Security Guard’s Romance



1This kiss seemed to have spanned over a century, making Huang Xing extremely excited.    


Fu Jie's face became even more bashful, she did not even dare to meet Huang Xing's sentimental gaze. She knew that there must be too much emotion hidden in his eyes. She was afraid that she would lose herself, lose her way. Although her confidence could make her look down on everything and scheme, in terms of love, she was a complete rookie.    


Huang Xing wanted to take an inch and move closer to him, but Fu Jie pushed and shoved him, preventing him from doing so.    


This aroused Huang Xing's desire to conquer the world even more. In this world, Huang Xing felt that there was no other achievement that could be more meaningful than conquering Fu Jie. Even conquering the entire universe wouldn't be enough.    


Logically, although Fu Jie was resisting, his strength was as strong as if it could reach the sky. He had to take Fu Jie down today! This was Huang Xing's conviction that was as firm as a boulder. It was just as Fu Zhenxin had said, the raw rice cooked rice, forcing Fu Jie's parents to recognize him as their son-in-law. At this time, Huang Xing was already like a ferocious mountain tiger, unstoppable and unstoppable!    


Finally, Fu Jie gradually lost to Huang Xing's continuous attacks, to the point where they stood up and kissed him deeply, as if fire and dry firewood ?    


Just as Huang Xing was thinking that there was nothing suspenseful, a phone suddenly rang.    


It's Fu Jie's phone?!    


Fu Jie was suddenly startled awake by the bell sound, she even shuddered and struggled out of Huang Xing's embrace in a hurry, looking around for her phone. According to the location of the bell, she found her cellphone on the sofa.    


Huang Xing simply hated him so much that his teeth itched!    


Who was it at night? Who is it? Who is it? What kind of guy was so bored that he ruined the ambiguous feelings he had built up with so much effort? F * ck! Huang Xing held onto a cigarette, the anger in his heart had already completely switched to his face.    


'Manager Bao... After Fu Jie answered the phone, he said: It's so late, is there anything on the phone?    


Bao Shijie again?!    


This animal! It was so late at night!    


When Fu Jie hung up the phone, Huang Xing went over and held Fu Jie's hand, and asked softly: Who is it, do you have business with me this late at night?    


Fu Jie's emotions seemed to have been shocked awake by this phone call. She, who was originally about to be conquered by Huang Xing, seemed to have instantly teleported back and changed back into the cold and arrogant Fu Jie. She withdrew her hand and said: It's Manager Bao, he ? He's downstairs now.    


'What?! ' Huang Xing was stunned: Is he downstairs? So late... He he he ? What did he want?    


After hearing that, Huang Xing was so angry that his lungs were about to burst! This time, it was at Fu Jie's home. When he was not normally here, wouldn't Bao Shijie come to visit often?    


Huang Xing remembered the last time, and also when he was intimate with Fu Jie. Bao Shijie rushed over, and destroyed the original harmonious atmosphere.    


This fellow was indeed a fiend.    


But right after, Huang Xing's anger disappeared from his face. It was not that he was not angry, but anger had attacked his heart. The plan he came up with to defend the enemy couldn't be changed. The facts proved that his strategy towards Bao Shijie was correct and he made some progress. Only by persisting would they be able to thoroughly defeat Bao Shijie. Otherwise, the more he acted openly with Bao Shijie, the more Fu Jie felt that she wasn't magnanimous enough, and the more she thought of him, the more she thought of him as a righteous person.    


This is the human psyche. Fu Jie had been fighting in the market for so many years that she knew the art of checks and balances. The more harsh Huang Xing was, the more she would unconsciously protect him. On the other hand, after Huang Xing changed his tactics and bombarded him like a sugar-coated cannonball, Fu Jie began to pay more attention to Bao Shijie's flaws and inadequacies.    


This kind of turning was extremely valuable.    


Huang Xing endured his anger and said: Let him come up, it's so cold outside. It's so late, there must be something important for the Manager Bao to come here.    


Fu Jie was startled, and asked in shock: So generous?    


Huang Xing said: The Manager Bao has bowed and served the merchants, so we should treat him well and use him well. In some ways, he was indeed very talented.    


Fu Jie nodded. Then let him come up?    


Earlier, when Fu Jie heard that Bao Shijie had already reached downstairs, he didn't say anything about letting him go upstairs. Perhaps, in her heart, she had already begun to take Huang Xing's feelings into consideration. But seeing that Huang Xing was not angry at Bao Shijie's arrival and had even affirmed it, Fu Jie no longer had any worries, and decided to let Bao Shijie go upstairs.    


Huang Xing sucked on his cigarette fiercely, wishing that he could go to the kitchen and grab a kitchen knife to chop this stumbling block for his career and love into meat paste.    


If it was in the past, he would definitely not let Bao Shijie off easily. He had a bad temper. All these years he had been training in fighting techniques, wasn't Shan Dongyang's so-called special forces also a defeat for him? Therefore he had despised the whole world for relying on force. Between the differences of words, they wanted to use force. Especially when it came to people like Bao Shijie, he had multiple physical conflicts with him before.    


However, as it turned out, while martial arts could only vent their anger, it could not solve the real problem.    


Speaking of it, it was a coincidence, but today, at Fu Zhenxin's place, Fu Zhenxin had clearly analyzed the three nations' situation, and even described Huang Xing as the reincarnation of Liu Bei.    


Interesting. However, most of the time, he was thinking.    


