Security Guard’s Romance



0After returning to the private room, Fu Zhenxin clicked a few songs in one go, as if he had become a different person.    4


With a microphone in hand, he gently danced about while smiling faintly. As he chanted, his singing was incomparably sweet, shocking everyone.    


Even Huang Xing, who had always been relatively familiar with Fu Zhenxin, was very surprised at this moment. Even though he knew that this was only Fu Zhenxin singing to clear the worry in her heart, she had unwittingly become the focus of the entire arena, becoming a beautiful and bright Heavenly Queen Stage Great Star.    


To be exact, after Fu Zhenxin opened his singing heart, he gradually brought the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.    


So much so that after she sang another song, "The Myth of the Moon and Stars", Yu Rou, Li Ting and the other beauties couldn't help but step forward and dance to cheer herself up.    


However, there was no such thing as an endless banquet. At around 11 AM, everyone had finished the KTV's party and walked out.    


Then, they prepared to return to their own homes.    


After returning home, Huang Xing took a hot bath, feeling extremely tired after the party. He laid on the bed and quickly fell asleep.    


Early morning of the second day, Huang Xing had rushed to Xin Ya Fast Food Restaurant.    


Xie Yundan personally brought a rich breakfast for Huang Xing, then sat in front of him, and quietly watched him.    


Huang Xing casually asked: You ate it?    


Xie Yundan shook his head: I'm losing weight right now, not eating breakfast.    


Huang Xing was stunned: You ? Fat? Subtract... There were only bones left.    


'Still not fat, 'he said. Xie Yundan lowered his head and looked: I will break through the 100 Jin mark soon. If I don't control it now, I'm going to turn into a fat pig.    


Huang Xing stressed: Don't be too thin, it's not good to be thin. Besides, not eating breakfast is bad for the body, especially the stomach. If he strengthened his body during normal times, it would be enough to maintain a perfect body.    


Xie Yundan laughed: "You're very professional!" Teach me how to do my fitness some day.    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly: "I'm not a fitness instructor."    


Xie Yundan scoffed, "Your body is very strong, aren't you doing push-ups in a sandbag at home every day?"    


Huang Xing asked: How did you know?    


Xie Yundan said: You have so many fitness equipment at home, anyone can tell. Also, you look pretty thin, but your body is full of muscles.    


Huang Xing covered his body with his hands and exclaimed: "What?" You... When did you peek at me?    


Xie Yundan purposely teased him: When you're bathing.    


Huang Xing was stunned.    


Xie Yundan burst out laughing, laughing in such a cute and beautiful manner.    


As the two of them were laughing and chatting, the sound of boots clattering came from outside. There was a trace of lightness in this resolute voice. Although it looked like a tiny tempo, it unnaturally disrupted Huang Xing's mood for jokes.    


Fu Jie walked in with a set of heroic professional clothes. She could see that Huang Xing and Xie Yundan were talking and laughing at the same time.    


Huang Xing's smile froze.    


Xie Yundan sensed the change in Huang Xing's expression, turned his head to look, and noticed Fu Jie's arrival.    


He stood up to welcome them. Xie Yundan walked in front of Fu Jie and said: "Director Fu is here." I remember that you seldom came to my place for breakfast in the morning.    


Fu Jie said expressionlessly: I will come often in the future, as long as you don't mind.    


Xie Yundan was startled: It's not too late to warmly welcome him, how could he find it annoying. What does Director Fu want to eat?    


Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing and said: Just like the Director Huang.    


Xie Yundan said: You can eat that much?    


Fu Jie did not reply. Instead, he walked in front of Huang Xing and said in an exaggerated manner, "I ?" Could I sit here?    


Huang Xing was startled, and thought about what happened to Fu Jie. Yesterday, her sister Fu Zhenxin's emotions were abnormal, and today, Fu Jie had also suddenly become so strange. He just sat there. Was there even a need to ask him for permission?    


But Huang Xing still nodded and said: "That's what I wish for."    


Only then did Fu Jie sit down seriously, with one hand on his knees and the other on the table.    


The familiar fragrance from her body spread out, intoxicating the person in her dreams.    


Huang Xing was not in a hurry to eat, he was waiting for Fu Jie's food to arrive, so he could eat with her. Otherwise, it would be awkward to be watched eagerly by the person you love as you eat.    


But Fu Jie suddenly said something: I heard you expelled Song Changchun?    


Huang Xing was startled, and remembered what had happened. Indeed, when Song Changchun was on duty, he ignored his duty and picked a fight with the female shop assistant. In order to understand the rules of the Security Department, Huang Xing expelled her.    


Even though the manager of the Security Department told Huang Xing that Song Changchun was Fu Jie's relative. But Huang Xing did not do it in vain, he continued to punish her fair and square.    


In the face of Fu Jie's question, of course Huang Xing couldn't hide it from him, so he nodded his head: "Yes, not bad, I will dismiss him.    


Fu Jie countered with a question: Why did you dismiss him?    


Huang Xing emphasized: A grave violation of job discipline! He didn't do anything serious during his shift and chatted with the clerk. The consequences were extremely bad!    


'Is that so? ' Fu Jie's face bloomed with a trace of suspicion: Why did I hear about it? You did it on purpose for me to see. Because you know, he had something to do with me.    


