Security Guard’s Romance



4Of course, Wu Qianqian couldn't find the location of the fish.    


Fish, in the heart.    


But speaking of this, it was quite a coincidence. Just as Wu Qianqian was puzzled, the floating object suddenly sank in, and Huang Xing decisively raised his pole!    


With a burst of strength, the pole was pulled into the shape of a bow. The mega-in the water and Huang Xing instantly formed a confrontation and used all of her strength to pull towards the water.    


Relying on the feeling in his hand and the pulling force, Huang Xing thought that this was a big fish that weighed no less than ten kilograms.    


Those who often went fishing knew that if a fish that weighed more than 10 Jin were to be caught with a pole, it would be easy for the fish to slip out of the water and catch the fish. However, if he were to use a rod, a short pole that was four to five meters long, or a small hook with a thin thread, he would have a very high chance of being cut! Unless the fisherman had a very good ability to fish, it would be impossible to get the fish ashore.     


'Wow, what a big fish! '    


Although he did not see a fish surface, but Wu Qianqian, who was an amateur, could still judge the size of a mega-underwater based on the strength of the confrontation between Huang Xing and the fish. She bent her knees and bent her legs, cheering for Huang Xing to cheer for her.    


Of course, Huang Xing would not abandon a mega-that he had chanced upon. However, this large fish had extremely high underwater strength. It pulled on the fishing line and struggled to escape. On one hand, Huang Xing had to tighten the fishing line, and on the other hand, he had to slowly loosen his grip to prevent the fish from being cut in half. Fighting with a big fish with his hands, that was definitely physical and technical, but Huang Xing had put on all sorts of postures, ranging from leaning back, bending forward, or stretching his body sideways. He held the fishing rod up and down, and then pressed down on the string. This series of actions caused Wu Qianqian, the layman, to be dumbstruck, and lose himself in thought. She was thinking, is this fishing so exaggerated? My entire body is working together to create all kinds of comical shapes.    


It is not easy to conquer a giant fish with a hand of five meters four or less. Huang Xing concentrated, he did not dare slack at all. Even though he knew that it was highly likely that Yu Di wouldn't be able to reach the shore, he still had to fight for it!    


A few fisherman s by the side saw that someone was fishing for the mega-, so they all came over to take a look. There was even a kind-hearted fisherman who came over to copy the fish, choosing a chance to fish it out on the shore.    


However, when the fisherman saw the situation, they all advised Huang Xing not to waste anymore energy. Even if the string was cut, it would still be difficult to subdue such a large fish.    


Huang Xing knew that they had good intentions, but he still could not bear to abandon them.    


There was a middle-aged fisherman wearing sports attire. He seemed to be an expert. He glanced at the fishing rod in Huang Xing's hand and advised: This fishing rod of yours is worth thousands of yuan, it's broken but what a pity. How much would it cost to get a fish? Give up, it's not worth it!    


Huang Xing emphasized: If we don't fight it out, how will we know who will win and who will lose?    


The fisherman chuckled and said, "What does this have to do with fighting?" Haha, it seems like you've served in the army before, and you even completed a 'battle between two armies'.    


In the blink of an eye, in such a cold sky, waves of sweat had seeped out of Huang Xing's face.    


Do not underestimate the fighting power of a fish that weighed more than ten kilograms. Those who often went fishing knew that even if they were to use the thick string of the long rod, the fish would never lose their stamina unless they fought with the fish for more than half an hour. The strength of a big fish was continuous and required a certain amount of tactics. They were different from those small fish that weighed as much as the others. They had courage and foresight. They would never relax until the very last moment of the battle.    


It had been more than ten minutes since the large fish had exerted force several times. As it struggled, the cut line and the broken pole were almost within reach.    


Huang Xing did not dare to slack off. After several battles against the mega-underwater, the big fish finally surfaced due to exhaustion.    


Everyone could not help but be shocked!    


What a big fish!    


Looking at its size, this fish seemed to be around seventeen to eighteen catties in weight.    


