Security Guard’s Romance



2Huang Xing looked at Wu Qianqian, somewhat confused.     3


What did she mean by good news?    


Wu Qianqian looked at Huang Xing mysteriously and said: "I asked, the star that went to your family for the new year is actually ? Liu Yifei! How impressive, he actually managed to invite such a strong opponent over!    


Liu Yifei? Huang Xing was shocked.    


Who was Liu Yifei? Four years ago, he became famous with a single movie theme song. After that, he became the goddess of the hearts of countless citizens! She was young and beautiful, and had a noble birth. Just a casual post on Weibo could cause millions of netizens to post messages. There was even one time when Liu Yifei was facing a strong kiss from a loyal fan when she was performing in Beijing. This fan, in an interview, said that she was too beautiful and couldn't control herself.    


Although Huang Xing didn't really care about the world of the stars, but with the vast amount of entertainment news that filled the sky, it still allowed him to understand Liu Yifei a little. Indeed, his wrist was quite big, his face was high, and he was quite popular. He could be said to be a young, great star of the modern era.    


Huang Xing was startled for a moment, then said: It's her? She's coming to our house for the new year?    


Wu Qianqian nodded her head: Not only will she have to go to your house for the new year, she also has to play the role of your parents' daughter. The purpose of this reality TV show was to let celebrities experience rural life and penetrate deep into the countryside, so as to feel different from reality. In addition, there are three female celebrities, big shots, who will be assigned to the homes of others in your village to act as one of the family members. How is it, fun?    


Huang Xing asked in surprise: Why did you choose our village?    


Wu Qianqian laughed: It's such a coincidence. Your village has hit the jackpot! This was a rare opportunity.    


Huang Xing praised: This television station really has a talent. In order to get the viewership ratings, I can think of any way I want.    


Wu Qianqian said: It looks like you are going home to celebrate New Year this year?    


Huang Xing emphasized: I go home to celebrate New Year every year.    


Wu Qianqian said: This year is different. This year, there was a Big Star at home! You better be careful, don't follow that Big Star ? What kind of sparks would be produced from the friction?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: You're making me happy again! Me don't have that in mind. However, I was really speechless. The television station had invited a few Big Star s over to attend this kind of program, how much of a attendance fee would they have to pay to attend?    


Wu Qianqian said: The attendance fee shouldn't be much. After all, this kind of reality TV show was mutually beneficial and was a rare opportunity for celebrities to hype it up.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: That's true.    


During the meal, Wu Qianqian explained to Huang Xing the way the Star and Asia Real Estate operated and the preparations.    


Huang Xing felt that this Wu Qianqian had a sense of business.    


After eating, Huang Xing went over to Wu Qianqian's home to sit for a while. After chatting for a while, he quickly took his leave.    


Immediately after, Huang Xing rushed straight towards Fu Jie's home.    


Fu Jie did not expect Huang Xing to come, and when he opened the door, Fu Jie looked up at him.    


Huang Xing said as he walked: "If there's nothing, then you can't come?"    


Fu Jie said: Didn't you just come yesterday?    


Huang Xing sat himself onto the sofa and brewed a cup of tea. After Fu Jie stuffed a set of clothes into the washing machine, he rolled up his sleeves and walked over.    


Huang Xing pointed to the clock on the wall: What time is it? You're not going to tell me you haven't eaten yet, are you?    


Fu Jie shrugged his shoulders lightly.    


Huang Xing raised his head, putting on a solemn look: "I'll cook whatever you want to eat."    


Fu Jie pinched his chin with one finger and said thoughtfully: "I want to eat ?" I want to eat... Rice porridge, and scrambled eggs with tomatoes.    


Huang Xing asked: Is it that simple?    


Fu Jie nodded his head. Then ? Then I'll have to trouble you to be my chef for once.    


Huang Xing expressed his desire to help, and requested for more!    


He went to the kitchen and prepared the ingredients with a heroic spirit that felt like going through fire and water.    


Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing's busy figure, his face revealing a sweet smile. But soon after, she wrinkled her brow and sighed softly.    


Huang Xing happily made the porridge, cut the tomatoes, and turned on the oil smoke machine. He was not very proficient in cooking, but right now, it was as if he was possessed by a God of Cooking. Very soon, a plate of fried eggs with a tomato that looked pretty good was brought into the living room.    


In the bathroom, the automatic washing machine was still buzzing. Fu Jie, on the other hand, was sitting on the sofa, peeling off the orange s and stuffing them into his mouth.    


Huang Xing placed the dish on the table and shamelessly leaned his head over to ask for a reward: The dish is out of the pot.    


Fu Jie picked up a piece of orange and stuffed it into Huang Xing's mouth.    


Huang Xing chewed on it beautifully as his desire to get even more advanced: I still want more!    


Fu Jie picked up a piece of orange skin and lit it up on his lips: Whether this works or not, it can make a fire burn.    


Huang Xing tilted his body and looked at the devastatingly beautiful woman in front of him. The reward he was hoping for was not some orange. He truly hoped that it would be a ? A light kiss.    


He could smell the fragrance that was leaking out of Fu Jie's body. It was very comfortable, it allowed people to be relaxed, refreshed and full of spirit.    


