Security Guard’s Romance



3Fu Zhenxin looked at Huang Xing and smiled mysteriously.    


Fu Jie naturally understood what Fu Zhenxin meant by a mission. She frowned slightly, but did not say anything.    


Fu Zhenxin emphasized: "Mother said that if you are unable to complete this year's mission, she will move here, move here, and then ? Then it would be unknown!    


Fu Jie sighed, and asked: "Why is mom so cruel to me?"    


Fu Zhenxin countered with a question: How is this cruel? Mainly you... You're too calm! In my opinion...    


The conversation between the two sisters confused Huang Xing.    


But in reality, Huang Xing had his own guesses in his heart. However, based on the clues provided by the Fu family's mother alone, he wasn't completely confident.    


Fu Jie bit her lips and said: I'll call her in a while.    


Fu Zhenxin shook his head, and said with a click of his tongue: It's useless! You have... It had already disappointed the Lady Mother! And last time ? Forget it, forget it. I have already passed down the imperial edict. Sis, I think it's better if you obey. After all, you... You are not young anymore!    


At this point, Huang Xing could be considered to have completely confirmed his judgement.    


Parents forced marriage!    


This made Huang Xing happy! He had mentioned the great matter of marriage to Fu Jie many times, but she didn't seem to be very active. No matter how capable she, Fu Jie, was, it would probably be difficult for her to fight against her parents' fist strike. As a filial daughter, she would definitely be defeated under the pressure of her parents.    


Fu Jie sighed, laughed bitterly, and said: Why, why can't I make my own decisions regarding my own matters?    


Fu Zhenxin stressed: "Because you... You were born to parents! You can't just think about your own ideas. Isn't it, Brother-in-law?    


Huang Xing nodded his head perfunctorily: Yes, yes. You're right.    


'What's the matter with you? ' Fu Jie frowned: That... Then I'll call our mother right now!    


Fu Zhenxin snickered: Go on, fight. I had a premonition that the volcano was about to erupt.    


Fu Jie asked: What do you mean?    


Fu Zhenxin said: Try it yourself and you will know.    


Fu Jie seemed to be at a loss for a moment, then he took out his phone and dialed the Lady Mother's number.    


But for some reason, when she called him, Huang Xing's heart thumped loudly.    


In Huang Xing's heart, there was always an indescribable worry.    


After answering the phone, Fu Jie did not evade, but went to talk to his mother in front of Fu Zhenxin and Huang Xing.    


Fu Jie said: Mom, how have you been recently?    


Parent said: Not good.    


Fu Jie asked: What's wrong, Mom, are you not feeling well?    


Parent said: I feel uncomfortable. Chastity, you finally know to call your parents? Busy, right? Oh, my daughter, do you know how old you are this year?    


Fu Jie emphasized: Mom, I'm still young!    


Parent said angrily: You're still young? When Mom was your age, you were already six! But you're so busy at work right now, even a decent boyfriend... He didn't even have a boyfriend. Women are different from men. Men who have a successful career at forty can still get married and have children. As for women, after 30, they would be like withered flowers, and no one wanted them anymore!    


Fu Jie explained: Mom, how can marriage be forced?    


Parent said: Then now, have you reached your fate? Your one... That boyfriend, now ?    


Fu Jie said: Mom, you don't have to worry about it anymore, okay? Actually, we've been getting along quite well. Perhaps ? Perhaps ? Probably... Should... Soon...    


The Parent snorted and said: "Maybe about the same?" Same old routine! To be honest, I'm not satisfied with your current boyfriend.    


Parent's words were uttered in such a loud voice that Huang Xing heard it faintly and couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.    


It was very obvious that Fu Jie's family and relatives had already started to reject him after his previous drunken blunder.    


But she never thought that Fu Jie would actually speak up for Huang Xing: Mom, actually ? That time, when Huang Xing drank too much, it was all my uncle's fault!    


Parent asked: He drank too much, why did he start blaming your uncle?    


Fu Jie emphasized: "Uncle is a big drunkard, it's not like you don't know. Moreover, he was always urging the alcohol to drink. It was the first time that Huang Xing met him, and he did not dare disobey. So... So he drank too much!    


Parent said: So you're making a ruckus just because you drank too much? It's the other way around, still! Then if he really becomes our son-in-law, won't he have to hit and curse his in-laws as soon as he drinks too much?    


Fu Jie quickly replied: No, absolutely not! He is a very filial person... Person.    


Parent said: Filial piety? I don't think so! Daughter, you are still young. You don't understand people, you don't understand things. I advise you to break off all ties with that Huang Xing. On my side, I've found one for you ? A good young man. Just these few days, you come back and see, I'm sure you'll get it. And, moreover ? Knowing people and knowing the truth, it was better to kiss more!    


Fu Jie said: Close relatives? No, no.    


What I mean is, they are not related by blood. Why not? Furthermore, he was also a secretary. He was ? Writing materials for a secretary to a leader in our county. The point is, I let him see your picture.    


Fu Jie laughed bitterly: "Mom, you don't have to worry about me. I know what I'm doing!"    


