Security Guard’s Romance



1The room was filled with the smell of gunpowder.     4


Xiao Yue had used a clever method to provoke Shan Dongyang into revealing his true appearance in front of the crowd.    


Or perhaps, this was not Xiao Yue's intention. She just drank too much and said a few relatively transparent words, causing Shan Dongyang to feel extremely disgusted. However, he didn't expect that this would result in the same effect as provoking others, instead achieving an unexpected result.    


However, the chaotic situation in front of them couldn't help but cause worry. Everyone could see that although Shan Dongyang was a man, if they forced him into a corner, he would not give up on making a move on women.    


Fortunately, there was one man, Huang Xing.    


Maybe Huang Xing had already become the only chess piece that could control Shan Dongyang!    


But in reality, among the people present, other than Ye Yun Dan, who knew that Huang Xing was not someone to be trifled with, everyone else believed that Huang Xing was a mere scholar with no power. Against a veteran commando, it would be hard even for him to protect himself! In everyone's eyes, the current situation was like a sheep leading a flock of small birds and fighting a wolf.     


Xie Yundan stared at Yu Rou, waiting for her to give him the answer he wanted. Currently, this man who Yu Rou had always viewed as a precious treasure had already been rejected by everyone. Including Yu Rou, she seemed to have seen through Shan Dongyang's true appearance in an instant. However, how could he easily take back the feelings of loyalty and devotion from the past? She had paid too much, too much, for this man. Especially money.    


Xiao Yue added fuel to the fire: Yu Rou, you're still not sure? You know very well that he is not the man you think he is. He wasn't worthy!    


Shan Dongyang scolded her ruthlessly: You, shut up!    


Then, he looked at Yu Rou almost imploringly: Rou Rou, don't listen to them. We are always together, never apart. I want to marry you, I want to marry you ?    


Two streams of tears flowed out of Yu Rou's eyes as she said with a wry smile: "How are you going to marry me?" Now I see... I've always been fooled by you... What Security Company are you talking about? You don't open the Security Company at all! You... You... At most, you're just a security squad leader!    


Shan Dongyang anxiously asked: "Who dares to be sure that today's security teacher is not the future boss of Security Company?"    


Yu Rou glared: You... You finally admit it, don't you?    


'I... ' Shan Dongyang sighed, and said: To tell you the truth, I have yet to open the Security Company, so I do not have that power right now. I... I... But I'm not an ordinary security squad leader, I'm... I am Chief Security Officer. I have about twenty people under my control!    


Yu Rou looked at Shan Dongyang coldly yet helplessly, he pulled his hand away from's: "You ?." Shan Dongyang... You... You tricked me so hard, so hard! You liar!    


Shan Dongyang raised his left hand. In a moment of desperation, he said: "I ?" I promise you, I'll be able to start my own company in less than a year. I will definitely give you happiness, I will definitely ?    


Huang Xing took the opportunity to say something. Brother Dongyang, how many girls have you told me this kind of thing?    


'You fucking... ' Shan Dongyang raised his head in anger: Scram!    


Yu Rou coldly snorted. You are a barbarian. I, Yu Rou, am simply blind to choose you.    


Xiao Yue, who liked watching the show, came over and whispered into Xiao Yue's ears: Yu Rou, you didn't take the most important thing ? Give it to him?    


Yu Rou was startled: "What ?" What's the most important thing?    


Xiao Yue laughed and scolded, "Silly, what do you think is the most important thing for a woman?" Of course it was ? That... Got it.    


Yu Rou blushed and stared at Xiao Yue.    


Xiao Yue was shocked, Not good! Are you sure... She really did treat him ? Paying ? Promise me with my own body?    


Yu Rou frowned slightly: "You ?" What nonsense are you talking about, Xiao Yue!    


Xiao Yue pressed, "Then do you have it?" I'm dying of anxiety, everyone! Speak!    


Yu Rou shook his head, feeling conflicted.    


'Really? ' Xiao Yue was skeptical.    


Yu Rou smirked: Am I that casual?    


Xiao Yue heaved a sigh of relief and nodded her head, "That's good then, in the end, we still haven't entered the tiger's den." Since what ? Nothing happened, that... Then, he had to make up his mind! Don't worry, if you brag to this man, let me introduce you to a company of handsome guys, each one a hundred times stronger than the last!    


Shan Dongyang glared at Xiao Yue and clenched his fists tightly.    


Yu Rou seemed to ponder for a moment more, and then, from the corner of his mouth, he drew out a few words: It's over.    


'What?! ' Shan Dongyang's eyes widened. You ? What did you say?    


Yu Rou repeated: It's over. We should end it.    


Shan Dongyang shook his head frantically. No, no! No! I don't agree! Weren't we still fine? Why did we end up like this? None of your friends are good! They ? They... They were uneasy and kind!    


Xie Yundan coldly snorted: You're the one with bad intentions, aren't you?    


Shan Dongyang insisted: I ? What's wrong with me? I am sincere to Yu Rou, my heart is truly sincere!    


'What a joke! ' Xie Yundan emphasized: Don't play with women like monkeys, you will be punished. Yu Rou has already said goodbye to you, can you leave now?    


Shan Dongyang stood there, the anger attacking his heart!    


Li Ting suddenly shouted: Can't go, he still can't go!    


