Security Guard’s Romance



3There was no doubt that this news was spread by Wang Renkui.    


But why was he so confident that he would accept his invitation?    


No one knew.    


Principal Lv turned to look at Liu Erni and asked him: "This is ?"    


Huang Xing introduced her as a manager of our Xin Meng Merchant House. This time, she came back with me to discuss some business. In the morning, always with me.    


Liu Erni perfunctorily shook hands with Principal Lv and politely said, "Greetings, Principal."    


After greeting them politely over and over again, Huang Xing and Liu Erni walked into the academy under the guidance of a seating guide.    


Inadvertently, Huang Xing raised his head and saw the old man from the security office who was standing at the door with a pale complexion. He stared at Huang Xing, at a loss of what to do, and his expression became heavy. His face was full of worry.    


Perhaps, he didn't expect that the person who he had reprimanded in the morning was actually the Huang Xing who was announced to the entire school. If I accidentally offended him, would he reveal my identity in front of the principal, then wouldn't I be in grave danger?    


What was even more unexpected was that the girl that was travelling with Huang Xing, actually stopped right in front of him.    


The guard leader looked at Liu Erni in panic.    


"Uncle, it's still you." Liu Erni asked indifferently.    


"Yes..." It's me. " Defending the Great Master, he stammered, "You ?" You... Hello... Good.    


Liu Erni asked him: Why do you still not know how to speak? I remember you talking quite well, didn't you say so this morning ?    


Huang Xing coughed lightly, reminding Liu Erni not to bother with a security guard.    


However, the School Leader s did not know about what happened in the morning. Seeing Liu Erni chatting with the big boss of the Guardian Office, they stopped and waited.    


Liu Erni followed along, and they stood shoulder to shoulder.    


Principal Lv turned to look at Master Security, and said to Liu Erni thoughtfully: "Manager Liu knows our security?"    


'Sort of. Liu Erni nodded: "He...    


Huang Xing coughed lightly again, hinting to Liu Erni not to mention the matter of the morning.    


Principal Lv stressed, "Our security guard is not an ordinary security guard." He used to be an excellent form teacher.    


'What?! ' Liu Erni was surprised: He's the class teacher? The homeroom teacher should be teaching the students, how could he... Did he run to the door to check on the door?    


Principal Lv replied, "They always make mistakes. They do have a sense of responsibility, but they love to beat and scold students. They have been reported by their parents many times." First he was demoted to an ordinary teacher, then he went to No. 3 High School to teach for a year before making the same mistake. What was even more laughable was that he even beat up the son of the head of the Education Bureau. This made the director very angry, so he disqualified him and sent him here to watch the door.    


Liu Erni said as he clicked his tongue: His temper is indeed quite explosive.    


Principal Lv was stunned for a moment: You ? You know him?    


Liu Erni quickly shook his head: "I ? I guess, I guess. Judging from his appearance. It was obvious at a glance that he had a bad temper.    


Inside the school, the students who had been greeted were already waiting in a neat row, with endless applause.    


What was even more unexpected to Huang Xing was that the principal even arranged for a beautiful girl to present the flowers for him to take a picture with.    


What a big specification.    


In the principal's office.    


Upon entering the Principal's office, Huang Xing was shocked.    


The office of the principal didn't look new or new, but it was very expensive.    


The tables and chairs were made of fine mahogany, and the sofas were made of solid wood and leather. There was a desktop computer on the table, which was also an Apple computer worth tens of thousands of dollars. Although the bitten Apple logo was glued onto the table, one could tell that it was an expensive Apple computer just by looking at it.    


The Principal Lv seemed to have noticed something from Huang Xing's gaze, and took the opportunity to explain: Look at my wealth, I'm not afraid of you making fun of me, I relied on others to sponsor me. Haha, shame, shame.    


Huang Xing smiled perfunctorily and said: Not a bad office.    


Everyone sat down. At this moment, a beautiful female teacher appeared out of nowhere and came in to make tea for them.    


"Director Huang, have some tea." The female teacher smiled as she served the tea.    


Huang Xing said: Thank you.    


But the female teacher only kept sneering at Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing was confused, he couldn't help but think that even if he was any more handsome, as a female teacher, how could he stare at her so blatantly?    


However, he still knew his own limits. He wasn't handsome to the point that he could fall in love with anyone he met.    


The female teacher suddenly asked: Director Huang, you ? Don't you know me?    


'You are... ' Huang Xing was stumped by her words. After careful examination, he confirmed that they looked familiar, but he really couldn't remember anything.    


The female teacher laughed self-deprecatingly. No wonder. I was unknown then, but you should remember me. Then I will announce myself, Chili pepper, Zhang Wenxue. Do you have an impression of it?    


Chili pepper?    


How could it be her?    


Huang Xing was shocked!    


If it was said that the name Zhang Wenxue was easy to forget, then the nickname Chili pepper was still a well-known title at that time.    


Pepper is Yunnan people, Dai, can sing and dance. Little Chili Pepper was her nickname and also her stage name. Huang Xing remembered that when he was in high school, this little chili was a literary celebrity in the whole school, the backbone of all kinds of evening shows. Every time the school organized a party or a literary program, they would always see her program. Moreover, she and Huang Xing were in the same class. The student's results were average, but they were lively and cute. Especially at that time, at a party, she sang an song called "Eighteen Bends on the Mountain Road". The students all agreed that her singing skills had surpassed her original singing skills.     