Huang Xing frowned: "Am I that bored?" Yes, I admit that when I expelled Song Changchun, I found out that he was your distant relative. But I didn't mean to. I'm not right.    


Fu Jie sighed: Maybe. However, you expelled him, which put me in a difficult position. Forget it, I'll help him find another job.    


Huang Xing emphasized: The more you are like this, the more it will harm him!    


Fu Jie said: There's no other way. His family came to my house every day to see my mother. This time, after you expelled him, my mother called me six times and said that I was ungrateful. That auntie of mine ? In other words, Song Changchun's mother's words were even worse. To say that I expelled Song Changchun is equivalent to slapping her in the face ? Ah, Director Huang, when you expelled him, why didn't you discuss it with me?    


Huang Xing asked Fu Jie: What, you want to protect him?    


Fu Jie replied: I didn't say I would protect him. If he had made a serious mistake, I would not have shown mercy. But the thing is, without my knowing it, you fired him and put me in a passive position.    


Huang Xing said: In my impression, you have always been very fair and impartial. Besides, if I have to report anything to you, it's just a small matter, aren't you tired?    


'Alright, alright. Fu Jie raised his hand. We will not discuss this anymore.    


At this time, the waiter brought a plate up and placed it in front of Fu Jie.    


Fu Jie lowered his head and looked at them, he did not say a word and continued to eat, quietly.    


Huang Xing finished his meal earlier than Fu Jie, so he went outside to smoke a cigarette.    


Fu Jie's Hui Tun car was parked next to his Audi. Huang Xing, on the other hand, couldn't figure it out. Fu Jie's current identity was so noble, but her ride hadn't been changed for many years. The paint had aged and there were even cracks in some places. Huang Xing had repeatedly suggested for Fu Jie to buy another carriage that suited him, but she had rejected all of them.    


She was a very single-minded woman.    


Just as he was thinking, Fu Jie finished his meal and walked out.    


Huang Xing took the opportunity to suggest his idea to her again: Fu Jie, change cars, it's time.    


Fu Jie turned his head and said: I don't like you to eat anything new.    


There seemed to be something in her words?!    


What do you mean?    


Huang Xing and Fu Jie came to the front of the carriage.    


Fu Jie opened the door of the car and was about to get in, when Huang Xing said: "Your car has already run for over two hundred thousand years, and all the parts have aged, it's time to change." I suggest you switch to the Audi A8.    


Fu Jie replied: Save it. If he were to save this money and use it in other ways, he would be able to generate even more money.    


Huang Xing said helplessly: I hope you're right.    


Watching Fu Jie's car slowly drive off, Huang Xing's heart was filled with worry.    


This prideful and cold female boss was something he was unable to fathom. She was sinister and unpredictable, her personality was weird. Huang Xing had interacted with her for so long, but he was still unable to understand this peerless beauty.    


It was unknown when Xie Yundan came out and stood beside Huang Xing, but he sighed emotionally and said: Your Director Fu is truly a man of heaven.    


Huang Xing was startled: What god?    


Xie Yundan emphasized: This beauty is not only unreal, but also so cold. Alas, God is not fair.    


Huang Xing laughed and said: Aren't you beautiful too?    


Xie Yundan reflexively reached out his hand to stroke his face. "I ?" I... I'm not that confident.    


Her words were true. No matter how beautiful or noble a woman was, she would lose her confidence in front of Fu Jie. She was an unsurpassable goddess. Her beauty was revered and unattainable!    


But in reality, Fu Jie was already an aged girl. Logically speaking, he should already be at the age to discuss marriage. Huang Xing and Fu Jie had experienced a long journey of love for a few years, and every time there was hope for love to grow hotter. However, because of some coincidences and misunderstandings, the temperature would always drop even further. Until now, Huang Xing felt that Fu Jie was no longer his lover.    


At least, it was no longer as intimate as it was before, and he was now in good love with it.    


Sad, lamentable.    


Xie Yundan seemed to have thought of something, and said: Oh yeah, why don't you come with me to the new hotel?    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then said: It's too late, I'm going to the Merchant Shop.    


Xie Yundan probed: That... Noon?    


Huang Xing stressed: Let's see how it goes.    


Bidding farewell to Xie Yundan, he got on the car and drove back to the merchant house.    


In the morning, Huang Xing arranged for the heads of departments to submit the names of the employees who had suddenly shown up and accepted the comprehensive evaluation from the leaders of the merchant house. After all, it was almost the end of the year. According to the reward and punishment system, they had to reward a portion of outstanding employees and managers.    


At the same time, Huang Xing gathered a group of people to study the criteria for the year-end reward.    


The morning passed quickly.    


In the afternoon, Huang Xing did not go out for lunch.    


Tao Fei followed Huang Xing and sat in the office together to eat this simple lunch with him.    


Looking at Tao Fei, Huang Xing really wanted to evaluate a good employee. However, she was, after all, his secretary. If she was evaluated, it would be unavoidable for people to gossip about her.    


But in actuality, Tao Fei had been behaving very well all this time. Work actively in place, both as a good assistant in his work, and in his life to give a lot of care and help.    


Thus, he was at a loss.    


While he was deep in thought, a person walked in from outside.    


Huang Xing could tell who it was accurately from the sound of her hurried footsteps.    


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