Huang Xing glanced at the kitchen and said: "Prepare the next round's reward, the porridge, it will be ready immediately."    


Fu Jie threw the orange skin onto Huang Xing's body, complaining: You're still bargaining over this, hmph!    


Huang Xing emphasized: There is no such thing as a free dinner.    


Fu Jie scolded: You're so petty! I can't use a chef like you. Forget it, you're fired. I'll hire someone else!    


Huang Xing quickly said: No, no, no. I'm willing, I'm willing to serve without pay, no pay, no bargaining, no... No material reward!    


Material Reward... Once she said that, Huang Xing couldn't help but to feel admiration for her. In a moment of desperation, he had never thought that he would be able to point out the crux of heaven with a single sentence. He had hit the nail on the head with that!    


Fu Jie asked. If you don't want the material rewards, then what do you want?    


Huang Xing raised his head.    


Fu Jie raised his eyebrows: Are you sure?    


Yellowstar nodded fiercely, praying to himself for a spiritual reward, a spiritual encouragement, a kiss, a hug, a...    


Fu Jie emphasized: "Spiritual rewards, that's too easy to handle. I'll call the mental hospital right now."    


Huang Xing was immediately flabbergasted!    


Could it be that the spiritual reward was to be sent to a mental hospital?    


Huang Xing quickly self-deprecated, "Forget it, forget it. I cannot accept this kind of reward."    


Fu Jie exposed the look of a victor, his eyes craftily blinking.    


After a while, Huang Xing placed the cooked porridge into a bowl and carried it over to Fu Jie. He also served him various tableware such as chopsticks, spoons, etc.    


Then, like a waiter, he obediently stood aside and waited for instructions.    


Fu Jie breathed in the hot air coming out from the bowl, and raised his head to look at Huang Xing: Why don't you sit down and eat together?    


Huang Xing shook his head: I have already eaten, and have.    


Fu Jie continued to ask: Do you want to eat at home or outside?    


'In... "Outside." Huang Xing said: Is this enough, Fu Jie, what more do you want to eat?    


Fu Jie seemed to have noticed the additional trust in Huang Xing's expression and asked: "Is there something you need me for? Look at you ?" You must be in trouble!    


'It's really alright! ' Huang Xing relaxed his body, pulled up a stool, and sat opposite of Fu Jie.    


But he was curious, in the afternoon, Fu Jie was still deep in thought, and now, his mood became high, no longer having the depressed feeling he had in the afternoon.    


Fu Jie stirred the porridge with a spoon, letting it cool down a little more.    


Huang Xing started smoking. He wanted to smoke, but he was worried that Fu Jie would scold him, so he endured it.    


To be exact, he did have something that he wanted to ask Fu Jie, especially about Uncle Fu Jie and that civil servant Bai Yisheng.    


But he didn't know how to say it.    


Fu Jie graciously fried eggs onto the plate of tomato, drank the rice porridge and casually said: Not bad, you're a good man living at home!    


Huang Xing raised his head, in high spirits: Of course. Whatever you want to eat in the future, I will make it for you every day.    


'Really? ' Fu Jie looked up at Huang Xing, and then shook his head: "No, no, no, haven't you seen the online posts? Men's IQ will drop if they cook often. I've hurt you.    


Huang Xing 'oh'. But if that's the case, then I can accept it if you cook for me in the future.    


The spoon that Fu Jie brought to his mouth stopped, as he criticized: "You wish for beauty! No!    


Huang Xing asked: What do we do then? Are we going out to buy food every day?    


'I... "Us?" Fu Jie tilted his head.    


Huang Xing frowned and sighed.    


Fu Jie raised his head: What are you sighing for?    


Huang Xing evaded: Nothing, sent by feeling.    


Fu Jie put down his spoon, lightly exhaled, and said: "If you don't come to find me tonight, I might come to your house. There's something... I think you should know.    


Huang Xing was startled, as though he could deduce some clues: "What happened?    


Fu Jie lowered his head, continued to scoop up the rice porridge and gently stirred it: "Today, noon, my uncle comes, I had a meal with him.    


'Uh, I know about that.' Huang Xing blurted out.    


Fu Jie was startled, he raised his head and looked at Huang Xing: "You..." How do you know? You... You're not following me, are you?    


Huang Xing realized that she had blurted out something and quickly replied, "No, I didn't." I... I... I was just guessing, guessing.    


Fu Jie frowned in suspicion: It must be ? It must be what Fu Zhenxin told you, right?    


Huang Xing's face changed as he muttered, "No ?" No. No, absolutely not.    


'Still lying! ' Fu Jie took out his phone: I'll call Fu Zhenxin right now! His mouth wasn't so tight!    


Huang Xing quickly waved his hands: Don't fight anymore, I will admit it, I admit it.    


Fu Jie put down his cell phone and stared at Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing said honestly: I saw that you were not in a good mood this afternoon, then ? He just called Fu Zhenxin and asked, she then told him that your uncle was here.    


Fu Jie probed further: "Then does she have anything else to say?"    


Huang Xing hesitated for a moment, he felt that he could no longer continue betraying Fu Zhenxin, so he shook his head: "No."    


'No? ' Fu Jie thought about what Huang Xing had said in his heart, and lightly bit his lips, as if he was worrying about something heavy.    


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