Security Guard’s Romance



1To be exact, Huang Xing's heart was currently very complicated.     2


School Leader's constant pressing down caused him to feel very uncomfortable. He felt as if Wang Renkui and the others treated him as an old bitch as they were pressed on the chopping board, slashing and slaughtering him with one blade after another.    


How could he endure that?    


Wang Renkui smacked his lips and said: Huang Xing is so enlightened, so enlightened. Then, as you said, I will report to the county head that the library construction will be delayed. As for the five hundred thousand dollars you sponsored, I'll keep it in the school's public account until the time is ripe, and then I'll take it out and use it to build a library. This way, it was all right.    


Huang Xing was shocked! Did the world really have a face thicker than a city wall?    


The Principal Lv expressed his praise towards Wang Renkui's cleverness, and nodded slightly: This is good, this is good. First, he had to solve the problem of poor students, and then, build a library. President Wang's suggestion was very successful.    


Perfection my ass! Huang Xing secretly cursed in his heart.    


But he immediately realized that these School Leader were definitely going to get him for real.    


In order to get the sponsorship that was so exaggerated, they did everything they could. Their complexions were so thick that the treasured sword could not pierce through.    


Since the other party was closing in, what was there for him to worry about? The act of charity was voluntary. However, this kind of forced donation was truly unimaginable. He had already tactfully expressed his intentions, changing the library sponsorship to helping poor students. However, the other party insisted on making him take down these two items. They were so insatiable that they could devour their own flesh. Why would he have to submit to them?    


Huang Xing decided to directly clarify this matter, so as to not let them have any illogical fantasies!    


After making up his mind, Huang Xing said straightforwardly: "What I mean is that I'm not able to split my forces right now. If I were to take advantage of them both, it would be difficult. Again, money, if you want to spend it on the blade, I intend to spend the three hundred thousand I promised on helping poor students and buying study books.    


Everyone was shocked when they found the courage to speak out.    


Wang Renkui's face instantly turned green, he did not expect that under his pressure, Huang Xing actually jumped off the wall in a hurry.    


The scene fell into a peculiar silence.    


Liu Erni agreed with Huang Xing's decision. She did not miss the opportunity to say: "I agree to help the poor students, they are the ones that are most in need and the ones that are most worth spending money on." Still, three hundred thousand was a little too much. I think one hundred and fifty thousand is enough. Just now, the principal had quoted a price of two hundred thousand. In other words, to save all the poor students of the entire school, even after graduation, would only require around two hundred thousand. Of course, he couldn't let all these good things happen ? Director Huang must have gotten the upper hand, right? He was responsible for half a million. With the remaining 50%, the school could, on a voluntary basis, call for a large number of teaching staff. In addition, we are also responsible for 50% of the purchase price, that is, 50,000 yuan. If it's one hundred and fifty thousand yuan, I think it's a big deal, right?    


High, that was brilliant!    


Huang Xing never thought that Liu Erni would be so eloquent at such a crucial time.    


But there was no doubt that Liu Erni's words had caused the School Leader to be unable to calm down.    


Especially for Wang Renkui.    


Seeing Liu Erni reduce the amount of sponsorship that he had tried so much to one hundred and fifty thousand, how could this sudden change not make him angry?    


Wang Renkui asked Huang Xing: "Is it up to you to decide, or is it up to this Manager Liu to decide?    


Huang Xing joked. Whoever was right would be the boss.    


It seemed to be a joke, but in reality, it was a wise and foolish thing to say, to understand the heart.    


Wang Renkui said: Director Huang, about the matter of you sponsoring the five hundred thousand ? The fact that he was sponsoring 500,000 yuan for the library had already been reported to the county leader. Besides, you must have seen the notice at the school gate and posted it. By now, everyone in the entire county would already know about this. If you change your mind, will you ? Would it arouse everyone's displeasure? It's like ? Breach of promise... He broke his promise so quickly?    


Huang Xing frowned and raised his voice: President Wang, I believe you are well aware of this. Indeed, I had promised to sponsor three hundred thousand dollars for the library. Later on, the three hundred thousand was added by you to the five hundred thousand. President Wang, do you think that my money is coming out of nowhere? Or, what does the money I desperately earn have to do with you? You opened your mouth wide and tricked me into it, treating me like a pig or a sheep. Humans couldn't be too greedy. Sometimes, if one was greedy for more, he or she would lose sleep.    


Wang Renkui's face revealed a bit of fear: Where did he go, where did he go ? Director Huang, what you mean now is ? Are you going to go back on your word?    


Huang Xing emphasized: I didn't go back on my words. What I, Huang Xing, have done, I have never regretted. What I regret is that I can't see clearly and I can't see clearly. President Wang, my old form teacher, I know that you are eager to contribute. But the old head teacher, using such a way to do meritorious deeds, it's fine if he doesn't do it. Like I said, I, Huang Xing, don't want to be a sheep that gets slaughtered at will. I can do whatever is within my power for my alma mater, but the condition is, don't force me. Do you understand me, President Wang?    


These words shocked everyone present.    


