Security Guard’s Romance



1The female voice on the other side of the phone was very familiar, causing Huang Xing to be able to recognize her.    4




Great rich woman Xiao Yan!    


For a moment, Huang Xing thought. Could it be that the unruly and unruly young lad from before was related to Xiao Yan?    


An inexplicable sense of fear overflowed in his heart. Xiao Yan's influence in the business world of Shandong was undoubtedly huge. The moment she stomped her foot, the whole of Jinan's business community would be in an earthquake for three days. Of course, the real power was not Xiao Yan, but Xiao Yan's husband. But even if her husband was powerful, Xiao Yan was definitely not a person to be trifled with. She was also a strong woman who had her dreams and actions, and wholeheartedly wanted to create a large business net to share with Ji Nan and even the entire Shandong Province. Her Kingdom of Cuisines was the one that she had been preparing all this time.    


Huang Xing said: Sister Xiao... Was it the Sister Xiao?    


'It's me! ' Xiao Yan's tone was somewhat unyielding as he said, "Huang Xing, help me investigate who exactly is bullying my people, and even put him in the security office." It's the opposite! Supposedly, he even beat him up?    


Huang Xing broke out in a cold sweat: Sister Xiao, this... It was all a misunderstanding. What's going on... That's it...    


Xiao Yan interrupted Huang Xing: Don't explain it to me, I don't have time to listen. I ask you now to hand over the perpetrators and release my men. Whoever bullies me, I will make him pay!    


Huang Xing was stunned. In his memories, Xiao Yan had always been kind and gentle to him, so how did he suddenly become so overbearing? Moreover, what was the relationship between this seemingly crazy guy and Xiao Yan?    


Huang Xing explained: Sister Xiao, actually, this matter was not only a misunderstanding, but also ? Well, where are you now, I'll send you the men.    


Xiao Yan countered with a question: Just send him back? Do you think I'm so easy to get rid of?    


Huang Xing was startled: Sister Xiao, then at least listen to my explanation.    


Xiao Yan emphasized: I'll give you time to explain! In fifteen minutes, I will rush to Xin Meng Merchant House! When that time comes, I hope you and Fu Jie can give me an explanation together.    


'Alright. Huang Xing thoughtfully nodded.    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing's heart was filled with all sorts of suspicions. He really did not understand what kind of stimulation this Xiao Yan had suffered. How could he change his normal attitude and speak to him with such a forceful tone and vile attitude? The beautiful scene from before, had become a big question mark in Huang Xing's heart as he accompanied these few sentences.    


This huge difference in strength caused Huang Xing to be at a loss. He even pinched his own face in pain, only then did he realize that this was definitely not a dream.    


At this moment, this youth that was hanging off the tree had a mysterious identity, and it seemed as if his veil had already been lifted. Even if Huang Xing was present in the end, he never would have thought that he would actually have something to do with Xiao Yan. And for him, Xiao Yan didn't even hesitate to fall out with him.    


Why was all this happening?    


He couldn't figure it out no matter how much he thought about it!    


However, Huang Xing immediately realized that there was a serious problem and quickly called the security office.    


When a certain Security officer answered the phone, Huang Xing straightforwardly asked: "Where did the person who made this trouble go?"    


The Security officer said: Here, teaching him a lesson!    


Huang Xing stressed: Teaching him a lesson my ass! Let me tell you, eat well and serve well. Don't you dare curse at me. And you didn't call the police?    


Security officer shuddered at the scolding: "No, not yet ?"    


Huang Xing said: That's good!    


Then he hurriedly hung up the phone.    


In about ten minutes, Xiao Yan arrived. Huang Xing was not sure if he should first talk with Fu Jie, or go to the Security Room to get someone. This bad boy, Erlang Shen, had only wanted to give him a lesson in life, but who would have thought that it would lead to such a big trouble. Xiao Yan personally made a move and was even heavily angered! If this matter were to be spread out to anyone else, it would definitely not be an easy task.    


After considering it over, Huang Xing still decided to communicate with Fu Jie first, so that he wouldn't be in a passive position later on.    


He dialed Fu Jie's number, but didn't receive it.    


Finally, on the fourth time, Fu Jie answered the phone and impatiently said, "I'm calling at this time. I'm taking a bath at home!"    


'It's urgent! ' Huang Xing said straightforwardly: Something has happened in the Merchant Shop!    


Fu Jie was startled: "What?" What happened?    


Huang Xing stammered: It's like this, it was originally a small matter, but a little brat was causing trouble in the merchant house, and he even destroyed our public facilities, allowing me to reprimand him, before locking him up in the security office. Who would have thought that ? Who would have thought that this brat would have such a relationship with Xiao Yan? Xiao Yan had called just now, and his tone was very firm, saying that he was coming to the Merchant Hall to denounce them. I really don't know what's wrong with Xiao Yan, she isn't usually like this. This brat must be very close to her. Furthermore, Xiao Yan specifically emphasized that he wanted you to explain it to her along with me ?    


