Security Guard’s Romance



1On the other hand, when the man saw that Huang Xing was serious, his face broke out in a cold sweat. He looked left and right, trying to slip away in the chaos, but he was caught by the security guards.    


Huang Xing raised his head and said to the man in the middle: "Since we are all staying here today, and you don't let me live, then let's fight to the death." I, Huang Xing, General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building. You, as the little boss in your group, do you dare to give me your name?    


The man in the middle seemed to muster up a great deal of courage, concealing the emptiness in his heart with a strong tone. I, Cai Jianwei! Construction, great greatness!    


Huang Xing sneered: "Then what about Cai, could it be that she is a vegetable for the vegetable buns?"    


'You fucking... ' Cai Jianwei frowned, and actually said something bad.    


Huang Xing changed the topic and said: Alright, I don't want to waste everyone's time, so let's cut to the chase, everyone knows the cause of this matter, it's because a few days ago, a group of people came to the merchant house to create trouble, saying that our merchant house was selling fake fitness apparatus s, causing some of them to have injuries. So they gathered to ask for an explanation. I've never seen the so-called wounded, and I don't know what their relationship is to the injured. It goes without saying what this meant. I have also investigated, our fitness cabinets only purchase goods directly from the big manufacturers, and the quality is all up to the national standard. I can prove it on the spot!    


With a wave of his hand, Hua Jingjing appeared from the side, holding onto the appraisal certificate and the proxy certificate.    


Journalists and the media began taking photographs.    


Huang Xing continued to speak: Of course, there will be people who will suspect that we are lying, and there are many people who are making false accusations, am I right? Then it's easy, I'll just randomly find a few at the scene ? We have bought fitness apparatus s from the Xin Meng Merchant House, please raise your hands.    


Many people raised their hands.    


Wu Qianqian also volunteered to raise his hand, walking in front of Huang Xing, and said: I also have a say in this. I have always been using Xin Meng Merchant House's fitness apparatus. I feel that in terms of quality and technique, they are all very good. Now I train every day, and I don't miss a single day. I can use my reputation and personality to guarantee that Xin Meng Merchant House's fitness apparatus will not have any problems!    


Just then, Cai Jianwei suddenly shouted out emotionally. They were not clear about the relationship between them. Being a host was also a way to entrust them to each other. They had always been supporting them and coaxing them to pay for it!    


Wu Qianqian frowned: You have to be responsible for what you say! Otherwise, I can sue you for slander!    


Huang Xing took the opportunity to say: "If that's the case, then I'll randomly order a few to express my feelings." The lady, the... That big brother ? And that brother ?    


In one breath, he had ordered four or five people to come out.    


Then, he asked everyone one by one about their experiences after using the Xin Meng Merchant House fitness apparatus.    


These few people gave a very high evaluation and thought that the Xin Meng Merchant House was genuine.    


Huang Xing let out a small sigh of relief, then said to Cai Jianwei: What else do you have to say? I still have to give you a chance, say who the mastermind is. I know this is a vicious business competition. How much money did they give you?    


Cai Jianwei laughed: Based on this? Okay, you want to be in critical public relations at this point, right? Then I'll accompany you!    


Huang Xing asked: Why are you accompanying me?    


Cai Jianwei said: I want to lead everyone to fight to the end against a cunning merchant like you!    


'Just this? ' Huang Xing continued to ask: "Then, may I ask, you call me an evil merchant, where am I evil? What credentials are there?    


Cai Jianwei stammered: This ? This... Selling lies! This was one of them! Secondly, to raise the price, everyone knows, in the whole of Shandong, the price of goods in Xin Meng Merchant House is the highest. The most ridiculous thing was that a single crocodile skin clothing could actually sell for over a million. More than a million apiece. Oh my god, you're snatching money? Also, what's a pair of socks? You can sell them for 7,000 yuan for a pair ? I have really gained experience. More than seven thousand bought a pair of socks. Is it made of gold? Also, a belt is only worth a few tens of dollars on the outside, but when you come to your mall, you can sell it for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands ?    


He went on and on about the crimes, and when he got excited, he spat.    


Huang Xing was annoyed and amused at the same time. "Goods and goods are different." Just like the difference between gold, silver, and steel. If you buy a pound of iron, it may only cost a few dollars. However, if you want to buy a jin of gold, that would require several tens of millions of gold. This was the difference. You can buy a Chery QQ for $30,000, but you'll need $2 million to buy an Audi A8. I'm not a tycoon, even though I'm just a worker with a higher position. But at least I know that in every building, the price and quality are proportional. You said our building was expensive, I admit that, but I can't afford it either. Therefore, our business is targeting the rich, the rich and the noble. You said it was sour when you couldn't eat the grapes yourself, and you even used this to give me the title of a profiteer. You said that you could find the Bureau of Commodity Prices and have them come over to appraise the prices of the goods in my merchant house.    


Seeing that his eloquence wasn't a match for Huang Xing, Cai Jianwei said: I'm going off topic, I'm going off topic! Today I'm going to put it this way. Even if the Public Security Bureau wants to capture me and imprison me, I still want to stand up for my authority to the end and not give you black-hearted merchants any chance to breathe. Sacrifice me, to the end!    