Parent asked in a stern voice: What number do you have? If you had known better, I would have carried the fat grandson! But you, you... Well, you can't get back from work, can you? I'll take the young man over this weekend. You two take a spot. That should be fine, right?    


Fu Jie frowned: "I didn't ?" No time... Furthermore ? Furthermore ? I have... Got a boyfriend!    


Parent said: This boyfriend of yours, I'm not sure! I should cut off all ties with him as soon as possible! If he were to become the Fu family's son-in-law in the future, it would also be a great hidden danger! The young man I'm telling you about is not only a good worker, he's a trusted secretary to the leader, and he's also very well-informed and very polite. More importantly, he is your uncle's nephew. This sort of relationship, relied on his skill!    


Fu Jie said: What? It belongs to my aunt ? Nephew? This... This...    


Parent said: Alright, it's a deal. This Saturday, I will bring him to find you. Remember, this boyfriend of yours, take the opportunity to brag to me! Otherwise, your father and I would definitely not agree to let him in.    


While Fu Jie was stuttering, Parent had already hung up.    


Fu Zhenxin and Huang Xing looked at each other.    


Huang Xing laughed self-deprecatingly, and sighed lightly: It seems that my bad name has already spread far and wide in your house!    


Fu Zhenxin comforted her: This is just ? It was just that my mother was caught off guard. So now I know one thing.    


Huang Xing asked: What's the matter?    


Just as Fu Zhenxin was about to answer, Fu Jie suddenly took a sip of the wine, looked up at Fu Zhenxin, and pleaded: "Zhen Xin, quick, hurry up and help me think of a way!" If I had known earlier ? If he knew it would turn out like this, he might as well not have called her. Wasn't this just provoking trouble?    


Fu Zhenxin opened his eyes wide, and said in panic: Sis, do you have any time to ask for help? What, had he run out of tricks?    


Fu Jie frowned: Who are you calling a donkey?    


Fu Zhenxin scratched his head and quickly explained: I'm just making a metaphor! It's not like I'm going to scold you.    


Fu Jie stressed: Quick, help me think of an idea!    


Fu Zhenxin shook his head slightly. I can't help it. It's not like you know who your mom is. She doesn't flash her sword easily, and every move she makes is a ruthless move. If you don't give in this time, she will definitely throw caution to the wind and move into your house, nagging you everyday to force you to give in. Oh, think about it, those days were so hot, they must be!    


Fu Jie said in anger: Are you still taking pleasure in my misfortune?    


Fu Zhenxin said: How am I gloating? I'm doing this for you... Forget it, sister, haven't you discovered that by connecting these things together, you can come up with a horrifying answer!    


Fu Jie raised his brows: What answer, what terrifying answer?    


Fu Zhenxin turned to look at Huang Xing, and said: "My brother-in-law, has been tricked!"    


'What?! ' Huang Xing stared at Fu Zhenxin in shock. How can I... Who schemed against him?    


Fu Zhenxin stretched out a finger and waved it around in the air, as if he was serious. Think about it, last time I was in front of Aunt, Uncle was just like a pair of brother-in-law trying to persuade him to drink. Then... This is not... This is not... The Queen Mother then offered to introduce her uncle's nephew to you ? With the two things linked, what did it mean?    


Fu Jie thought for a moment. "What do you mean ??" The purpose of Uncle's deliberate action is to...    


At this time, Huang Xing also suddenly realized something: The goal is to make a fool out of yourself in front of your family, and then let him have the chance to bring his nephew out to be on top!    


'Right! ' Fu Zhenxin said: The last time Xiao Hui came, she also did not intend to bring up this matter. She said that her father did this on purpose, and that she let her brother-in-law drink too much! Let him make a fool of himself! Now it seemed that this was almost certain!    


At this very moment, Huang Xing actually had a feeling of grave injustice!    


He thought back to when he was drunk in front of Fu Jie's relatives, and he had gotten into trouble, causing Fu Jie to lose all face. Immediately after, Fu Jie started to treat him coldly in this name. Moreover, he had always kept this in mind. Until just now at dinner, when the matter of drinking wine was brought up, Fu Jie had nearly mentioned that incident!    


The truth of the matter seemed to become even more obvious. This was clearly Uncle Fu Jie's scheme.    


Fu Jie was very meticulous at times. After everything that had happened, she seemed to have already been able to deduce some clues. She glanced at Huang Xing, and saw that he had actually said: It looks like I have truly misjudged you! Thinking about that day at the wine table, his uncle's performance was indeed too passionate! cordial... A little too much!    


Huang Xing nodded his head, but immediately replied in a humble tone: "It's alright if it's over, I'm still in the wrong, it's because my alcohol tolerance is too low, and I'm not Uncle's match, that's why he ?" Forget it, the shadow in my heart ? At least half of it was gone.    


Fu Jie asked: You still have a shadow in your heart?    


Huang Xing retorted: "Aren't you the same? Ever since that incident, you've ? It was as if he had changed.    


Fu Jie extended a finger and pressed onto the bridge of his nose: Yes, now that I think about it, I am a little harsh on you. I really didn't expect uncle to actually ? He actually used such a move ?    


Fu Zhenxin emphasized: Alright, Sis, since it's like this, you only have two choices!    


Fu Jie was startled: What choice?    


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