Security Guard’s Romance



0Huang Xing thought that these people were probably the people that the big guy called, here for revenge.    


That was to say, after he taught that big guy a lesson in that traffic jam, he did not give up and instead sent someone to follow him. He then waited in the hospital parking lot.    


What should he do?    


In a moment of desperation, Huang Xing felt that he should retreat for now. He closed the car door tightly, and with a hundred metres of sprinting speed, he rushed into the entrance of the hospital.    


No matter how powerful the underworld was, they would not dare to enter the hospital to cause trouble.    


As soon as Huang Xing entered the hospital, he called the police.    


Then, Huang Xing went to hide in a corner of the hospital, preparing to call the Xin Meng Merchant House's manager and ask him to call for help. However, thinking about it, he still felt that it was very inappropriate. If this incident were to get out of hand, the consequences would be dire.    


However, even if they called the police, could they remove the danger and forever be a threat?    


Huang Xing leaned on the window and quietly looked outside, only to see that the unidentified people were already gone.    




After observing for a while, Huang Xing carefully walked out.    


In the car park, in front of the Audi, Huang Xing looked around, sighed a breath of relief, and got in the car.    


As the car drove out of the hospital, Huang Xing kept looking at his rearview mirror, afraid that those guys would follow them again.    


After two intersections, his phone rang.    


It was an unknown number.    


Huang Xing answered and then a male voice came in: You called the police?    


Huang Xing said: 110. It was me who called the police. When I came out of the hospital, I was surrounded by a group of about twenty people.    


Where are you now? the policeman asked. We were outside the hospital and we didn't find anything unusual.    


Huang Xing said: I have already left. Just now, when I saw those people were gone, I... He just drove away.    


The policeman said, You're a fake police officer! What, playing with the police! I warn you, once you are confirmed as a false alarm, we will hold you accountable.    


Huang Xing was a little angry as he said: "On what basis are you calling me a fake police officer?" Whether it's true or not, you guys can go to the hospital and adjust the recording to understand it!    


The policeman paused. Is there anything else I can help you with?    


Huang Xing said: There's no need for now. Thank you for the police. But maybe I'll need your help later, and those people will certainly come after me again.    


How did you offend them? the policeman asked.    


Huang Xing said. Just now, at the intersection, when I was blocking the road, there was some friction with someone. That person threatened to find someone to deal with me. So... These people were idle all day. They did not work properly and were a serious threat to the public security.    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing frowned.    


However, the real danger had not been eliminated.    


At an intersection, Huang Xing slowed down his speed. As he was moving at a uniform speed, two Buick cars suddenly appeared from the two sides and stopped in front of Huang Xing.    


The sound of the emergency brake was exceptionally clear in the darkness.    


In a moment of desperation, Huang Xing quickly backed off and prepared to turn around.    


But the two Buicks were closing in.    


Huang Xing fiercely stepped on the throttle, swung his tail, and then quickly killed the wheel.    


The Odi's S stall function was for sports cars. Once the D gear was changed to S gear, the speed would double. The engine roared and the car shot off like an arrow.    


The two Buick business vehicles, even if they pushed the throttle to the floor, were unable to catch up.    


After travelling for a while, Huang Xing's face was covered in cold sweat. Looking in the rearview mirror, he saw that the two MPs were gone.    


However, he still couldn't let his guard down. Maybe a few cars would pop up out of the blue. As a result, Huang Xing was very cautious, looking in all four directions, afraid that he would meet with danger again.    


Finally, he was able to return home safely.    


After boiling a pot of crucian carp soup and stir-frying two dishes, Huang Xing put them into his lunchbox and quickly drove back to the hospital.    


It was already 1: 45 in the morning.    


Carrying his somewhat tired body, Huang Xing walked to the front of the sickroom and heard voices coming from inside.    


Li Rong is already awake!    


Huang Xing carried his lunchbox and walked in. The girl who was lying on the sickbed at the side seemed to have smelled the fragrance of the food and giggled: It's so fragrant, food is coming! Here comes the delicious food!    


Li Rong was sitting on top of the bed with her blanket behind her. When she saw Huang Xing, she couldn't help but sob.    


Huang Xing placed the lunchbox to the side and sat down beside Li Rong. He noticed that Li Rong's left arm was already swollen to the point of being terrible. And it was bent all the time, being dragged by her right hand.    


Li Rong felt wronged and started crying again, "I'm crippled!" My arm is going to be crippled!    


Huang Xing emphasized: Impossible! It's just a fracture.    


'Just a fracture? ' Li Rong sobbed. My bones are all broken. I saw the film, it was broken into pieces. I'll need to amputate my arm. I'll be a one-armed man. I'm a cripple, now!    


Huang Xing frowned: Don't scare yourself! How could it be so serious!    


'It's not serious? ' Li Rong pointed to his swollen arm: I can't move, I can't move! Look at the swelling! It's thicker than your thigh!    


Huang Xing comforted her: "It will be alright, you have to maintain a good attitude right now, okay?    


Li Rong shook his head fiercely. I can't hold on any longer. When I think of my arm being amputated, I... I can't control myself. I feel like jumping off a building. If I become disabled, who would marry me? I won't be able to marry for the rest of my life.    


Huang Xing pointed to the lunch box at the side: Oh right, I made something for you to eat, you eat something first, you must be hungry right?    


