Security Guard’s Romance



2Xiao Yan's expression was a little confused, causing Huang Xing to be slightly different.    


Especially her words. She can see the whole world, but not you. This made Huang Xing very surprised. Huang Xing thought that he was like a transparent person, without any concealment or profound concealment techniques, completely exposing himself to reality. In his work and life, he was almost entirely his own self. He couldn't act, he couldn't fake anything.    


Xiao Yan seemed to have detected Huang Xing's surprise and couldn't help but smile slightly. He took a sip of the mineral water and said indifferently: Is there anyone more foolish than you in this world?    


Huang Xing was stunned for a moment, then he self-deprecatingly nodded: I admit it, you call me stupid.    


Xiao Yan extended out her slender and jade-like finger and waved it around in the air. "You're really stupid, do you remember that I mentioned to you before about the matter of the Food and Meet City?    


Huang Xing nodded: I remember. But I wonder, how is your Gourmet City planning now?    


Xiao Yan tsk-tsked: Still playing dumb! Without you, I wasn't sure, so I was stuck.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Sister Xiao, you think too much of my imagination ? Too powerful. I don't have the ability to manage one of the best food kingdoms in the country. Right now, at most, it would already be hard enough to become a Xin Meng Merchant House.    


Xiao Yan emphasized: "I've already said this before, I won't let you bear any responsibility and let you eat dry shares. If you win, you win, but if you lose, I will bear the consequences myself. I can afford to lose a gourmet city. Moreover, the reward you get from the Gourmet City is at least several times higher than what you get in Xin Meng Merchant House.    


Huang Xing shook his head: Sister Xiao, this is not a matter of money.    


Xiao Yan replied: That's why you're so stupid.    


Huang Xing also drank a mouthful of mineral water and continued to mock himself. Once again, I thank Sister Xiao for your trust, but you infuriated me ? He was angry that he was useless and did not dare to take on such a task. I look forward to the early appearance of your gourmet city.    


Xiao Yan frowned slightly: What, do you think my Gourmet City can't do it without you, Huang Xing?    


Huang Xing quickly replied: I don't think so! Never.    


Xiao Yan suddenly stared at the frescoes on the side with his pair of big, entranced eyes, and said thoughtfully: It's time to go all out, it's time!    


'What?! ' Huang Xing was startled: What did Sister Xiao say?    


Xiao Yan shook his head: No, nothing. Come, come, eat.    


There was a silence.    


After walking to the end of the lunch, Xiao Yan stood up and said: I think you should still consider it.    


Huang Xing mustered up his courage and said: "There's really no need to consider any further, Sister Xiao. Thank you for your appreciation.    


Xiao Yan tilted his head and said half-jokingly: "Perhaps, you will regret it?"    


'Maybe so.' Huang Xing laughed and said: But at least, right now I ? I still want to continue to hone my skills in Xin Meng Merchant House.    


Xiao Yan sighed lightly: You don't have enough time to live under others' shelter.    


Huang Xing self-deprecatingly said: "I will also send them to whoever I want."    


Xiao Yan emphasized: I will let you take charge of yourself, and not send you to my place.    


Huang Xing smiled faintly and did not express his stance.    


It was clear that Xiao Yan was still unwilling to give up even after meeting her again. She wanted to continue to convince herself that she was working for the Gourmet City that she was planning. Logically speaking, her offer should have been extremely tempting. But the crux of the problem was that Huang Xing could not let go of Xin Meng Merchant House. Many times he wanted to muster up the courage to leave the Xin Meng Merchant House, but the final result was only an attempt. Of course, if he really succeeded, Huang Xing could not predict how much pain he would feel.    


But Xiao Yan was Xiao Yan after all, she had keen insight and judgement into people and things. She seemed to have seen through Huang Xing's thoughts, and said: "Then I'll be frank with you, I know that you can't bear to leave Xin Meng Merchant House, because of Fu Jie." But I still feel sorry for you for ruining your future for a woman.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but ask Xiao Yan: "Why would Sister Xiao think that there is no future by staying in the Xin Meng Merchant House?"    


Xiao Yan said: The facts will prove it to you! Very quickly!    


Very soon? Huang Xing was startled: "Sister Xiao's meaning is ?"    


Xiao Yan stressed: It's nothing, just an individual opinion. When the rich people get tired of the luxury, the Xin Meng Merchant House would just be an empty shell. You understand.    


Huang Xing chuckled: The word luxury had always existed since ancient times. Now that rich people were tired of living, there would be even more rich people who would begin to enjoy luxury. This was the rule of the cycle.    


'All right.' Xiao Yan extended out a hand and shook Huang Xing's hand: Then let's take a walk and see. The facts will make the correct answer known. I still think you'll consider leaving yourself a way out!    


Huang Xing nodded: Maybe. I'll send you off, Sister Xiao.    


Huang Xing walked Xiao Yan in front of her flashy Lamborghini and waved goodbye.    


A burst of violent acceleration tore through the sky. Under Xiao Yan's control, this world-famous car, suddenly became the supreme center of attention on the road.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly and returned to the fast food restaurant.    


To be exact, today's fast food restaurant, although there were quite a lot of customers, but compared to the past, it seemed a little deserted.    


Xie Yundan knocked on the melon seeds as he came over. He even stretched his head out to take a look outside and asked Huang Xing in confusion. Why is Xiao Yan looking for you? Your relationship is not ordinary.    