However, how could such a capable girl from the Dai Clan, who could sing and dance well, stay in school as a teacher?    


After a moment of doubt, Huang Xing said: "I remember, your singing skills are especially good, and your dancing skills are also quite good. There's always you at parties."    


Zhang Wenxue shyly caressed her cheeks: Do you remember me? It's a pity I've changed so much, isn't it?    


Huang Xing shook his head: Not bad, a little changed. Oh right, did you go to the normal school after graduation? Why did you come back to be a teacher?    


Zhang Wenxue laughed and said, "I went to the Music Academy, and taught music and dancing at my school." I am right... I have feelings for my alma mater.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: That's reasonable. That's right.    


Principal Lv didn't miss an opportunity to speak. "This Teacher Wen Xue is our school's prettiest, the most beautiful teacher." A gem of our experimental high school.    


Zhang Wenxue replied: The Principal is teasing me again.    


'Humility! ' Principal Lv said: You are being modest, aren't you? Just say that you are you. This level of yours is where talents come from. He had to either be a scholar or a beautiful woman. In this wealthy and powerful area of the Director Huang, your Chili pepper is the only one able to traverse mountains and rivers. That's right, that's right, there's even a Wu Qianqian at your level, it would be incredible if the provincial station became the famous host.    


Presumably, this Principal Lv had been a language teacher before, and her words were so exaggerated that it caused people to be stupefied.    


Wang Renkui said: Wu Qianqian, his name used to be Wu Yawen. At that time, she was unknown and had an ordinary appearance. Who would have thought that she would become so popular all of a sudden?    


Principal Lv furrowed his brows for a moment. Ah, Ren Kui, why didn't you say so, would Wu Qianqian come along today as well?    


Wang Renkui was startled, he looked at Huang Xing: "Wu Yawen is not with you?"    


These words made Huang Xing feel extremely awkward: This ? She ? She must have gone home, or maybe she went back to Jinan, we...    


'Ow... ' Wang Renkui lightly bit her lips: Then ? Then, he might as well have Wu Yawen come here alone another day.    


Principal Lv was slightly unhappy, but he said: "Alright, alright.    


Zhang Wenxue poured some hot water into Huang Xing's cup and said: "I heard that old classmate is coming over, I have already taken out all the tea leaves that I have treasured for many years, Director Huang, what do you think of the flavor of the tea leaves?    


Huang Xing nodded his head: Not bad, not bad, it was very fragrant. The Pu'er must be Chen's Pu'er.    


Zhang Wenxue couldn't help but stick out his thumb: Impressive, an expert indeed. I am the Pu'er that I brought from my hometown, the tea of the 1990s, it has been more than 20 years. The headmaster asked me several times, but I couldn't bear to contribute. Right, Principal?    


Principal Lv held onto his teacup while he ate, and said: It's because I got the shine of the Director Huang that I was lucky enough to taste this precious ancient Pu'er. Delicious, indeed.    


Huang Xing said: Then I'm flattered, thank you old classmate.    


"You're welcome." Zhang Wenxue smiled sweetly.    


Just then, a man in an apron knocked on the door and came in. He said to Principal Lv: Principal, everything is ready.    


'Lao Wang! ' Principal Lv called out, and pointed at Huang Xing: Let me introduce you, this is the Director Huang that we are looking forward to, the good student of our school, Huang Xing, Director Huang.    


Lao Wang rubbed the grease on his hands on his apron, then excitedly reported his name: Wang Dejiang.    


'Good day, Teacher Wang. I have an impression of you.' Huang Xing shook hands with him and bowed.    


Wang Dejiang was pleasantly surprised, "Really ?" Really? Yes, yes. When you were studying here, I was just a contract worker, a servant chef.    


Huang Xing said: "I remember that Teacher Wang's fried youtiao is especially good. Every time the school notifies people to eat youtiao, there would be a few long lines lining up at the window." Often, it was all for naught.    


Wangde Jiang couldn't hide his excitement: "Do you remember, do you remember..." I thought... Our support personnel... Haha ?    


He was at a loss for words.    


The Principal Lv didn't miss the opportunity to smooth things over for Wang Dejiang: The Head Supervisor wasn't good at speaking, and seeing that he was so excited, even his mouth couldn't help. His mouth is not working. Our mouth is working. Let's go and have a taste of our school food.    


He took the lead and stood up, the other School Leader s also stood up.    


Principal Lv looked at Zhang Wenxue, and said to Huang Xing: Let Teacher Zhang have one too, pour some wine, put on a show or something, adjust the atmosphere.    


Huang Xing nodded.    


And at this time, Liu Erni was a little embarrassed. From the moment they entered the Principal's office, everyone had been surrounding Huang Xing, flattering him nonstop. They hadn't even spoken a single word to her. Liu Erni curled his lips. The grievances and injustice he felt in his heart were clearly expressed by his words.    


Once he left the Principal's office, Zhang Wenxue went over to Huang Xing's side and softly said: "Old classmate, you're not being too proper!    


Not good enough? Huang Xing was momentarily stunned. I ? What did I do wrong?    


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