But in reality, the big fish had yet to completely submit. Once it was allowed to rest, it would once again use all of its strength, and Huang Xing would continue to fall into the danger of losing its pole.    


Huang Xing often caught fish and he was naturally aware of this. Thus, he decisively pulled with force, without the slightest bit of tiredness.    


mega-was dragged to the lakeside, looted, and looted.    


When the big fish landed on the shore, it had already attracted a lot of people to stop and watch and discuss about it.    


Huang Xing panted heavily. Looking at his mega-, who only managed to catch him after dozens of rounds, he couldn't help but reveal a faint smile.    


He suddenly felt that what was in this fish was exactly what he had been thinking. If she treated Bao Shijie as her prey, then it seemed that she needed to have a tough battle with him before she could subdue him.    


Wu Qianqian stretched out his thumb towards Huang Xing: Impressive! However, if I hadn't come, I wouldn't have been able to catch the fish. I brought you luck!    


Huang Xing smiled perfunctorily: It's you, it's you. Thank you.    


'That... ' Wu Qianqian continued to ask: "Are you trying to ??" How are you going to thank me?    


In reality, although Wu Qianqian was wearing sunglasses and a hat, he was covered up rather tight. But when the attention of the surrounding people towards the big fish was reduced, there were actually people who recognized Wu Qianqian, and exclaimed out loud: Wu Qianqian, are you Wu Qianqian? Wu Da-jie...    


His shout caused everyone to look at her.    


As such, the giant fish caught in the artificial lake was no longer the center of attention.    


The focus had become Wu Qianqian.    


Wu Qianqian was very vexed. She really couldn't understand why someone would recognize her when she had covered herself so tightly.    


Under the pressure, Wu Qianqian had no choice but to admit it. Furthermore, everyone had suggested to take a picture with Wu Qianqian, and she could not bear to refuse. As a result, there was a scene of people fighting to take pictures with Wu Qianqian by the lake.    


However, no one would have thought that after Huang Xing caught this giant fish that weighed over ten kilograms, he would actually carry it in his arms and set it free in the lake!    


Everyone felt it was a pity. One of them said, "You ?" It's okay if you don't want to give it to us. It took so much effort to get it up and you let it go.    


Huang Xing laughed: It's not easy to grow it to this size. Let it grow.    


Wu Qianqian didn't miss the opportunity to say: "Then I'm sure this fish is a female fish. In the future, if I cultivate it to human form, I will be a mermaid. A mythical story was born again, a legend about the wife and son of a fish.    


Huang Xing said: You really have an imagination. That's good. I'll wait.    


Wu Qianqian went closer to Huang Xing's ear and whispered: I'm actually this mermaid.    


Huang Xing was immediately stunned!    


Wu Qianqian laughed and said, "A few thousand years ago, you saved me just like today."    


'Haha ? ' Huang Xing burst into laughter: Alright old classmate, I've read too many myths, it's almost dark, I'll be heading back home.    


Wu Qianqian asked: Go back?    


Huang Xing stressed: Go home.    


Wu Qianqian said as if he had thought of something: Don't go back, eat some in the county. I do east, a few classmates together, reminiscent of the old.    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly: "Don't reminisce." I've had a bad drink these last two days, and I still have a bad stomach.    


Wu Qianqian said: Drink some red wine. I have real French red wine in my car.    


Huang Xing said: Red wine is also wine, and it hurts the stomach.    


Wu Qianqian said: Then I won't be drinking, just talking and reminiscing about the past. How about calling two beautiful girls over?    


Huang Xing waved his hands: Don't use a beauty trap with me, it's useless. I am a contemporary Liu Xiayuan, sitting on the edge of the sea.    


Wu Qianqian led Huang Xing and said smirking: "Then there's definitely something wrong with you."    


Huang Xing was stunned.    


Pack the fishing gear and put it in the trunk.    


But unexpectedly, Wu Qianqian bluntly sat on the first seat.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: What, you want to come with me?    


