Security Guard’s Romance



3To be exact, Huang Xing really wanted to help the two of them.     4


When he was in high school, his family was very poor, and every penny he spent on school was money he earned from his parents. He borrowed it again, borrowed it again, and only then did Huang Xing finish attending high school. That kind of hardship was something only the children of poor families could experience.    


However, Wang Renkui forced himself to help the poor students in such a way, which made Huang Xing feel somewhat disgusted. After all, Wang Renkui was the one who shamelessly asked for the previous five hundred thousand contribution points, so he didn't bother about it. At this time, he used such a method to slice off the flesh of his own body, truly infuriating Huang Xing.    


Wang Renkui kept observing Huang Xing's expression. His gaze of anticipation was like a sharp sword.    


At this moment, Huang Xing, who had always been at his mercy due to fear his own feelings, finally could not hold back anymore and was about to counterattack. He decided that without prejudice to his own doings of kindness, he would make a counterattack against Wang Renkui and the group of School Leader who were always greedy!    


Maybe it was due to the alcohol, but Huang Xing's brain moved even faster. They want to cut their own flesh with poverty-stricken children, then they will do the same to them. Perhaps, without the appearance of these two impoverished students, Huang Xing really wouldn't have been able to think of a perfect counterattack.    


Huang Xing lit a cigarette and patted the boy's shoulder. He looked at the girl and said righteously, "Don't worry, as long as you have a good student, your school fees and living expenses, I will cover all of them!"    


Yu Peng and Shen Qiuge looked at Huang Xing gratefully, their eyes filled with tears.    


Shen Qiuge was so excited that she fell to her knees. After Yu Peng saw this, he knelt down as well.    


Shen Qiuge said while sobbing: Thank you senior, thank you Big Brother Huang. You really are a good person. In the future, we'll ? After graduation, I will definitely repay you! Definitely!    


Yu Peng repeatedly nodded in agreement as well.    


Wang Renkui was secretly delighted in his heart, and he added another great merit to himself. As a rich man, he had to give him some blood!    


Principal Lv and the other Vice-Chancellor s all laughed and nodded at this scene. Zhang Wenxue also had eyes, he quickly took out his camera and recorded this moving moment.    


Wang Renkui laughed and said: This ? This... You've done all the good things, and you're taking a big advantage!    


Huang Xing emphasized: That's right, we took advantage of her. The President Wang might as well take over as well. They are the future of our motherland. It is my honor to be able to spare no effort for them. May I ask Principal Lv, how many children like them are there in the whole school?    


Upon hearing this, Principal Lv made some calculations and said: there are about thirty plus.    


Huang Xing continued to ask: "Then what is the total amount of tuition and living expenses for these thirty over poor students for three years?"    


Principal Lv calculated for a long time, but did not come up with an answer. On the other hand, Wang Renkui was more sensitive to numbers, and quickly blurted out: About two hundred thousand.    


'Good! ' Huang Xing nodded his head: Two hundred thousand could make thirty over poor students study hard and graduate smoothly, it was worth the money.    


Wang Renkui's eyes were filled with pleasant surprise, and his mouth began to tremble. You... You mean... The problem of sponsorship for the poor students in Experimental High School, did you cover it all?    


Huang Xing emphasized: I dare not say with my entire bag, but I can only say with all my might. This way...    


Liu Erni suddenly interrupted Huang Xing and stood up, his face flushed red: "Your school is really going too far, no matter how much you slaughter the rich, you can't just slaughter them all by yourself right. You want him to donate money to build a library, and also want him to save a poor life, do you all think he is a Sun Wukong?    


The faces of all the School Leader s changed.    


On the other hand, Zhang Wenxue spoke up for his old classmate Huang Xing: That's right, Principal. I think that Director Huang agreeing to sponsor the library is already very valuable. What, he would definitely increase the pressure. We can't possibly ignore the interests of the Director Huang for the sake of the school, right? I suggest that we find another way to donate poor students. We can also use other forms, such as the previous teaching and administrative contributions, the contributions from the parents of the students. Or, we can also use the power of society to call upon the kind-hearted to help us ?    


Wang Renkui coughed lightly a few times, reminding Zhang Wenxue to stand on the opposite side.    


But perhaps it was because of the alcohol that Zhang Wenxue did not notice Wang Renkui's reminder, but instead became more and more excited.    


Wang Renkui smirked as he patted Zhang Wenxue's shoulders and said: "Teacher Zhang, you have underestimated the strength of our Director Huang." General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building, what kind of identity was this? With his ability, not to mention donating a library and more than thirty impoverished students, even if he were to build a public service high school, he would definitely have the strength to do so. Teacher Zhang, when you said this, you actually did something bad to prevent us from having a merciful heart. Is that so, Director Huang?    


He turned and looked at Huang Xing.    


