Security Guard’s Romance



4But at the same time, Huang Xing was also confused, why would Zhao Xiaoran appear in Ruiyang Hotel?     4


Indeed, this familiar figure was Zhao Xiaoran without a doubt. She was dressed in gorgeous and bright clothes, even more gorgeous than when they first married. A pair of thin, light-colored stockings covered her sexy legs. A pair of high-heeled boots with a heel of over ten centimeters.    


Huang Xing lit a cigarette as he relaxed the pressure in his heart. After all, he knew Zhao Xiaoran too well. Furthermore, Zhao Xiaoran's recent performance was rather strange, as if she was always going against him. She had once deceived herself. She had even thought that she had completely changed her mind, but she had never thought that she would still be the same person. Her recent display of impetuousness had both baffled and disappointed Huang Xing.    


Tao Fei quickly stepped forward to explain: "Manager Zhao, don't misunderstand, I ? I... Director Huang drank too much, I sent him over to rest for a while ?    


'Take a break? ' Zhao Xiaoran raised his head: It's not like there are no beds in the office, it's not like there are no beds. Furthermore ? You two... Director Huang, Director Huang, I have truly underestimated you!    


Tao Fei wanted to continue explaining, but Huang Xing waved his hand to stop him, and said to Zhao Xiaoran: "Clear yourself." Zhao Xiaoran, I didn't ask you yet, how did you suddenly appear here?    


Zhao Xiaoran blinked his eyes quickly. Me? Of course I'm here to get a room. But I'm not like you. I'm alone. Just me. I have a friend who is coming in the afternoon. I'll get her a room in advance. What's wrong with that?    


Huang Xing snappily said, "Male, right?"    


Zhao Xiaoran coldly snorted: "Men and women, don't seem to have anything to do with others right?    


Huang Xing took a deep drag on his cigarette, choking on it as he coughed violently.    


Tao Fei anxiously rubbed at the corner of her clothes. She knew that Zhao Xiaoran was once Huang Xing's ex-wife, and now that she met Huang Xing in her room, she would very likely cause a ruckus.    


Tao Fei had seen this woman's methods before.    


Zhao Xiaoran saw that Huang Xing did not say a word, laughed, walked up and said: Since I met him by chance, why not invite me in?    


Huang Xing shook the room card in his hand: The room card is broken, I can't open the door.    


"Oh?" Zhao Xiaoran was stunned for a moment: Heaven's will, this is definitely heaven's will. Heaven does not give you the chance to make a mistake.    


Huang Xing emphasized: Zhao Xiaoran, watch your words!    


'Isn't it? "Could it be?" Zhao Xiaoran took the room card and stuck it on the door lock identification. After a few beeps, he pushed the door open!    


He really was an expert!    


Zhao Xiaoran proudly raised his head. This room card did have a chip on it, so for the chip to aim at the black thing that was locked on the door, it couldn't be wrong at all. I've had a lot of guests at this hotel and I know the locks here. Indeed, it was not easy to open.    


Huang Xing walked into the room with Tao Fei following closely behind. Surprisingly, Zhao Xiaoran also followed in unceremoniously.    


Zhao Xiaoran went into the bathroom to wash his hands first, then walked out: "The towels in the hotel don't dare to be used, didn't you see that it was exposed on the internet? I'll stay in a hotel later, preferably with a towel for myself.    


Huang Xing opened the TV in boredom and randomly switched to a different channel. On the TV, there was an advertisement where an old married couple dancing barefooted, singing while jumping: Not receiving gifts this year, only receiving platinum ?    


Tao Fei was amused by this advertisement as he covered his mouth: "Always saying this, always saying this, always saying this".    


Huang Xing emphasized: Don't underestimate this commercial, use a thousand words. Advertisements need to be short and easy to remember.    


'That's right.' Tao Fei nodded his head. It was a short advertisement, and it had amazing effects. There was no need to invite a star on behalf of. With just this small animation, he could make Brain Platinum public.    


Huang Xing thoughtfully asked: "Then, do you think our Xin Meng Merchant House has any better propaganda?    


Zhao Xiaoran somehow got interested, and imitated the tone used in the advertisement, he hummed: This year's festival is not shopping, shopping only for the Xin Meng Merchant... Building...    


One more word, but it was hard to say.    


Zhao Xiaoran laughed at himself and unceremoniously sat on the other bed.    


Huang Xing looked at her and thought: Why aren't you leaving? But in reality, he didn't want her to leave. Before she believes in her innocence towards Tao Fei, it would be best for her to stay.    


Then, how could he prove that he and Tao Fei were innocent?    


It seemed rather difficult.    


But suddenly, an idea struck Huang Xing and he said to Tao Fei: Secretary Tao, it's okay, I'm in the room too. Why don't you go to the room to check on Ergou?    


Tao Fei looked at Huang Xing with difficulty, but nodded.    


'Ergou? "What two dogs?" Zhao Xiaoran frowned, and looked at Huang Xing suspiciously.    


Facing Zhao Xiaoran, Huang Xing suddenly remembered the truth that he had comprehended from fishing that time. That kind of strategy had made good progress in dealing with Bao Shijie. Should he use the same strategy to deal with Zhao Xiaoran?    


