Security Guard’s Romance



0He answered hesitantly.    


A sweet female voice came from the other side: Big Brother Huang, it's me.    


Huang Xing felt that the voice was familiar, but he could not immediately remember who it was. He could not help but ask: "Who are you?    


Big Brother Huang, you just took me home last night, do you not remember me now?    


Huang Xing suddenly realized something. Xiao Hua?    


I am Xiao Hua. Her full name, Qu Xinghua. The name was easy to remember.    


Huang Xing 'oh'. Xiao Hua, is there something you need me for?    


Xiao Hua emphasized: Of course! You kindly escorted me home last night, but I didn't expect you to make things so difficult for my family. Well, I didn't sleep last night. I think I'll make it up to you.    


Huang Xing quickly replied, No need.    


Xiao Hua said. I, Qu Xinghua, am not an ungrateful person. Furthermore, you have suffered because of me, I want to hurt you because of my family ? How should he put it? He could make up for it.    


Huang Xing laughed and asked: How do you plan to make up for this?    


Xiao Hua said: As long as your request is reasonable, I will definitely fulfill it.    


Huang Xing said: I don't have any requests. Really. You are a friend of Zhuang Shuwen, and Zhuang Shuwen is a subordinate of mine ? I'll take you home by the way, this... It was a simple matter.    


Xiao Hua said as he clicked his tongue: "Take a look, take a look, put it back on." I'm not being polite, I really want to make it up to you. Otherwise, my heart will never calm down. I always feel as if I owe you so much. I request Big Brother Huang to give my sister a chance and let her fulfill your wish.    


Seeing that Xiao Hua was adamant, Huang Xing casually said: "Then ? Alright, if you have time, just treat me to a meal.    


'It's that simple? ' Xiao Hua said: You're just going to eat a meal and I'll send you off?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Then what else do you want? Could it be that you want to give me your family's villa?    


Xiao Hua cried out in alarm: Big Brother Huang, your appetite is too big, it's over 20 million, if I were to give it to someone on my own, it would be strange if my Dad didn't kill me. Unless, unless...    


Huang Xing asked: Unless what?    


Xiao Hua hurriedly corrected himself: There was no exception. Heh heh. Then it's a deal, these two days, no no no, tonight, I'll do the east, eat and entertain a dragon, call up the book. How about it?    


Huang Xing said: You are being guarded so closely, how can you get out?    


Xiao Hua said: My parents left this morning. They left for Beijing a few days ago.    


'Gone to Beijing? ' Huang Xing said: Then this bird in the cage, can be free for a few days. However, he still had to pay attention to safety.    


Xiao Hua said: So you agree?    


Huang Xing emphasized: No. I don't have time today. Some other day.    


Xiao Hua asked: "Which day?"    


Huang Xing said: Isn't this the new year? There are a lot of things to do.    


Xiao Hua felt wronged and asked, What? You want me to treat you to a meal and then put it off until next year? No, this is too... This year, just a year ago. Otherwise, I'll just go straight to your store and capture you in your office.    


'Capture me? ' Huang Xing laughed bitterly: "Did I break the law?"    


Xiao Hua said.    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing felt that his mouth was a little dry, so he took a sip of tea.    


Tao Fei stared at Huang Xing with a special gaze as his mouth slanted to one side, with a smile or not: Director Huang is truly extraordinary, there are many beauties by his side, many beauties lining up to treat him to food everyday.    


Han Ergou couldn't help but give a thumbs up: Expert, you really are an expert! An expert at picking up girls!    


Huang Xing frowned: Keep talking nonsense!    


Han Ergou immediately changed his words: So many beautiful women took the initiative to throw themselves into the arms of an expert, your luck with women is not shallow, Huang Xing. Just give me a ride, I'm still alone, me.    


Perhaps it was because he had been drinking too much, but he even pretended to beg and sang in a loud voice: Have pity on me, give me a little love. Have pity on me, give me a little care...    


Tao Fei burst into laughter: Brother Han, for such a beautiful "Love Pauper" song, what do you think it sounds like?    


Han Ergou self-deprecatingly asked: "How am I ruined by being single?" Look at me, sigh... The days of being single, his life was so bitter. Secretary Tao, give me some warmth.    


Tao Fei was stunned for a moment before his face flushed red.    


Huang Xing reckoned that Han Ergou would say anything drunk.    


So he said to Tao Fei: Give him some warmth! Go, get a waiter to bring a pot of hot water. Bring him a pot to fill the pot, it's so warm!    


'Good idea! ' Tao Fei shrewdly replied as he blinked his eyes a few times.    


Han Ergou waved his chopsticks in the air: What, you two are planning to kill me? Wasn't that too unreasonable?    


Huang Xing felt that Han Ergou was done drinking, and if he continued drinking, he might lose his composure even more. Moreover, he himself also felt that the alcohol was not weak, and he was already intoxicated to the point that his eyes were blurry. So he said to Tao Fei: Secretary Tao, how about this, you go and get a room with Han Ergou ?    


'What?! ' Tao Fei opened his eyes wide and stared at Huang Xing.    


Han Ergou also shuddered, under the strong alcohol, he cupped his fists towards Huang Xing: Huang Xing, you are too kind to me!    


Huang Xing realized that she seemed to have said something wrong and quickly explained: Go and get a room for Han Ergou, it's right here ? Then, Ruiyang Hotel would let him sleep for a few hours. After getting up, he would complete the paperwork.    