Everyone looked over.    


Li Ting rushed over and stood in front of Shan Dongyang and said: "Since it's gone, then it's better that it's gone." I think you got a lot of benefits from Yu Rou, right? These are all lies you used flowery words to deceive. Now, you must return it.    


Xiao Yue was also enlightened, "Right, right, if you didn't say so, I would have forgotten." Give it back! He had to return it! Especially that Land Rover, it was worth over a million yuan. How could it let him make such a huge profit?    


Huang Xing thoughtfully called Yu Rou over and asked: "Yu Rou, did your Luru use his name, or your name?    


Yu Rou said: It was bought by my name.    


Huang Xing nodded: That's good. Then it's still yours!    


Shan Dongyang's face flushed red, the fat meat that was in her mouth made her puke, how could she endure such a feeling?    


He glared at Huang Xing and said: There's no retreat! If I gift it to you, it will be mine.    


Huang Xing scolded harshly: You dare say that out loud! On the registration, it was clearly Yu Rou's name! At most, I'll lend it to you! You should understand this. Even if you go through legal procedures, you still won't win!    


Shan Dongyang was at a loss for words, and actually said: This ? Didn't this couple split up family have to split half each?    


Everyone was stunned!    


Did he really have the nerve to use such a theory to justify himself?    


Huang Xing asked: Have you guys received your identification? As long as the marriage certificate was received, these were considered as married property, and only then would they have the right to be divided. If you don't want to get sued, then just give the car back! You have already deceived Yu Rou's feelings.    


'What the hell is your business? ' Shan Dongyang was unable to refute any further, and began to curse again: Why should I? How? Furthermore ? Furthermore ? I even slept with Yu Rou, and she also has her virginity with me, do I have to return it? How? Do you want me to sleep with her again...    


These vulgar words, coming from his mouth, were exceptionally ferocious.    


Yu Rou opened her eyes wide, she could not believe that Shan Dongyang would say such outrageous words!    


Everyone's eyes were fixated on Yu Rou.    


Yu Rou stammered in defense, "No ?" Nothing... You... You're lying! Shan Dongyang, you are lying!    


Shan Dongyang asked: Did I lie? Humph! That night, I drank too much, and then you took me a room at the hotel... You... You forget?    


Yu Rou thought, but immediately denied: No, absolutely not! You slandered me!    


Shan Dongyang coldly snorted, and said: "You obviously failed like a broken flower, insisting that you are ?" Yu Rou, you can deceive others, but you can still deceive me? Your butt... There's a mole, and I know it, except you know it. Oh no no no, and your parents. Or maybe, your ex, your ex's boyfriend, yes.    


Yu Rou's eyes widened in shock. You... How did you know?    


Shan Dongyang laughed: What, you admit it? What do you have to say this time? Pretending to be a chaste and fierce woman, hmph, hypocritical!    


Xiao Yue looked at Yu Rou in shock: "You ?" Are you sure... Was it... by him?    


Yu Rou shook his head with all his might: No, really no. Nothing happened to us! Really!    


Xiao Yue retorted, "Then how does he know your body so well? He even knows that you ?" Do you have a mole?    


Yu Rou looked wronged: "I ? How would I know...    


Xiao Yue rolled her eyes, extended a finger and pointed at Shan Dongyang: I understand, he must have peeked at you, right?    


Yu Rou was already extremely uneasy and could not speak. He nodded his head in agreement: "I do ?" It's possible...    


Maybe, at that moment, the only people who maintained some rationality were Xie Yundan and Huang Xing.    


Xie Yundan took the opportunity to say: Enough! Right now, none of this mattered. The important thing is that we have to help Yu Rou take back what belongs to her.    


Li Ting agreed. Yes, yes, Sister Dan Dan is right. Do you want to call the police?    


Shan Dongyang snorted: You want it back? Okay, I agree. I'll sleep with you tonight, and we'll be even. From tomorrow onwards, you will be you and I will be me.    


Xie Yundan said in anger: Shan Dongyang, you're still trying to argue with me?    


'Am I? ' Shan Dongyang countered with a question: Yu Rou will sleep with me in the front, and send me, Land Rover, in the back. According to the order, should we return the first one? Haha ?    


He's crazy!    


Everyone thought he was crazy!    


This kind of madness, it was even crazier than a desperate dog leaping over a wall!    


Huang Xing realised that it was impossible to be unreasonable with this kind of person. Therefore, he said to Xie Yundan: Call the police, let the police handle this. He did not shed tears until he saw the coffin.    


'Afraid of you? ' Shan Dongyang suddenly frowned, his expression becoming even more sinister: Huang Xing... it's you, Huang Xing again ? You are my nemesis! How many good things have you done to me? You stole my job, you stole my woman, and now, you're stealing my woman again! Today, I will not let you succeed! I'll kill you, now!    


His body straightened, and instantly appeared in front of Huang Xing.    


He finally couldn't take it anymore and was prepared to use force to solve the problem.    


But Huang Xing did not touch him. There had been several times where their limbs clashed, so Shan Dongyang was unable to gain the upper hand.    


Therefore, Huang Xing stuck his body over, and was equally furious: You want to fight right? I'll stay with you. Even though my hands were dirty from fighting with you. But I'd love to!    


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