Wu Qianqian suddenly moved his head closer to her, opened his eyes wide and said mysteriously: "Look at me, look at me carefully."    


Huang Xing was startled, he thought to himself: What is Wu Qianqian doing, and asked: What are you looking at?    


Wu Qianqian countered with a question: Did you not discover anything?    


Huang Xing blurted out: False eyelashes?    


Wu Qianqian frowned: "Really, my eyelashes are real."    


Huang Xing was confused, but he still searched for clues on her face: Oh, I found it, your eyes are big and small! His left eye was slightly smaller, but if you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to see it!    


Wu Qianqian almost died from anger. Can you chat?    


Wu Qianqian sighed: Just focus on my weakness, even if there are no shortcomings, you will still be able to see through it. Humph! This was bullying.    


Huang Xing emphasized: "I really can't see anything, but you definitely want me to see this, the Divine Spirit's mouth!"    


Wu Qianqian pointed his finger: Look at my mouth!    


Huang Xing was stunned, but under her gaze, she realised that her mouth was extremely sweet and sexy. But Huang Xing still hit her and said: What's wrong with your mouth, eating so much?    


Wu Qianqian angrily slapped Huang Xing's arm, he simply pressed his finger to his lips and leaned in closer: Do you see this? This place has a mark. This is the mark you took me out of the water thousands of years ago. fishhook. Do you still want to go back on your word? I am the fish that you caught and released. A thousand years later, I have come to repay your gratitude!    


Huang Xing looked carefully, and it was indeed true! There was indeed a small mole above the corner of Wu Qianqian's mouth. Even though it wasn't obvious, if one were to look carefully, they would notice it. The mole was in the middle of the room. It didn't look like a fish hook had pierced its lips.    


Wu Qianqian said: Do you believe me now?    


Since Wu Qianqian was so engrossed, Huang Xing might as well help her. He said: "I believe you, you're the one I caught and released a few thousand years ago ?" That turtle!    


Wu Qianqian stressed: I'm a real fish!    


As soon as the words left her mouth, she immediately realized that this was not a problem of a real fish.    


Wu Qianqian's face flushed red. He glared at Huang Xing and reprimanded in a wronged manner, "You're the bastard, you're the bastard! You don't have to bully people like that!    


Huang Xing also realized that his joke was a little overboard. He wanted to entertain her a little, but the other party was a girl after all, so how could they bear such a joke?    


Therefore, Huang Xing laughed at himself: Alright, alright, I'm a turtle, you're a real fish. Old classmate, there are guests at my house, how about we go back to our own homes and look for our mothers. See you when we get back to Jinan.    


Wu Qianqian frowned: What kind of guest is at home?    


Huang Xing said: My uncle Aunt Tang family.    


'Ou! ' Wu Qianqian made an OK gesture: I'll help you accompany this guest. Isn't this face?    


Huang Xing was stunned: No need to accompany me.    


However, when he thought about it, he felt a trace of vanity.    


Back then, his cousin's family had gone to Jinan to develop, and he no longer looked down on this family in his hometown. Now, they saw that the old Huang Family had rallied, and came back shamelessly to try to get married again. This kind of snobbish person really made Huang Xing unwilling to be his partner. However, the Huang Family was weak in the village and had only two children. They were originally born from the same family, so it was not urgent for them to get along. The two families should unite and help each other.    


Huang Xing thought, wasn't this uncle's entire family extremely snobbish? Didn't they always look down on the poor and destitute Huang Family people who lived in the countryside? If the famous Wu Qianqian followed him back to his home and stood in front of them, how would they feel?    


Huang Xing felt that the time to show off our military might in front of his uncle had arrived!    


Back then, their family only became small labourers in Jinan, and they no longer looked down on their family members, and no longer kept in contact with them for more than 20 years. At the moment, the power and social relations of Huang Xing's family far exceeded that of his cousin's family. He might as well return the favor and see if he could deal with the snobbery of his family!    


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