Security Guard’s Romance



2Sha Mei shook her head.    


This made Huang Xing even more puzzled.    


Huang Xing urged them: Alright, Big Sister Sha, don't keep us guessing. Say it.    


Sha Mei lightly bit her lips, as if she mustered a great deal of courage. Then, she said, "This is a scam."    


'A scam? ' Huang Xing was shocked: How could this be a scam?    


Actually, when I went to look for my classmate Liu Min, she had originally agreed to help me. But because he was restricted by her subordinate, Han Feng, so... So... In other words, Han Feng didn't really want to help you, he had other intentions.    


Huang Xing was even more shocked: Han Feng was a subordinate and Liu Min was a Chief, how could she be restrained by Han Feng?    


Sha Mei shook her head. This Liu Min did not say the specific reason. I think she must have had a problem. In other words, I think she let Han Feng have a hold on something ? He would not pry into this matter. In any case, this matter was all Han Feng's doing. He intentionally made my classmate Liu Min make things difficult for you, so that he could do this favor. Now, do you understand?    


In that moment, Huang Xing was enlightened!    


When he was dealing with the violation of rules, the manager of the third floor was about to be punished for corruption. And Han Feng just so happened to be Niu Lili's husband. With such a coincidence, Han Feng thought of this scheme in his rush, and ingeniously sold him a favor. From then on, he couldn't bring himself to treat Niu Lili ruthlessly ?    


If not for Sha Sha Beautiful breaking the record today, Huang Xing would probably be forever kept in the dark.    


Sha Mei saw that Huang Xing was deep in thought and immediately said: "The truth is out, you can retaliate now!"    


Huang Xing asked: Counterattack what?    


Sha Mei raised her eyebrows. Your subordinate and her husband played tricks on you, and now that you know the truth, aren't you going to do something about it? I think this kind of people should be taught a lesson by lying to them.    


Huang Xing shook his head: Forget it, forget it. There's no need for that.    


Sha Mei was stunned. "No way?" I understand your character, Huang Xing, but you are the kind of person who always takes revenge for whatever enmity you have, who loves and hates clearly, and who hates evil like hatred. But now, you're indifferent even though you know that someone is lying to you?    


Huang Xing lit a cigarette and said: There are some things that should not be revealed. Although Han Feng's methods were inappropriate, it was all for his wife. Moreover, he didn't hurt anyone. If I fire the cattle manager because of this, then think about it, what would the consequences be?    


Sha Mei tilted her head. What's the result?    


Huang Xing emphasized: Break the net! Moreover, your classmate Liu Min might also be implicated because of this.    


Sha Mei nodded in realization. That's true. Then he would definitely know that it was Liu Min who leaked the news.    


Huang Xing said: On the other hand, if we pretend to not know, then Niu Lili, and Han Feng, will feel that they have always owed me, because they have indeed done something shameful. Niu Lili would work even harder to make up for his mental debt. As for Han Feng, he also owed Liu Min. This way, the world was at peace, how great it was.    


Sha Mei thought about it for a while and could not help but give Huang Xing a thumbs up. I didn't know that you, Brother Huang, were so resourceful and resourceful. Sis, I'm impressed!    


Huang Xing laughed: Don't praise me, it's easy to be proud. But I still have to thank Big Sister Sha for telling me the truth.    


Actually, Sha Mei said, why do I keep keeping people in suspense? It's not that I don't want to tell you. I do worry a little. I'm afraid it's a betrayal... Liu Min. I was also worried that you would really take measures against Han Feng ? But... However, I also feel that my feelings for the Brother Huang have already made me unable to care about all this. I don't want you to be fooled all the time.    


Huang Xing was suddenly stunned!    


He was surprised to find Shamei looking at him with an affectionate gaze.    


Those eyes were like that of a young girl in her infatuation and charm. It was as if every ray of light that shot out from his eyes was filled with endless charm.    


Huang Xing coughed lightly, but he couldn't help but remember the matter of revenge.    


He had yet to take revenge, and he had yet to recover from his humiliation!    


Right now, Huang Jinjiang's wife was looking at him with deep emotions.    


Huang Xing knew what Sha Mei was longing for and he really wanted to give it to her. As a result, he would return the favor. Great vengeance shall be avenged, and great shame shall be suffered. He had waited far, far too long for that day of revenge! At this moment, he was no longer that simple and kind little security guard. He had experienced the coolness of the world and stood at the center of the market. Be it economic strength or connections, he felt that he could already compete with Huang Jinjiang. It was a good time for him to strike, and once he did, he would be a righteous teacher. He would make a name for himself and be justified in his actions!    


Thinking of all these, Huang Xing's blood boiled!    


He looked forward to the morning and the evening. He had long wished to see through his heart and eyes.    


Huang Xing really wished he could go to Sha Mei's house tonight and take care of her in front of her photos. Then, he would quietly send this news to Huang Jinjiang's ears.    


He must have been overcome with grief and sleeplessness.    


'What are you thinking about? "My eyes are wide open ?" Sha Mei drew in front of Huang Xing with her hand and leaned her head closer, staring at him in confusion.    


As if he had just awoken from a dream, Huang Xing came back to reality and stuttered: No, I didn't think about anything.    