Initially, he had thought that Zhao Xiaoran had completely changed his mind a few years ago, but he didn't expect that she would become so restless lately, impatiently revealing her true form. It had even framed Xu Wenguang, and almost put him in a situation where he would never be able to recover from it. What made Huang Xing even more shocked was that Zhao Xiaoran was still deliberately opposing him, opposing him at every turn.    


What was she thinking?    


No one knew.    


Huang Xing forcefully suppressed the hatred and prejudice he had towards Zhao Xiaoran, and said calmly: It's our village ? No, no, one of our village's children.    


Zhao Xiaoran asked: Your childhood? I... Do I know him?    


Huang Xing emphasized: The soldier! He just left the army not long ago.    


'Ergou, Ergou, Ergou ? ' Zhao Xiaoran frowned slightly as he muttered to himself. He seemed to have that little impression of him. I remember now, isn't that... that Han Shengli's family... The nephew of the soldier?    


Huang Xing nodded: It's him. That's him.    


Zhao Xiaoran asked suspiciously: What is he doing here?    


Huang Xing emphasized: I am prepared to let him be my security guard. He is a special forces guard and only by being a security guard in the Xin Meng Merchant House can he realize his capabilities and ambitions.    


Zhao Xiaoran clicked his tongue: "Do you think everyone is as lucky as you?" From a security guard to a General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building? Tsk, your success cannot be copied.    


Huang Xing said: I didn't say I wanted to copy it.    


Zhao Xiaoran was silent for a moment: Then what do you want to paste it in?    


Huang Xing laughed and said: This afternoon, Ergou and I drank quite a bit of alcohol. I let Secretary Tao eat together, then worried that if we were to head to the Merchant Shop, the smell of alcohol would be too strong, so we would each have our own room. We would first rest and sober up, then return to the Merchant Shop. It was that simple.    


Zhao Xiaoran asked: Is it really that simple?    


Huang Xing asked: How complicated can it be?    


Zhao Xiaoran tilted his head and sucked in a breath of cold air. Back then, I always thought that I had let you down. But now I understand that you've been restless. There is no lack of women by your side.    


She stood up and looked at Huang Xing with a special gaze.    


Huang Xing frowned, thinking back to his past feelings and betrayal, his anger became unsettled.    


But he endured it.    


Huang Xing stared at Zhao Xiaoran, and watched as she casually posed a sexy posture in front of him: "I don't want to talk about the past anymore. There's no need. It was over. It was over. We bumped into each other here today, and I've explained the reason for this to you. I hope that no one else will know about this.    


'Hm? ' Zhao Xiaoran stood in front of Huang Xing: "Why?"    


Huang Xing emphasized: No reason.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: You must have some ulterior motives, right? If it's really like you said, then you might be worried about letting others know that you brought Secretary Tao out for a room at noon ? Hehe, interesting.    


Huang Xing glared: Pay attention when you speak!    


Zhao Xiaoran shrugged his shoulders slightly: Am I wrong?    


Huang Xing rubbed his face and took a deep breath: You're right, but it's easy to get people to misunderstand. Aren't you in my room now?    


Zhao Xiaoran placed his right leg on his left leg and shook both of his feet.    


Huang Xing asked: Why are you different?    


Zhao Xiaoran emphasized: We were once husband and wife. It's normal for us to be together. Not to mention seeing us out to get a room, even if we were caught in bed, it wouldn't be a big deal.    


Huang Xing coughed lightly and frowned: You drank at noon? What, nonsense!    


Zhao Xiaoran laughed, and placed a hand on Huang Xing's shoulder: A man and a woman needs to be together for a hundred days, if you don't treasure me, I will still be thinking about you. I'm now... Every night now I dream about things that happened before. In my dream, I even thought we were still husband and wife.    


Huang Xing said: When you said those words, weren't your face red? Alright, Zhao Xiaoran, I don't want to talk about the things from the past with you anymore. The past is the past. There was no need to mention it again.    


Zhao Xiaoran bit her lips: Alright, I won't mention it. I lost my composure. Again.    


Huang Xing looked at the door and ordered them to leave: "Shouldn't you be returning to the Merchant Shop to work?    


Zhao Xiaoran shifted his butt: You... Not going?    


Huang Xing said: I'll wake up to drink.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: Then I will accompany you to drink. Since the general manager is lazy here, I will also benefit from this.    


'You... ' Huang Xing frowned, and raised his voice: I don't have the mood to joke with you. You can go.    


'Get rid of me? ' Zhao Xiaoran said: What are you planning to do after chasing me away?    


Huang Xing said: It's none of your business.    


Zhao Xiaoran asked Huang Xing: Why are you so impatient? Aiyo, aiyo, still hiding, still looking for an excuse. Come on, you can't wait for me to call Secretary Tao over right?    


Of course, Huang Xing could hear the hidden meaning in Zhao Xiaoran's words, he could not help but be furious, his face ashen.    


How did this woman become like this?    


Back then, she had let him down. Later on, he returned the hatred with his virtue and placed it on Huang Jinjiang. Towards Zhao Xiaoran, Huang Xing gave him some leeway, allowing him to gain a foothold in Xinyuan Company. Then, he came to Xin Meng Merchant House and became a Business Manager.    


But what about her?    


Not only did she not know how to repay favors, she even began to oppose him at every turn, singing a different tune!    


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