Security Guard’s Romance



4The seafood dishes were served and the red wine was served.    4


Huang Xing raised his goblet and took the initiative to make his opening statement: Thank you for your help in this traffic accident. When I was at my most helpless, you selflessly gave me a helping hand, thank you!    


He purposely used the word 'selfless' to test the reactions of Han Feng and his wife.    


There was no doubt that the reason Han Feng helped Huang Xing was because he was motivated by selfishness. After all, his wife, Niu Lili, was a subordinate of Huang Xing. In this kind of situation, just in time to catch Huang Xing violating the rules, which undoubtedly gave Han Feng the opportunity to go back on his wife's behalf.    


Han Feng's face looked a little awkward. Niu Lili was also stunned for a moment, but they still took the initiative to raise their goblets and stand up.    


Han Feng replied: It's all within my power, all within my power. Just based on our relationship, you are the leader of Lili, and you usually take care of her, so Lili often mentioned you at home, saying that the general manager of Xin Meng Merchant House was handsome and considerate of his subordinates. I've always wanted to see you. Isn't it just too coincidental, isn't it? Being able to do my part for the Director Huang, I feel extremely honored!    


Then he took the lead and drained his glass of red wine.    


Seeing that, Niu Lili also said: Director Huang, I will do it too!    


He raised his neck and followed suit.    


Niu Jingjing looked around, and felt a little awkward. She held the stem of her red glass and murmured: You all have words. What am I supposed to do? It seems like I'm the only one... An outsider, like a light bulb.    


Niu Lili looked at his sister: Stop talking nonsense, just drink.    


Niu Jingjing raised his goblet up in the air and said, "Then I'll drink too. First goblet, cheers!"    


After drinking the wine, Niu Jingjing slowly savored the aftertaste of the wine as he nodded his head: Not bad, not bad, the wine is indeed good.    


Niu Lili emphasized: How can this not be good? This cup of wine is worth at least a hundred yuan.    


Huang Xing quickly waved his hands. Alright, cattle manager, let's eat and drink, let's not talk about money. Come, come, eat seafood.    


Han Feng was also very serious, he added: Right, right, what I drink is feelings, I won't talk about money. Today, we have been fortunate enough to eat with Huang Xing, so we can't be vague about it. Let me first toast a cup of wine to express my feelings.    


Huang Xing stretched out his hand to stop her: Don't be anxious, take your time with the alcohol, eat some cushions first.    


"Oh, pads." Han Feng put down the cup, picked up a pair of chopsticks and stuffed them into his mouth.    


As the bottle of red wine entered his stomach, Han Feng opened up the chest of Zhang Yu, talking and laughing, with a harmonious atmosphere.    


But drinking is not an end in itself, and drinking is not an end in itself. Even though Huang Xing's initial goal was to express his gratitude towards Han Feng. However, he did not expect that from the very beginning, this winery had been infused with other meanings. Han Feng and his wife had their own thoughts.    


Niu Lili looked like she had drank a lot as her face flushed red. She picked up her wine cup and walked in front of Huang Xing: Director Huang, let me toast to you alone!    


Huang Xing saw that Niu Lili's face had changed, and prompted him: Drink less, why are you drinking so much?    


Niu Lili replied: I'm very happy. Although I am the manager of Xin Meng Merchant House, I have never had the chance to eat and drink with him. So today, this was a rare opportunity, and he was very happy.    


Huang Xing was the general of one of Niu Lili's troops: Never been together with him? I remember we had a meal together after half a year of summing it up.    


Niu Lili nodded his head: Yes, there was one time. Director Fu didn't go that time, you, and the few of us floor managers, as well as Director Xu. However, that time was not counted. The meal was more official and more formal.    


Huang Xing laughed and said: The official version is not counted?    


Niu Lili emphasized: The atmosphere is clearly different, we have been talking about work.    


Huang Xing said: Alright, let's sit back down, today we are just eating and chatting, don't talk about work. You don't have to come all the time to toast me, do you? Just sit down and drink.    


'Director Huang, I... ' Niu Lili stammered, "I respect you alone with my sincerity."    


Huang Xing said: I saw it, thank you. Come on, let's have one!    


Without waiting for Niu Lili to finish speaking, Huang Xing drank the wine in his cup first. He might be able to realize that Niu Lili still had something that she wanted to say.    


Niu Lili was stunned for a moment, but he had no choice but to drink the wine in his cup and return to his seat.    


Han Feng immediately followed and raised his cup: Director Huang, here, let me toast you! So, according to the rules of Shandong, we will drink three cups of wine.    


Huang Xing didn't miss the opportunity to lull out his words: Liquor and beer, able to drink three wines. But this is red wine, it's very expensive.    


Han Feng laughed and said: Why don't we exchange it for a free drink? Even though the red wine was expensive, it was hard to drink! According to Shandong's rules, a plate of peanuts should be served, and the wine should be drunk. Haha, how was it?    


Huang Xing asked: Replacing white?    


'For white! ' Han Feng snapped his fingers proudly, then said to Niu Lili: Go, go, go get the two bottles of Five Grains Liquid on our cart!    


Niu Lili froze for a moment, then probed: Really ? Really? Can... Can it work?    


