Security Guard’s Romance



2After weighing the pros and cons, Huang Xing, who had never liked going through backdoors with others, had no choice but to greet others.     3


Who should he look for? Huang Xing pondered for a moment. After rejecting the Telephone, she decisively dialed Sha Mei's number. After all, Sha Mei's husband was a public official in the Chengsheng Group. Sha Mei naturally knew some people in the public security system. But for some reason, Huang Xing felt that it was a little awkward. However, he could not care so much right now, he could only decide to take the initiative, otherwise, if the Accident Section pursued this matter further, he would be unable to escape from this calamity!    


After a burst of ringtones, Sha Mei's voice came from the other side: Brother Huang, why, do you want to treat me to a meal tonight? I was just feeling hungry, a little bit.    


Huang Xing quickly replied: Big Sister Sha, you have a lot of connections, help me gather some information. I just bumped into a car, and now it's calling the police.    


'Called the police? ' Sha Mei was stunned for a moment. Then, she smiled. What are you afraid of, anyway?    


Huang Xing emphasized: The problem is, I drive while drunk, and ? And after the crash, I ran away. No, no, no, it wasn't a deliberate attempt to escape. It was me ? I thought I'd run into a cliff...    


You drank?    


Huang Xing nodded his head: If they did not drink, it would not be so troublesome!    


That is to say, you haven't been caught by the police yet, have you? That's easy to handle. You can just change someone who hasn't drunk to deal with it!    


Huang Xing worriedly asked. "The problem is, I'm worried that there's a camera at that place. Once it's seen through, it'll be even more troublesome."    


'That's true! ' Tell me the details, first! Don't worry, my Accident Section knows a lot of people. I think they will still give me some face.    


Huang Xing organized his thoughts, and told Sha Mei the whole story of what happened this afternoon.    


Sha Mei clicked her tongue. Are you sure the people in the car are okay? As long as people were fine, things would be easy.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: The problem is that I'm not sure! I don't know what kind of car I hit. Accident Section took the initiative to call me, saying that the other party's car owner called the police.    


Don't be in such a hurry, send me the number of the Accident Section who called you. I'll find out who it is.    


Huang Xing gave Sha Mei his number that seemed like his landline number.    


Shamei said, Wait for my call, then hung up.    


Huang Xing held onto a cigarette anxiously, but the phone continued to call him.    


But Huang Xing did not dare to accept it. Logically speaking, with his current status and background, there was no need to make such a big fuss about it. However, Huang Xing was not only worried about himself, he was also worried that the person involved would be injured. After all, this was the first time Huang Xing encountered such a thorny traffic accident.    


After about five minutes, Sha Mei called. Huang Xing quickly answered the phone.    


Sha Mei: Brother Huang, let me tell you, the call I made to you was not a landline, it was just a phone number that looked like a landline. Do you understand?    


Huang Xing asked: Little Ling Tong?    


Sha Meili: Little Ling Tong seems to have left the market already, right? However, carriers are now rolling out this type of mobile phone number, which is suitable for the company, but it can be placed on any phone and is no different from an ordinary SIM card.    


Huang Xing suddenly realized: In other words, this number was actually the number of the Accident Section policewoman?    


You're right! The female police officer who called you was called Liu Min, Chief.    


Huang De was stunned: A Chief?    


That won't do! She was very pretty, just a bit fierce. This Liu Min was very hard to explain, he did not do much for others. But why did you say you were lucky? Because you called me right after the accident. To tell you the truth, Liu Min is me ? It's my high school classmate!    


Huang Xing heaved a sigh of relief. That would be great, then things would be much easier!    


Sha Mei said, I have already informed Liu Min. She originally wanted to bring people to capture you today, and she even wanted to draw blood and test the waters. If you get caught, you're finished. Fortunately, you called me. Liu Min meant that you should go to Accident Section tomorrow to take care of things.    


Huang Xing was still worried. Then the other side didn't ? Are you hurt?    


Sha Mei said: Liu Min did not mention this.    


Huang Xing countered with a question: As a Chief, she doesn't even know the basics?    


It's also possible... Maybe she was just trying to be suspenseful. Alright, don't worry about others. Tomorrow morning, I will accompany you to Accident Section!    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing was unable to calm down for a long time.    


Although Sha Mei had helped him to temporarily avoid the danger of being hunted, Huang Xing was still worried about the safety of the person in question. At first, in order to avoid the traffic police turn around, he was so anxious that he did not realize he had crashed into someone else's car. After listening to Accident Section's explanation, only then did he realize that he had crashed into a car.    


As he was at a loss, Huang Xing felt that he must first ascertain the condition of the other party's injuries, otherwise, it would be hard for him to calm down.    


Even if he was caught and his driver's license revoked, he had to be responsible for his own actions and the safety of others!    


After making up his mind, Huang Xing drove the car and returned to the scene.    