Li Rong continued to shake his head: I'm not hungry, how would I have the mood to eat?    


The girl on the bed next to her stared at the lunchbox.    


Huang Xing passed over a lunchbox: There's yours, I'll prepare it for you as well.    


'Thank you, brother. The girl accepted the lunchbox and opened it. Then, she turned to Li Rong and said, "Sis, let's eat something first. Only after you've eaten your fill will you have the strength to perform the surgery." If he didn't eat, the surgery would be even more painful.    


Li Rong pouted, his lips trembling: amputation... Amputation...    


Huang Xing frowned: Can you be a little more optimistic? It was just a simple fracture operation! The doctors have been through a lot, and now with this medical technique, this is considered a minor operation.    


Li Rong drooped his head: "Is this considered a small operation?" Fracture surgery, is this an ordinary fracture surgery, to connect a few pieces of broken bones. Oh my god, what if I can't handle it? Then I really will have to amputate my limbs.    


Huang Xing continued: Be more optimistic! I don't think there's any problem!    


Li Rong emphasized: It's not that your arm is being operated on, but of course you feel like it's not a big problem.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Alright, let's not think about it for now, let's eat something first. Come, come, I'll feed you.    


'Feed you? ' As soon as Li Rong said it, he regretted it immediately. He could not even move one of his arms, so there was no way he could solve the problem of eating by himself. Then you ? "Then see if it's hot or not. I'm afraid of being burned." Li Rong's tone slightly eased up.    


Huang Xing opened the fish soup box, scooped a spoonful of fish soup and said to Li Rong: Try using the heat first, see if it's hot or not.    


Li Rong frowned slightly: "I am a patient, I still need to test the temperature before you feed me."    


Huang Xing was silent for a moment: I also didn't bring a thermometer.    


'Idiot! ' Li Rong scolded her: Try it, first, is it hot?    


Huang Xing felt that it was a little inappropriate to do this, but under his helplessness, he still decided to take a sip. Feeling that the temperature was still alright, he moved the spoon next to Li Rong's mouth: "There's no problem, come, drink a mouthful."    


Li Rong took a big gulp of it.    


After feeding about four to five spoonfuls, Li Rong was determined not to drink anymore. Huang Xing advised her to drink more. With a troubled expression on his face, he said: "I can't drink anymore, it's easier to go to the toilet if I drink too much."    


Huang Xing replied: I just need to go to the toilet, that's not normal.    


Li Rong lowered his head and looked at his own arm: With just this one arm, how am I supposed to go up? Could it be... Will you help me?    


Huang Xing's face immediately flushed red. He turned around and looked at the girl who was eating something with relish on the other bed and said: Let this little sister help you.    


Li Rong emphasized: I'm going to be discharged! How?    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then said: "How about this, I'll find a bed for you, talk to you, serve you, or something like that."    


Li Rong asked in reply: Why didn't you accompany me personally?    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly: I still need to work.    


Li Rong continued to ask: Is work more important, or am I more important?    


These words caused Huang Xing to be stunned.    


There was no doubt that his words were full of ambiguity!    


Huang Xing hesitated for a moment before replying in a perfunctory tone, "All of them are important, all of them are important. Don't worry, I'll come to see you often. I'll be with you when you have surgery.    


Li Rong pouted, his eyes blinking rapidly: You don't know how to take care of people, you don't even want to ask, how did I end up like this. And, moreover ? And how did you know I was in the hospital?    


Huang Xing sighed lightly: Of course I know about you, but all of these are no longer important. The important thing is to adjust your mindset and do the surgery properly.    


Li Rong continued to interrogate him: Then you must tell me, how did you know I was hospitalized? I didn't tell anyone.    


Huang Xing stuttered: "I saw it outside ?." I saw your car.    


'My car? ' Li Rong retorted: "You ?" After I left, you came out again? What are you doing out here?    


Huang Xing said: I just happened to walk with Director Fu and coincidentally met... where you hit the car... I recognized the car as yours, so I asked the cops who were still there. They told me.    


'It's like this! ' Li Rong seemed to have thought of something and said: Then Fu Jie, she ? Did she know?    


Huang Xing shook his head. I didn't tell her.    


Li Rong continued to ask: Then she's ? In your house now?    


Huang Xing replied: No, she went home. I arranged for her to go home before I came to the hospital.    


Li Rong nodded his head slightly. Don't let anyone know about my car crash, it's too embarrassing. Such a wide road could actually crash a car, and crash so miserably ? What should I do, what should I do ? I have to stay away from work for so many days. I already didn't perform well. If I stay away from work for a few more days, won't I be expelled?    


Huang Xing comforted her: "You don't need to think too much about this, I will make up the fake note for you."    


Li Rong said: I almost forgot, with the General Manager by my side, what am I afraid of? Well, the problem is my poor arm... I'm going to become a cripple! If I really became a cripple, would you still care about me?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: What are you thinking, you!    


At this moment, the phone suddenly rang.    


Huang Xing opened his phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.    


After answering the call, a deep male voice came out from the other side: Huang Xing, you're Huang Xing?    


Huang Xing said doubtfully: Yes, I am. May I ask who you are? Call me in the middle of the night.    


I wanted to tell you that the date of your death is almost here.    


Huang Xing was shocked!     3


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