Huang Xing emphasized: Ah, there's no one that doesn't want you to! I also support it. You will negotiate with us through normal means and protect your legitimate interests. But... But what about you? Are you really doing this for the sake of power? You are just a bunch of puppets that have been manipulated by others, accepting a few smelly coins and coming here to cause trouble! If they wanted to add to their crimes, why would they bother to say anything? Creating something out of nothing! Today, I will also stop here. I will definitely fight to the bitter end with you bunch of saboteurs! I will not compromise! Furthermore, today you have unreasonably destroyed our legitimate business activities, causing us enormous economic losses and mental losses. I will also reserve the right to hold you accountable for your crimes!    


Cai Jianwei frowned: What are you saying, smug! Let me remind you, it's better than you!    


Huang Xing seized the opportunity to linger in silence: No one is prettier than me. I'm already so ugly, what's there to be afraid of? I'm not afraid of the light, are you? I'm not afraid of any unit from the Bureau of Industry and Commerce investigating the building, are you? One, a bunch of gangsters that only knew how to pay. A hooligan, a hooligan!    


At this time, Fu Jie took the chance to walk over to Huang Xing's side and remind him: Why are you bickering with him? Give it to the reporters and the media.    


Only then did Huang Xing realize that he had lost control of himself, and was busy bickering with Cai Jianwei, but he had almost duped this critical public relations issue. Huang Xing turned and glanced around, and then said: Alright, now I will hand over the time to you guys, to our friends from the reporters, to our friends from the media. I know that although you like this kind of lively scene, even like to exaggerate some of the problems to attract attention. But I sincerely implore you to keep a true record of what happened today. I very much welcome you to ask me and the Fu Dong questions on the spot. We will not hide anything and answer your questions. Thank you.    


After bowing, Huang Xing gritted his teeth nervously.    


This time, it was just a temporary thought on his mind. In his haste, he had made some mistakes and missed out on the important points.    


Reporter A asked: According to the rumors outside, the relationship between Director Huang and Fu Dong has always been very subtle. I would like to know, do you guys have any plans to get married this year?    


The moment this question was thrown, the entire audience was stunned!    


Huang Xing was both embarrassed and amused. He asked the reporter: "Excuse me, does this question have anything to do with today's question?"    


Reporter A: But I still hope to hear your response. In the eyes of many, you are indeed a perfect couple, a perfect couple. Just like Yang Yuying and Mao Ning back then ?    


Huang Xing held his forehead, he thought to himself, this reporter's skill level ? How did he sneak into the team of reporters?    


Fu Jie seized the opportunity to take the microphone from Huang Xing. "We aren't some golden couple, nor are we some Mao Ning and Yang Yingyu. The two of them ended up in a tragic situation, we ?    


As she said this, she realized that she had been surrounded by reporters.    


Journalist B took over the conversation and looked at Fu Jie: In that case, Fu Dong has already admitted to it, the relationship between the two of you, can I understand it? Furthermore, you all hope that your love will have a good ending, and not end up in pieces like Yang Yumeng and Mao Ning...    


'Alright, alright! ' Fu Jie interrupted the reporter B and emphasized: I hope everyone will focus their attention on the Merchant Shop, not me and Director Huang. If anyone is interested, they can go around the business district and look around as they please. If you can find a fake and fake product, then congratulations to you, you can light a fire and burn Xin Meng Merchant House down! If I, Fu Jie blinked my eyes, I wouldn't be Fu Jie! Director Huang and I have always been strict with the Merchant Hall and all the merchants. The relevant departments have been strict with us, pretending to be weak and raising prices.    


Reporter C asked: Then I would like to know, about the negative news from a few days ago, as well as the problem with the fitness apparatus, did it have any bad effects on the Xin Meng Merchant House?    


Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing, who took the microphone and said: There is, of course there is. Furthermore, I can say it without hiding anything. Our turnover has even fallen to one-fifth of what it was before the incident! This is a fatal blow to our building. Everyone could think about it. If you came to the supermarket to shop, and there was a bunch of useless people who didn't know their place, would you still go in to buy things? And, in this case, I believe most of the media are on the side of the evil. And you didn't investigate the truth, you didn't take the evidence, and you pushed us to the heart of the matter. I know that this negative news, to you guys, may be the key to survival, to attract popularity. But I still want to remind you that professional ethics! Your professional ethics should not be used to pursue more popularity and attention, not to overdo things. Your professional ethics should only have one word, and that was ? The truth! You must strive to expose the truth to the public, to make the good better, to make the wicked ashamed, and to renounce the evil and do good.    


Fu Jie originally thought that the words Huang Xing used to attack the media and reporters would make them feel disgusted, but they did not expect him to receive warm applause.    


Bao Shijie who had been standing still at the side, also seemed to be eager to give it a try. He saw that Huang Xing had both hard and soft methods, controlling the scene to a great extent, to the point of gaining everyone's approval and applause. As a result, he could not bear it anymore.    


Walking in front of Huang Xing, Bao Shijie reached out a hand to take the microphone, and said: Let me say a few words!    


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