Security Guard’s Romance



1'Who the fuck smokes in the toilet? '     0


This scolding and scolding, had instead caused Huang Xing's thoughts to become heavy, and he was shocked.    


A man in his fifties or sixties, dressed in the cleaning uniform of a merchant's building, stormed into the bathroom and looked around angrily.    


When he realised that the one smoking in the bathroom was the General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building, he was stunned. He scratched his head in embarrassment. His tone was no longer as domineering as before, "Huang ?" Director Huang, Leader Huang, this ? This... I...    


The old man hesitated, not knowing what to do.    


Huang Xing cooperatively pinched the cigarette butt and said: "Uncle Li, you don't need to explain."    


The cleaner was surprised for a moment before he asked anxiously, "You're not going to fire me, are you?" I guess... Sigh, don't fire me. I really don't want to change places.    


Of course he did not want to go to another place. This Great Master Li had been a cleaner in six different businesses before, but he was not stunned. Firstly, the working environment was much better than the other families, and secondly, the salary was also higher by nearly half. To use the words he often chats with people, he is now satisfied with the salary of a cleaner, a little more than his son, who works in an enterprise unit.    


But now, he had accidentally offended the big boss of the mall and even cursed at him. This was a huge disaster. How could he not be worried that the Leader would fire him?    


Huang Xing emphasized: I was the one who made the mistake, why would I fire you? Uncle Li, your sense of responsibility is very strong. But pay attention to the way you're going to do it. Don't just... Just a catchphrase.    


Great Master Li repeatedly nodded his head: I will remember, I will remember, this is a habit I got when I was young, I love to bring 'f * cking', 'f * cking', 'f * cking', 'f * cking', 'f * cking' with my words. Sigh, you say that I am too old, and can't change it. But this time I did. Unexpectedly ? Who would have thought that the Leader would... He was scolded... I have a memory.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: "Go ahead Uncle Li, I led the way and violated the rules, so I deserve to be punished."    


He took out five hundred yuan from his pocket and threw it into Great Master Li's hands. He pointed to the sign on the wall that read 'Smoking prohibited, violator fined five hundred yuan' and said: "This is a fine. Give me a list and I'll hand it over to the finance department."    


The Great Master Li looked troubled as he pushed the money out of the window. No... How can I be fined, this. Leader: This is my first offense. No fines.    


Huang Xing emphasized: Keep it, we'll follow the rules.    


Then he quickly left the bathroom.    


Only the Great Master Li was left with a few hundred yuan bills in his hands, lying in a mess amidst the smoke.    


Huang Xing went straight to the guard duty room. The young man was greeted by the security guards and sat on the sofa with his legs crossed. He was holding a cup of tea and humming an unknown song proudly.    


Seeing Huang Xing coming in, the big boy immediately laughed sarcastically: Didn't you say you were going to report for 110, you said so, why didn't you report it?    


Huang Xing frowned, suppressing his anger: Xiao Yan will come over later to pick you up!    


'Scared? ' The older boy coldly snorted and stressed, "I already told you, don't provoke me. You definitely won't listen. I have to personally call you." You know how busy my aunt is, no one dares to provoke her in the whole of Jinan. The government and the business world, even the society had to behave themselves in front of her. You sure are brave, daring to touch the earth on the head of the earth...    


Huang Xing suspiciously asked: Xiao Yan is your aunt?    


The older boy replied proudly, You still don't know our relationship after all this time, huh? I'm telling you, listen carefully. Xiao Yan is my aunt, my aunt, and my mother is her blood sister. Do you understand now? I already told you, I'm not to be trifled with, you have to listen, you! When my aunt arrives later, I want to see how you're going to deal with this!    


Huang Xing felt as if a fish bone was stuck in his throat, although he was not a person who feared power due to the wind, but at that moment, many words were stuck in his throat, unable to be spoken. Looking at the arrogant look of the older boy, Huang Xing thought, this brat is really crippled! With the name of his aunt, he was committing heinous crimes everywhere, causing trouble. Sooner or later, he would fall flat on his face.    


Not to mention Huang Xing, even the security guards were extremely shocked when they heard the two words "Xiao Yan". Everyone knew who Xiao Yan was and what his identity was. A character who could cause an earthquake in Shandong for three days with a stomp, her relatives were captured by him, who wouldn't think about it and reflect on it?    


The older boy reached out to stroke his head and asked Huang Xing: "Remember me next time?" My name is Fan Tong! Do you remember this name?    


Fan Tong?    


Rice bucket! Indeed, he lived up to his name!    


Huang Xing nodded his head: Yes, your name is easy to remember.    


Fan Tong pouted and asked: "You ?" Are you laughing at me? You laugh at me, don't you?    


'No. Huang Xing pretended ignorance. When did I laugh at you, Little Fan? I told you that your name is easy to remember, why would you laugh at me?    


Fan Tong asked: "Why is it easy to remember?"    


Huang Xing emphasized: It's just two words, of course it's easy to remember. Now, the two words were less.    


Fan Tong said angrily: Just because of these two words, is it just because it's easy to remember? You must have thought of something else with my name. Are you sure... You must have taken my name as' Rice Bucket ', right?    