He was still the same, using all sorts of methods to force others to submit.    


Liu Erni was even more unaccustomed to it. Borrowing the alcohol, he criticized straightforwardly: President Wang, you really are a little ? Isn't that a bit too much?    


"Oh?" Wang Renkui pretended to be confused and turned his head, like an expert who had stepped out of this world, acting like a wife, and asked: "What do you mean by that?"    


Liu Erni was about to speak again, but Huang Xing stretched out his hand and interrupted him: "Alright, alright, drink, first!"    


Huang Xing raised his wine cup and took a deep sip.    


Liu Erni also angrily took a gulp.    


It was obvious that she was not ashamed of the School Leader's continuous pressure. This was simply forcing her to donate!    


Huang Xing took the agreement in front of him and looked at Principal Lv. Principal Lv, I think this agreement should be revised.    


The Principal Lv was shocked, but Wang Renkui immediately said: Yes, yes, yes. The contribution of children living in poverty should also be added. Otherwise, wouldn't Huang Xing have spent all his money for nothing? With this agreement, it would be the greatest proof and guarantee for Huang Xing's righteousness. Although many people believe in doing good deeds without leaving a name, but I feel that doing good deeds should be passed down through the ages, and should be made known to others. This way, he could be considered as giving an explanation to a philanthropist like Huang Xing who did not hesitate to help.    


Principal Lv nodded slightly: Yes, yes. Then I will have to trouble President Wang to revise it as appropriate, and it will be done now. We also have to take care of Director Huang's time.    


Wang Renkui stood up, and said cheerfully: I will go and fix it right now!    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly in his heart. A scholar snatching money so righteously, just like that.    


After weighing the pros and cons, Huang Xing raised his hand and said.    


Wang Renkui was startled, and looked at Huang Xing.    


Yellowstar took a deep drag on his cigarette, exhaled a few puffs, and said, I mean, put the library on hold. A good book doesn't have to be displayed in a magnificent building. Even if it was placed on the street, students who like it would still try to read it. Therefore, I suggest that the school should delay the construction of the library and use this portion of the funds to help the needy students. This way, they would be able to save a lot of money. This way, they could ensure that the poor students could study in peace. In addition, I would like to add an additional 100,000 yuan for the purchase of books, the school can free up one or two classrooms or offices, as a library function. In this way, we can save money, enrich the students' desire, and at the same time, help the poor students to the greatest extent. I think that's what the school should do!    


'This... ' Principal Lv heard the mystery in Huang Xing's words.    


Wang Renkui frowned his eyebrows, and stressed: The library project has already been set up in the county, and also received the approval of the county leader. If we cancel the library project, how will we report it to the county leader?    


Huang Xing emphasized: The so-called library, is more about books than libraries. Even if a library was built to look like a royal palace, what use would it have if there were no books inside? No matter how simple and crude the room was, it was filled with good books. Naturally, there would be people fighting over it. As I said earlier, I will give you 100,000 yuan to help you buy books. I think that in such a large school, there should at least be two to three places that you can use for your books, right?    


Huang Xing's move was called the Great Teleportation of the Universe. He cleverly used the money he had spent to sponsor the library to donate to the impoverished students. As a result, he did not lose out on his charity, as well as giving Wang Renkui and the others a strong counterattack. After all, if the construction of the library project was cancelled, the amount of sponsorship fees would disappear. Furthermore, the existence of a library isn't that meaningful. This was just a face-saving project that required manpower, materials, and financial resources. It was just the construction of a beautiful empty shell. In the past, Liu Yuxi's vile inscriptions were enough to prove that he could still read books and achieve success in such a simple place!    


The Principal Lv didn't miss the opportunity to say: "Oh, Director Huang ?" This... This... The construction of the library project is already a foregone conclusion. This project is unshakable. This is also ? It was also the County Leader's intention. Not in one year, not in two years, not in two years, not in three years. In short, we must complete this far-reaching task.    


'Yes, yes.' Wang Renkui quickly added: With Director Huang's five hundred thousand support, the library project will not be a problem. It will be activated immediately! Therefore, there was no need to stop the library project!    


He kept on emphasizing the number five hundred thousand, which made Huang Xing feel even more disgusted.    


Because this number, was not what Huang Xing had wished for, but was something that Wang Renkui had created based on three hundred thousand gold coins!    


Huang Xing emphasized: Good steel needs to be used on the blade. So, I think those poor students need help even more. However, the construction of the library was not that urgent. So I decided that I would put my mind to donating to poor students.    


Obviously, Huang Xing had already tactfully declined the sponsorship of the library. In fact, this was not his wish, but facing the greedy School Leader, he had no choice but to retaliate, in order to not be trampled on by others.    


Hearing Huang Xing's words, the expressions of all the School Leader s froze.    


Of course they could understand what Huang Xing meant.    


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