But in reality, there were no longer any signs of life here. Even the traffic police who were checking the car just now had disappeared without a trace.    


Huang Xing stopped the car and tried to find traces of the car accident on the roadside.    


However, he was unable to fulfil his wish.    


A burst of rapid ringing of the mobile phone startled Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing thought that the Accident Section was calling again, but he did not expect it to be Xiao Hui!    


After Huang Xing answered the phone, Xiao Hui started scolding without any explanation: Liar, big liar! Didn't you say that you'd come to see me? What time is it? What a liar!    


Huang Xing explained: Xiao Hui, I'm sorry, I ? I... Something happened to me.    


Xiao Hui asked: What is it?    


Huang Xing said: I collided with a car! Furthermore ? It was when I was on my way to your place that I turned around and bumped into someone else when I met the traffic police.    


Xiao Hui scoffed, "Make it up, keep making it up!" He's trying to trick a foreign devil into bumping into a car. Can you come up with an excuse? Don't want to come, want to be a whore and build a memorial archway. Pah pah pah!    


Huang Xing emphasized: It's true, Xiao Hui, I'm not lying to you!    


Xiao Hui was silent for a moment, then immediately changed his attitude: True... Really, Brother-in-law? Then are you hurt, or not? Wait for me, I'll go over immediately, where are you? Your brother-in-law, he can't have been captured and sent to traffic police, right?    


This ever-changing Xiao Hui really made it difficult for Huang Xing to adapt. Huang Xing smiled bitterly: Not really. I was... He fled.    


'Escaped? "You?" Xiao Hui could not believe it: How can you escape? What about the other side? Are they injured?    


Huang Xing replied: It's not clear yet. I just got back to the scene. There's no one here and the traffic police are gone. I'm so upset right now, I think... I want to turn myself in!    


Xiao Hui said: Surrender? Are you crazy? Even if you turned yourself in, it would still be enough for you to drink a pot of wine!    


Huang Xing sighed: But in my heart, I really don't have the heart to get over it. I was just worried... He was worried that the other party would be injured.    


Xiao Hui asked tentatively: Then look at your car, how's your car getting hit, what's the situation?    


Huang Xing said: My car is fine, just a little paint.    


Xiao Hui emphasized: Then there's no OK! If that was the case, the other party would definitely be fine as well. It's just a little scrape.    


Huang Xing seemed to have thought of something and said: Why didn't I think of that? He hoped that the other party wasn't injured.    


Xiao Hui said: Then wait for me there, I'll be there right away.    


Huang Xing asked: What are you doing here?    


Xiao Hui said: I will suppress your shock! Then I'll discuss with you what to do next.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Don't! I'm sick of it, I'm sick of it. Wait for me at the hotel, I'll be right there!    


After hanging up, Huang Xing headed straight for the hotel.    


Even though he had basically confirmed that this was just a small scrape, Huang Xing was still very uneasy in his heart. After all, there was no specific feedback from the parties involved.    


Just as he reached the hotel entrance, there was another burst of cell phone ringing.    


Opening it, he saw that it was the seat number of the Accident Section.    


Huang Xing was so scared that he broke out in cold sweat, hesitated for a moment, and didn't want to answer it. However, considering that Sha Mei had already greeted him, wouldn't it be a bit inappropriate if he didn't answer her?    


When he answered, the female officer's voice came over: Huang Xing, what is your relationship with Sha Mei?    


Huang Xing was startled: "I ? We are friends.    


Sha Mei and I are classmates, and we have always been close, said the policewoman. Of course she did. I hope you can tell me the truth. Tell me what happened just now in detail.    


Huang Xing, who had never encountered such a situation before, instantly recounted what happened to him one by one.    


Liu Min said: So, you wanted to avoid the traffic police after drinking too much, so you bumped into them?    


Huang Xing nodded. But... But I really didn't mean to escape. I really thought I had hit a cliff.    


Liu Min's tone was cold as he said, "I hate you rich people the most. Why, are you so great at driving an Audi? If you drive an Audi, you can drink and drive... Oh, it might still be drunk! You can just crash your car and run away? Let me tell you, if it wasn't for my classmate, Sha Mei, and me, I would have gone to your house to find you today, take a blood test, and detain you! Do you know how dangerous it is for you to drive when you're drunk? You're making fun of the lives of others!    


Huang Xing was criticized, but he did not have any chance to refute it. He could only nod his head: What Section Chief Liu said is true, what he said is true. I won't dare to do it again!    


Liu Min coldly snorted, and said: "You still want a next time? Let me tell you, next time, even if the king pleads for you, I will deal with it impartially!    


Huang Xing felt a wave of righteousness from Liu Min's body, and could not help but feel respect.    


But then he thought about it again. From her tone, it seemed that she didn't want to buy a beautiful account with Sha Sha. If she really did give him the crime of driving away and drinking, then wouldn't that be a stain on his life?    


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