me achieve it, I... I'll be grateful.    


Huang Xing said quickly: Don't, don't, don't be grateful to me, I feel a lot of pressure.    


Wu Qianqian gave a relieved smile: Thank you so much, but after this is done, I will definitely thank you so much.    


Huang Xing replied: That won't be necessary.    


Wu Qianqian said: At that time, I will raise the class of this gathering.    


Huang Xing asked: How do I level up?    


Wu Qianqian smiled mysteriously. "You'll know when the time comes."    


Huang Xing told her: That's why I hid it from you, and even let me help you organize it. When the time comes, your goal will be achieved, but you'll put me aside.    


Wu Qianqian said: Look at what you're saying, am I that kind of person? Everything was going according to plan.    


Huang Xing thought of something and said: "You, recently you have always been so secretive, I don't understand you at all."    


Wu Qianqian said: Is that so?    


Huang Xing replied: Of course. Especially... A few days ago you took me to eat tiger meat...    


Wu Qianqian burst out laughing: Don't you think that tiger meat is delicious?    


Huang Xing blushed with shame: The key thing was that it was not real tiger meat.    


Wu Qianqian said: Alright, alright, let's not talk about this anymore. It was the robbery of that night that I remember so vividly. What era was this? There was actually someone under the bridge, blocking the way and robbing it. Just the thought of it made him feel that it was very dangerous. Thank goodness I had you, or I wouldn't have known ?    


Huang Xing emphasized: Stop! From now on, it was better not to walk in the dark, especially in those small places where there were no shops in the village. To put it bluntly, in a place like that, even if someone was buried in the wilderness, the police would find it hard to solve the case.    


Wu Qianqian's body trembled slightly. Don't scare me! What are you doing?    


Just then, Tao Fei brought Wu Qianqian a cup of hot tea. Wu Qianqian nodded and said: "This secretary of yours is not bad.    


Huang Xing raised his head, speechless. Our family's little Secretary Tao is definitely unreasonable!    


'Your family? ' Wu Qianqian said: "These words seem to be ?" There seemed to be some other meaning?    


Of course, Huang Xing knew what she was referring to and stressed: "All the people in charge are one family." Of course, the entire Xin Meng Merchant House was also a large family. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that I have already treated Secretary Tao as my own family. Just like a caring little sister girl.    


Wu Qianqian pouted: Are you so ambiguous towards anyone? little sister is already acquainted with him!    


Huang Xing replied with a question: Can we still have a happy conversation? Always my army, always my army.    


Wu Qianqian laughed: Alright, I won't be joking with you. I have one more thing to do... I want to discuss it with you.    


Huang Xing asked: What's the matter?    


Wu Qianqian thought about it again and again, then said: The television station has given me a difficult mission, this mission has something to do with you.    


'Something to do with me? ' Huang Xing was suspicious: What does it have to do with me?    


Wu Qianqian stressed: Of course it's related to you! We're going to put on a new program called Celebrity Interview. The first thing that our leader thinks of is your Xin Meng Merchant House's young and capable General Manager, which is you.    


Huang Xing quickly replied: Don't joke with me! I just work here, there's no need for interviews, and I'm not famous.    


Wu Qianqian used a special tone and said: Modesty, you're being modest again, aren't you? Can you not be so low-key? Being too low-key is equivalent to being proud.    


Huang Xing said: Then why not interview Fu Jie directly? She has the value of an interview. There was no point in picking me.    


Wu Qianqian said: I believe that everyone would like to see your story!    


Huang Xing scratched his head: My story might be exciting, but compared to Fu Jie, it's still lacking a little. Furthermore, if you can get an interview with the biggest boss behind this business, Director Yu Yu Mengqin, then your television station will be in a rage.    


Wu Qianqian laughed bitterly: We are just a municipal television station, how can we be able to get an interview with the Director Yu? Come on, unless... Unless you help me!    


Huang Xing asked: How can I help you?    


Wu Qianqian said: How to help is a problem that you have to consider. As long as you help me make an appointment with the Director Yu, you can accept one of our exclusive interviews. Then I will... I will spare no effort to thank you!    


'Sparing no effort? ' Huang Xing laughed: How can I spare no effort?    


Wu Qianqian's words had cut through heaven's secret. Even if I have to sacrifice my body, it won't be a problem.    


'Stop stop stop! ' Huang Xing hurriedly replied: This kind of joke cannot be played so easily.    


Wu Qianqian burst out laughing: You don't even want something that's sent to your doorstep, you're just a fool!    


Huang Xing also gave her a ride: Are you really going to send me off? If you really want to gift it to me, that's fine! Didn't you want to devote your life to me? Fine, come to my house tonight. I'll prepare everything.    


Wu Qianqian could not help but open his eyes wide: Wow, no way? Old classmate, how did you learn to play a dirty joke?    


Huang Xing laughed and said: I learned it from you!    


Wu Qianqian stressed: "How could you learn from me? I have always been very reserved, this kind of joke ?" I never did.    


Huang Xing said: Who said they were going to repay me with their own bodies? What, you're not admitting it now?    


Wu Qianqian said: I'm just making an analogy!    


At this moment, the sound of footsteps could be heard, followed by a light knock on the door.    


Tao Fei took the opportunity to walk to the door and open it. He was immediately stunned.    


A graceful woman was standing outside with a smile on her face.    


Huang Xing looked over to her, but felt that this woman was familiar!    


Who was she?    


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