Security Guard’s Romance



4At this moment, Huang Xing's heart was filled with countless thoughts.    


If it really was Shan Dongyang, wouldn't it be terrible? He had gone through so much trouble to escape from his rage, but now he had come knocking on his door?    


Afraid, but not at all! He just felt that it wasn't worth it.    


'I'll see.' Huang Xing stood up and walked to the door.    


Fu Zhenxin's face turned anxious, after looking around for a while, in a moment of desperation, he went to the kitchen and took out a kitchen knife, which he handed over to Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing shook his head, and said that there was no need.    


Looking out from the peephole, Huang Xing heaved a sigh of relief.    


So it was just a false alarm!    


Outside the door, however, was a stranger. To be precise, it was an unfamiliar man.    


Huang Xing turned his head to look at Fu Zhenxin, and asked: "Come and take a look, do you know this person?"    


Fu Zhenxin approached him suspiciously, and couldn't help but ask: "No ?." Not Shan Dongyang?    


Huang Xing replied: No.    


Fu Zhenxin touched his chest, calming his fear slightly.    


But she looked into the peephole and shook her head. No, she said. However, it looked a little familiar.    


The knocking continued.    


Huang Xing raised his voice and asked: Who? What's the matter?    


Outside, he replied, "Neighbors from the district, I've come ?" I have something to discuss with you.    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then opened the door.    


This man entered the door very politely and nodded towards Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin.    


Fu Zhenxin looked at the unfamiliar man and said: I see that you look a little familiar. What floor are you from?    


The man laughed. I'm from Building 19, Sun Maosheng. At the same time, I am also the owner of the group in our small district.    


"Group Owner, wow!" Fu Zhenxin smiled at first, then said thoughtfully: "But ? But why didn't I know that our district has owners?    


The man explained, We've just established the group, and there are about a hundred of them now. The main reason I'm here today is to join forces with the owners of our residential complex to put pressure on our properties ? You see, there have been two break-ins in succession in our district, and three electric cars or electric bottles have been lost. Two of the owners had their new car drawn... All of this was due to the fact that the property did not do enough in terms of security, the monitoring facilities were lagging behind, and the camera was not clear... For the most basic interests of our owners, I hope that we can unite and find the real estate together to solve the problem...    


So it was like this!    


Fu Zhenxin politely made the group leader sit on the sofa and poured him a cup of water.    


When the group saw the King Crab and salmon on the table, they could not help but be shocked.    


Fu Zhenxin pointed to the red wine at the side, and laughed: It's more than a thousand, this bottle of red wine alone costs a few thousand pieces.    


The owner of the group blushed with shame and said, "Rich people!"    


Huang Xing coughed lightly, signalling for Fu Zhenxin to keep a low profile, so that Mo Xuan Fu could do the same.    


Fu Zhenxin stuck out his tongue, realizing that he should not show off his strength to someone he was unfamiliar with.    


Huang Xing politely bowed to the group owner to eat together. The group owner was very tactful, he only asked Fu Zhenxin to leave a contact method for him to join the QQ group of the owner, then quickly left.    


After sending the host away, the two of them sat down again to eat seafood and taste red wine.    


After a false alarm, the frightened heart finally found a moment of peace.    


Huang Xing asked Fu Zhenxin: If your plot is to organize this event, are you going?    


Fu Zhenxin nodded fiercely: Of course I'm going! Even if he had to make time. This sort of thing could not be ignored or observed. It was very difficult to resolve, so every owner had to respond positively.    


Huang Xing gave her a thumbs up: Comprehension!    


Fu Zhenxin laughed proudly and said: Of course! It is everyone's responsibility to fight for the lawful rights and interests.    


Huang Xing took another bite of the salmon, then said: Right, we're almost done eating, you still haven't gotten to the main point.    


Fu Zhenxin raised his eyebrows: What's the main topic?    


Huang Xing said straightforwardly: You told me over the phone that you would make my trip worthwhile.    


'Ow... ' Fu Zhenxin pretended to be enlightened as he nodded his head. Then, he blinked his eyes and smiled: Didn't you already make this trip worthwhile?    


Huang Xing felt embarrassed: This counts?    


Fu Zhenxin argued: Group Owner, is that alright? Not everyone could see it!    


Huang Xing knew that Fu Zhenxin was just messing with him, so he decided to follow his plan. He pretended to be angry and stood up, and said: Alright, alright, I've seen the group owner, the food and drinks had also finished, I'll be going.    


'What?! ' Fu Zhenxin's complacent look froze: Leaving just like that?    


Huang Xing countered with a question: If I don't leave, why should I stay?    


Fu Zhenxin smirked: So beautiful! You are my brother-in-law, don't let your thoughts run wild!    


Huang Xing was stunned for a while, then said with a bitter smile: I am just making a comparison! A metaphor.    


Fu Zhenxin burst out laughing: It makes you nervous! So what if I live here? It's not like ?    


Perhaps she had realized something, and her face flushed red. She then supported Huang Xing by the shoulders and used a commanding tone to say: Sit, sit! I still haven't talked to you about proper business. If you leave now, you will definitely regret it later!    


Huang Xing sat down, took out a cigarette and lit it.    


Fu Zhenxin sighed lightly, and said: Since I let you come, I must be prepared to help you.    


'Help me? ' Huang Xing was startled: Help me what?    


Fu Zhenxin frowned: You and my sister! It's not like I don't know, the two of you are ? A little dangerous!    


Huang Xing was startled: "No..." No?    


Fu Zhenxin glared at Huang Xing and said: Not yet? Do you know who my sister had lunch with?    