Han Feng frowned, and even gave Niu Lili a look in the eye in a moment of desperation: "You ?" Why can't I do it? Go get the white wine! Look at you, no matter what, you are the manager of the big store, Xin Meng Merchant Shop.    


Huang Xing emphasized: If it's your turn, I will continue drinking the red wine. The power of alcohol was limited.    


Han Feng laughed and said: You are being modest, aren't you?    


How could Huang Xing not see that Han Feng was trying to get drunk with his rhythm? Just like this, men would only open their hearts to drink until they were satisfied. They would chat about anything and dared to chat about anything.    


For his wife, Han Feng was giving it his all!    


Huang Xing emphasized, "We're not drinking, not drinking. Eat more food.    


Seeing that Huang Xing was always on guard, Han Feng waved his hand to indicate for Niu Lili to go down and get the white wine, and said: It's impossible without alcohol, today we're the first to drink, right? You see, you also work under a lot of pressure, alcohol, this thing, to relieve fatigue and reduce stress. Most importantly, he could also make bosom friends.    


Huang Xing was silent for a moment: Wine is indeed good stuff, but to speak the truth after drinking, what if I drink too much and tell you the password to our bank card?    


Niu Jingjing didn't seem to realize that this was a joke, so he interjected: "Director Huang, aren't you being too cautious? Let me tell you, my brother-in-law's character is definitely very good. Even if you slap ten thousand dollars on this table, my brother-in-law won't go against you. Right, Brother-in-law?    


Han Feng glanced at Niu Jingjing and tried to smooth things over: "Brother-in-law's good luck, that is a must!" However, just like the Director Huang, besides character, brother-in-law had the best wine!    


Huang Xing shook his head, and laughed: My luck is good, alcohol is normal.    


Han Feng said: As the general manager, how can I not drink alcohol? I heard that the last time you guys were drinking together, you drank more than a catty of white wine by yourself. Think about it. With so many floor managers here, how many of them would give you a toast? Like you said, that meal was more official, not yet open.    


Huang Xing quickly waved his hand: "I am not the one who said this, but your cattle manager.    


Han Feng chuckled and said: "Look at my memory." Right, right. Alright, let's drink red wine first. Let me toast to you.    


His heroic style made Huang Xing a little uncomfortable. Even though Huang Xing was quite confident, in terms of drinking, he was definitely not his match.    


Niu Jingjing also raised his wine cup: "I ? I'll have a drink, I'll have a drink. Director Huang, come!    


Han Feng waved his hand: Crystal, why are you messing with me? What are you doing with me? Do you understand?    


'Yes, yes. Niu Jingjing extended a finger and scratched the center of his brows.    


How could Huang Xing not see that Han Feng was trying to fight him?!    


To a certain extent, Han Feng's actions had aroused his desire to fight. On the field, Huang Xing had never been vague about it either. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that his alcohol capacity could be considered to be quite good. Fighting with me for wine? Alright, then I won't be polite!    


A wave of righteous aura arose involuntarily.    


But if the other party wanted to take the initiative, this was out of the question. Three against one. No matter how good his alcohol capacity was, it was difficult to deal with.    


Huang Xing was a little regretful that he did not bring anyone over, which resulted in this kind of three against one situation. After considering it over, Huang Xing still made a decision: call for reinforcements, get ready to fight!    


Actually, the reason why Huang Xing still chose to fight with Han Feng and the others to drink after receiving so many refreshes was not that he really wanted to drink wine. It should be wine. To him, it indeed has a special meaning. In other words, not only to him, but to many people, alcohol played a comforting and entrusting role.    


At least, under the influence of alcohol, the good things would be magnified infinitely, and the bad things would be buried temporarily.    


Huang Xing turned his head and said to Han Feng: "I have a friend that will be coming over soon.    


Han Feng was startled: Was it a man or a woman?    


Huang Xing laughed: Of course it's female.    


Han Feng giggled and said: Let her come over to let her come over. With so many people, it was bustling with noise and excitement.    


Huang Xing pondered for a moment, then dialed Li Rong's number.    


Li Rong was good at drinking and was quite tactful. It would be perfect to take her to such an occasion.    


Li Rong's voice came from the other side: "Hey Director Huang, why did it end so quickly? Where are you now? I'll come and find you.    


Huang Xing stressed: It's only just started. He had just sat down not long ago. Come here. Now.    


Li Rong said: Just sat down? Do you want me to come over now? I've already eaten. Why didn't you call me? I told you to take me with you, but you didn't. Hmph, what have you been doing for so long?    


Huang Xing wanted to capture him but decided not to. Oh, forget it, if it's inconvenient for you, I'll just call someone else.    


Li Rong quickly replied: It's convenient, convenient. Pfft, I can only use it when I need it. When there was no need for it, he would just move aside. He must be trying to get me to help you block the bar, so he thinks that I don't know about that.    


After a few more complaints, Huang Xing gave her the details of the address and then hung up.    


But in reality, Huang Xing immediately realized the severity of the problem!    


Li Rong was also a member of the Xin Meng Merchant House, so why would he ask Li Rong to come over to stop the drinking without thinking?    


He smacked his head and thought, this is bad!    


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