Without any agreement or warning, Fu Zhenxin was actually the same as Huang Xing, and coincidentally became infatuated with the Three Kingdoms. Almost at the same time. In addition, their comprehension of the three kingdoms were more or less the same. That special period of war, the era of heroes, did indeed leave many intangible assets and inspiration for the future generations. Especially Cao Cao and Liu Bei who were two unparalleled heroes, they travelled continuously in adversity, and finally succeeded in becoming hegemons. The life history of these two heroes was a lifelike textbook that taught people the way of people, the way of management, and the way of communication. Gradually, he gained a lot from it.    


From the Three Kingdoms, it was recorded that Liu Bei was a very rich person, and his happiness was not shown in his eyes. In other words, his disgust and admiration for someone was not easily shown on his face. Especially after he had treated Lv Bu who stole his Xuzhou, his performance was even more vivid. If it were anyone else, they would have fought a battle to the death with you, and would have been completely humiliated. But Liu Bei was able to endure it; he hated Lv Bu to the bones but he did not show it. On the contrary, it was his admiration and worship for the hero who killed Dong Zhuo that completely paralyzed Lv Bu. Therefore, Gan for its part, lying down to taste the courage. In the end, he took revenge with blood hatred and borrowed Cao Cao's hand to get rid of Lv Bu.    


In order to achieve great things, one had to be patient. This was a law that had never changed since ancient times.    


When Huang Xing tried to completely defeat Bao Shijie, he just happened to have to learn how to endure. This was exactly the same as the fishing idea that Huang Xing came up with previously.    


Therefore, even though Huang Xing hated Bao Shijie to the core, even though he had ruined his own life time and time again. But Huang Xing still had to put on an amiable face, in order to plan for the future.    


As the saying goes, the most domineering technique was not scheming, but benevolence. To repay a grievance with virtue, it was possible that the enemy would bow down before the enemy without even fighting! On the other hand, they would lose their own vitality and create enemies that themselves were in danger.    


After a series of footsteps, the doorbell rang.    


Bao Shijie had arrived!    


Fu Jie was in the bedroom changing clothes when Huang Xing opened the door for her.    


The Bao Shijie in front of him could only be described as travel worn. With a warm hand and a smile, he conjured up a fresh flower from behind his back, humming a romantic melody.    


Obviously, he thought the one who opened the door was Fu Jie.    


When he saw that the person in front of him was Huang Xing, he could not help but be shocked. His hand started to tremble as he hurriedly stuffed the flower that he had obtained from an unknown place into his pocket.    


He was wearing a gray woolen coat and his shoes were polished until they were as bright as a mirror. The shape of the head was like it had been purposely tidied up. It had a glossy hair style that could be seen from the middle. It was very similar to the Chinese traitorous style from the war era.    


'What... "Why is it you ?" Bao Shijie looked at Huang Xing in shock: "Huang ?" Director Huang...    


Surprised, he also began to stutter.    


Huang Xing wanted to kick him into the clouds. However, he had to feign a smiling face: Come on, manager, come on, come on in, it's so cold outside.    


Bao Shijie scratched the back of his head, as though he was not used to this kind of situation. Originally, he thought that Fu Jie was the only one in the house, so he bought a flower as a gift from the flower shop beside. But who would have thought that Huang Xing was actually at Fu Jie's home?!    


Bao Shijie knew that Fu Jie and Huang Xing were a pair of lovers. But he could also tell that their recent relationship wasn't particularly good, and they had always been in a state of cold war. In such a situation, it was highly likely that he would be able to replace her. Who wouldn't desire such a devastatingly beautiful woman like Fu Jie? The first time Bao Shijie saw Fu Jie, he was already captured by her beauty. As they made contact later, he secretly planned to snatch Fu Jie from Huang Xing's hands as his number one priority in his life. To this end, he has also been making active efforts.    


He had originally thought that the flowers in his hands would stimulate Huang Xing's nerves, making him extremely angry. Unexpectedly, Huang Xing still had a smile on his face and politely invited him in.    


Huang Xing even received a cup of hot water from the water dispenser and personally passed it to him. Come, come, Manager Bao, drink a cup of warm water. It must be cold outside. This is a little bit cold.    


Bao Shijie was flattered and nodded his head: It's cold, pretty cold.    


Huang Xing asked: How did you get here? Driving here?    


Bao Shijie shook his head: Car... My broken car is in the process of being repaired. I am... I came on an electric bike.    


'Riding an electric bike? ' Huang Xing sighed: That's too unfair. How cold. You are now Deputy Director. How about this, I will make the decision and try my best to give you a car!    


'This... ' Bao Shijie stood up excitedly: This, this ? I...    


Huang Xing raised his hand: Sit down, sit down. You are a meritorious general of our Xin Meng Merchant House, how can you allow a meritorious general to not even have a ride in such a cold sky, right? I'll arrange this as soon as I go to work tomorrow. Oh right, the mall seems to be ? There seem to be a few more cars idling around. Pick one and leave it there.    


Bao Shijie expressed his gratitude: Thank you ? Thank you, Director Huang.    


Huang Xing said: You're welcome. You're welcome. That's what I should have done.    


Bao Shijie sized him up a few times, then asked: Fu... Payment... And the Director Fu?    


It was unknown if it was because he was excited or because he was cold, but his tongue was unable to straighten out. As he spoke, he stuttered and stuttered.    


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