Security Guard’s Romance



2Sighs and complaints came from the bedroom.    


It was Xie Yundan changing her clothes.    


This kind of scene would easily cause many people to connect the dots.    


Huang Xing held the cigarette in his mouth, the smoke flowing upwards and quickly gathering together in the room. Huang Xing opened a window, allowing the smoke to escape.    


A woman needed time to change her clothes. Xie Yundan had to change for a full ten minutes before he finally walked out of the bedroom.    


Huang Xing stood up, and was about to say something, but Xie Yundan immediately slipped into the bathroom.    


In front of the mirror, it reflected back and forth.    


If a woman went out, it would be a huge problem!    


However, this was perhaps the nature of a woman. She loved to dress up, and she loved to dress up.    


After coming out from the bathroom, Xie Yundan walked in front of Huang Xing and turned around, using some words on his body to ask to help him.    


Huang Xing didn't say anything, but in his heart, he felt that no matter what clothes Xie Yundan wore, he would still be called beautiful.    


Beautiful in the heart, self-evident without words.    


'Awful? ' In the face of Huang Xing's speechlessness, Xie Yundan appeared slightly disappointed.    


Huang Xing laughed and said: The clothes are pretty good.    


Xie Yundan glared at Huang Xing in anger, and started to criticize him: You mean, just because your clothes are good, you aren't a good person?    


Huang Xing quickly replied: He's not bad either.    


Xie Yundan pursed his lips: Hmph, it was very forced. It seems that in your heart, I'm very ordinary. Forget it, it's not too hard for you. Let's go.    


'Let's go! ' Huang Xing said, and took the lead to walk to the door.    


They got on the car and rushed to the agreed location.    


Huang Xing controlled the steering wheel as he nimbly drove back and forth on the road.    


But in reality, Huang Xing had always had one question. Logically speaking, although the Xin Fang fast food was considered fast food, it was still quite complete. The scale of the dishes was not small either. Xie Yundan's birthday was being celebrated. He was not staying in his own hotel, but somewhere else.    




In his doubt, Huang Xing couldn't help but ask.    


However, Xie Yundan laughed in a sincere manner and replied: "I did it for you!"    


'For me? ' Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Why is it for me?    


Xie Yundan tilted her pretty head: "Because ? You like salmon and you like fresh food. But not in my shop.    


Huang Xing suddenly realized something and was moved.    


Xie Yundan laughed and said: Don't be too touched, please don't be too moved.    


Huang Xing intentionally said: I'm not touched, it's simply.    


Xie Yundan laughed and scolded her: It's scary to have no conscience. Tonight, I won't let you eat fresh food. Humph!    


Huang Xing said: Then I'm not going, I'm going home.    


'You dare!? ' Xie Yundan issued a warning: I'm in a hurry!    


Huang Xing couldn't help but laugh.    


In between jokes, they had already reached their destination.    


To be more precise, this hotel did indeed look good enough. This place was very close to Xie Yundan's residential area, it was only a few hundred meters away.    


When Huang Xing entered, he discovered that on the right side of the hall sat four beautiful women dressed in fashionable clothes, all of them around Xie Yundan's age. They were chatting enthusiastically with interest, and two of them were even skillfully smoking cigarettes.    


Xie Yundan noticed that Huang Xing's attention was focused on the four beauties, and couldn't help but laugh: What are you looking at, beauties?    


Huang Xing shook his head: Beautiful appearance, not really beautiful.    


Xie Yundan asked in reply: How are you sure that their hearts are not beautiful?    


Huang Xing snorted: "Smoking woman ?."    


Xie Yundan attacked her: Who set the rules that only men can smoke? Men smoking is the taste of men, women smoking is a bad symbol? In my opinion, feudal society has spoiled all of you men, and the prejudice towards women is too great!    


Huang Xing stressed: "This is how society recognizes society. What can I do?    