'Follow... "With whom?" When the matter was brought up, Huang Xing was alarmed. Indeed, Fu Jie's movements at noon today were very strange, and after the meal he had been in a bad mood.    


Fu Zhenxin pointed to the goblet in front of Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: I'll drink, I'll drink!    


He drained the glass of red wine in one gulp.    


Fu Zhenxin tsk-ed and said: How ruthless, this mouthful of yours, I lost a few hundred yuan! There were thousands of bottles of red wine!    


Huang Xing looked innocent: You want me to drink it okay?    


Fu Zhenxin slyly smiled, and started to criticize: Then I didn't tell you to finish it, I'll drink it bit by bit, slowly.    


Huang Xing took the chance and smoked, waiting for Fu Zhenxin to reveal his answer.    


In truth, Fu Zhenxin did not want to make things difficult for Huang Xing, she was just a girl who liked to joke around. On this point, Huang Xing had seen much. Although in these past few years, the way she joked had been restrained in front of Huang Xing, but deep in her heart, she was such a willful person.    


To be exact, Huang Xing liked her for this point. Her mischievous smile was quite cute.    


Seeing that Huang Xing was not bickering with him, Fu Zhenxin pouted her lips and said: Today at noon, my sister is ? He ate with his uncle.    


'What?! ' Huang Xing was startled: With your uncle?    


Fu Zhenxin nodded. Originally ?    


She hesitated for a long time, as if there was something hard to say, and then stopped.    


Huang Xing thought that there must be some secret behind it, so he impatiently asked: How was noon? Zhen Xin, I hope you can tell me the truth.    


Fu Zhenxin thought for a moment, then said: My sister originally wanted to go with me, but she said: But my uncle wouldn't let me.    




Huang Xing asked doubtfully: "Why not?"    


Fu Zhenxin clenched his hands, and anxiously blinked his large eyes: "Don't you understand, brother-in-law?"    


Huang Xing shook his head: I don't understand. It's normal for your uncle to come. There's nothing wrong with passing through Jinan to meet you two. But I don't understand, why does your uncle only see Fu Jie, and not you?    


Fu Zhenxin extended a finger out and pointed it at Huang Xing: This question is correct! You should... You should know my uncle. Last time, he got you drunk, right?    


Huang Xing nodded his head, but he was shocked: "You mean...?" I wish I could smell alcohol on your sister. Could it be ? No, no, your uncle shouldn't have had any ideas about your sister ?    


Fu Zhenxin laughed bitterly: Look, what are you thinking!    


Huang Xing countered with a question: What's going on? Why did your sister get so emotional after seeing your uncle and having a meal together ? Feeling down?    


Fu Zhenxin sighed lightly, shook his head, and emphasized: "You, ah, really don't care about my sister! You don't remember the things we talked about at my house... Those words? My uncle intentionally made you drunk that day! He just doesn't want you with my sister!    


Huang Xing opened his eyes wide in shock. That seemed to be the case. Then what does he want?    


Fu Zhenxin continued, "Didn't my mom call to force the marriage? Don't you remember? He even said that he wanted my sister to play with you and be good to a civil servant. That civil servant is my uncle's nephew, my nephew! Right now, my uncle wants to introduce his nephew to Fu Jie, so he intentionally drunk you to make you look bad, and then said bad things about you in front of my parents ? You understand that this time, don't you?    


The more Huang Xing heard, the more surprised he became: "You ?" Your uncle is too... Too... Too bad?    


Fu Zhenxin continued: My uncle came this time because of his nephew's matter. From what I know about my uncle, I'm afraid... I'm afraid...    


Huang Xing asked: Afraid of what?    


Fu Zhenxin emphasized: I'm afraid that this matter has already... There was no way out!    


Huang Xing frowned: "You mean that your uncle's nephew came along with you?"    


Fu Zhenxin shook his head: No. However, since his uncle took the lead and became the vanguard, that eldest nephew of his probably ? I'm afraid that he's coming to Jinan to get a date with my sister in the next few days! That's right, this was also an order from our old empress dowager. After all, she was the one who had been tied up by my uncle. After all, it was a matter of face for my uncle. Do you understand? This is the difficulty my sister is facing right now!    


Huang Xing took a deep breath, and said with a solemn expression: "I don't care who your uncle's nephew is, since he dares to come, I will teach him a lesson!"    


Fu Zhenxin then asked Huang Xing: Why are you teaching him a lesson? You already have a bad reputation with my parents, don't tell me you want to continue to let my uncle find out about this ? When that happens, there will be no hope for you and my sister!    


Huang Xing was stunned: That serious?    


Fu Zhenxin said: What do you think!    


Huang Xing was almost burnt to ashes by the cigarette tip on her finger, she quickly pressed it into the ashtray. I was just casually saying, if he really came, I had no reason to take care of him. Fair competition. Fair competition.    


Fu Zhenxin's eyes widened: No way? You still allowed him to compete with you? Are you crazy?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: It's not possible to take care of him, and it's not possible to tolerate him. Then what do you want me to do?    


Fu Zhenxin shook his head: I'm afraid... There was no other way.    


Huang Xing thought for a while, then picked up a cigarette from his mouth and used the smoke to drive his worries away.    


What should he do now that his love rival was about to invade?    


Inside, Bao Shijie was like a tiger staring covetously at its prey. On the outside, there was his uncle who was busy with various matters, and his nephew who was about to go on a blind date.    


Furthermore, this big nephew who was a stranger took up all the time and land advantages, and was the son-in-law whom Fu Jie's parents considered desirable in their eyes. As for himself, on the contrary, his image in their hearts had already been ruined by that drunk incident ?    0


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