Tao Fei said in relief: So that's what you mean, you scared me, and I thought you ?    


Huang Xing laughed and asked: What do you think I am doing?    


Tao Fei smirked: "Did you forget what you said just now?" You want me to follow you...    


Han Ergou pointed to his own nose in fear of the world: He just said that he wanted you to get a room with me. Haha. Defend justice!    


Tao Fei exhorted Han Ergou: Are you still taking pleasure in my misfortune?    


Han Ergou was silent for a moment, then sighed with emotion: "If it's true, how good would it be!"    


Tao Fei asked: What's real and what's fake?    


Han Ergou emphasized: Pretend I didn't say it! Beauty Tao, let's go and get a room.    


With that, Han Ergou stood up, took the chance to stick a cigarette into his mouth, and looked down at the remaining dishes on the table. He could not help but feel regret: Pack, pack! Pack everything up! It couldn't be wasted. At night, I will destroy them all!    


Huang Xing laughed and said: Leave some for me, you can't eat them yourself. I'll call back.    


Han Ergou stretched out his thumb towards Huang Xing: Impressive! No vanity, no hypocrisy, I think highly of you.    


After the waiter brought the bags over, Tao Fei called Huang Xing over and looked at her hesitantly.    


Huang Xing lit a cigarette and puffed out the smoke. As the saying goes, a cigarette after drinking is better than a living god. Huang Xing asked: What's wrong, Secretary Tao?    


Tao Fei thought about it again and again as he stuttered: "I ?" I... I...    


Huang Xing frowned: What's wrong with you?    


Tao Fei lightly bit her lips: I'm afraid ? Afraid of Han Ergou ? He ?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: What are you afraid of him for?    


Tao Fei mustered up his courage and said: Let me take him to the hotel to get a room. Look at what he's drinking. Would he... To Me... What was that ? Director Huang you know ?    


Huang Xing asked in reply: You're afraid that he would treat you ? molest you?    


Tao Fei shook his head, but then nodded slightly: I have to be cautious.    


Huang Xing laughed and said: Ergou is not that kind of person.    


Tao Fei emphasized: I know he's not that kind of person, but he's still drunk. A man who drank wine, hmph, no matter how honest he usually was, he still became dishonest.    


Huang Xing was slightly taken aback: Who said that?    


'You... ' Tao Fei stuttered, but then stopped.    


Huang Xing seemed to have comprehended something from her expression and words. Could it be that when he was drinking too much in the past, he had unintentionally done something disrespectful to Tao Fei?    


Is there?    


Faintly, it seemed to be a little bit ? The mark.    


Huang Xing said awkwardly: Let's go, I'll go with you.    


Just like this, the three of them carried a few bags of packed leftovers and arrived at Ruiyang Hotel, who was not far from Xin Meng Merchant House.    


When he was registering and opening up a room, Tao Fei suggested to open up two rooms, which Huang Xing was very suspicious of.    


Tao Fei suggested: You've also drank quite a bit, and should be able to rest for a bit before returning to the Merchant Shop.    


Huang Xing shook his head: I drank quite a bit, but I'm not drunk, at least. Moreover, there was such a huge matter over at the mall.    


Tao Fei emphasized: It's true that you're not too drunk, but... But think about it, your body reeked of alcohol. Once you entered the mall, all the employees would be able to smell it. The entire corridor was filled with the smell of alcohol. The effect was not good.    


Huang Xing thought for a moment: That's true. However ? Go and get that box of gum from my car.    


Tao Fei laughed bitterly: It's no use, boss. That thing can't cure nature.    


Huang Xing felt the smell of alcohol spreading up from his stomach. He guessed that it was just as Tao Fei had said, the moment he entered the merchant s hall, the smell of alcohol would be spreading everywhere. His image in the minds of his employees is bound to be tarnished. They might even put an alcoholic's hat on him in private.    


Thus, he listened to Tao Fei's persuasion and opened up two rooms.    


First, he sent Han Ergou into the room, and Tao Fei followed Huang Xing to the next room and placed the card there.    


Strangely, it was only the sound of a beep that made it impossible to open the door.    


What was going on?    


Tao Fei also tried a few times, but to no avail. Only then did he confirm that there was a problem with the room card, so he decided to look for the front desk, change his room card, or go straight to the other room.    


However, there was no such thing as coincidence. A familiar figure entered his vision.    


Huang Xing was immediately drenched in cold sweat.    


Originally, it was not inappropriate for and himself to send Han Ergou to the hotel to rest. But the key thing was, he and Tao Fei appeared at the same room's entrance at the same time ? This would undoubtedly cause others to misunderstand.    


To be precise, anyone who saw it would be mistaken.    


That familiar figure walked closer and closer. The 'da da da' sound of the High-heeled shoes was really ear-piercing.    


Huang Xing originally wanted to turn around and escape her notice, but instead, she stopped right by his side.    


'Yellow... ' "Director Huang?" The woman called out in surprise: Ah, and Tao Fei? This, this, this... You are... Oh my god, am I too unlucky?    


Huang Xing's face turned hot. Being seen by her as a coincidence indeed made him feel somewhat awkward. There was no room for debate at all.    


Tao Fei also displayed an expression of uneasiness as he looked at Huang Xing.    


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