Security Guard’s Romance



2Towards Fu Jie's mischievous question, Huang Xing actually felt that it was very fresh.    


After all, Fu Jie wasn't someone who liked to joke around.    


Huang Xing laughed and said: You are similarly amiable, but your position is too big and you have too much authority. Therefore, many clients still choose to contact me.    


Fu Jie continued. Especially ? Female customers?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly with shame: Alright, Director Fu, don't mock me. Find Me... What's the matter?    


Fu Jie shook his head: It's nothing, I was just going to take a walk when you came out to send me off. Oh right, hurry up and pack up! Leave immediately!    




Huang Xing was suddenly stunned!    


What was going on? Fu Jie suddenly said that!    


Was she really going to expel him?    


However, even if that was the case, she probably did not have the authority to do so! After all, he was promoted by Yu Mengqin himself, and if she wanted to expel him, she would have to go through Yu Mengqin's consent. Furthermore, he did not make any mistakes, why did Fu Jie want him to clean up and leave? Could it be that he just came out to send her off!?    


It was obviously illogical!    


In his doubts, Huang Xing couldn't help but ask: "Director Fu, this ?" This... What was going on?    


Fu Jie frowned: What's that?    


Huang Xing said innocently: "I ?" I didn't make any mistakes, did I?    


Fu Jie was also stunned: I didn't say that you made a mistake!    


Huang Xing emphasized: Then why do you want me to pack up and leave?    


Fu Jie, who had been keeping his mouth shut this whole time, immediately became happy upon hearing this. He actually revealed a smile that was even more precious than gold: "Did you forget?    


Huang Xing scratched his head: What did you forget?    


To be exact, when Fu Jie smiled, she was so beautiful that she almost intoxicated Huang Xing in this cold winter. As the song said, you are like a fire in winter, the fire warmed my heart. Fu Jie's precious smile was like a torch, warm and charming.    


Fu Jie was a little speechless, he raised his hand and smacked his forehead: Go to Fu Zhenxin!    


Huang Xing was enlightened immediately!    


At the same time, he had to worry about his weakened memory. How could he have forgotten about this, and mistakenly think that Fu Jie wanted him to leave the Xin Meng Merchant House, to hit his backpack and scram!    


Huang Xing smiled awkwardly. That's it. It gave me a fright.    


However, Fu Jie chose to fight with Huang Xing instead: If you don't want to go, there's still time to regret it.    


Huang Xing quickly shook his head. No regrets, no regrets! He couldn't wait any longer.    


Fu Jie raised his hand: Then why don't you hurry up and tidy it up? Look at your side, there is a strand of hair sticking up!    


'Really? ' Huang Xing stretched out his hand and touched it, vaguely confirming Fu Jie's words.    


Fu Jie said: I'll go to the shopping mall to take a stroll, and wait for you to come down!    


'Alright! ' Huang Xing nodded his head happily, stepping on his Invincible Wind Wheel, he rushed back to his office.    


As the saying goes, when people see a happy occasion, they would be delighted. Huang Xing cherished the chance to travel with Fu Jie, it could also be considered as a way to further improve the complicated feelings between the two of them. After all, he and Fu Jie weren't young anymore, and needed to think of a way to deepen their relationship so that they could discuss marriage as soon as possible.    


Inside the office, Huang Xing called Tao Fei over.    


In front of the mirror, Tao Fei took out the Stereotype Water and gently sprinkled it on Huang Xing's head. At the same time, he used a comb to slowly comb through it.    


Tao Fei saw the joy of having been modified by Huang Xing, so he asked her: Where are we going, to dress up so grandly?    


Huang Xing turned and looked at Tao Fei: "If you're not going anywhere, then..." Just a few tricks.    


Tao Fei countered with a question: Why are you so happy about this? Are you sure... Surely it wasn't that simple. What kind of beautiful thing could have happened?    


Huang Xing frowned, and warned her: Don't ask me what you shouldn't ask, your desire to know is too strong!    


Tao Fei clicked his tongue and no longer spoke. He focused on helping Huang Xing tidy up his hair.    


'Handsome! '    


After he finished, Tao Fei looked at Huang Xing and gave him a precise conclusion.    


Huang Xing caressed his hair, originally wanting to match up with Tao Fei's praise and do a high-spirited action. Unexpectedly, he stroked the styling oil with his hand.    


After washing his hands, he returned to his office and changed into a gray windbreaker. When he came out, he saw that Tao Fei had already placed his bright shoes at the door.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but exclaim: "Your efficiency is quite high.    


'Light? ' Tao Fei giggled: It's my goal to serve you. By the way, would you like a tie?    


Huang Xing shook his head: It's not like I'm going to the party, what's with the tie? Naturally, it was for the best.    


Tao Fei walked over, said something, and turned around, to let me see.    


Huang Xing followed suit and turned around like a model.    


'Mmm, not bad. Tao Fei tugged on the hem of his clothes for Huang Xing, and even squatted down, stretching his pants.    


Huang Xing laughed and said: I'm not a beauty, what do I need a turnaround rate!    


Tao Fei said confidently: Men also need to pursue the turnaround rate! A man like you, in your thirties, handsome and well-dressed, is the perfect time to attract girls.    


'Really? ' Huang Xing laughed self-deprecatingly: Why don't I feel it?    


Tao Fei said softly: You still don't know, right? You are the god in the eyes of all the Female Employee in our merchant house!    


Huang Xing was startled: I am a male god?    