This was truly a heinous crime, how could there be no reason for it!    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly, but pretended to be enlightened and said: It really is the voice, if you don't say it, I really would not think about it. This way, it would be easier to remember.    


Fan Tong stood up in anger: You ? You still dare to laugh at me?    


Huang Xing said: Alright, just sit still obediently, don't dig for bones inside the eggs. Let me tell you, no matter who it is that comes to pick you up, you made a mistake today. I didn't call the police to arrest you. But no matter how great your reputation is, it has nothing to do with you! At best, you're just a little trick. Do you understand?    


Fan Tong never thought that at this time, the other side would still dare to teach him a lesson in such a tone. He could not help but be infuriated: "You mean, my aunt's face, is not worth anything?"    


Huang Xing emphasized: Sister Xiao's face, cannot be bought no matter how much money you spend! But you, although you can buy some things with money, you can't buy today's lesson. Think about it. You're still young, and you still have a long way to go. If this were to continue, you would be a cripple!    


Fan Tong tsk-tsked: You're still teaching me a lesson? Just you wait, when my aunt comes, I'll let her slap you in the face! Your mouth is so cheap!    


Huang Xing sneered: Your mouth is truly despicable! I want to sew it up for you!    


Fan Tong said: You dare to talk to me like that? It's the opposite of you! Okay, let's see who sews who's mouth later!    


'I... "Let's wait and see!" Huang Xing fiercely threw down his words and walked out of the guard duty room.    


It was only then that Huang Xing realized that the weather was a bit worse today. The sky was dark and heavy, and a gust of cold wind was blowing towards him like a knife slicing across his face. He consciously and accurately swept his eyes over the car park. After confirming that Xiao Yan's car had not arrived, he lit up another cigarette and calmed his already boiling heart.    


Xiao Yan was truly unfathomable!    


He had originally thought that his relationship with Xiao Yan was not ordinary, and that he would treat her as his close friend, but he never thought that all of this was just his wishful thinking.    


A flashy Bentley's car drove into the Xin Meng Merchant House's car park.    


Huang Xing carefully looked at the license plate, his heart startled, he was sure that this car was one of Xiao Yan's chariots.    


He quickly walked up to the carriage, but he discovered that there were two men in black who got off. They were tall and mighty. One of them stood at the back of the carriage and looked around. The other one went around to the right rear and opened the rear door.    


In an instant, a woman filled with noble aura walked out calmly under the care of the man in black.    


It's Xiao Yan! It's indeed Xiao Yan!    


For some reason, when Huang Xing saw her this time, he actually felt a little panicked in his heart. In the past, every time he ate or chatted with her, Huang Xing would not feel any pressure. Only this time, he felt that this legendary woman was as if she had ten kilograms of explosives tied around her body. No one dared to look at her directly.    


'Shao... "Sister Xiao." Huang Xing took the initiative to welcome him, and greeted him.    


Xiao Yan casually glanced at Huang Xing, and a slight smile appeared on his face: Director Huang!    


This smile was different from the previous one. The smile from before was as warm as the spring wind, giving people a kind and warm feeling. However, the smile was domineering and contained a saber within it.    


Huang Xing looked at the two burly men beside her, and jokingly said: "Sister Xiao even brought bodyguards here? Rare, Rare!    


Xiao Yan said with a half smile: "That's because you haven't seen it much, that's all."    


Huang Xing nodded somewhat awkwardly, and self-deprecatingly said: "Then I have seen many strange things, haha."    


Xiao Yan took half a step towards Huang Xing, and asked: Where's our child?    


Huang Xing pointed to the guard duty room: I am chatting with the guard.    


'Chat? ' Xiao Yan frowned: Your security guards are really charming. Do you still need to find someone to chat with while you're at work?    


Huang Xing could understand the hidden meaning behind her words, but he could not refute her directly, thus he replied: Sister Xiao, to be honest, your home ?    


Xiao Yan immediately interrupted Huang Xing: I heard you beat him up? Did you find out who did it?    


'Murderer? ' Huang Xing said, "There is no murderer." Moreover, he did not make a move.    


Xiao Yan retorted: Did he not make a move, Fan Tong, he almost cried? You have to find the culprit for me today. I would like to see who has the guts to scold, beat, and even personally detain someone!    


Huang Xing emphasized: Sister Xiao, let's go to my office for a while.    


'Is it necessary? ' Xiao Yan said: Let's settle it here! If I can't solve it, I won't leave today!    


Huang Xing asked: How does Sister Xiao want to settle this?    


Xiao Yan said in a stern voice: To severely punish the person who cursed is one of them. Secondly, the Xin Meng Merchant House must have written materials and apologize to our Fan Tong. The leader of the mall was going to have a good expression on this matter.    


Huang Xing said thoughtfully: Sister Xiao, I think you should first understand what has happened before coming to a conclusion.    


Xiao Yan frowned: I understand, of course I understand. But that doesn't affect the damage you do to a nineteen-year-old child. I'll give you five minutes to find the person who beat him up. I want to see how much courage this person has to beat up my child!    


Huang Xing's face broke out in a cold sweat, this Xiao Yan really did not come with good intentions!    


The sudden change in her temperament caused Huang Xing to be at a loss as to what to do.    


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