Security Guard’s Romance



4Shameless, he had finally won over the beauty.    


His passion was like the splendor of the sea of stars, the brilliance of the sun and the moon. Ripples rose and fell, the sky opened and auspicious clouds appeared.    


At this moment, it was as if the entire world no longer existed.    


There was only ambiguity, and only Huang Xing and Fu Jie.    


However, just as the atmosphere turned lively, a burst of rapid doorbell startled them all!    


'F * ck, who could it be!? ' The valiant and peerless Huang Xing could not help but curse out! He really wanted to jump off the bed and give that perverse fellow outside two tight slaps in the face!    


Fu Jie cried out in fear, as if he had teleported from another world. He looked at Huang Xing in shock, pouted his lips, then grabbed his clothes to put on his clothes.    


'Quick, quick, quick! ' Fu Jie urged, as quick as a frightened bird.    


Huang Xing quickly put on his clothes, the anger in his heart unable to calm down! At this time, who was so bold as to knock on Fu Jie's door?    


Bao Shijie?    


Could it be Bao Shijie again?    


This time, Huang Xing's guess was right, peeking through the peephole, it wasn't Bao Shijie!    


Clenching his fists tightly, Huang Xing tried to open the door three times before finally deciding to. He knew in his heart that if he repressed his anger, he would definitely beat this Bao Shijie who did not know what was good for him until all his teeth were on the floor!    


Outside the door, Bao Shijie still rubbed his hands together, looking as cold as ever. Upon seeing Huang Xing, he chuckled, his expression somewhat embarrassed. The Director Huang is still here.    


Huang Xing frowned his eyebrows, in order to prevent Bao Shijie from seeing through his anger, he had no choice but to soften his emotions: Yes, yes. Director Fu and I are going to discuss something important.    


Bao Shijie said with a smile that was not a smile: Haha, what major event can make you all stay up so late? It must be ? Let me guess.    


He scratched his ears and cheeks as he walked in, murmuring, Warm, warm, warm in the house.    




Huang Xing stared at him in disdain, his tightly clenched fists unable to be unclenched for a long time.    


Bao Shijie sat down unceremoniously and said: "I presume you guys are discussing the year-end evaluation?" Also, year-end summary... Yeah, it's almost the new year. It's almost the new year, I'm busy.    


Huang Xing gave him a big thumbs up. Time waited for no one, and he could only use the time he had left after work to properly settle these matters. It's all big stuff.    


Gritting her teeth! Huang Xing really wanted to go to the kitchen and grab a kitchen knife and put it on the table.    


Bao Shijie laughed, and looked around: Where is Director Fu? Why was he hiding?    


Huang Xing did not answer, but replied with a question: Manager Bao is back, what else do you want?    


Bao Shijie lightly patted his forehead and sighed: "Look at me, I just love to forget things." He spent all his energy on his work, but he didn't really care about his own matters. You took me downstairs just now, and when I went upstairs I found out that I had forgotten the key. It was the key to the house. Forgot it in my electric car! Do you think it's infuriating?    


"He's really infuriating!" Huang Xing agreed.    


However, the person he was referring to was not the key that he had forgotten to bring, but Bao Shijie!    


Shameless to the point of being shameless!    


How could Huang Xing not understand? It was fake for Bao Shijie to come back to get the key, it was the real thing that destroyed his plans. He was worried that something would happen between him and Fu Jie after he returned, thus he found an excuse and came back to investigate. He had long coveted Fu Jie, so he would not easily let the relationship between Fu Jie and him be resolved. In other words, he was a stumbling block that could appear at any time!    


Just then, the bathroom door creaked open. Fu Jie had already tidied up and walked out with blurred eyes.    


Her mood was slightly abnormal, and her demeanor was not as calm as before.    


This was no wonder as he was in the bedroom with Huang Xing just now ? Suddenly, Bao Shijie turned back. Under the rush, his emotions could not help but fluctuate a little.    


Bao Shijie stood up slightly as a form of courtesy.    


Fu Jie frowned, then asked Bao Shijie: "Manager Bao, aren't you sleepy?"    


'I... "I..." Bao Shijie was at a loss for words, and stuttered: "I ?" Not too sleepy.    


Fu Jie said unhappily: But I'm very tired, very tired. You've come to me twice a night like this. You're not annoying me, but you're annoying me!    


Bao Shijie's face flushed red!    


Huang Xing was shocked! He never thought that Fu Jie would be so angry.    


Fu Jie was ferocious, as expected, he was extraordinary! In Huang Xing's memory, Fu Jie had never been so angry at Bao Shijie before.    


But thinking about it, Bao Shijie's way of doing things was indeed infuriating. In the middle of the night, he came back. Moreover, every time he tried to find an excuse, it would always be pale and powerless. This was simply an ulterior motive!    


Huang Xing didn't miss an opportunity to speak.    


Fu Jie frowned: What's wrong, what's wrong? Do you have to come here in the middle of the night?    


Huang Xing emphasized: Just now, when Manager Bao returned home, he realized that he did not bring the key with him, and it landed in his electric car!    


Fu Jie flushed red and almost shouted: Your electric car is downstairs, it's not upstairs!    


'I... ' At this moment, facing Fu Jie's reprimand, Bao Shijie really wanted to find a hole to hide in! He never thought that Fu Jie would be so angry.    