Tao Fei nodded his head: Then, I must do it. Handsome, rich, and a big boss!    


Huang Xing said: Why do I feel that I do not match the points you have said? Marshal did not dare say, mainly because of his temperament.    


Tao Fei couldn't help but laugh.    


Just as Huang Xing was preparing himself and preparing to leave, Tao Fei suddenly called out to him. Director Huang, wait.    


Huang Xing turned around: What's wrong?    


Tao Fei walked over, and as if he was performing a magic trick, he took out a box of xylitol from his pocket and poured two pills out. He placed them next to Huang Xing's mouth: Open your mouth, eat two pills.    


Huang Xing was stunned: I do ? I have bad breath?    


Tao Fei shook his head nervously. Not... That's not what I meant.    


Huang Xing intentionally teased her: Then what do you mean?    


Tao Fei explained: Eating two pellets will give you a fresh breath, especially when you focus on dressing up, you must be with an important customer, or ? Or the girl had an appointment. Of course... Take note of your tone.    


Huang Xing really blew a few breaths into his palms, placing them in front of his nose, he sniffed.    


Tao Fei was amused by his serious look and took the opportunity to stuff the two pieces of gum into Huang Xing's mouth.    


How considerate! How thoughtful!    


Huang Xing was moved, it seemed that if he did not give her an evaluation of being an advanced staff member, he would feel very bad.    


After exiting the office, Huang Xing felt that it was still early, so he decided to stroll around the Merchant Shop for a bit, and conveniently inspected the various cabinets on each floor.    


It seemed that after dealing with a few disciplinary violators, the buyers and security personnel on duty were in a completely new state of mind. Several floors later, he did not find any signs of idle chatter or laughter.    


This allowed Huang Xing to relax a little.    


At the entrance of the first floor ?    


Huang Xing surveyed the surroundings and realised that Fu Jie was looking at the cosmetics products at the makeup counter.    


Huang Xing took the initiative to walk over, and while pointing to the box of beauty dishes in front of him, he asked Huang Xing: "This ?." How about it?    


Huang Xing was startled, then laughed bitterly: "I do not need this, asking me this is equivalent to asking for nothing."    


Fu Jie emphasized: I'm not asking you how to use it, I'm asking you how to give it to Fu Zhenxin as a gift. He couldn't go empty-handed either.    


Huang Xing took a glance at the price tag, it was four eight, eighty-eight hundred eighty-eight yuan. He couldn't help but click his tongue. He thought, nowadays, money for women and children is easy to earn. A box of simple cosmetics, with a so-called brand name, costs close to 10,000 yuan! There were also clothes. The styles of the women's clothes were many to the point that it dazzled people. There were tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of pieces of women's clothing with a famous brand.    


Huang Xing suggested: "Fu Zhenxin definitely does not lack makeup. Look at her, she has been taking care of my little face all day, soft and tender!"    


Fu Jie was a little disappointed as he put down his cosmetics and asked a question in reply: What should I bring?    


Huang Xing thought for a moment: I might as well bring two boxes of chocolate, she likes chocolate.    


Fu Jie frowned, he wanted to say something but hesitated.    


Huang Xing pondered for a moment, and suddenly felt that he had said something wrong.    


For a moment, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Indeed, it was said that the one who spoke had no intention to do so, and would listen carefully. Fu Jie was sure that he was thinking, how do you know Fu Zhenxin that much?    


Therefore, Huang Xing quickly added: "I was just guessing! Girls, don't they all like chocolate?    


Fu Jie emphasized: I don't like it. I don't want my sister to eat all that fat.    


Huang Xing said: That's true. However, it was normal for them to bump into each other to eat a little. If... Otherwise... Bring her some fruit. She would be too lazy to buy it.    


Fu Jie thought for a moment, then nodded.    


Thus, the two of them bought some fresh fruits in the underground supermarket.    


In the parking lot, Huang Xing asked: Do you want to drive your car or mine?    


Fu Jie raised his hand: Go ahead!    


Huang Xing nodded his head, placed the fruits in the trunk, and then personally opened the passenger door for Fu Jie.    


Fu Jie elegantly sat on the seat and took the opportunity to buckle up.    


The carriage was overflowing with a familiar fragrance, that was naturally emitted from Fu Jie's body. Huang Xing took a few deep breaths and immediately felt refreshed and energetic.    


He was a little nervous, and his heartbeat kept accelerating. Huang Xing thought to himself that there was actually a woman like Fu Jie in this world. No matter how familiar they were with each other, every time they met, they would always feel that their hearts were beating quickly.    


As they drove out of the gate, the security guard on duty gestured and saluted.    


Huang Xing pressed his horn and returned the greeting.    


Fu Jie couldn't help but exclaim: "Alright, this security guard's letting the vehicles go was rather standard. Also, he gave a respectful greeting, very standard.    


Huang Xing laughed: I personally trained them!    


'You? ' Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing suspiciously: How can you do that?    


Huang Xing then said to Fu Jie: Aren't you looking down on me too much? You forget, back then in Xinyuan Company, I was even responsible for the staff's morning training and military training.    


Fu Jie nodded: That's true. Yes, there was.    


Huang Xing smiled and said: Thank you Director Fu for your affirmation. The next step, I plan to poach someone to raise Security Department's work to another level.     0


Fu Jie was startled: Where do I go to find them?    


Huang Xing emphasized: There are already people available! Estimate... He estimated that he would be able to take up his post in a few days.    


Fu Jie's eyes shone with a strange light.    


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