Fu Jie was silent for a moment, then said: Xiao Yan? Was it her? I already knew she wasn't a good person. This fox's tail had finally revealed itself. So, if she goes, you deal with it, I'll be there later.    


Huang Xing replied: No problem. It's just that I'm worried... I'm worried that this matter will completely break the relationship between Xiao Yan and the Xin Meng Merchant House!    


Fu Jie countered with a question: What are you afraid of? It's us who are in the right, it's her people who are creating trouble! Moreover, it reduced the amount of money Xiao Yan spent on Xin Meng Merchant House by twenty million a year. We would rather lose a big client than a sense of justice. The principles couldn't be changed.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: That's true! However, Xiao Yan is too big, I'm afraid she will harm us in the future.    


Fu Jie stressed: "We can't care so much now! If she can turn against us, then it means she's not just out of thin air. She had already made up her mind.    


Huang Xing countered with a question: What plans does she have?    


Fu Jie said: I'm not sure yet, but in short, I feel that this Xiao Yan did not come with good intentions. You need to grasp two principles. One is not to take the initiative and cause conflict with it, and two, you need to adhere to them. You must not lose the principle and the bottom line just because the one who caused this trouble was Xiao Yan's relative.    


Huang Xing replied: I understand this, I will.    


Fu Jie said: Then hurry up and prepare, I want to see what this Xiao Yan wants to accomplish!    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing was surprised by Fu Jie's toughness and calmness.    


At this moment, he felt that his thoughts were unable to keep up.    


Sha Mei who was at the side seemed to realize the seriousness of the situation and approached to ask, "What's the matter, brother, does this little hooligan really have a strong background?"    


Huang Xing nodded: It's Xiao Yan! Just now, Xiao Yan had called and asked for an explanation.    


'Xiao Yan? ' Sha Mei was startled, and her face turned pale. Was it her? How could it be her? This is bad, I've poked a hornet's nest this time! Brother Huang is mainly responsible for me, just push the responsibility onto me. When Xiao Yan arrived, I explained to her.    


Huang Xing shook his head: What does this have to do with you?    


Sha Mei said thoughtfully, "That little rogue was always ?" Always... He was after me.    


Huang Xing emphasized: I know that he initially wanted you, but after evolving, it is no longer just because of you. Xiao Yan is here for Fu Jie and me!    


Sha Mei asked: To you and Fu Jie? Isn't your relationship with Xiao Yan always very harmonious?    


Huang Xing sighed lightly. I don't understand either, this time Xiao Yan's performance was a little abnormal.    


Don't worry, I'll help you deal with this!    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then said: Big Sister Sha, how about this, you go first, I'll deal with it first.    


'Get rid of me? ' Sha Mei frowned.    


Huang Xing said: I'm not chasing you away! I don't want to involve more people in this. As you can see, that little hooligan is a playboy. He is always so excited to see a beauty, just in case ? In short, the less involved this matter was, the easier it would be to deal with later. On the other hand, it would be very tricky.    


Sha Mei bit her lips. But ? But I can't stand by and watch... Do you want to sit back and do nothing?    


Huang Xing said: "If you just sit there and watch, then that is the biggest contribution you can make towards understanding this matter." Do you understand what I mean, Big Sister Sha?    


Sha Mei thought about it for a moment, then nodded. Then I'll go back first. Call me if you have anything to say. If Xiao Yan really has anything to do with this, I will use all of my connections to help you with your public relations.    


Huang Xing said: Thank you, Big Sister Sha!    


Shamei was reluctant to leave as she was carrying something.    


Huang Xing looked at her back view, and suddenly seemed to remember something, he asked her: That's right, Big Sister Sha, don't you have some secret you want to tell me?    


Sha Mei stopped and turned to look at Huang Xing: "About this ?" Let's talk about this another day.    


Huang Xing emphasized: But I want to know right now.    


Sha Mei said: You settle the matters with Xiao Yan first, I will naturally tell you about it.    


Huang Xing thought for a while, then said: "It seems that the secret you mentioned, to me, is not a good thing?    


It's not a good thing, but... But it wasn't a bad thing.    


Huang Xing sighed: You also like to keep people guessing.    


I'm not being suspenseful, Shamei said. It's just not the right time to add to your troubles. Don't worry, after you have dealt with Xiao Yan's matter, I will take the initiative to tell you about it. Trust me.    


Huang Xing nodded and watched Sha Mei leave.    


When he came to the bathroom, Huang Xing took a cigarette. In his mind, he saw Xiao Yan's amiable look, he just could not imagine that the person who called him earlier was the same person.    


The world truly changed in an instant. It was the same with the hearts of men. Huang Xing had just experienced Zhao Xiaoran's perverted dragon-like performance, and then, he had to accept the fact that his good friend had always fallen out with him.    


However, he still could not believe that Xiao Yan, who was smiling so selflessly and had helped him multiple times in the past, would suddenly be enraged in front of him!    


Perhaps it wasn't that he couldn't accept it, but that he didn't believe it.    


The smoke would not let go of his worries. Huang Xing couldn't help but let out a deep sigh.    


Until an angry shout disturbed his complicated thoughts.    


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