'Preposterous! ' Xie Yundan said: I disagree. I smoke, too, when it bothers me. I was drinking, too, and I was happy, and I was bored, and I had a drink.    


Huang Xing said: You are different from them.    


Xie Yundan countered with a question: How am I different?    


Huang Xing said: "You are my friend." My friends, Huang Xing, are all not bad.    


Xie Yundan tsk-tsked: Are you praising me, or are you praising yourself? Tsk, truly narcissistic!    


Just as Huang Xing wanted to speak again, he was surprised to find that the four beautiful women were walking towards him at the same time.    


Huang Xing was shocked. Could it be that he had heard his evaluation of them? Were they here to denounce him? Thinking of this, Huang Xing hurriedly patted Xie Yundan's shoulders, and urged her to quickly enter the private room. Away from strange women, away from right and wrong.    


The word 'Sister Dan Dan' made Huang Xing suddenly realize in an instant.    


The four of them came over and surrounded Xie Yundan, talking and laughing, and there were even two people holding Xie Yundan's hands, they were extremely close.    


Could the four wealthy women that Xie Yundan talked about be the four of them?    


Oh my god!    


To be exact, these four looked alright, but the initial impression they gave Huang Xing was not very good. After all, no one could imagine what kind of woman could be so skilled at smoking. Was it the flirtatious young ladies of the night arena, or was it the so-called 'Big Brother's woman' who was by the side of those gangsters in the society?    


Xie Yundan introduced the four names to Huang Xing: Yu Rou, Xiao Yue, Li Ting, Jing Jing.    


The names were tactful and did not seem to match with their appearance.    


Yu Rou's eyes shone, he stared at Huang Xing's body and started to scan it: Sister Dan Dan, this is the one you've told us so often ? The general manager of the Xin Meng Merchant House, Big Brother Huang?    


Xie Yundan nodded: That's him! Isn't he handsome?    


Yu Rou said: Handsome, still young. We thought he was in his forties or fifties, but he's so young.    


The other Xiao Yue also chimed in: "I can't believe that he has such a big career at such a young age." Formidable. Sisters, in the future, we'll go to Xin Meng Merchant House to spend some more. We'll have to find this Big Brother Huang and we'll need a discount. Must be discounted.    


Xie Yundan turned his head and laughed: Director Huang, do you want a discount?    


Huang Xing nodded and replied half-heartedly.    


Li Ting arrived in front of Huang Xing and ordered him to stay put: "Then don't tell me you have a 90% discount, it's as if you didn't fight.    


Yu Rou laughed: At least fifty percent! As far as I know...    


Xie Yundan interrupted Yu Rou and said: "Alright, let's talk inside the private room."    


Everyone responded positively.    


After entering the room, everyone sat down.    


However, Huang Xing suddenly felt a bit awkward. Five females and a male, their bodies were filled with Yin energy and Yang energy.    


The waiter came in to brew the tea, Xie Yundan took the menu, and let everyone order a dish that he liked to eat. Then, he ordered a few fresh ones.    


But Yu Rou immediately realized something and cried out: Cake!    


The others also immediately understood that this Xie Yundan's birthday, he didn't even have a piece of cake.    


Xiao Yue, who had been silent all this time, took out the key from her pocket, stood up and said, "It's in my car. I bought it. I haven't taken it down yet."    


Everyone attacked her in unison, purposely trying to mystify her.    


After Xiao Yue went out to get the cake, the beauties all gave the birthday presents that they prepared to Xie Yundan one by one.    


To be exact, they were all very expensive.    


Yu Rou looked at Xie Yundan in a mysterious manner, and asked: Sister Dan Dan, we really want to know, what gift did Big Brother Huang give you?    


Everyone turned to look at Huang Xing, causing his face to turn a little hot.    


Because he wasn't prepared at all.    


Mainly forgotten.    


Xie Yundan turned his head to look at Huang Xing, but his face revealed a look of sweetness: Secret! Anyway, I like it!    