Fu Jie said: What about you? Manager Bao, you are also a big boss, aren't you thinking too much? Do you know how much you've affected me if I've gone to bed and rested since you've been here twice? I'm tired, I'm tired, I need rest. I don't want to be disturbed at this late hour!    


Bao Shijie looked at Huang Xing, as if he was asking for help. At the same time, he quickly explained: "Director Fu, it's like this, I ?." You... Aren't you still awake? You're currently discussing matters with Director Huang, I ? See... See if I can help you. Advise, think of a strategy, etc.    


Fuck you! Hearing that, Huang Xing was extremely angry! You overestimate yourself, who are you? How dare a small manager interfere in the affairs of two men?    


Huang Xing said: No need, no need, we have already discussed everything thoroughly.    


In order to alleviate the awkward situation, Bao Shijie deliberately changed the topic to reduce Fu Jie's anger. He pretended that nothing had happened and asked Huang Xing: "Is it settled?" Du?    


Huang Xing nodded: It's basically all settled.    


Bao Shijie said: That's good then! Then I ? Can I go ahead... Advance... It has to be kept secret. I understand, I understand. Then Director Fu, look...    


Fu Jie interrupted him: What are you looking at?    


She raised her head and glanced at the feng shui painting clock on the wall. She frowned and said, "Let me emphasize this again. Even if it's something huge, don't come to my house after nine o'clock in the evening!" My maximum tolerance, telephone contact. My house is not a vegetable market, nor is it a twenty-four-hour supermarket. You two, have you remembered it yet?    


Bao Shijie quickly nodded his head: I will remember, next time ? "Oh..." There won't be a next time, there won't be a next time! If he came back, it would be before 9 o'clock.    


Fu Jie raised his hand: Go back, everyone. See you out.    


Huang Xing was startled, so it seemed that Fu Jie wanted to chase him away?    


Damn it, this situation that was created with great difficulty using his thick skin was completely ruined by Bao Shijie!    


Huang Xing scolded Bao Shijie in his heart! She had to bear with him for so long, but to think that he would be the one to kick her nose and give her face instead?    


However, when he thought about it, although he felt uncomfortable inside, the effect was obvious. It was even more obvious now! Wasn't Fu Jie reprimanding Bao Shijie exactly proof?    


This was a good sign, a good sign!    


Bao Shijie looked at Huang Xing, as if he was waiting for to follow him.    


Huang Xing sighed, and had to say: Then, Director Fu, rest early, we won't disturb you anymore.    


'Let's go, let's go! ' Fu Jie waved his hands as if he was chasing a sheep. His expression was as cold as ice and his flames of fury burned like the stars. Then she wrapped her arms around him and sent him off with a serious look.    


Huang Xing and Bao Shijie walked out together.    


It was cold outside. Even in the corridor, the bone-piercing coldness penetrated his flesh and bones.    


Bao Shijie took out a cigarette and handed it over. Come, come, take a smoke to warm your hands.    


Huang Xing lit up his cigarette and took a long drag.    


I really want to take out my cigarette and stab it into Bao Shijie's body! Poke a transparent hole through him!    


This guy was too insidious!    


In the elevator, Bao Shijie pleaded with a face: It's too cold, this day, Director Huang, how about ? Why don't you drive me again?    


Still sending them off? Huang Xing spat in his heart, but his mouth still answered: Ah, oh ? No problem! Sent, must be sent!    


Bao Shijie gratefully held Huang Xing's other hand: Thank you, Director Huang, thank you! The Director Huang was considerate and concerned about his subordinates.    


Huang Xing clenched his teeth: Of course, of course.    


Just like this, Huang Xing endured the humiliation once again as he drove Bao Shijie home.    


To prevent him from finding another excuse to knock on Fu Jie's door, Huang Xing did not immediately turn around and leave.    


Bao Shijie asked: Come, come in?    


Huang Xing shook his head: It's too late, I won't sit down, you should go to bed early too, I still have to wake up early tomorrow!    


Bao Shijie laughed and said, "It's good to get up early, the birds that get up early have bugs to eat." Then I'll have to thank the Director Huang, look, he gave it to me twice!    


Huang Xing emphasized: Not to mention two, even if it was ten or eight times, I would still be happy to help! Okay, I'm going home. See you tomorrow.    


'See you tomorrow! ' Bao Shijie waved his hand and laughed stiffly.    


Angry, Huang Xing went downstairs and sat on the carriage, but Huang Xing did not drive away in a hurry.    


Thinking back to tonight's complicated situation, Huang Xing couldn't help but blame the heavens for being unfair. Such a good opportunity, the opportunity that he had so brazenly fought for, had actually disappeared alive!    


The passionate scene from earlier with Fu Jie was still lingering in his heart.    


He could not help but feel depressed and sigh.    


But now, the problem arose again! Should I go back to Fu Jie's place?    


If I don't go, it would be a pity if I don't succeed in doing so. If I get scolded by Fu Jie as if he was scolding Bao Shijie, the love and harmony that I have painstakingly built up will be greatly reduced!    


Huang Xing started the car in a daze. He didn't know why, but it seemed like he was pulled by some kind of force to enter Fu Jie's residential area.    


Downstairs, he smoked three cigarettes in a row, unsure of what to do.    


Suddenly, an idiom appeared in his mind. He was suddenly enlightened and his courage increased!    


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