Principal Lv might not understand all of the meaning behind Huang Xing's words, he looked at the two people in confrontation in shock, but he could not help but smooth things over: What's wrong, you drank too much? Haha, peace is noble, they were obviously doing good, why are they still in such a hurry?    


'This... "This ?" Wang Renkui stammered, "I ? I drink!    


Under such extreme awkwardness, Wang Renkui raised his wine cup and took a big gulp. Perhaps, at this moment, he could only use this method to dissolve the dissatisfaction and awkwardness in his heart.    


But even so, he had no choice but to talk about sponsorship.    


The school's desire for more money caused Huang Xing to become even more angry. Right now, even the school's leaders were wondering in their hearts, just how many numbers would the school be able to achieve?    


After they clinked glasses a few times to ease the atmosphere, Principal Lv once again tactfully brought up the topic of sponsorship: Director Huang, you, me, everyone, we are all busy with work. So I think it's necessary for us to use this noon time to finalize certain aspects of things. So, you tell me about your final decision.    


'Alright. Huang Xing lit another cigarette and said thoughtfully: "My promise to President Wang at that time will not change. Three hundred thousand. However, at that time, the money was originally used to sponsor the library, but now, it seemed that the amount of money would not change. Its purpose was slightly changed to save the poor students.    


Liu Erni didn't miss an opportunity to interject: One hundred and fifty thousand! You can't just take all the advantages, can you?    


Huang Xing emphasized: "I cannot go back on my word. The three hundred thousand lightning strikes were unstoppable. I hope that the school will be able to put my little heart into the blade and use it on poor students.    


'Of course, of course. Principal Lv spoke first.    


Wang Renkui did not give up and said to Huang Xing: "But, but..." We had settled on half a million, and the county leader already knows that number. And we've posted the notice. If... If it became three hundred thousand, then ? This... I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to report this to the county leader. Others thought that... They thought our school had done something...    


Huang Xing decided never to let Wang Renkui lead him by the nose again. Sometimes, the more lenient a person was, the more oppressed they would be. Huang Xing asked Wang Renkui in reply: This five hundred thousand, it did not exist from the start.    


'I... This is what you've agreed to! ' Wang Renkui argued: All of a sudden, we have shrunk by two hundred thousand. How are we supposed to report this to the county leaders and the students?    


Holy shit, you're blaming me instead?    


If not for the fact that Wang Renkui had once been his class teacher, he would have left in a fit of anger!    


Sometimes, doing good things can cause trouble! Moreover, he had always been being schemed against.    


Huang Xing emphasized: "I don't care how you explain it, I am only fulfilling my promise from the beginning.    


Wang Renkui's face was flushed red, her pleading gaze turned to look at Principal Lv.    


Principal Lv was also in a difficult position.    


Wang Renkui's expression was very solemn. Perhaps he had realized the grave consequences of how much he had gotten ahead of himself. But now that the situation had escalated to an uncontrollable state, he was truly powerless.    


'Three hundred thousand, that's a lot more.' Principal Lv suddenly said: "I accept this three hundred thousand." As for the five hundred thousand on the notice, I'll explain it to the county leader and the school teachers and students. In short, let us raise our cups together and thank the Director Huang for his righteous gesture. If there were no more objections, then Headmaster Renkui would immediately go and draw up an agreement and bring it here! Director Huang, what do you think?    


Huang Xing nodded. When I get back to Jinan, I'll put the money into your public account in three days.    


Principal Lv laughed and said, "Great, great, this is great!" Here, have a drink!    


Wang Renkui left his seat full of thoughts and went to prepare a new agreement.    


After experiencing such a brazen battle, he had finally returned to normal.    


Zhang Wenxue volunteered himself and performed a dance, the awkward atmosphere was almost gone.    


After around twenty minutes, Wang Renkui returned with the new agreement.    


Huang Xing took a rough look, and only checked the number of 'Three hundred thousand' in the agreement.    


Sign each other's names, press your hand, and seal them.    


Zhang Wenxue personally pulled out a few pieces of paper from the paper box and helped wipe the imprint on his finger.    


Huang Xing directly walked out and washed his hands on the water cage. When he returned, Liu Erni came over anxiously.    


Liu Erni moved closer to Huang Xing, and asked: Three hundred thousand, and it was donated just like that?    


Huang Xing nodded: Donate. Do good.    


Liu Erni frowned: What kind of people are they, they are simply bandits, it's such a waste to donate to them.    


Huang Xing emphasized: "I am not donating to them, I am donating to the poor." Allowing all students to study peacefully is my greatest wish. Now, it had been achieved.    


Liu Erni countered: How can you be sure that they will spend your money on poor students?    


Huang Xing replied: Don't worry, they won't dare to use it carelessly.    


Liu Erni pursed his lips: Who knows, these money might cause them to be greedy.    


Just then, Huang Xing's phone suddenly rang.    


He opened it and saw that it was his mother.    


His mother told Huang Xing on the phone that there were a few important guests at home, telling him to hurry back to meet them.    


What important guest?    


Huang Xing started to guess.    


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