Huang Xing evaded: Nothing much. So what if we are, she is just a big client of our Xin Meng Merchant House.    


'I don't think so! ' Xie Yundan pursed his lips in a seemingly relaxed manner, he turned his body and picked up a drink from the bar counter and inhaled it a few times with the straw: She seems to have some intentions towards you.    


Huang Xing was startled: An attempt? What is it? Wealth? Lust?    


Xie Yundan attacked Huang Xing as he said: "But you don't have any of these things."    


Huang Xing glared: This is too much, you don't have to be so sarcastic!    


Xie Yundan burst out laughing: You're serious? Then your mental endurance is too poor.    


Huang Xing asked: How have you been recently?    


Xie Yundan pouted. Nothing much, old sleepless. Always do something... Some messy nightmares. I think I'm going to have a nervous breakdown.    


Huang Xing frowned: Why? Why did it split?    


Xie Yundan laughed bitterly: There's a lot of pressure here.    


Huang Xing emphasized: If the pressure is too great, we should hire more people. You should use the remote control to direct from behind the scenes. I have to get involved. Look, which big restaurant's owner stays in the restaurant all day long?    


Xie Yundan explained: There's more than just this pressure, there's also this pressure both internally and externally. The main thing is still... The main reason is because of the pressure your Director Fu is giving me.    


Huang Xing countered with a question: What pressure did she give you this time?    


Xie Yundan said. It's not like you don't know, she just wanted to buy my fast food restaurant.    


Huang Xing said: You came to do your work again recently?    


Xie Yundan shook his head: No. However, she had once spoken harshly, saying that she would not rest until she had achieved her goal. Sigh, I'm really convinced. With such a big boss, why do you insist on going against me!    


Huang Xing said thoughtfully: "Don't worry, I will always support you from behind." I'll talk to her about it some other day.    


Xie Yundan sighed: No matter what, I won't let you go!    


Huang Xing said: Yes! It wasn't easy for the Xin Feng fast food business to develop to such a state.    


Xie Yundan blinked her eyes a few times. Her long eyelashes emitted waves of sexy looks. These are the blessings you bring me. Without you, I, Xie Yundan, would still have given up on myself.    


Huang Xing self-deprecatingly said: "I'm not that great!" These are the results of your own efforts.    


Xie Yundan raised his hand: Alright, stop being modest, no matter how modest you are, no one will give you the money. Come on, there's still some time. I want to thank my benefactor!    


Huang Xing was startled: Where to?    


Xie Yundan pointed upwards: Second floor, my room.    


Huang Xing looked around to confirm that there was indeed plenty of time, so he followed Xie Yundan up to the second floor.    


Everyday in the Xin Meng Merchant House, Huang Xing seemed to be in a state of high pressure. It was only when he was outside that he could barely walk out from this pressure.    


Xie Yundan's office seemed to have been rearranged. Although the area was not too big, it was quiet and elegant. The small suite on the side had also been made into a secret door, which was dotted with a unified wall. If one did not look carefully, it was impossible to tell that there was a small room for a short rest.    


Huang Xing fixed his gaze on that secret door: Oh right, Boss Ye, you learned how to cheat.    


Xie Yundan tilted his head: What kind of cheating?    


Huang Xing raised his head: The reason why I made the bedroom door a secret door is because I'm afraid of being discovered by others as a place for me to be lazy in.    


Xie Yundan laughed: This isn't considered cheating, it's just for the sake of beauty. Also, when I'm tired and sleepy, I can't see the door of the suite clearly, so I'll still force myself to be energetic!    


Huang Xing was a little embarrassed as he said: "Are you torturing yourself, or just deliberately trying to beautify yourself!" Boss Ye?    


Xie Yundan frowned and stared at Huang Xing in displeasure: "Don't call me Boss Ye from the old me, it's really against the ears."    


Huang Xing asked: Then what should I call you?    


Xie Yundan lightly shrugged his shoulders.    


Huang Xing put on a strange expression and joked, "Then I'll call you Dan Dan. Dan, Dan ?."    


Unknowingly, Huang Xing felt that every time he was with Xie Yundan, his mood was especially relaxed, and there was no need to worry too much when he spoke. It was as if the two of them were completely in another world.    


Xie Yundan touched his arm for a while and felt goosebumps all over his body: Nothing serious! You think it's not like this... So poor. This mouth of his was really sharp!    


Huang Xing took out the cigarette that he wanted to put in his mouth earlier and put it away: If you think I'm poor, then I'm leaving!    


Pretending to leave.    


Xie Yundan stepped forward and grabbed his hand, then said with a warm yet strong tone, "I forbid you to leave!"    


Huang Xing noticed that Ye Yundan had not let go of his hand for a long time. Not only that, she was currently staring at him with a special gaze, a bit of warmth in her eyes, and a bit of anticipation. Huang Xing's heart jolted.    


Xie Yundan almost held Huang Xing's hand as they sat on the sofa, he helped him to straighten his body, they were very close, the corners of his mouth raised up, and he looked at with a mischievous look.    


Huang Xing suddenly felt his heart racing. Xie Yundan's mysterious actions and expression made him uncertain.    


Furthermore, her petite and soft body was stuck to his body, letting the aphrodisiac smell of the perfume wet the air and Huang Xing's eyes and soul.    


Huang Xing pressed his lips together, and just as he was about to speak, he was held back by Xie Yundan: Don't talk, be quiet!    


Her expression was both mysterious and graceful.    


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