I'm afraid you don't like his gifts. Oh, you love the house, don't you?    


Li Ting nodded his head: That's right, Sister Dan Dan likes people. Even if he didn't give her a present, she would still feel happy inside.    


Quietly: That's right! Of course!    


As everyone joked, Xiao Yue brought in a delicate cake.    


She placed the cake on the table, but then looked at Huang Xing and smiled weirdly: Big Brother Huang, you are the only handsome guy on the table, I'll have to trouble you to cut the cake.    


Huang Xing stood up and said with a smile: I am willing to help.    


'Wait a minute.' Xie Yundan suddenly waved his hand, and said: "I have a wish, it won't be too late to cut it later."    


Xiao Yue replied, "That's a must!" Sister Dan Dan.    


When he opened the cake package, Xie Yundan acted like a devout Buddhist. His hands came together and he half-closed his eyes.    


Li Ting didn't miss the opportunity and turned off the light.    


The room was suddenly pitch black, and he couldn't even see his fingers in front of him.    


You forgot to light the candle?    


Realizing this lack, everyone quickly switched on the light again, lit the candles, and turned them off again.    


Xie Yundan returned to his pious state and faced the cake with a sweet smile on his face. When the promise was over, he blew out the candle in one breath.    


The lights were turned on and the room was once again lit up.    


Huang Xing realized that everyone's face was flushed, as if they had gone through a baptism of light and darkness.    


After that was drinking and teasing.    


Yu Rou asked the waiter to bring over a case of red wine and a case of white wine from the carriage.    


It looked like they were all quite expensive.    


Huang Xing was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, and assumed the role of a Wine Master.    


However, even though their opponents were women, they were all good at drinking, not to mention fighting against four people at once. It was really difficult to handle them all.     0


As a result, after the two cups of white wine, Huang Xing decided to change them to red wine.    


The atmosphere in the winery was quite harmonious.    


These girls were all extroverts, talking and laughing merrily.    


After chatting with Huang Xing, he had come to understand that apart from Yu Rou, who was a fuerdai, the three of them were engaged in a special profession. Two of them were courtesans who worked in Beijing's Earthly Paradise and Rain Red Dust. When they earned more money, they went from being kind to opening several entertainment venues in Jinan. The other Xiao Yue, even though she claimed that she was having an unremitting love affair with an older foreign businessman, everyone could tell that she was probably a honey that was being raised by a rich person.    


Huang Xing really couldn't understand, how could Xie Yundan make such friends?    


Speaking from a certain point of view, this made Huang Xing a little disappointed.    


After about an hour, everyone had drunk their fill and entered a half-drunk state.    


After Xie Yundan made a few jokes, he took the opportunity to change the topic to her new hotel.    


Everyone asked about the situation of the new hotel with interest.    


However, Xie Yundan sighed, and said: "I have considered everything, and have prepared everything, so I owe you one."    


Yu Rou burst out laughing: You owe Dong Feng? You want to burn the Scarlet Wall, Sister Dan Dan?    


On the other hand, Li Ting was clever, he caught the meaning behind Xie Yundan's words and immediately said: Can't you hear me, sisters, Sister Dan Dan is asking everyone to help gather some funds.    


Upon hearing this, everyone looked at each other. There was a brief moment of silence.    


Huang Xing really wanted to help Xie Yundan with a few words and help him raise some money. However, he also felt that he was not familiar with these wealthy women, so if he opened his mouth, it would backfire on them. Thus, he decided to give up.    


Xie Yundan's face was slightly embarrassed as he quickly said: "Look, why did I mention this in such a happy occasion." Come, drink.    


Yu Rou immediately asked: Sister Dan Dan, have you really encountered financial difficulties?    


Xie Yundan thoughtfully nodded his head. A little. Slightly... A little bit more.    


Hearing this, Xiao Yue suddenly stood up, raised her hand and slammed it on the table.    




Everyone was shocked!    


What was she trying to do?    


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