Sha Mei snickered. You can't hide it from me! Your expression has betrayed you, you're sure... He definitely wasn't thinking about anything good.    


Huang Xing was shocked, she could tell?    


Impossible! She didn't even know that she was her husband's mortal enemy! The hatred of his wife, the hatred of the Crown Prince!    


At such a close distance, Huang Xing was once again astonished to feel that the Sand Beauty in front of him was actually so beautiful. The delicate skin, the exquisite facial features, transcended the age limit, exceeded the contemporary goddess standard. Beautiful! That was an earth-shattering beauty!    


Huang Xing laughed and said: Big Sister Sha, beautiful, so beautiful!    


His sudden words caught Sha Mei off guard.    


Sha Mei's reflex was to use her hand to support her right cheek. There was actually a bit of redness on it. "This ?" This... Old, old, how could she be considered beautiful.    


'You're old? ' Huang Xing sucked in a breath of air in an intentionally mysterious manner: Who would believe that! Big Sister Sha was well maintained, and people would always believe it even if they said it was eighteen!    


Sha Mei was actually a bit shy. "You also ?" You coaxed me again. Two eighteen. My child is eighteen.    


Huang Xing stressed: It's true! Big Sister Sha, I remember the first time I saw you, I really thought you ? You're not married.    


Sha Mei said with a clucking sound. What a hypocrite! However ? But I like it.    


She smiled lightly, her face brimming with a special kind of brilliance.    


Huang Xing said: It really isn't fake. Big Sister Sha. Furthermore, Big Sister Sha has ? Too much help. Every time I meet with difficulties, you will always be the first to step forward.    


That's true! As for this, as the young mistress, of course she was duty-bound!    


Huang Xing said: I am very touched. He even had the heart to give his life for her!    


'Got it! ' Sha Mei raised her hand. It's getting more and more out of the way! Who cares if they promised with their bodies!    


Although Sha's words were said, Sha's beautiful eyes were still rolling. In his heart, he was more or less longing for something.    


To some extent, she was a woman, a lonely woman.    


Of course, if she didn't choose to be lonely, there would be groups of men around her. However, she seemed to have already seen through the world and no longer cared about those vulgar men in the world. What she needed was a true bosom friend. For example, Huang Xing who hated evil like he was the bandit!    


In her opinion, Huang Xing was indeed a little different from the masses!    


He was probably the most affectionate man in the world! From being a harmless person, he had a rare sense of fraternity towards all living things in the world.    


Ten minutes later, Sha Mei stood up and left.    


Huang Xing escorted her to the entrance of the merchant house.    


But strangely, Huang Xing scanned the parking lot for a long time, but didn't find Sha Mei's car.    


Shamei approached a two-car Ford Fiesta, unlocked it and got in.    


What was going on?    


Sha Mei seemed to have sensed Huang Xing's surprise and laughed. "What? What doubts did he have?    


Huang Xing emphasized: It's quite doubtful! Today... He seemed a little too low-key today!    


Shouldn't it be better to keep a low profile? This car is not too ostentatious to attract attention. I just mentioned the car a few days ago. It's cheap, only about a hundred thousand yuan. Also... Save fuel.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but give a thumbs up: Big Sister Sha has learnt how to live her life!    


That's right, Sha Mei said. I am also a good woman at home. If it wasn't to increase your performance for Brother Huang, I would probably stop my habit of shopping.    


Huang Xing was stunned: Are you for real?    


Of course it's true! I'm now... Now I'm doing something very meaningful.    


Huang Xing asked: What's the matter?    


Sha Mei said mysteriously: I can't tell you now!    


Huang Xing said: More suspense!    


Sha Mei laughed heartily as she got into the car.    


Looking at the car drive away, Huang Xing felt that this little commoner car, was not very compatible with the noble and elegant Sha Mei.    


However, there was no doubt that these hundreds of thousands of small cars only served to accentuate the beauty and elegance of the sand.    


It even gave people a sense of closeness.    


Watching as the carriage gradually disappeared from his sight, Huang Xing was about to turn around and return to his office when he heard a slight sound of wind behind him and footsteps.    


Fu Jie appeared beside Huang Xing as if he was a ghost, and said indifferently: Who?    


Huang Xing was startled: Who?    


Fu Jie crossed his arms. I am thinking about what kind of person sat on this Ford and what kind of person could make Director Huang personally send them to the door.    


Huang Xing said straightforwardly: Yes ? It's beautiful sand!    


"Beautiful Sha?" Fu Jie was stunned: Sha Mei's few luxurious carriages, this ? No, it definitely wasn't her. She had always been a high-profile woman. A few cars didn't have a million yuan in them.    


Huang Xing laughed: Can't I learn to be a little more low-key?    


Fu Jie emphasized: This is not her personality.    


Huang Xing said: It's really her! She just bought it.    


Fu Jie was stunned: That's a strange story! However, I admire the Director Huang's working ability more. The few female customers and big clients all have good relationships with you!    


Although Huang Xing heard the ridicule in Fu Jie's words, he said in a humorous tone: "That's because I'm approachable and amiable.    


Fu Jie asked Huang Xing: "Do you mean that I am not amiable?"    


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